Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Dai Kiwi »

I'm sure we're all frood dude's here [or even dudesses] who know how to honour things appropriately come 25th May.
Mine is multicoloured with added vitamins and minerals.


Dai Kiwi

PS - In any on-line discussion 'People' always means 'other people not me'. :D
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
thunter wrote:Well, it seems the OPPT'ers have been hitting the German banks in force. At least they got chocolate and drinks out of it!
I wonder if, next week, they will tell us of being told to leave the banks at once, without anything more, when they return to finish opening up their accounts.... :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:
There's an update at the same link. Looks like Heather will be taking the bull in hand.

UPDATE november 10th

I have to explain. You know I do my best in my english.
We gave all 4 doc to the director of the private bank. I called us back one day later. He said, he likes our doing and intention and he will do his best, to support us. He wants to play, but we have to bring more information.
See, what I wrote you november 8.
He called us again and said, that we have to explain more details. So we asked Heather and she said, that she will support us…
Monday we will fix an appointement with the director, heather and us. So Heather will explain and answer all questions.
Now we have to give him all the arguments, so he can cause it.
I hope, I can explain it in right english words.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by SamFoster »

Deep Knight wrote:Saturday, January 12, 2013
Removing The Shackles - THE DISCLOSURE
Removing The Shackles

Two M-Class solar kits

Mod note: No, stupid spammer, that link on "solar kits" wasn't in DK's original post. It's gone now.

And so are you.
Last edited by wserra on Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Remove edited-in spammer link.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by fortinbras »

Having continued to try to identify this 'Judge Dale', I found this article by him ..... ... -may-2012/
.... which proves, at least to me, that he has no legal training whatever, and maybe got his title as a judge of a county fair cooking contest.

Following the advice of 'Judge Dale' and his associates (such as McHaffie and anyone else McHaffie pretends to quote) will actually accelerate someone into deep trouble.

By the way, that Praeterit Preterit line in their paperwork ... I haven't found this precise expression in the dictionaries or court cases but it appears to mean "skipping over whatever is skipped over", and uses an old (Very old) term for disinheriting someone by not providing for them in a will. I have no idea why it appears here except to sound impressive.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

i think the consensus, even among the flakewit community is that he is a crock, or at least among the ones who haven't lost complete touch with reality.

I think the title is just assumed, as he quite obviously has no qualifications to be making the claims he does other than to shear a willing flock of sheep.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

I didn't get past
Judge Bozo wrote:The only Constitutional Court in America is the International Court of Trades
That's the Court of International Trade, "Judge". Strange thing: I can't find "the only Constitutional Court in America" - under either name, yours or the correct one - in the Constitution.

BTW, someone who claims to be "Judge Dale" responds to a critical comment concerning how his methods failed to save some deadbeat's home as follows:
You lost your home because you failed to insure your status as a secured creditor by including your Birth Certificate and CUSIP # on the asset schedule! A stay van be secured from the Clerk which you then serve on the Bank and that STAYS all future activity against you or your property! Sorry that I didn’t provide instructions for idiots! Your other comments are equally absurd! Why should I have to prove every thought to anybody? Isn’t enough that I have chosen to risk my life in an effort to educate you about the things you believe are truth? Judge Dale
Yep, that must be it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by davids »

I thought his whole purpose WAS providing instructions for idiots...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeppers, but the idiots shouldn't dare to question the divine guidance of the master when it blows up in their faces, you see.

Makes him look like he might now know what he's talking about and things like that.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

18 hours ago

Wednesday 13th November 2013
We have landed in La Grange Texas and are staying at:

Colorado Landing RV Park
64E Bluffview, La Grange TX

We will be having a meetup-gathering over the weekend with details to be announced once they are confirmed.

Wikipedia wrote:The Chicken Ranch was an illegal but tolerated brothel in the U.S. state of Texas that operated from 1905 until 1973. It was located in Fayette County about 2.5 miles east of downtown La Grange. The business was established by Miss Jessie Williams, and was the basis for the 1978 Broadway musical and later movie The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

There has been much activity in the OPPT world the past two weeks, but all of it has been loads of people being rejected by banks with Heather's new gibberish documents. Its always the same story: the OPPTers go into a bank and post jubilant "success" stories. Its almost formulaic at this point:

Step 1: The OPPTer goes to a bank and tells someone they want to deposit millions and are treated nicely. Its like they are too dense to figure out that of course the bank is going to treat you nicely, they want your money - they presume its really money at that point after all - they don't know your broke and have gibberish Heather documents to "deposit your value." Since the bank at first thinks they actually have money, they usually get to meet with some high up person at the branch who handles the big money clients.

