The Kinakwii Nation

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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The Kinakwii Nation

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A recent Canadian Press news story that has been broadly distributed in Canadian print media (for example, ... story.html) discusses a 2012 report produced by the RCMP for the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police which provides background and advice for police interaction with Sovereign Citizens, Freemen-on-the-Land, and their associated groups. Sadly, I have not seen this actual report published anywhere, but the media review of its contents seems to indicate an informed, sensible approach, as much as one can trust reporters to provide an accurate summary.

One interesting item is the report identifies two OPCA groups with which I was not familiar: “The Moorish Divine and National Movement” and the “Kinakwii Sovereign Nation”. I’ll leave the former to the expert on the subject, and instead pursue the latter.

Online there are two principle sources for material on the Kinakwii Sovereign Nation. The first is a homepage ( which offers little detail, beyond this general purpose statement:
Kinakwii is a modern Sovereign, Indigenous, Aboriginal Nation patterned on the heritage, roots, values and beliefs of the Indigenous Aboriginal peoples of Turtle Island (North America) as they existed prior to the 1500s. It's a Nation that will become a confederacy of Nations.
Ok, so it’s an Indian group who claim to have opted out by setting up their own nation state. That appears to be confirmed by the other major item on this webpage, entitled:
I’ll quote a little to illustrate this document:
Unfortunately, there can be no meaningful response or progress until there is an indigenous aboriginal national entity that is NOT created under the laws and regulations of Canada. Anything less will do nothing more than rejig the colonialism that created the monstrosity for which Canada has just apologized.

I, William Allan Baldwin, am Algonquin. My ancestors have lived in Eastern Ontario for 1000,s of years. I accept an inspiration from the Great Spirit and the Spirit of Mother Earth and Water that arises from deep within me to call upon all those people who espouse the values, rights and privileges of indigenous aboriginal people to come together in a Confederacy of Nations that can exist separate from the legal creations of Canada in order to negotiate with Canada on an equal basis – sovereign country to sovereign country – to resolve the tragedies, inequities and injustices of the past.

I hereby name this country, Kinakwii, which shall mean “People of the Great Spirit” and I offer this Declaration of Nationhood for all those who feel so inspired to join me.

We hereby claim our right to the traditional lands of occupation under the ancient stewardship of our nation together with our right to freely enjoy the pursuit of our culture and our Nations’ livelihood. These rights predate the arrival of explorers and settlers from Great Britain and Europe and are preserved in the Royal Proclamation of October 7, 1763 and all subsequent legislation. These rights cannot be given or taken away – they are fundamental.

Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal People have – and have always had – the right of self- government.

To the extent that Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal citizens also enjoy the benefits of citizenship and residency in other countries and jurisdictions they may choose, as free-will human beings, to co-operate with the laws and regulations of those other jurisdictions on a free-will basis. However, the Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal Nation of Kinakwii and the various mechanisms of its self-government, accept no automatic obligations to require its citizens, either individually or collectively, to observe the laws and regulations of other jurisdictions.

When there is conflict between the laws and regulations of the Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal Nation of Kinakwii and the laws and regulations of other jurisdictions, the laws and regulations of the Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal Nation of Kinakwii shall take precedence over the laws and regulations of other jurisdictions with respect Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal citizens.

We, and the leadership of the Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal People of Kinakwii together with our various mechanisms of self-government, hereby declare the right, and accept the obligation, to protect Sovereign Indigenous Aboriginal citizens from persecution by the governments of other jurisdictions and their various agencies and legal creations.
So yep, they’re a group of Indians who have set up their own entity so they can opt out of or replace whatever laws they like, but still gain all the advantages of living in Canada. Freemanism, but from an aboriginal approach.

I spotted three Facebook pages that appear potentially relevant:
Media reports ( ... -residents) ( ... -residents) indicate that in 2009 members of the Kinakwii Nation, at this point publically headed by “Grand Chief Al Baldwin”, parked a mobile home and built a Quonset hut on a lot in the town of Elizabethtown-Kitley in Ontario, and opened what they advertised as a “tax-free” store – “Now Open: The Quarry, Tax-Free Zone”. Townsfolk called the local administration, and shortly after the “Tax-Free Zone” part of the sign disappeared, then the entire sign. Grand Chief Baldwin was interviewed and indicated the Kinakwii are a nation of about 250 individuals and growing, with offices in Kingston Gananoque and Brockville. He also said the store sold “optimum air and optimum power units”, and “nutritional products.”

