Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Lambkin »

Donald Joe Barber (mentioned earlier in this thread) was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison for attempting to pay off a mortgage with a "bonded promissory note". ... l_sen.html
Before he was sentenced to prison today, a Pinson man convicted of mailing a fake financial document to pay off his home mortgage, told a federal judge he had quit teaching others about the anti-government Sovereign Citizen movement.

Donald Joe Barber was sentenced to two years in prison by U.S. District Court Judge Inge Johnson. The sentence will run consecutive to sentences he is serving in state court already, the judge ordered.
Barber stated he wanted to concentrate on his family and he wished he could take it back, but that he can't "un-ring the bell."

"I have already quit teaching these things. I will cease ever teaching it anymore," according to this statement.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

Lo how the mighty Republic has fallen! After our dear President Tim was somehow sentanced (despite the fact that the de facto has no power over the de jure, according to RuSA), they stopped updating the website with the conference calls. But I am happy to report they are back! The October 3 meeting of the Fake Congress had 15 people representing 8 fake state governments and they stated that a total of 11 fake state governments were considered "green." "Green" states, for those new to this three ring circus, is the only way RuSA's insane Fake Secretary of State will allow you to officially represent your Fake State Government by filing a whole bunch of documents agreeing to basically do what the Fake Federal Government (whatever is left of it) tells you to do. At the peak of this insanity they were having calls with 400+ people representing 40+ fake state governments, for reference.

But don't think that your Fake National Government isn't working for a way to fill all those seats with people that will tow the Fake National line, people! In yet another edition of "pick and choose the laws you like, ignore the rest" the Fake Senate has decided that as the Northwest Ordinance allowed the federal government to appoint a governor to territories, the Fake Acting President (since Timmy's in jail) has the power to appoint Fake Governors, 2 Fake Senators, and 1 Fake State Court Justice for all the non-Green states. This kills two birds with one stone: (1) it gets rid of those pesky states that may still be around that did not agree to signing over their right to the Fake Federal government and (2) ensures the nutters left in the Fake Federal government can appoint their friends and people who will support their insane delusions.

So you see, we don't need no stinkin' elections or constitutions, people.
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

Apparently their fake Congress is accomplishing no more than our Real Congress right now.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

fortinbras wrote:Apparently their fake Congress is accomplishing no more than our Real Congress right now.
Oh but they are! See above, I edited the post...they have found a way to expand their numbers without having yet another Green-Red split.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

First, today's (Oct 15) announcement from RuSA:
Please mark you calendar for this Thursday, October 17, 2013.
Conference Number 712-432-0075 Access Code 594637#
6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain/8pm Central/9pm Eastern

Please ensure distribution to your Assemblies

Michael T. Pines [Ex-California Attorney] is a warrior for Homeowners

Michael T. Pines has been a lawyer for over 30 years and has had a real estate license for over 20 years.

He handled litigation against the Resolution Trust Corporation ("RTC") during the last real estate savings and loan crisis and has been able to see firsthand how history has repeated itself. He proactively positioned himself within the distressed real estate and assets environment, providing resolutions to buyers and asset holders. He is a successful trial attorney with many victories in front of judges and juries. Michael has argued hundreds of cases at all levels of the courts including the Supreme Court of California. In Barrington v. A.H. Robbins, Michael changed the law in the state of California regarding statutes of limitation.

He also successfully argued cases that resulted in published decisions at the Courts of Appeal. Michael handled complex real estate and insurance litigation involving the insolvency of Glacier General Assurance Company, Cal-Farm Insurance Company, Allied Insurance Company, and others. He recovered tens of millions of dollars for his clients in those cases and established himself as one of the few experts in "financial guarantee bonds" insuring real estate transactions.

"I 'voluntarily' became 'inactive' as an attorney many years ago exactly because of things like this and had no desire to practice law ever again. I have always put my client's interests ahead of my own, and fought hard strictly within the bounds of the law and it didn't work very well. There are too many judges and attorneys that are not very smart, and/or lazy, or frankly corrupt. I hoped I had said good bye to law forever."

Just a few years ago, Michael himself was a fraud victim of EMC Mortgage Corporation/J.P. Morgan Chase. In taking action, Michael discovered he was not alone, and the loan servicer was fined $28 million in early 2008 by the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"). Michael was written up in the Salt Lake Tribune.

Michael now is a San Diego foreclosure activist that helps homeowners resist foreclosure by banks of their homes. He has advised many homeowners who have been evicted to move back into their homes because the foreclosure and evictions were illegal, in part due to "robo-signing" by bank employees.

