On the Road to Erasmus

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notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

This is a seriously not well individual.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

Now I enjoy a socko Rassy episode as well as the next fellow, but I get a little ill feeling when he starts with his death dealing fantasies. As a former soldier, the idea of my enemies "screaming their heads off while taking forever to die" seems a bit extreme if not terribly distracting.
Also, as most folks are aware, Skeletons are easily enchanted and damn hard to kill in a sword fight. Finally, the implication that he has a plan to kill the president which is far worse than his other plots, makes me favor invoking the DK sanctions allowing the Priapic Paladin to engage in whatever wet work he wishes to employ.

Texino-(Pen Name because you must have one.)
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Your daily dose of Rassy.

Back the Omni Law now as the old saying goes, "An ounce of preventive medicine is worth a pound of curative medicine afterwards!" The American people have an unsound concept that you will get good government in America by electing very evil and corrupt leaders to lead the government. An easy way to document how evil is the leadership in the White House now is for Congress to call forth as witnesses the top military commanders fired by Obama for not killing millions of Americans as Obama apparently ordered them to and they refused which got them fired from the military for protecting the American people from Obama's scheme to become dictator of America by prostituted use of the U.S. military.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:06 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus wrote:...[T]op military commanders fired by Obama for not killing millions of Americans as Obama apparently ordered them to...
But elsewhere we have learned that Obama has had 5 million Americans killed. So is it a matter that the generals just didn't meet their kill quotas or did they get fired for refusing to kill anyone?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Erasmus wrote:...[T]op military commanders fired by Obama for not killing millions of Americans as Obama apparently ordered them to...
But elsewhere we have learned that Obama has had 5 million Americans killed. So is it a matter that the generals just didn't meet their kill quotas or did they get fired for refusing to kill anyone?
They killed 'em alright, but that didn't leave them enough time to fill out all the paperwork (damn government regulations), so they got canned.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

It can't happen here...I've been checking it out! (sorry Frank)
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Gassy Rassy is getting homicidal again.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Reports indicate that the other side has all these plans for the planned takeover of America. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and was rated a super star in engineering when studying with an engineering school, I have a few surprises for the other side wanting to mass slaughter the American people in order to put Obama in as dictator of America.

I figured out a cheap answer how to shoot out of the sky up to 30,000 federal drones supposed to mass slaughter the American people. I am using an intriguing angle discovered by accident by an Army captain in World War II as part of a demolition team and came up with a discovery in France that he never reported to his superiors in the U.S. Army. He once told me of his discovery and with it we have a cheap answer that can shoot out of the sky any federal drones or all federal drones intended to mass slaughter the American people. We win on that front if Obama tries a military takeover of America. I have a cheap way to kill all in military camps in America who are trying to kill all Americans opposing the military takeover by Obama. The Communists pioneered this idea years ago, not me, but still very clever. I am good at common sense logic in science and other fields. Those who planned to hide in an underground city under Denver, Colorado while America is smashed by traitor forces for Obama and foreign ally soliders, I have a common sense angle how to smash the security of this underground city and wipe out all the traitors and foreign allied leaders hiding there. With nine top military commanders fast fired by Obama and even the news media is starting to catch on that something very strange is going on in the military, he wants only generals who will carry out his orders to mass smash the American people in his apparent plans for the soon military takeover of America. You don't get to be a general in America without an outstanding record and this smells of high treason what is going on. I have two ways of poisoning all hidden at the high treason headquarters under Denver, Colorado and especially one of the ways takes a long time to die from but die in horrid pain as you die. I think unorthodox and spotted where to get what needed for this where regular military leaders would not think of this angle. If foreign soldiers try to back Obama in a planned military takeover of America, all foreign nations and foreign solders backing him will be hit afterwards. I am showing the military who will lead the national resistance of the American people to this the trick how to build the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb which I got the technology for from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies when I cracked their security years ago. They are instructed to use this to annihilate all foreign nations backing Obama in an attempted military takeover of America. I have a couple of old military tricks from World War II how to destroy all armored vehicles and their crews trying to back Obama to become military dictator of America.

