Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by wserra »

LordEd wrote:I suggest to quatloos that the sky is blue during the day.
It was the Masons.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:
HackMan wrote:Though this rant is rather lengthy, I trust I have connected some dots for the reader. Also, I have made some typos and s. s. errors in order to appease those who are out to demean/ridicule my post.
Typos and other errors notwithstanding, you have failed to connect any dots. The reason for that is because your post, as you aptly and honestly describe it, is nothing more than a rant. Rants are typcially based on emotions and not logic, feelings instead of facts....
For the crime of willfully engaging in pointless ranting, the Illuminati Court of Queen's Bench adjudges HackMan to be convicted, and hereby sentences HackMan to a term of 72 hours in the slammer, and to have to listen to Morris Albert's recording of "Feelings" -- over and over and over and over, during the entire three-day period of incarceration.....

....cruuuuuuueell and unusual.....

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by GlimDropper »

She is not head of Israel because Lord Ball Four played the part in the turning over of Fortress Zion back to Cana'an
Welp, he got us. No argument predicated on Lord Ball Four can ever be found baseless. :haha:
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by The Observer »

GlimDropper wrote:Welp, he got us. Not argument predicated on Lord Ball Four can ever be found baseless.
I am just glad he doesn't know about Lady Strike Three. That would really blow the whole conspiracy open, what with her carrying on with the Earl of Foul Ball and the Baron Takeyourbase.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Otro loco mas.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by wserra »

I had to link to one more Willingham doc: his most recent complaint, filed in one of the cases I discussed above: Winningham v. Overcast et al., 13-576 (TXND). I feel it worthy of note due to some of the language:

(1) In several places, he discusses what will happen if law enforcement tries to arrest him: "when the Petitioner exercises his right to resist their assault with lethal force, if necessary". ¶¶ 7, 11, others.

(2) "'People in Government'" (who like to perjure their oaths of office) - hereinafter PIG, (no disrespect to swine intended - swine are useful - they eat feces)" ¶ 8

(3) "I intend to see some judicial whores do that little dance they do at the end of a common law rope . . . a common law rope is talking about death by hanging" ¶ 31

(4) Winningham "is removing some of the statements he usually makes" because he's such a nice guy. ¶ 38.

I think I gotta put Winningham right alongside Screwy Louis Ewing as my twin personal reference standards for "batshit crazy".
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

Why should HackMan be bothered with little things like research, logic, reason, and spelling, when it is so much easier to just make it up as he goes along for his current rant. Fantasy and delusion are all well and good if they are entertaining, this isn't!

Verbal and written speech are wonderful magnificent gifts, given us to facilitate, enhance, and encourage communication, why then do you squander, mock, waste, and defeat them with this mass of incoherent and pointless drivel slathered all over a page to no purpose.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by fortinbras »

Glenn is swinging wild with this pleading. The judge is well justified for instantly dismissing it for containing impertinent and scandalous pleadings.

As an example: ... 1323954105
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:Glenn is swinging wild with this pleading. The judge is well justified for instantly dismissing it for containing impertinent and scandalous pleadings.

As an example: ... 1323954105
That's okay. Glenn will certainly convene a Common Law Constitutional Article III Court of Appeals at a local Denny's, church hall, the back room of a veterans' post or in a vacant room in an industrial park; and that Court will certainly reverse this decision.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by grixit »

HackMan wrote:Some of the sources I shall be drawing from include; "Christianity and Law" by Stephen C. Perks (1996), "Brief History of the English People" (John Richard Green 1899-3 volumes),

Irrelevent. Only the law is the law.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

HackMan wrote:Some of the sources I shall be drawing from include; "Christianity and Law" by Stephen C. Perks (1996), "Brief History of the English People" (John Richard Green 1899-3 volumes),
Why? You show no knowledge, understanding, let alone comprehension of any of the other things you have driveled on about. Why should the expectation be that you would even come close to getting anything of substance from those sources, let alone being able to comprehend it?

Quiet killing innocent electrons, you have proven you have nothing to say.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:
GlimDropper wrote:Welp, he got us. Not argument predicated on Lord Ball Four can ever be found baseless.
I am just glad he doesn't know about Lady Strike Three. That would really blow the whole conspiracy open, what with her carrying on with the Earl of Foul Ball and the Baron Takeyourbase.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by rogfulton »

wserra wrote:
The Observer wrote:
GlimDropper wrote:Welp, he got us. Not argument predicated on Lord Ball Four can ever be found baseless.
I am just glad he doesn't know about Lady Strike Three. That would really blow the whole conspiracy open, what with her carrying on with the Earl of Foul Ball and the Baron Takeyourbase.

Now, now - no need to drag Abbott and Costello into it. :naughty:
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by LightinDarkness »

Dian is correct! The founding fraudsters were ALL "Free"masons. "Free"masons worship Lucifer (Morals and Dogma Bert Pike p. 321).
"Free"mason here. Not that you care about facts, but just in case anyone else is reading, his "source" (Morals and Dogma) doesn't say that, it says:
"The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. Lucifer. The Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! For traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed Plato and Philo also, were also inspired."
This is one of the thing that just drives me absolutely nuts about crazy people like this. They see the word "Lucifer" in a book and somehow this means you worship lucifer, where as if you actually read it, Pike is espousing quite a Christian opinion here. Also, for the record, Morals and Dogma is basically Pike's personal opinion. The preface of the book says no one should take it as the official stance of freemasonry, and freemasons are to disregard anything they don't agree with.

