Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

They should have offered a Starbuck's card, it at least has the cache of being transferable, usable, and of immediate use and value, and unlike their dinars, is readily exchangeable at any time.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
DINAR COMMENTARY from a reader

Ok Most The So Called Guru's Say Today, Tomorrow Tuesday, Or Thursday Or EVERY WEEKEND ! Past ! For 10 years now

So Lets Break This Down , The RV Has Occurred In Country We Know This Yet Some Of the Guru Monkeys Say Not So , I Have Been there ! It Has ! And It Was Tied to The British Pound NOT The Dollar ! You Can Go To Iraq and Cash In For 27.50 But ! You Can't Bring it here due to The Money Grabbers (bankers, irs and yes King o )
The US Is Holding It Up Here ! Not Iraq ! and for those So Called Guru Monkeys That Say Float Because of Some Article They Read ? Still To This Day I Have never Read any Article That Says Float So There The Truth ! Remember the Iraqi's Are Very Vain and Proud People And Could Care Less About What the Other Country's(Iran, Saudi, Yemen,Kuwait) Say Or Do ! And Other That Keep Saying It's Here they Have Close Confidants Inside , well Seems That They Are wrong Too ! ( More of The same Bankers, Money Grabbers,King o ,All The Baboons In Congress)
Listen It Will Happen ! When? I Have No Clue And Neither Does the Guru Monkeys ! There is Only One True Man I Will Listen to I Will Not reveal His Name But is Widely Known In The Circles On The Net,
Well Getting Off my Soap Box Now Just Had to say The Truth !
God Bless You All and Go With Grace from GOD !

Ltc. Paul

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:47 AM


Anonymous October 22, 2013 at 11:55 AM
Ltc. Paul...if u want to hear the truth - listen to Zorra from "Hollow Earth" whose son is retired Colonel Billie Woodard -( if u think u have been lied to...u really need to hear this story ) - tells what happened to him in the AF - along with the update re. the RV - GCR - and what will be happening next ( FYI - in 1947 the President knew about Hollow Earth and chose to keep it secret -- along with Roswell, New Mexico.
RV is real and its happening now! Continue to have faith and really STOP COMPLAINING for it does nothing but bring down your energy along with sending out negative vibes which no one needs!!!

Anonymous October 22, 2013 at 12:12 PM
WOW, interesting info Ltc. Paul. So, when did this RV actually happen?
If this (27.50) is true, the Iraqis are RICH but I'm just wondering why those citizens of Iraq aren't running around placing orders for all kinds of new merchandise?
I want to believe, so maybe you can backup your distaste of the infamous "gurus" by providing some source info yourself?
Since you're so sure that this RV HAS happened, how can we verify your "intel" before booking a trip to Baghdad?
If the RV is tied to the Brit Pound and the US won't let us bring the funds back here, I say GREAT because there are plenty of other places in the world to live, especially if you have some wealth to spread around. I hear the weather's great in Belize this time of year, or maybe hop on a (foreign owned) cruise line for a decade or so.
Ltc. Paul, Please get back up on your soapbox and let us know something besides just another unsubstantiated rumor because most of us are done with that.

So, you can cash in in Iraq but can't bring the money here because of bankers etc. And it's not in the news or on the CBI site. Uh huh.

But don't call the banks. Call the guy from the hollow earth instead.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

On the TNT Tony site they were talking about how they were all going to set up a "Family Office" so that they could have a one stop shop for all their multimillionaire legal/travel planning/accounting needs. The amazing.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

LightinDarkness wrote:On the TNT Tony site they were talking about how they were all going to set up a "Family Office" so that they could have a one stop shop for all their multimillionaire legal/travel planning/accounting needs. The amazing.
If everyone on the planet is a multi gazzilionaire why would anyone fly them? And who would need an accountant?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

JamesVincent wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:On the TNT Tony site they were talking about how they were all going to set up a "Family Office" so that they could have a one stop shop for all their multimillionaire legal/travel planning/accounting needs. The amazing.
If everyone on the planet is a multi gazzilionaire why would anyone fly them? And who would need an accountant?
Ah but you see that's the great part about the Dinar/Dong RV - it will only be the 50,000 or so idiots who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on the "investment". Of course a influx of that many new multimillionaires would undoubtedly cause insane inflation to begin with, but hey, we aren't dealing with sane people who think about stuff like that.

They all think the dinar is some reason going to RV at a $27.XX rate. Yes, TWENTY SEVEN DOLLARS per dinar. Right now its what, 1100ish dinars per dollar?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Get Happy! Those in the know will be long tonight!