And my instructions to the loyal military forces fighting for the American people if Obama tries to start a war against the American people, have quick trials for high treason and execute for high treason all in the regular government or military who committed high treason and backed Obama for an attempt to take over America by military means.

Pass this report all over America. Also, if any stunt is tried to hurt or destroy the American economy, I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science taught in the 20th Century. I know how to quick straighten out the American economy if Obama boys try to sabotage the American economy. And if they try to hurt or destroy the American economy, I intend to press that all of them are arrested for high treason and will push for quick convictions and then punished correctly for total high treason against America and the American people.

I will not reveal my entire hand prematurely but may have already arranged that the military angles I show above were all written up already and in independent hands already to be delivered to the right people if Obama tries to start mass killing the American people.

I also again call for our cowardly lion Congress to hold immediate hearings on why Obama has been firing so many top commanders so fast in America likely only matched in modern history by Joseph Stalin's purge of the top officers in the Soviet Army shortly before World War II. Conspiracy is afoot and Obama is the source of this large scale conspiracy of high treason now going on in America. Obama once made the mistake before he ran for the White House of saying in one political meeting which was recorded and available to Congress that he was born in Kenya and not in America. According to the U.S. Constitution, he cannot legally be President of America and is an imposter posing as President which legally he cannot be of America today. According to the terms of the U.S. Constitution by impeachment or other means he can legally be removed from office immediately by the U.S. Congress or the U.S. Armed Forces as they are sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and defend it from enemies foreign or domestic in America.

Pass this report around. I don't want civil war started in America, but removal of a would-be tyrant and would-be dictator by peaceful, constitutional means. If Congress will not nip in the bud now this aggressive high treason now going on in America from the White House, if required, I have hidden legal authority to set up a new national government in America and will present my legal claims to the General Assembly of the UN and show them at the same time how Obama was scheming to mass kill people in all nations of Europe and across the world. Obama as caught red-handed was tapping the phones of leaders across Western Europe and he tries to laugh away his violations of their national laws. I have heavy legal documentation on Obama showing why the nations of the UN should all issue national arrest warrants for Obama for scheming how to mass kill the people in their nations. I will be glad to testify before the UN on this and bring in other witnesses until all nations know that Obama had planned a world bloodbath if he could take over America successfully as a militarily created dictator of America.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one who Russian intelligence and likely most intelligence services abroad know clearly who I am as you read my national reports as posted on Nesara News and apparently I have posted over 250 national reports since April, 2012 with Nesara News as shown in their archive listings.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:54 PM

I had almost forgotten about the "military can remove the president if they don't like him" clause of the constitution. I bet Obama is shaking in his boots, or whatever non-Vatican-approved Kenyan usurpers wear on their feet.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

I hope Texino is a glutton for punishment, your second Rassy of the day.

U.S. Army threatens Christian soldiers with the brig - Forwarded By Erasmus of America 5:05 PM
I am not the only one who descends from this background, but I do descend from the ancient line of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great according to several recorded ancient family lines. And according to the Apostle Paul I apparently am the only one who can stop the Antichrist from successfully arising to world power now and trying to crush the final Christians now on earth. I descend from the ancient Norman line of England which the House of Lords of the British Parliament centuries ago referred to as recorded comment then as "the ancient venerated line of Europe" meaning they were the blood descendants of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great who legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire and saved the Christians when the pagans had tricked the Christians into coming out openly and were then going to wipe out all the Christians in the Roman Empire. However, by the victory of Constantine the Great over the enemies of Christianity, Christianity was saved from potential annihilation in the Roman Empire then. When Constantine the Great died, historians then reported that no Roman Emperor had ever been so beloved by the citizens of the Roman Empire as him and was widely regarded then as the greatest Roman Emperor to arise in Roman history. I read the ancient accounts on this from both Christian and pagan histories for that time period. For the record, according to the ancient family will of 1299 A.D., I became the head of this ancient line when my two grandparents on my mother's side married and represented the two ancient family lines required to restore the Roman claims of the family line of Constantine the Great according to the family will of 1299 A.D. If the Apostle Paul gave Christianity a valid prophecy in 2 Thess., then God is on my side and I have authority from God to stop this would-be Antichrist Obama. And the Christian scholars carefully avoided the prophecies by Jesus Christ that He would raise up a chief steward for the Christians shortly before His return who would know how to handle their temporal needs as well as represent Christian values of Jesus Christ. When Jesus said that His chief steward would supply them their bread, that is symbolism for taking care of their temporal needs in the Last Days before Jesus returns.
I do not wish to destroy Russia as I also descend from the Czarist line of Russia and think only bad government in Russia would push for war with America. But if I head the American military side, I am bound by honor to defend the American people totally and will do an incredibly better job of it than that colossal fool and idiot Obama in the White House.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for a maverick in military and other fields, but not a fool in these fields either! I always like what is practical and would work in reality!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:30 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ashlynne39 »

