5 Million Killed

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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Always knew you were a sensible sort, contrary to all those vile things Observer has been saying behind your back.
Anything that I have said about DK has always been to his face - except for those few times when he was face down on the side walk. And I have never said anything vile. And even if they were vile, they were true. And I have never accused him of being insensible. That prize goes to Erasmus. What I have accused DK of has more to do with his OCD fixation below his waist.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

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Arizona says: October 25, 2013 at 12:17 pm wrote:THE LORD says the FOOTBALL game in miami,will be attacked on OCT.31st. by OBOOZO and his forces,and in NOV.,expect three more false flag attacks,BY oboozo and his forces,ALL FALSE FLAG ATTACKS,remember its your own government doing this,no one else,so don’t believe anything they say, THEIR LIEING AS USUAL,about everything………DON’T go to that football game or you’ll be killed…….and GET your MONEY out of everything, their going to crash the entire system into the dirt………………………….
I hope all of you caught the Miami-Cincinnati game last night. Was Cameron Wake sacking Andy Dalton for a safety with 6:38 left in overtime a great false flag or what? 22 to 20, read 'em an' weep. Add to that the fact that the there's a town of Miami along the Miami River that's a suburb of Cincinnati, and literally billions of residents of southern Ohio were confused out of their buckeye minds. Sweet.

But this is only the first of such dire deeds by the Illuminati's Obozo Squad. Made of the worst sort of scum shanghaied from waterfront bars up and down the Midwest, they believe in busting heads first and taking names second. And whatever you do, don't call the banks!

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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by Gregg »

Add to that the fact that the there's a town of Miami along the Miami River that's a suburb of Cincinnati, and literally billions of residents of southern Ohio were confused out of their buckeye minds. Sweet.
That's incorrect, there is no town of Miami, there is Miami University (of Ohio), which is in Oxford (so the place is sponging off of TWO more famous Universities).

There are Miami Townships in three counties in the Metro Cincinnati area, and the Village of New Miami, but no towns of Miami....

That said, we're still confused out of our buckeye minds. A Buckeye is after all, a useless nut.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:That's incorrect, there is no town of Miami, there is Miami University (of Ohio), which is in Oxford (so the place is sponging off of TWO more famous Universities).

There are Miami Townships in three counties in the Metro Cincinnati area, and the Village of New Miami, but no towns of Miami....

That said, we're still confused out of our buckeye minds. A Buckeye is after all, a useless nut.
My late friend, Martin, used to say he was from Miami, a suburb of Cincinnati, where the river of the same name had once caught on fire. His father taught languages at Miami University and I believe they lived close to it. I naturally assumed this was a full fledged city-suburb like they have here in the west, where men are men.

However, after looking it up, I see it's not even an official neighborhood, so I'm confused. I also looked up the "river that caught on fire in Ohio" and found it was the Cuyahoga, so I'm doubly confused (although back in the good ol' days a lot of waterways got insanely polluted, so it's possible there were many more than one). Does the later one ring a bell? It would have been before 1971.

By the way, I live in the most least known neighborhood I've ever heard of. I lived less than a mile from here for 12 years when I was growing up, and had a friend in the house one down from mine now, but had never heard the name until I bought the place 21 years ago. In all that time, I've never once met anyone who recognized the name of the neighborhood when I've told them. It must be official because it's on the title and comes up with real estate offerings when you search for it, but it's not on my city's online neighborhood map. Probably a conspiracy, maybe all the neighbors are Illuminati (which would certainly explain the guy in the goat mask and robes).

One more Cincinnati story. I used to live in the mountains, and a landmark on maps I sent to friends was a disabled step van that had the words "IN TOW" on the back doors. Some joker had added a "S" to the front and "N" to the back to make "SIN TOWN." My friend Martin made the comment that he had once met someone who thought that was Cincinnati's nickname. No doubt a variation of "Sin City" from "Cinci."

Cincinnati Place Name Update - I contacted my friend's daughter (and my eldest god-daughter), and she wasn't sure, but knew her mother grew up in Wyoming. Ohio, that is, another suburb of Sin City.

Do you think we're blind or what? An obvious ruse to confuse our brave New World Order invasion forces! When we're closing in for the kill our forces look at a street sign and think they're a thousand miles away in Miami or Wyoming. And given the average IQ of our shock troops it just might work.

We will have our revenge. You would think our putting cinnamon in your chili would have taught you a lesson you'd never forget, but you forgot it. We won't make that mistake twice.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by Deep Knight »

This is NOT to get into arguments about the Affordable Care Act, but to highlight the confusion and pure idiocy of MacHaffie's readers and NESARA/OPPT types in general.