Thursday, October 24, 2013
TNT Dinar - If you are not Happy, get Happy

10-24-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony If you are not Happy, get Happy. I can tell you that it is going to be a long night for those in the know. Word is that every obstacle has been removed or contained. Iraq has been given the green light once again to make a major announcement in the mosque (?????). Bank personnel (call center) were not allowed to go home on time, but must do overtime tonight. They say they are now 100% ready. Rates remain 27.87, 3.84, 1.08 and .22.

Read more:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:06 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous October 24, 2013 at 10:01 PM

This guys link their own websites, as if seeing the same article there would it lend it credibility.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, October 25, 2013
10-25-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony

10-25-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony I know that the call didn't come but I know it is still on the way. By on the way I do mean TODAY. I have not received the 800 numbers yet but I can tell you that bank personnel have been told that they will be seeing you today. All government agencies are saying it DID happen. It does not have to show at CBI first because it's already done. We are waiting for the activation which is scheduled for today. People got paid yesterday and this morning at the same rate...the rates are still the same. Everyone is excited and they are bouncing of the walls in DC because they know that this is it. Right now we are just waiting

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:47 PM
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by ashlynne39 »

According to the nesara news banner, Valerie Jarrett and Dick Cheney are now holding up the rv. Jarrett is making decisions without telling Obama and Cheney is the head of some secret government. So, I guess no rv tonight. Perhaps tomorrow.

Edited to say that I hate autocorrect and can't figure out how to turn it off on my tablet. It screws up every post so no, I was not trying to make a political post when I wrote Dick Cheney and it posted as Sick Cheney.
Last edited by ashlynne39 on Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, gee, I guess good ole talks out of both sides of his mouth Tony, was wrong, amazingly, yet again, and it isn't today anymore or even yesterday, and shock of shocks, still NO RV, and not gonna be one tomorrow or the next day either as the currency markets are closed now until Mon morning, like it makes a difference. So I guess all those call center people got called in for nothing, again.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LaVidaRoja »

And THAT may well be the eventual end of the RV. "They" keep getting people in to work the call centers, etc, almost every weekend. All those thousands of call center, bank, etc employees have to be paid OVERTIME, and eventually, as a result, the dinar will be depresses to pre-RV levels. Make money from nothing, spend it on nothing, and end up with nothing. The circle of finance!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

The people who seem to genuinely believe in the conmen like TNT Tony just floor me. The schtick is so obvious:

Step 1) The RV is TODAY! In a few hours/this afternoon. Iraq and Obama have signed off, the calling centers are staffed, private bankers are standing by!

Step 2) *Pretends to get a phone call or text message while on his conference call.* I just got re-confirmation that it is today and by the way contractors in Iraq are being paid!

Step 3) *Pretends to get a phone call or text message again while on conference call* Guys I just got some GREAT news but I can't tell you, but believe me its GREAT news!

Step 4) Deflects all questions about why the RV didn't happen yesterday/last week/last month as promised by either (A) telling people the RV has a new higher rate (above $30 per dinar now!), (B) claim a secret cabal group stopped the RV and it would have happened and he isn't wrong, or (C) go into some 10 minute rant about how all the soon to be multimillionaires need to be aware of scammers (SERIOUSLY, the IRONY of that..) and they need to be happy with their soon to be new wealth.

Rinse, repeat. Every single call. And thousands still believe.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or cry at the dinartards. In a post on TNT Tony's forums where someone merely suggests that just maybe the guru's know nothing about the RV, someone replied with this:
Ya know, I see these posts where someone says the gurus are stringing us along, week after week, month after month, year after year recycling the same predictions and let downs and I ask myself, what is in it for the gurus to do this? They get nothing from me. My impression is Tony likes and wants to help people and somehow has contacts that make it possible for him to do so. Tony is the most plain spoken, easiest to understand person I have found in this world of Dinar. I don't get why people need to complicate things like this. Before I heard about the Dinar RV, our future was looking dismal, approaching retirement with not near enough saved, owing way to much on our house to afford to keep it after retirement, wondering if the 401k will even exist by the time retirement gets here. Now I have a bright future to look forward to in retirement. This must be a gift from God! We must have faith and thankfulness for this chance!
So here we have someone who didn't save for his retirement betting it all on the RV, and surely it must be real because why else would they do it (sounds like this guy has never heard of pump and dump scams..)?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

LaVidaRoja wrote:And THAT may well be the eventual end of the RV. "They" keep getting people in to work the call centers, etc, almost every weekend. All those thousands of call center, bank, etc employees have to be paid OVERTIME, and eventually, as a result, the dinar will be depresses to pre-RV levels. Make money from nothing, spend it on nothing, and end up with nothing. The circle of finance!
You misunderstand the word "lockdown" as used by the Dinar Gurus to describe this. You know, "the US Treasury/Wells Fargo Banks is/are on lockdown and the workers can't call out to report the RV is happening." It's not akin to "the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically after an escape or to regain control during a riot," although I must admit the thought of doing this to the Gurus did brings a smile to my face. Instead it's either number 8, 14 or 20 from the online "Urban Dictionary."