Rassy's family histories and educational training get more outlandish by the post. Someone really needs to get him on meds or lock him up. He's a nut. Though I do like how he is the one and only who will defeat the anti Christ. Is he now trying to claim he is Jesus?
notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39 wrote:Rassy's family histories and educational training get more outlandish Not to mention improbable. by the post. Someone really needs to get him on meds or lock him up. Personally I would vote for both, with a nice cozy special white jacket with extra long arms for good measure. He's a nut. Par excellence! Though I do like how he is the one and only who will defeat the anti Christ. Is he now trying to claim he is Jesus?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Dai Kiwi »

ashlynne39 wrote:Rassy's family histories and educational training get more outlandish by the post. Someone really needs to get him on meds or lock him up. He's a nut. Though I do like how he is the one and only who will defeat the anti Christ. Is he now trying to claim he is Jesus?
No, only the heir to the Roman Empire, the throne of the Czars and the shoes of the fisherman. Not so much really. I think he needs to be sectioned. and soon!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ashlynne39 »

Dai Kiwi wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:Rassy's family histories and educational training get more outlandish by the post. Someone really needs to get him on meds or lock him up. He's a nut. Though I do like how he is the one and only who will defeat the anti Christ. Is he now trying to claim he is Jesus?
No, only the heir to the Roman Empire, the throne of the Czars and the shoes of the fisherman. Not so much really. I think he needs to be sectioned. and soon!

Oh but you left off his other credential from way back. Rassy is also heir to th confederate. It was given to him by members of Jefferson Davis' family. As a southern girl I think that might be my favorite claim, though if Rassy does ever actually cause the south to rise again I'm leaving. Rassy cannot be my overlords.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

I must say that it is necessary to revert tomoron/ maroon text. I have used this before when I am displeased by the behavior of some moron (or "maroon" in old Q-speak) Anyway, I have been checking it out; first by interrogating my younger brother who spent several years at a military academy and swears that he knows nothing about the general purge; next, I approached the kid brother of my best pal from grade school. Now somehow this boy, we will call him Johnny, grew up to be a Major General in the US Army. So Johnny the Maj General recently left the service, but he told me he had just retired and was not kicked out by this Obama guy plus, the army can make him come back if they get into another war. Anyway, since I already have Rassy pegged as a nut, I figured I got enough intel from those two men to make me feel that President Obama is OK. On the other hand, I will be kind of glad when Mr. Obama is finished with his term. This is just because I worry the lies that keep rolling out on the internet/web will flip the switch to the "psychotic action" mode in someone's head and form the "must kill leader every 50 years" plan. I really hope this does not happen.

Texino- Pen name for a kid who knows several ways to kill without leaving a trace
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ashlynne39 »

texino wrote:I must say that it is necessary to revert tomoron/ maroon text. I have used this before when I am displeased by the behavior of some moron (or "maroon" in old Q-speak) Anyway, I have been checking it out; first by interrogating my younger brother who spent several years at a military academy and swears that he knows nothing about the general purge; next, I approached the kid brother of my best pal from grade school. Now somehow this boy, we will call him Johnny, grew up to be a Major General in the US Army. So Johnny the Maj General recently left the service, but he told me he had just retired and was not kicked out by this Obama guy plus, the army can make him come back if they get into another war. Anyway, since I already have Rassy pegged as a nut, I figured I got enough intel from those two men to make me feel that President Obama is OK. On the other hand, I will be kind of glad when Mr. Obama is finished with his term. This is just because I worry the lies that keep rolling out on the internet/web will flip the switch to the "psychotic action" mode in someone's head and form the "must kill leader every 50 years" plan. I really hope this does not happen.