For his efforts to help people save their homes, Michael has been arrested multiple times and has been disbarred from the California Bar yet remains unwavering in his resolve. Please don't miss this call and here Michael's story.

Republic for the United States of America
PO Box 68185
Portland, Oregon 97268
Michael T. Pines did not become "inactive" quite as voluntarily, nor as long ago, as he implies. It was clearly stated by the court in Halajian v. Naiman (S.D. Cal. 6/2/2011) 2011 WL 2174002, 2011 u.s. dist. LEXIS 58737, that he was "involuntarily" disenrolled from the California bar. In fact, this was so unvoluntary that he didn't notify clients in his pending cases, who had to hear the bad news from the opposition lawyer, Washington v. Richards (S.D. Cal. 8/11/11) 2011 WL 3564432, 2011 u.s.dist. LEXIS 89434.

He may have resisted this move by the California State Bar but it's hard to tell. He filed a lawsuit against the State of California and some of its constituent govt agencies (which are not named in the decision), referring to documents that he supposedly was attaching as exhibits - but he did not attach the exhibits and the court could not figure out what the suit involved. The court ordered Pines to file more papers but Pines did nothing further and the court finally dismissed the case. Its decision described Pines as "the subject of various criminal cases in Southern California, citing his own pleading for that information. Pines v. State (C.D. Cal. 11/23/11) 2011 u.s.dist. LEXIS 136121 (not in WestLaw).

On Oct 17, 2012, the Supreme Court of California ordered "that Michael T. Pines, State Bar Number 77771, is disbarred from the practice of law in California and his name is stricken from the roll of attorneys." Pines on Discipline (Cal. Supm. 10/17/12) 2012 Cal. LEXIS 10389 (not in WestLaw).

It is not entirely clear WHY he was disbarred but a smattering of cases in he was the lawyer (and some of these were cases from which he had dropped out) suggest that he was missing deadlines, failing to turn over various documents to the opposition contrary to court orders, failing to submit various pleadings or responses, and an indication that he had encouraged a client to be less than candid on the witness stand. Some of this may indicate emotional problems more than outright dishonesty.

Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by triumphguy3 »

User formerly known as triumphguy, then triumphguy2, now triumphguy3:

Mr. Pines was in the papers here in Ventura County fairly frequently for a while: ... r-20110114. ... osed-homes

His 'theory' was never really clearly described but he advised more than one person they could break into their former home after the foreclosure and sale, and his advice resulted in a couple of standoffs with police. It ultimately resulted in his disbarment:

The judge who found him in contempt, Barbara Lane, is one of the most fearsome (and intellectually rigorous) persons on the Ventura County bench. Definitely not someone you want to annoy or trifle with.
Flatulating: Bovine

Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Flatulating: Bovine »

It is I, Flatulating: Bovine (formerly Flatulating Bovine).

I remember reading about this character in local bar news. The bar actually had him removed involuntarily from practice and currently lists him as disbarred.

How one can go from being knowledgeable enough to have a law license to kookie enough to think it's okay to break into a house you no longer own, and that it is okay for an attorney to advise a client to do so, is beyond me. But it is really outrageous that any organization would promote the very same person, after they've been disbarred and when they are the subject of multiple unflattering news articles, to its members as a legitimate source for information about their mortgages is beyond me. That's just leading the sheep to the slaughter.

I dare say that an organization that does so could have civil liability. :idea: Can one sue a fake government, or does one need to penetrate its fake sovereign immunity first?* :?:

* = not a serious question.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by ashlynne39 »

Flatulating: Bovine wrote:It is I, Flatulating: Bovine (formerly Flatulating Bovine).

I remember reading about this character in local bar news. The bar actually had him removed involuntarily from practice and currently lists him as disbarred.

How one can go from being knowledgeable enough to have a law license to kookie enough to think it's okay to break into a house you no longer own, and that it is okay for an attorney to advise a client to do so, is beyond me. But it is really outrageous that any organization would promote the very same person, after they've been disbarred and when they are the subject of multiple unflattering news articles, to its members as a legitimate source for information about their mortgages is beyond me. That's just leading the sheep to the slaughter.