8. lockdown
Turning off all commuinication with the outside world (cell phones, phones, tv, computer, not answering door, having the dog(s)/cat(s)/kid(s) stay at the dogsitters/babysitters - to have mind-blowing, mind-altered sex. Self-inflicted isolation for the purpose of re-booting the soul.

"What happens in lockdown, stays in lockdown."

14. lockdown
Not being able to crap for long periods of time.

"Oh poor jerry he's been on lockdown for a week."

20. lockdown
Used to determine the rotation of a blunt or other smoking device.

"This way, lockdown!"
"I called "lockdown" on that blunt."
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, October 27, 2013
Post RV Tips by 30MDinar

Originally Posted 9-4-13)

Remember... to CHANGE your telephone number and EMAIL address IMMEDIATELY post RV! Think about every call you have dialed in to and how your telephone number has been captured and added to a list. Well, what happens to that list? Do you want YOUR telephone number out there on a "dinar holder" "millionaire" etc. list?

Remember - your goal should be to own NOTHING personally and be judgement proof. Think assett PROTECTION. Get with someone who is a licensed professional in good standing who knows what they are doing. Look in to trusts, foundations etc.

IMPORTANT: when you exchange - make sure you do NOT agree to give the bank power of attorney over YOUR money.

Remember... an opportunity of this magnitude may NEVER happen again. The very last thing you want to do is blow this one! Be smart and triple check everything.

Dont be quick to act. Be slow and calculating. Assemble a professional team of people who know what they are doing, are licensed, in good standing to advise you what is in YOUR best interest.

Remember... when you purchase a home, dont forget about the property taxes and insurance! Be sure to calculate how much you are going to need and set it aside for how ever many years you expect to live in that home. Many have lost their homes because they didn't stop to plan properly and ended up not being able to afford the household related expenses.

Remember... one of the most powerful words in any laungage is NO. Keep this in mind when people approach you for money! Always keep in mind that it is critical for your long term wealth protection that you hold on to your money! Of course I am NOT saying you should not tithe and be charitable. Just be smart and very careful with your money so it will last!

Remember... after you get in to your new home... take an inventory of the contents - furnishings, electronic equipment, clothes etc. Anything that you would want replaced in the event of a fire or some other disaster. A great way to do it is with a VIDEO camera. Place that video in a safe desposit box. An itemized list is also highly reccommended. Be sure to keep this list up to date to include new purchases.

Remember... make sure you properly insure your new home for both REPLACEMENT value as well as contents. Always check your coverage amounts.

Remember... people with NO money always want to join forces with someone who has money. The problem is... they usually are only interested in taking your money and rarely can they offer any value.

Remember... if you plan to hire a housekeeper, gardener, nanny or anyone to do anything in or at your home... ALWAYS check references and make sure they are bonded, insured etc. You've got to think like those who would love to cheat you out of your money and stay many steps ahead of them.

Remember... to contact each of your monthly utilities providers and ask them to add a password to your account. This means they will not give out any of your personal information without getting the correct password that is on the account. This is CRITICAL. This is a very simple and basic way crooks get access to your home address.

Remember... be very AWARE of strangers and / or inviting ANYONE whom you don't really know to your home. Its easy for people to make claims - especially when their goal is to file a claim against your home owners insurance policy or against you etc. There are PROFESSIONAL CROOKS that prey on people with money because they see you as a payday. Think about the PROFESSIONAL FALLERS who slip and fall in the grocery store and then file a lawsuit against the chain.

[lonnie] 30mdinar and be especially careful when driving an expensive car, if others have the right of way, make them take it , don't let them wave for you to take it. They could run into you and you would be at fault.

[Believer2] 30MDinar Thank you very much for sharing all the great tips. A lot of work on your part

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:34 AM

Great list of tips, and Deep Knight has an addition. When shopping for hookers on the street, don't drive by in your Caddy waving big wads of cash while honking and hollering. Instead, first pick out the girl or girls you would like, then hire a professional asset manager to negotiate the price with their pimp. This might take longer, but the savings over a year can be well into 7 figures.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

You know what I love so much about these guys is that they spend so much time planning about how to handle their millions and hide it all from wanton scamsters looking to crash into your new bought luxury car..imagine if they spent that energy on real things!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Posted by EXOGEN on October 29, 2013 at 3:12pm

HINT HINT!!!!!!!!!!!

