The IRS Yelled at Me

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The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by LPC »

And they used the wrong form of electronic signatures.

Huafeng Xu v. Farkhanda Naqvi et al., No. 13-3168 (3d Cir. 10/17/2013).



On Appeal from the United States District Court
for the District of New Jersey
(D.C. Civil Action No. 3:12-cv-07844)
District Judge: Honorable Peter G. Sheridan

Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
October 15, 2013
Before: AMBRO, HARDIMAN and ALDISERT, Circuit Judges

(Opinion filed: October 17, 2013)



Huafeng Xu, proceeding pro se, appeals from the District Court's order granting the Government's motion to dismiss his complaint. For the following reasons, we will affirm.


In October 2011, Xu went to the Internal Revenue Service's ("IRS") Freehold, New Jersey office in response to an auditing letter he had received. Xu met with Michelle Buskett and asked for an explanation for why the letter was not signed. According to Xu, Buskett and Farkhanda Naqvi told him that it was office policy to not sign such letters. Xu argued that not signing the letter "would violate all the US tax laws and signature codes, which mandated that they must sign their auditing notices." Xu alleged that Naqvi then yelled that she did not need Xu to tell her how to do her job and instructed guards to escort Xu from the office. According to Xu, Buskett and Naqvi then created Notices of Deficiency concerning his income tax liability for 2009 and 2010. In response, Xu filed a petition in Tax Court. The Tax Court entered a stipulated decision noting that Xu and his wife owed $3,187.50 and $6,058.00 for 2009 and 2010, respectively. Xu paid $9,554.51 to settle the deficiencies and did not appeal the Tax Court's decision.

In December 2012, Xu filed his complaint in the District Court, alleging that Buskett and Naqvi violated his civil rights by: (1) refusing to provide the tax auditing query service to him; (2) issuing the two Notices of Deficiency without his input; and (3) claiming that the Freehold office did not need to follow the tax laws and regulations. Xu requested a tax refund of $9,554.51 and damages of $500,000 to compensate him for his severe emotional distress. The Government filed a motion to dismiss for improper service, lack of jurisdiction, and failure to state a claim. Xu filed a response and several motions challenging the electronic signatures used by the Government's attorneys and the management of proceedings by the District Court. The District Court held a hearing on June 26, 2013, to address Xu's complaint and various motions. At the end of the hearing, the District Court granted the Government's motion to dismiss and denied Xu's motions as moot. This appeal followed.


We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291 and exercise plenary review over the District Court's dismissal order. See Wiest v. Lynch, 710 F.3d 121, 128 (3d Cir. 2013). To survive dismissal, "a complaint must contain sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to 'state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.'" Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 678 (2009) (quoting Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007)). We review the District Court's management of proceedings for abuse of discretion. See Duquesne Light Co. v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 66 F.3d 604, 609 (3d Cir. 1995).


On appeal, Xu does not raise any arguments in his brief to challenge the District Court's dismissal of his complaint. We thus deem this issue waived, as it is not raised in his brief. See FDIC v. Deglau, 207 F.3d 153, 169-70 (3d Cir. 2000). Consequently, there is nothing left of Xu's claims to adjudicate after invoking this waiver. In any event, we agree that dismissal of Xu's complaint was warranted for the reasons given by the District Court during the June 26, 2013 hearing.

Xu primarily focuses on his argument that the form of the electronic signature used by the Government's attorneys on their filings is incorrect, therefore invalidating all their documents. According to Xu, the attorneys should have used "s/" instead of "/s/" when indicating their electronic signatures. We agree with the District Court that Xu's argument is frivolous, as there is no authority suggesting that the use of "/s/" rather than "s/" renders electronically filed documents invalid.

Xu also alleges that the District Court ignored his requests to transfer the case to the Chief Judge and that the Assistant Attorney General ("AAG") and the trial attorney both appear in person at the hearing; ignored his right to ask questions at the hearing; and ignored his request to address the electronic signature issue. These allegations are all belied by the record. First, there was no basis for transferring the case to the Chief Judge. Even though the District Court issued rulings adverse to Xu, this provided no basis for a transfer. See Liteky v. United States, 510 U.S. 540, 555 (1994). Furthermore, given that the trial attorney appeared at the hearing, there was no need for the AAG to also be in attendance. The record also reflects that the District Court allowed Xu to ask questions about the issues, speak at length about his understanding of the issues, and allowed him to speak about the electronic signature requirement. Accordingly, the District Court did not abuse its discretion in its management of proceedings.


For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the District Court's judgment. Xu's motion to invalidate the Government's current attorney appearance is denied.
Dan Evans
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by Famspear »

I think that Huafeng Xu has wayyyyy too much idle time on his hands. Somebody needs to give the guy something productive to work on.