Step 2: When they actually meet with the branch manager or whatever they start going into the "I want to deposit my value as a foreign deposit for $50 million" gibberish. Understandably this confuses bank personnel, and usually they tell them they take foreign deposits but haven't seen anything like this before (surprise!) so they need to forward it to their legal department. The OPPTers again claim success because during this meeting they usually go on some rant about how banks make money out of thin air and say the bank manager agrees. Of course if I was a bank manager and I thought someone wanted to deposit $50 million of ACTUAL money, I'd also agree with all their rants just to get their business.

Step 3: Bank tells them they need 48-72 hours to decipher gibberish documents, OPPTer warns them that if their deposit is not accepted they will call secret service. Bank tells them it will be fine (again, assuming they are for real) and they take all legal deposits.

Step 4: Bank calls them back and tells them either (1) the documents are a scam or (2) they can't make heads or tails of it but need a routing number to deposit the money (still thinking they might be for real, with option 2). OPPTer then either gives them a fake routing number that doesn't work (like their birthday) or tells them they are all shills for the cabal and foreclosed.

Step 5: OPPTer calls secret service since Heather told them they would help them get their free money. Secret service tells them unless they are trying to deposit real money they can't help them. OPPTer is confused.

Usually we only hear about Steps 1-3. Only a few people come back to report their failures in Steps 4-5. So far, of those that have reported their failures, the response has been hilarious. In at least one case after the 72 hours when the OPPTer went back to the bank where they were told it was a scam by the bank's lawyer and escorted out by security. Later they wrote an email to the bank telling them they were foreclosed and the bank called the police who showed up and told them to stop harassing the bank, and by the way the bank closed all of their accounts and would no longer wanted any of their business. SUCCESS! Way to go, OPPTers!
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I think you meant to say that the OPPT'er was MORE confused than usual, or normal.

Yes, banks are notoriously polite to people that they think might deposit large sums of money, but oddly enough they get real cranky when it looks like some one is trying to scam them, even if very poorly done.

I am a bit surprised that the Comptroller hasn't sent out a circular about this, or maybe they have and the various security departments have been slow in getting it out. Normally, they are right on top of something like this once it is reported.

I'm also not surprised about the idiots getting their real accounts closed either, once the bank figures out you are a crazy person, and trying to scam them in the bargain, they really don't want the legal headache of having you around, and you are gone real fast as a rule. The other thing these ding dongs don't realize is that they will usually report this to the bank reporting agency, kind of like a credit bureau, and once you get a black mark there, you can kiss getting a bank account buh bye.

I would have thought they would have started arresting them by now, but maybe there either aren't as many as Heather is claiming, or the ones who have been haven't gotten out to tell about it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by davids »

This was starting to be my favorite thread...why so quiet last few days? I suspect that they are scratching their heads on what to say now that they've claimed their gibberdocs are real and valuable, and no one has been able to redeem them for billions. But then again, why would that stop them? They would simply create sock puppet accounts and post that it all went off without a hitch! No, no, the silence can only be explained by one thing: someone informed them they are fomenting illegal activity and could really be in hot water very soon...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

^ I think you might be giving the OPPTers too much credit on that one! Since heathers latest release of batsh*t insane documents a few days ago I think the silence is mostly because, per the usual, they all take a few days to "resonate" with the documents. What that means is that they can't make heads or tails of it (because it gibberish, as you point out), but these are idiots were talking about and they are impressed by Heather's use of legal-sounding words...therefore it must be real.

Personally, and this is just my pet theory as a long-time observer of this lunatic asylum, I strongly suspect Heather's anointed gurus have slowly begun to realize that Heather is either insane or deluded, and that these documents are meaningless. My evidence for that is that they used to spend nearly 100% of the time on their shows talking about them and treating the UCC filings as if they were the holy grail, and now they maybe spend 10-20 minutes on them and generally try to avoid talking about them. They try to stick with the new age stuff mostly. The gurus know they've got a good thing going here. They have a few hundred followers who are willing to basically bankrupt themselves to pay for their RV trips and $50/hour "distance reikei healing sessions." Focusing on the gibberish documents and the 100% failure rate might stop the gravy train.

The bulk of the OPPT true believers that are dumb enough to go to the banks with this stuff generally love reporting their initial conversations since the bankers are always nice (because they don't know they are dealing with scammers) and that the bank is looking into it (before the bank realizes its all gibberish). When the inevitable "this is a scam" reply comes back and the Secret Service tells them to get a life, they don't post updates. Those that do are NEVER covered by the gurus or website, since that doesn't help the narrative that its all real.

