Contest: Who will be the Brown supporter charged?

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Post by BBFlatt »

Hey, the more people Ed has holed up at his place, the faster they'll consume all the mac 'n cheese he's got stashed in the basement and have to come off the property for a run to the Quickie Mart. Assuming Monier can get his hands on them then, he'll come out smelling like a (slightly past its prime) rose.
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Post by LPC »

In answer to the question raised by the original post, I'm skeptical that any of Browns' "supporters" will ever be charged with any crime of aiding, abetting, or harboring a fugitive. Given the zeal with which the marshal's office has pursued the Browns, who are considered "fugitives" even though everyone knows exactly where they are, I just don't see it.

I hope to be surprised.
Dan Evans
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Reno left the compound, now he's planning to accompany Cindy Sheehan to the Middle East. So he's kind of out of the Ed picture. I get the impression that his opinion of Ed and Ed's true motives has changed significantly.
After the hearing, Haas said he has asked the court to allow him to "complete the sentence" in the e-mail that led to the charge against him. He said it should read, "Wise up or die a natural death."
In June, Dudley, 78, said she was "shocked" to see her name, spelled "Duddy," next to the phrase "Wise up or die," in the e-mail.
Is Duddy related to the mentally challenged Dudditz from that Stephen King movie, where the star of "My Name Is Earl" was eaten by a vicious toilet monster? Dudditz was secretly a superhero, but was still facing a natural death. Maybe Haas got them confused in his mind, since for all we really know, he's an alien getting repeatedly confused from trying to extract useful material from the ultra-compartmentalized mind of the human whose body he has commandeered.

And in Haas's mind, Monier could be that evil Army guy who wanted to nuke the entire area to destroy "Mr. Grey" which the Army had been watching for many years, fearing just that attack.

I think that would be a better defense. At least then he has a shot at (quite correctly) being found legally bat-shit insane, thus escaping the fine.

My bet is that the feds will charge anybody on the property when they finally bust in (which may be 20 years from now, from the way things look) with aiding and abetting. I use a laptop, but I'd still like to have the mousepad. I'd frame it and put it on my office wall, along with the threats I received from Jim Norman and PAM, and other miscellaneous silly stuff that really amuses only me (but that's more than enough reason in itself to have it).
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Post by Demosthenes »

By the way, Joe Haas and Van Pelt could be identical twins, personality-wise.
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Post by webhick »

ENM, Dreamcatcher was good. The book was better (and I don't normally like Stephen King).

All hail the Shit Weasels!
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie

Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:By the way, Joe Haas and Van Pelt could be identical twins, personality-wise.
Neither one has any :?:

Post by ElfNinosMom »

webhick wrote:ENM, Dreamcatcher was good. The book was better (and I don't normally like Stephen King).

All hail the sh*t Weasels!
Trying to remember the name of that movie has been driving me crazy. Thanks for reminding me! :D

I'm normally not a King fan either, but I enjoyed that movie. I think I also read the book, but I can't say for sure because it was too long ago.

I like anything with Jason Lee (Earl from "My Name Is Earl") in it. He can be quite the chameleon, and is a very good actor (interesting trivia: he used to be a pro skateboarder) so sometimes you have to look for him even when he's in plain sight. For example, he also played Tom Cruise's best friend on "Vanilla Sky" (another great movie, although I normally hate Tom Cruise). Jason Lee is one of my favorite actors, even if he does occasionally get eaten by alien toilet monsters. :wink:
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Post by Dezcad »

ElfNinosMom wrote: I like anything with Jason Lee
He was great in one of my all time favorite movies - "Chasing Amy".