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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by LPC »

Xu argued that not signing the letter "would violate all the US tax laws and signature codes, which mandated that they must sign their auditing notices." Xu alleged that Naqvi then yelled that she did not need Xu to tell her how to do her job and instructed guards to escort Xu from the office.
I strongly suspect that what actually happened was a little more complicated than that.
Dan Evans
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:
Xu argued that not signing the letter "would violate all the US tax laws and signature codes, which mandated that they must sign their auditing notices." Xu alleged that Naqvi then yelled that she did not need Xu to tell her how to do her job and instructed guards to escort Xu from the office.
I strongly suspect that what actually happened was a little more complicated than that.
Yeah. I think there was a lot more "stuff" that happened after the point in time at which "Xu argued" but before the point in time at which the IRS employee "then yelled."

Hey, I've been telling IRS personnel how to do their jobs off and on for over twenty years, and I have yet to hear an IRS employee yell. Maybe my good fortune is due to the quality of the IRS people with whom I've dealt. Or, maybe it's just my charming, debonair manner -- my scintillatingly comedic, infectious wit, my endearing manner of presentation.

I'm pretty sure it's not the limericks, though.

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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by JamesVincent »

Famspear wrote: I'm pretty sure it's not the limericks, though.
As am I.

Wait, did I say that out loud? :shock:
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

When my wife is not battling ovarian cancer, she works at the local branch of the Registry of Motor Vehicles, in a building which overlooks an old mill pond (very close to the spot where the murders for which Sacco and Vanzetti were executed took place). For years, I have been trying to convince her and the branch manager that the various work stations need an "ejector chute", to be used when (as regularly happens) people with inadequate, improper or missing documentation or forms insist, very loudly and for a very long period of time, that they are entitled to their license and/or vehicle registration. The chute would empty out into the pond.

Ya think that the IRS could use something like this, for people like this?
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:Hey, I've been telling IRS personnel how to do their jobs off and on for over twenty years, and I have yet to hear an IRS employee yell. Maybe my good fortune is due to the quality of the IRS people with whom I've dealt. Or, maybe it's just my charming, debonair manner -- my scintillatingly comedic, infectious wit, my endearing manner of presentation.

I'm pretty sure it's not the limericks, though.
You would use limericks on an IRS employee?

And that didn't earn you a "PDT" (potentially doggerel taxpayer) designation?
Dan Evans
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:
Famspear wrote:Hey, I've been telling IRS personnel how to do their jobs off and on for over twenty years, and I have yet to hear an IRS employee yell. Maybe my good fortune is due to the quality of the IRS people with whom I've dealt. Or, maybe it's just my charming, debonair manner -- my scintillatingly comedic, infectious wit, my endearing manner of presentation.

I'm pretty sure it's not the limericks, though.
You would use limericks on an IRS employee?
I'd do that only if I had absolutely no statutes, no regs, no case law, no IRS revenue rulings, no IRS revenue procedures, no IRS notices or announcements, and no Gregorian chants, circumlocutory expressions, split infinitives or dangling participles that I could possibly rely on.

In other words, only if I were desperate.

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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:In other words, only if I were desperate.
But see, that is the difference between you and, say, Pete Hendrickson. You recognize that you have more of a fighting chance with the IRS using a limerick than with CtC.
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by . »

Famspear tells the IRS how to do its job:

An accountant named Famspear
told IRS don't go here.
After Famspear's objection
and auditor reflection
the client wound up in the clear.

And, speaking of our friend Pete:

A felon named Pete
claimed his tax theories were neat.
They sent him to Ogden
which didn't clear his fog then
and he still doesn't realize he was beat.

With apologies to anyone I should apologize to.
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by grixit »

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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by operabuff »

There is no legal requirement that auditing letters be signed in any event. Nor notices of deficiency for that matter.
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Welcome to Quatloos, operabuff!
Dr. Caligari
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by LPC »

operabuff wrote:There is no legal requirement that auditing letters be signed in any event. Nor notices of deficiency for that matter.

Nor notices of federal tax liens.

In fact, I think that the general rule is that notices and other documents issued by the IRS (outside of court proceedings) do not require any signatures.

See for cases rejecting the claim that IRS notices must be signed under penalties of perjury.
Dan Evans
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by AndyK »

There are various reguirements -- according to IRS internal procedure manuals -- for appropriate signatures on documents such as registered mailing transmittals, account status certifications, and a whole bunch of document packages which will end up in the Tax (or other) Court. However, routine, computer-generated communications with taxpayers or compliance-challenged individuals do not require any signature. They are issued in the name of the Commissioner who has delegated responsibility for such mailings (in effect) to the computer printers.

But, to go back to HUAFENG XU's original complaint: he should consider himself lucky that federal budget cutbacks have terminated the issuance of hobnailed boots.
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Re: The IRS Yelled at Me

Post by operabuff »

While no signature is required, section 3705 of RRA 98 does require the IRS to provide a contact name and telephone # on all manually generated correspondence. (Not that there's really very much of that any more, in relative terms.) For computer generated notices the Service must provide a telephone contact #.

Failure to provide the contact # would likely not invalidate any notice.