Texino- Pen name for a kid who knows several ways to kill without leaving a trace

Your Intel is clearly faulty. First, your brother only spent a couple years at military school whereas Rassy spent 11 calendar years at military. Also your friend was only a major General. Clearly he wasn't high enough up the chain to know what Rassy knows.

Ashlynne - pen name for a southern girl who doesn't think Rassy should head the new confederacy
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39 wrote:Ashlynne - pen name for a southern girl who doesn't think Rassy should head the new confederacy
Isn't that really really sure that Rassy shouldn't head the new or any other confederacy out there?

I'm not even sure he should be left unattended when it comes right down to it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy has nothing on me when it comes to being descended from emperors and kings. Just for example:

My mother, who not only was a child movie star on TV but had an IQ of 180 degrees Kelvin, was descended from last-known Hittite king, Suppiluliuma II, according to records destroyed by the ancient Assyrians but available online. As any child knows, the Hittite Empire at its height around 1285 BCE encompassed a large part of Anatolia, north-western Syria about as far south as the mouth of the Litani River, and upper Mesopotamia. Suppiluliuma II ("Soupy" to his friends) was the last king, so this is all mine. I'm especially looking forwarding to ruling over this legacy, it's so peaceful there.

On my father's side I am descended from Perkin Warbeck who pretended to be the Duke of York and thus King Richard the IV of England during the reign of Henry the VII. Even though everybody knew he was an imposter, he still had a limited amount of support for a number of years and thus I have as good of claim to that throne as anyone, especially given the way Prince Charles' ears look and the fact that Queen Elizabeth is a Reptilian.

On yet another side I'm descended from Karl Wilhelm Naundorff, a German clock- and watch-maker who until his death claimed to be Prince Louis-Charles, or Louis XVII of France. I realize that Naundorff was one of more than thirty men who claimed to be Louis XVII, but I figure that gives me the right to at least 1/30 of France, especially since he was one of the more stubborn claimants. Also, in 1836 Naundorff sued Marie Thérèse for property that supposedly belonged to him, but he was arrested and deported to England, which I think is worth a $100 Trillion dollar lawsuit if anything is. He continued his quest from there, gathering supporters and making more an more outrageous claims of "things happening in secret" until he made the mistake of declaring that he would be restored to the throne on January 1, 1840. When that date passed, he lost the majority of his supporters, but of course that was in the days before wide usage of the Internet.

I could go on and on, like I did at Junior Military Academy, where I spend a record 11 calendar years going through the 4th grade. For example, my Uncle Ernie is descended from False Margaret a Norwegian woman who impersonated Margaret, Maid of Norway, a princess who died a virgin in the 13th century. Either that or she cleaned Hotels but still had an IQ of over 1000%.

Deep Knight (pen name of someone who's probably your lord and master so you better not make fun of me or the next Hittite you meet might just get more than a bit angry, if you know what I mean).
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »


I hope you don’t mind my cutting out the religious stuff – not just because of the board rules but it’s boring. However, Rassy can’t stay on topic very long, so we get paragraphs stuck in like this:

I pulled out some military technology I had not bothered to look at in years. If Obama tries to engineer a military takeover of America, I will show the American people how to build a budget ultimate weapon system that can wipe out all the military forces backing Obama. To give an indication how powerful this military technology can be if correctly used, maybe as cheap as $2 to $3 million and a population small as Lichtenstein, we could force the unconditional surrender of all the U.S. military backing Obama. I don't want to show the world military tricks like this hidden up my sleeves so don't want to use this midget ultimate weapon system but deadly as can be. Obama behaves himself and I don't have to show the American people the tactics that will win for them over all the planned military might Obama has been secretly organizing for the planned military takeover of America.

Oooooo! But now for some fun.

By the way, a historical note here. Ancient Imperial Rome was built on 7 hills. Constantinople was called "New Rome" and built on 7 hills. Moscow later also called itself a new Rome and built on 7 hills. And the original name of Washington, D.C. was Rome and a branch of the Potomac River was named Tiber creek after the Tiber River of Rome. Also, Wash., D.C. was built on 7 hills and its first name was Rome, Maryland. You may read into that whatever you will in prophecy.