I dare say that an organization that does so could have civil liability. :idea: Can one sue a fake government, or does one need to penetrate its fake sovereign immunity first?* :?:

* = not a serious question.
I know it wasn't a serious question but we should do some research on the issue. Does anyone know if former Chief Justice Peachey wrote any opinions that might be precedent? Is there a new chief justice yet? Check, are there any other members on the court who might be writing opinions? Are there any Dennys Courts of Appeals that have published their opinions. These are important bits of info we will need to know to determine if suit is possible against a fake government with fake sovereign immunity. I see a law review article brewing.
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Better yet, did Peachey ever actually do anything while he was pretend Chief Justice? I don't remember anything at all be attributed to him, but would indeed be curious.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by davids »

ashlynne39 wrote: I know it wasn't a serious question but we should do some research on the issue. Does anyone know if former Chief Justice Peachey wrote any opinions that might be precedent? Is there a new chief justice yet? Check, are there any other members on the court who might be writing opinions? Are there any Dennys Courts of Appeals that have published their opinions. These are important bits of info we will need to know to determine if suit is possible against a fake government with fake sovereign immunity. I see a law review article brewing.
Oh that will never work. Everyone knows that Courts of Appeal are held at IHOP.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

This morning's e-mail:
Republic for the United States of America
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637# - Playback # 712-432-1085

Please join us and become part of the solution!
Please forward to your Assemblies
Bring a family member, bring a friend, tell your neighbor...
Bring all those yearning for freedom.

Host: Kelby Smith - Producer: Jeanine Stewart
October 17, 2013

Tonight's call is dedicated to our interview with former California Attorney Michael T. Pines.

Michael Pines has been on the front lines of foreclosure defense. Prior to becoming an activist that helps homeowners resist foreclosure by the banks, he handled litigation against the Resolution Trust Corporation during the Savings and Load crisis, argued hundreds of cases at all levels including the California Supreme Court and has successfully argued cases that resulted in published decisions at the Courts of Appeal.

Having become a victim of fraud himself by EMC Mortgage Corporation/J.P. Morgan Chase, Michael has been a stalwart champion of the People. Now Michael is doing what he loves most, consulting and teaching.

If you, family or friends are facing foreclosure don't miss this call. Send this message far and wide. Michael gives us the tools the other side has.
Today is an extra-special day for Michael Pines -- it's the first anniversary of the California Supreme Court decree that disbarred him! Considering that what he's doing now involves something akin to giving legal advice, he's skating on thin ice. Perhaps a bunch of us should point that out on the phone call.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by wserra »

Flatulating: Bovine wrote:It is I, Flatulating: Bovine (formerly Flatulating Bovine).
Dear Bessie:

We have a rule around here: one human (or bovine), one login. You now have three. I realize that you are playing with the multiple logins, not trying to be deceptive. But, in the case of those who are trying to be deceptive - and there have been many - I don't really want to have to get into the purpose of the multiple logins. Who's going to agree that s/he is trying to deceive?

So please pick one of them and stick to it. If it's a forgotten password issue, feel free to PM me.


- The Management
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by davids »

wserra wrote:
Flatulating: Bovine wrote:It is I, Flatulating: Bovine (formerly Flatulating Bovine).
Dear Bessie:

We have a rule around here: one human (or bovine), one login. You now have three. I realize that you are playing with the multiple logins, not trying to be deceptive. But, in the case of those who are trying to be deceptive - and there have been many - I don't really want to have to get into the purpose of the multiple logins. Who's going to agree that s/he is trying to deceive?

So please pick one of them and stick to it. If it's a forgotten password issue, feel free to PM me.


- The Management
Yes, I know, my fault entirely. I was hoping that by adding the colon to my name I could separate my fictional straw cow from my cowperson,or something like that. In all seriousness, I got busy chewing my cud, and had a spate of password amnesia, but am now recovered. I will therefore continue using this name and not the others...unless you prefer me to use one of the others, in which case I would need the old p-word.


Bovine, Flatulating:
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by wserra »

Check your PMs, B,F:.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:Check your PMs, B,F:.
Does PM stand for "private manger?"
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Flatulating Bovine

Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Flatulating Bovine »

The Observer wrote:
wserra wrote:Check your PMs, B,F:.
Does PM stand for "private manger?"


Flatulating Bovine

P.S. the admin gave me my I will try my hardest to not gas up the place with more than one screenname, heretofore
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by The Observer »

Flatulating Bovine wrote:"PERSONAL MILKING STATION"
My apologies. But at least you are not a heifer.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

The special propaganda call featuring Michael Pines seemed to me to break the law in regards to someone who is not an attorney pretending to be one. Although he was careful to never come out and say that he directly was a lawyer, Kelby Smith kept referring to him as one and he NEVER denied it. He also uses language like "I know other lawyers" and things that inferred he was in fact a member of the bar. Is there some state agency in the home state he was disbarred at that maybe we could forward this to that regulates that kind of thing?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LaVidaRoja »

He is (was) subject to the State Bar of California. I have no idea to what extent they recommend criminal prosecution for UPL, but given that they did disbar him, they might be interested in his ramblings.
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