The Town issued a stop-work order which was ignored. Legal proceedings were anticipated. And that seems to be the end of that – I found nothing after that date which indicates how the situation resolved itself.

Other data is thin. “Canadianzombie” spotted a Kinakwii Nation sign attached to a tree in Brockville, Ontario ( ... le_Ontario). He reports:
I first became aware of this Nation as there was some local debate about them setting up shop in the area and selling cheap cigarettes. This turmoil has died down and I haven't heard anything lately. The sign at the front names the Nation and gives the related website. There's also a sign with the Nation's manifesto on it. The Nation flies their flag proudly in the middle of the property and has a gate to keep people out currently. I'm not certain when they will be allowing non-aboriginals back in to visit, but I find it very intriguing that Brockville has an Aboriginal Nation right in it's midst.
Chief Baldwin’s email address appears to be The website at advertises gadgets to sterilize air, improve energy consumption, the cryptically named “Fuel Enhancer”, described this way:
The Fuel Enhancer allows vehicles and furnaces to combust processed fossil fuels more completely.
The associated website ( is dead. I tried to learn more about the Fuel Enhancer – no luck.

The website is owned by a Doug Raymond of Kingston, Ontario.
Both Baldwin and Raymond reappear in this account in the Mohawk Nation News of a fake currency from a fake bank from a group of fake Indians ( ... ank-quick/). The fake bank, the “Anishinabewampum Bank”, managed to attract warnings from both the FDIC ( ... 07318.html) and Canadian authorities ( ... e_79_e.pdf). There was an associated website (, but it’s dead.

I found only one other trace of this entity, an event announcement from May, 2010 which advertises the “Conspiracy Culture Hour”, which features as a speaker a “Brian-T: Collins”. He’s a musician (, and promotes re-tuning the musical note of “A” to 432 Hz. And he has an entire website devoted to that, and how it affects music, and well, lots of stuff ( Here’s a couple testimonials:
Sharing information about music played at the Concert Pitch A=432Hz is something I care for because I can feel the difference, and the love in it, just by listening. Somehow, it resonates with my heart. I also noticed how my plants grow better and my cats get quieter! Especially your music Brian, seems to re-tune me when I’m out of balance, while its melody cuddles my soul… It’s actually helping me to reconnect to my higher self and find peace. I think that I feel the music in a special way… I only play a little guitar, and my daughter plays the harp, both tuned in A/La=432Hz… And I love to sing along songs. I really appreciate your work!! Thank You!! Harmonic vibes from Switzerland! -Larissa Cantoni

I occasionally have show-stopping migraines that render me useless for the remainder of the day. Well, I had one last night and I was blown away by what happened when I listened to your music as the pain was beginning to set in. After about 15 minutes of simply enjoying the sounds I was hearing, the throbbing pain faded into the background and I slept very peacefully last night. I’ve tried many things and nothing else has been able to ease the pain during these episodes. Thank you, Brian and Stellar -J.U.

I went to your website and was amazed by what I found.. lots of profound information, but the music! As an intuitive, I’ve been receiving healing music for many years now, but the idea of a healing “frequency” is new to me, and I’m fascinated by it.

I listened to your song samples from your CD and was blown away by the power of the effects. I can’t even describe it all..

A deep response through the whole body, tickling and humming in the inner ear, a tingling over the skin, the sensation of energy moving through areas where I know shifts are taking place in my body..

It’s like some of the same sensations I get when I’m receiving a transmission.
I immediately made two of my (grown) kids lie down and listen with headphones on. Then I ordered your CD.

Thanks Brian, Cynthia Long
Pretty impressive, eh? Well, it turns out Brian was also a Sovereign/Freeman dude, and helped found the Kinakwii Nation:
… Brian became interested in freedom causes and commercial redemption in 2001 and since, has done many private consultations, talks, and lectures on understanding public commerce and how to settle commercial disputes.

He has a two set DVD called 'Sailing the Seas of Commerce' that educates the private sector on how to secure your “person” and is also the webmaster of the popular website omega432.c0m, a dynamic website dedicated to empowering consciousness and being.