Visit stage2omega at:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:33 PM

We don't know what it means, but nobody else has got it! Except for perhaps Tony.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
TNT Dinar Tony

10/29/2013 Maliki is at the State Department and has been in country for the last 2 days. He is scheduled to meet the President today at 1:00 and to have a picture op this afternoon.
He has spent the morning with others in D.C. finalizing the announcement to be made later today.
He is scheduled to remain in country until 1 Nov.
Bank personnel have just been notified that they have 30 min to report to work.
It should be a superfantastic day............

TNT Dinar

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:40 PM

30 minutes to report ot work? You mean bank personel aren't already at work at 2:00 PM?
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notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Picky picky picky, it was midnight when he wrote that bit of drivel, and he'd still been drinking whatever he'd brewed up in his sock, it was all a cheap alcohol or whatever induced hallucination anyway so what does it matter?

Still NO RV, not today, not tomorrow, not EVER!!!!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

I listen to TNT Tony's conference calls as sort of my personal comedy hour and I am just amazed at the sheer amount of stupid people that believe this guy. I am genuinely intrigued at these dinar folks. And here is why:

I understand "magical thinking"/woo-woo (as James Randy calls it) comes in all forms and flavor, and that we should not be surprised at what people are willing to believe in. But I note a difference between your average say, conspiracy theorist, and the dinar RV people. The conspiracy theorist simply turns everything into a conspiracy so they can never be wrong. Anything that questions their worldview is simply labeled as disinformation and the product of the evil cabal working against them. It makes the circular thinking easy. But this is NOT how the dinar RV people seem to work. They are told by gurus like TNT Tony that the RV is "today" or "tomorrow" for 10+ years, every single day. They are objectively wrong every single time. There is no way to simply dismiss how wrong they are. They don't even try to hide that they are just scamming people, TNT Tony has conference call recordings going back years where you can see he was saying the same thing in 2011 as he is in 2013.

Yet these people believe him. And not only that, but they worship the ground he walks on. The donate money to him, they wait for hours on conference calls just to ask some question about trusts/NDAs or something else that assumes the RV is a fact when its all a myth. This is a whole new level of stupidity, its - I don't even know how to describe it. Does anyone else get what I am trying to say? The level of insanity is simply stunning. And its not just a few people, it is thousands of them.

TNT Tony is "for sure" that the RV is October 31 or November 1 - absolutely positively for sure! And when it doesn't happen, all of his acolytes will act like he hasn't been wrong 32984329842398 times before and ignore this most recent prediction.
notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

I understand exactly what you are saying. I am sure there really is a term for what is going on here, but at the moment it isn't coming to me, but it will, but just plain, mind numbingly certifiably incredibly stupid, will do just as well when it comes right down to it. I can see listening to the yoik for entertainment value, but giving him money, unh uh!!!!! in spades!! maybe Tony is the modern version of the Darwin test.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:I understand exactly what you are saying. I am sure there really is a term for what is going on here, but at the moment it isn't coming to me, but it will, but just plain, mind numbingly certifiably incredibly stupid, will do just as well when it comes right down to it. I can see listening to the yoik for entertainment value, but giving him money, unh uh!!!!! in spades!! maybe Tony is the modern version of the Darwin test.
The carrot and the stick example comes to mind. The stick is being wrong day after day after day. But the carrot is the promise of HUGE amounts of money.

Look at it as an investment. If they’ve been wrong 1000 days in a row, one could argue that the chance of them being right about tomorrow is 0.1% (not true, but it seems right…). If you’re a Dinarian, have 4, 25,000 Dinar notes and Tony is projecting $30 dollars each, that’s a potential profit of $3 Million. So, by this faulted logic, you’ve a 0.1% chance of getting $3 Million, and that’s worth $3,000! Are you willing to “invest” in believing in Tony for $3,000? Are you willing to put up with your spouse’s complaints about the money you wasted for another day for $3,000? Sure thing!

In reality, the odds of something happening if you’ve tried it 1000 times in a row and it hasn’t is more like 0.0…01% where “…” represents 297 zeros (given some reasonable assumptions). But of course, this is Illuminati propaganda and in reality some day “soon” we’ll be gnashing our teeth because the Dinaridjits are filthy rich and we’re not.
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