There I go again, trying to inject facts into the diatribe of a crazy person. When will I learn...?
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by fortinbras »

(1) I would be a tad cautious about the Masons (or any other group) claiming various heroes - especially if they say "all of them" (as in "all of the Founding Fathers") - of a previous century as members.

(2) Albert Pike, writing Masonic stuff after the end of the Civil War, was fixated on Lucifer as an angel of light, not as the devil. My own research has satisfied me that Masons are not totally reliable on either their history or their connection to folklore/ancient cultures.

Masons are not alone in these flaws. I could mention the Rosicrucians, for example.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by LightinDarkness »

fortinbras wrote:(1) I would be a tad cautious about the Masons (or any other group) claiming various heroes - especially if they say "all of them" (as in "all of the Founding Fathers") - of a previous century as members.
No mason I'm aware of claims all of the US founding fathers were masons. In fact only a fraction were.
fortinbras wrote:(2) Albert Pike, writing Masonic stuff after the end of the Civil War, was fixated on Lucifer as an angel of light, not as the devil. My own research has satisfied me that Masons are not totally reliable on either their history or their connection to folklore/ancient cultures.

Masons are not alone in these flaws. I could mention the Rosicrucians, for example.
Albert Pike was a prolific writer, but he was very much a Christian. As a prolific writer 99.99% of the stuff he wrote about had nothing to do with Lucifer, the few lines of text he does write about shows very much a theological stance that no modern Christian would disagree with (see above quote for example). I am not sure what research you are talking about, but masonic history is quite established in terms of its origins. Non-masons have written many peer reviewed articles that masons agree with showing that freemasonry came from stone mason guilds of medieval Europe and transitioned into what we know today when the middle class and aristocracy became intrigued with the secrets and rituals that stone mason guilds kept to protect trade secrets. That is the historical basis of masonry. Masonry has a mythology, related to the bible and the temple, but I am not aware of any mason who thinks its real. Its quite clearly related and told as a cultural myth.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LightinDarkness wrote:
fortinbras wrote:(1) I would be a tad cautious about the Masons (or any other group) claiming various heroes - especially if they say "all of them" (as in "all of the Founding Fathers") - of a previous century as members.
No mason I'm aware of claims all of the US founding fathers were masons. In fact only a fraction were.
fortinbras wrote:(2) Albert Pike, writing Masonic stuff after the end of the Civil War, was fixated on Lucifer as an angel of light, not as the devil. My own research has satisfied me that Masons are not totally reliable on either their history or their connection to folklore/ancient cultures.

Masons are not alone in these flaws. I could mention the Rosicrucians, for example.
Albert Pike was a prolific writer, but he was very much a Christian. As a prolific writer 99.99% of the stuff he wrote about had nothing to do with Lucifer, the few lines of text he does write about shows very much a theological stance that no modern Christian would disagree with (see above quote for example). I am not sure what research you are talking about, but masonic history is quite established in terms of its origins. Non-masons have written many peer reviewed articles that masons agree with showing that freemasonry came from stone mason guilds of medieval Europe and transitioned into what we know today when the middle class and aristocracy became intrigued with the secrets and rituals that stone mason guilds kept to protect trade secrets. That is the historical basis of masonry. Masonry has a mythology, related to the bible and the temple, but I am not aware of any mason who thinks its real. Its quite clearly related and told as a cultural myth.
For almost 50 years, my father was a devoted Mason and Shriner; but he would be the first to tell you that much of that mythology is exactly that, and that almost no one takes it seriously.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:For almost 50 years, my father was a devoted Mason and Shriner; but he would be the first to tell you that much of that mythology is exactly that, and that almost no one takes it seriously.
That is except the crazies who would rather believe in every conspiracy theory that comes down the road, and that you can run a car on water.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by fortinbras »

Yes, I suspect that most (perhaps all) Masons take the usual folklore (about Solomon's Temple and the Knights Templars) as fakelore .... but mountebanks like Texe Marrs seem to take it Very Seriously and even go to the trouble of researching old and foreign Masonic stuff (which they also take as gospel) that is completely unknown to modern American members.

BTW, if anyone has any useful background info on Texe Marrs, I am all ears. The man has an obsession with Jews ... odd thing is that the Jewish cemeteries in Texas have a Lot of graves for people named Marrs (really, that spelling: I am not counting Marz, or anything similar), which makes me wonder.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Burnaby49 »

I said in a prior post;
Canada has very restrictive gun laws which include assault rifles and their magazines. Americans are constantly being caught trying to bring guns across the border that are entirely legal in the US but banned up here
A local paper just had a short article on three recent convictions for attempted arms smuggling, all probably legal weapons in the US. I'm guessing that Winningham, with his past history and probable upcoming antics in court, will get jail time rather than the minor fines these guys got; ... story.html
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