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for He Who Overcomes And Upholds Apostolic Christianity As Jesus Asked Of All Of Us In Revelation 2. The rewards involved are for all eternity and beyond anything you can ever imagine! I already saw the hereafter many years ago when a young man and no one wants to return here who has seen what God has held in reserve to reward us with!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:44 PM 0 comments

No doubt Rassy saw something like this:

It is well known that the city of Rome was built on seven hills or mountains, but did you know that Washington DC was also has seven hills? Yes, Washington D.C. really does have seven hills:
1. Capitol Hill
2. Meridian Hill
3. Floral Hills
4. Forest Hills
5. Hillbrook
6. Hillcrest
7. Knox Hill
In biblical prophecy, at the end of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed. Will this city be Rome or Washington?

Which is easily answered:

Washington DC does NOT have 7 hills. Places like "Forest Hills" are just names , and many such names have no real "hill" associated with them. the people who named DC simply like the idea of "hills" and use the term "hill(s)" or "highlands" in many, if not potentially a majority of their subdivision names. Floral Hills is the name of a cemetery, not an actual hill. Meridian Hill is the name of a park, not an actual hill, and it is also the name of a subdivision in DC as well. Forest Hills, Knox Hill, Hillcrest and Hillbrook are names of subdivisions, not names of actual hills. Trying to list these subdivisions with "hill" in them to "prove" that Washington DC has 7 hills is silly, and if you allow the logic, you have WAY MORE THAN 7 "hills". There are at least 8 sub-divisions with "hill" in the name, maybe more, I probably didn't find them all. And Forest Hills and Floral Hills are PLURAL, indicating more than one hill.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JamesVincent »

When I was a teenager there was a place outside of Elicott City nicknamed 7 hills. It was, lo and behold, a series of hills on a twisty side road that the local teens (including moah) took vehicles as fast as possible and jumped. While this ended well most of the time, it did not always. I wonder if Rassy is familiar. It makes more sense then what he said.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Washington also has areas like Columbia Heights, where my father grew up; so you could probably run into double digits with all the hills, heights and other place names.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy has two posts up today, one a reworking of the “I’m the Caesar and the Czar” post from last week, and another with this:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
2700 pages of Health Care explained in 1 page ---- NO ONE SUMS IT UP BETTER THAN TRUMP

One brief comment on why America went the wrong way after 1776. The U.S. Constitution says that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the U.S. Constitution, America and American people, but in small print put in by George Washington saying "in the year of our Lord" meaning Jesus Christ is legally declared the King of America. But this backdoor legal approach should have been backed up by no one may be an elected official of the U.S. Republic who does not swear allegiance to Jesus Christ as King of the U.S. Republic, King of this U.S. Constitution, and King of the United States of America. A ton of later problems of America would have been prevented if such a clause had been added to the U.S. Constitution. At the time of the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin in a pamphlet given out to the French people when he was the American Ambassador to royal France explained that 99% of all the American people were Christians then and that you had to search far and wide to find an infidel anywhere in America.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the American whose roots are heavily in the sound, brilliant answers which have worked before in history and can be used again in our time!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:29 PM

I remember reading a chain e-mail posted online that asserted that “Jesus, God, and the Creator are mentioned dozens of times in the Constitution, but…” The analysis noted that of the terms "God," "Creator," "Jesus" and "Lord,” only the last was used, and then only once in the signatory section where the date is written, "Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven." Gassy Rassy apparently believes this means that Jesus Christ is the King in no uncertain terms 'cause it's in fine print (actually the same size script as the rest of the document). I have to admit I was unfamiliar with this secret law (it’s hard to keep up), but as of today will stop using “AD” when I date things (abv. of Anno Domini, or “Year of our Lord” in Latin, the magic legal language).

Then there is the part of the Constitution that he bemoans they left out about swearing “allegiance to Jesus Christ as King,” Rassy is wrong – it’s in Article VI, paragraph 3.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Perhaps it would help if Rassy and his ilk who spout off about it actually read the Constitution.
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