He is also a Founding-Circle-Member and Private-National of the Sovereign Kinakwii Nation as well as, assisted in drafting the official Provisional Constitution of Kinakwii Nation.
It appears Brian was active on Menard’s World Freeman Society forum, but he then deleted most, if not all, of his posts on that board. Links on that forum suggest Brian had posted various Freeman notices on his ‘’ website, but those have been deleted.

Brian has left us with one more interesting artifact. In 2010 he posted a very controversial document, titled “Remedy Rockstars” on his ‘’ website. The original document has since been removed. Fortunately, its text is reproduced in this post on the David Icke forums (

Basically, Brian called out A4V and Freeman-on-the-Land concepts as crap, and its promoters as parasites. Menard was active on the Icke forum at the time and had lots to say. It’s rather amusing and worth a peek to see Menard going at it before his current point of advanced decay.

I think Brian made a serious effort to wipe out all traces of his Freeman/Sovereign/UCADIA affiliations (yeah, he eventually made his way to Frank O'Collins), and is now playing it straight, but slightly re-tuned. If so, then good for him.

So that’s all I have. Well, aside from some postings on the “” “serenitystreetnews” series – and trust me, that’s a place we just don’t want to go. What? You really want to have a look?

Don’t say I didn’t warn you:

So, in conclusion, I think whatever the Kinakwii Nation was, it’s long gone. My guess is it was another local area OPCA movement that attempted to use a fake aboriginal rather than Sovereign/Freeman strategy to escape state obligation. There was an associated bank scam of uncertain intent. I suspect (very strongly) that many, if not the majority, of the Kinakwii were not aboriginal.

I would be very interested to hear from others who have more data on this group, and what it did to attract RCMP attention.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Kinakwii Nation

Post by fortinbras »

With reference to the Moorish (whatever), this is primarily a US craziness, a ghetto cult among American blacks with historic links (going back to about World War One) to what is now Farrakhan's Nation of Islam. As far as I know, the membership is entirely black. It turns out that there are, by now, a number of different and competing 'Moorish' sects - not only because I see different titles used in court cases but also because there was at least one court case in which Moorish prison inmates were suing because the prison grouped them in with a different Moorish group for the purpose of religious assemblies, instead of letting them set up a separate group. They were virtually unheard of in the courts more than a dozen years ago, but nowadays can be counted on for a court decision every month or so.

Among the bits of craziness that seem common among them: That they are not US citizens but citizens of some other country (not always clear where it's located - sometimes claiming Morocco and sometimes a sort of Moorish Republic supposedly on the North American continent), having diplomatic immunity or some special immunity from an alleged treaty or from a purported 'Ethical Will of Abraham Lincoln' or a purported piece of post-Civil War legislation (actually rejected in Congress). This immunity extends to not paying income tax nor bothering to have driver's licenses. On occasion this immunity is also invoked against felony charges (mostly drugs). Very often the defendant claims not merely to be a citizen of this Moorish nationality but a high official such as an ambassador. At one time the Moorish cult was primarily in big cities in the North - Detroit, Chicago, NYC - but now it has spread throughout the US. There's been a lot of Moorish litigation - apparently from more than one faction - in NJ. Members tend to add '-Bey' to their names, or attach titles such as Sheik or Sheikess(!).
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: The Kinakwii Nation

Post by Jeffrey »

Divine and National Movement isn't necessarily a reference to a specific group, it's a bit of a generic Moorish term. Refers to the concept that their group is both Divine and National, meaning religious and civic. Fairly certain even the non sov-cit sects also use that term.
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Re: The Kinakwii Nation

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

These movements remind me of what several authors have dubbed "compensatory" or "feel-good" history: the effort to build self-esteem and pride within a certain group, and strike out at their enemies (perceived and/or real) by building up a tale of a glorious past, in which members of the group flourished before the bad people took it all away from them, or (for example) asserting that while the heroes in a particular war belong predominantly to "Ethnic Group X", those who stay at home and reap war profits, go to the head of the line for rationed items, and so on, are from "Ethnic Group Y".
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Re: The Kinakwii Nation

Post by notorial dissent »

There are a good number of these groups, or iterations of these groups all over the country, although they seem to be mostly concentrated in the older cities in the midwest and east coast. We are currently chronicling the aftermath of one in Chicago, I think it is, and there was housenapping incident back in TN??? last year, that are all part and parcel. Both of which have been very adequately covered in the forums here.
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