Thats why I haven't had much to report. They are currently in the middle of the magical sex bus tour with Bob telling everyone that marriage and monogamy is a cabal conspiracy (this way he can get with all the anti-cabal OPPTers!), and their weekly propaganda outlets are spending mos tof their time on new age stupidity. The biggest thing thats happened is Heather released a new set of documents - this time purporting to be bonds drawing on the US treasury - and I think we are finally getting close to arrests. None have happened yet, but telling people to go banks with gibberish paperwork claiming to be a US treasury bond is the same thing that got Tim Turner put in jail.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I take a day off, and I miss out on all the fun. I didn't know her magnificence had generated some more jibber jabber. I'm all disappointed now that I missed out. if she is peddling magic bonds, that is a sure way to get the attention of the Secret Service, and more specifically the FBI, as they take that sort of thing very seriously, and with no sense of humor whatsoever. Quite true, about the time one of the dim and bewildered wanders in to a bank with her latest round of magic paper and tries to do anything with it, the gloves will come off, and shear dumb stupidity is no excuse.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Indeed notorial, my hope is that the FBI will find the latest round of gibberish much less amusing - and I think they will, given that the OPPTers think its a bond drawn on US treasury accounts. I am hoping BZ Meyers, bank gibberish guru-in-chief, might have already done something illegal by giving guidance on how to make banks believe they are real bonds here: ... scussions/

Ultimately Heather can release this insane stuff without worry because shes in Morocco, which JUST SO HAPPENS to be one of the few countries without a criminal extradition treaty with the US. Isn't that convenient for Heather? But half her gurus are still in the US...
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Certainly nice of them to include a letter of intent, so that the prosecution will have clear proof of intent to commit fraud when they go to trial.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

The problem I have adding to this thread is a lack of information on the Opal tour and an unwillingness to listen for more than a few minutes to the calls/videos. I was looking forward to following the people without limits as they went from one people to factions pissed off at each other from living too close. But besides being informed at the last minute they would be at "Grandmother Mary's Thunder Ranch" (not to be confused with her thunder mug) last weekend, information has been thin.

I did read a facebook answer to a question about them having painted "their" RVs with BEs DOs and OPALs. No, but they put on bumper stickers. I figure that they're renting the 3 ones they needed $20,000 to buy (RV America, off-season rental from LA, std. $1,600/mo, large $2,000/mo).

No word on what's up for Thanksgiving, but here's what's on their map:

Panama City, Florida
Description Our Florida meet-up will be on either December 7th or 8th. Details will follow shortly.

Asheville, North Carolina
Description We will be in North Carolina for a meet-up on Thursday December 12th. Location, times and details to follow.

Sherrills Ford, North Carolina
Description We will have our final meet-up at Lake Norman near Charlotte, NC on December 14-15th. Further details to follow.

"Brian Kelly and Lorenzo from OPAL Tour Sedona stop"
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote: Image
"Brian Kelly and Lorenzo from OPAL Tour Sedona stop"
Mouth breathers? Who'd a thunk it?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

If you don't like watching the videos throw me the links and I'll summarize them. I been craving more OPPT stuff. The last conference video posted in the thread is incredible, their crazy is getting wider and deeper.

I feel kind of guilty about it, but I really like that they've escalated their bank fraud schemes, it's going to make for some really good reading when it goes sour. And their spreading to free energy scams might be interesting as well, Brian name drops some company that makes a thing that produces free energy for your whole house from "ether energy", going to be good seeing what angle that takes, probably ask for more donations so they can give out free energy is my guess.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

My personal entertainment value with the OPPT waxes and wanes, so I'd appreciate the help summarizing the propaganda. Their largest propaganda outlet is the "5D media network" where they do something like 5 podcasts a week. The largest and most popular one, and the source for probably 80% of the insanity, is "The One People" which is done every Monday evening.

Link to 5D media propaganda page:

The second source to preview the insanity is the IUV Exchange blog website, where BZ Meyers posts the latest "successes" (AKA failures) of their banking fantasies.

Link to blog:

I listened to the One People propaganda show recorded this past Monday and I have to say I think the gurus are secretly catching up to the fact that Heather is delusional or mentally ill. The talk about her latest verbal defecation "bond documents" was hilarious because they are now COMPLETELY backing off on using this gibberish to get your billions of dollars. Instead they are going with a new age gibberish angle on this, talking about how Heather's documents are simply examples of DOing and how none of them wants billions anyways since they wouldnt know what to do with it and the evil money would corrupt them.

Of course its all BS, the entire movement is founded on free money for nothing and it seems like it only took 11 months before the gurus are trying to hold on to the OPPT idiots who are only interested in free money by changing it into a new age metaphor. Careful, gurus, these are the idiots you've been promising free money to for nearly a year - I do not think they will go quietly into the night. I'm not sure how much longer they can continue to get people to bankrupt themselves to fund their guru lifestyles - which is what I think they are mainly interested in doing now - without the "look, Heather is giving you free money with magical legal paperwork!" angle.