Sunday, November 3, 2013
Attempted Murder Charges on Obama?


Are We The People going to have to DIE in order to then take it to the US Supreme Court for 5 Justices to make a decision?

When Obama signed into Law Obamacare he then approved a Law that would result in the Murder of Americans!

Health Insurance companies would shut down, then the person would have to go to Obamacare, but would be denied medical care, and then the person would die for lack of it!

Right now it is Attempted Murder for Obama and every member of Congress for approving it!

Once people start dying then it is Actual Murder!

Hospitals and Medical Clinics will not be liable because they failed to provide the Care, and it won't be the people because they could not afford it as the rates were too HIGH!

$8,000 Deductible for EVERY Visit, but it still would be about $2,000 fee per family member per year???

Just one person with a serious health problem and 10 visits a year could be $82,000 in a year, and Nothing comes from Obamacare!!!


Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:15 AM


Anonymous November 3, 2013 at 11:37 AM
I don't know why everyone is so afraid.
Every individual and company should just ignore this UN-Constitutional law.
This is the one time I hope hackers go into and totally destroy that web site.

Anonymous November 3, 2013 at 12:24 PM
The only problem with this line of thinking is that less health care does not necessarily equate with worse health. In fact, it's quite the opposite when the health care system pushes drugs and unnecessary surgeries for profit. I also believe that euthanasia is an unofficial part of our health care system. Can't have all those sick people burdening the system, you know. Seen in that light, Obamacare might have the unintended consequence of being the best thing to happen to people's health in a long time because it forces people to take care of themselves rather than relying on doctors. I fully expect death rates to drop.

Anonymous November 3, 2013 at 1:41 PM
ref 12.24. you do not know what you are talking about. people cannot dodge all sickness, i.e. cancer, then they are refused health care if over 75, too old ,go ahead & go.

Kathy Fritze November 3, 2013 at 4:37 PM
In response to anon 1:41. Watch a YouTube video on Bruce Liptons research on the Biology of Belief. You might learn something valuable for your own health. Also, your offspring will learn to care for you in your golden years by observing how you care for others in their old age. Food for thought. Wishing you we'll.

Anonymous November 3, 2013 at 5:04 PM
If one were to apply this kind of logic to everything, then automobile manufacturers should be charged with murder because they build machines that are the cause of so many deaths. Employees of alcoholic beverage breweries should be arrested because liquor is capable of causing death by alcohol poisoning among other things, and tobacco companies and their employees and smokers alike should be charged with attempted murder because smoking and second hand smoke is linked to causing cancers that result in so many deaths. No one has to like the ACA (Obamacare), but at least follow through with the logic.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, November 7, 2013
ISON Battle Rages 2 ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet

Posted By: mroxygen

ISON Battle Rages ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet

The huge battle started raging about 48+ hours ago, around noon (PST) of November 5th, 2013. There was a temporary truce as the invading ETs conferred. As of last evening there has been a 70% drop in the energy of the battles still going on.

There are millions of alien races and countless battles with them as my previous writings on this subject have detailed since 2010. This current invasion is the most visible to us and the most “physical” yet. Normally an invasion of this magnitude against an out-gunned out-classed backward planet like ours would be successful, but this time there was a serious hitch. We now have BIG friends that we did not have last time they were here!

The Creation Lightship Light Beings, unlike us, manifest here directly from SOURCE (that created us all) as needed. They do so without going through what we have, our usual within-time ET federation slaver dumbing down memory wipes, chakra disconnections, mind capacity throttling, and re-incarnational/unsolvable karma glued to an in-time body programming. So, THIS time it’s different. Invasion of Earth plus CLS protection of Earth equals invaders losing.

This is because the Creation Lightship comes here every 2,000 years and offers any of the remaining minority of humans with Spirits that are willing to clear out their programming (See:www.creationlightship.oooeeeooo) the way back HOME to the timeless worlds of the Universal Light Free Will Free Choice Now Peace. That is, back to from where we fell out of so long ago.

This time it is the invader’s bad fortune to choose to invade Earth during the time of our being under the protection of the CLS forces. The real Ascension is of unknown date, but the process started February of 2008.

So, the 4 factions of invading ET slavers are screwed, as they are suddenly facing our own secret CLS-upgraded multi-time multi-nationality planetary defense forces that can dimension-shift and time-travel and do battle with Source Energy weaponry, ALONG WITH the timeless undefeatable Light Beings themselves. They obviously picked the wrong planet to invade at the worst possible time. 100 years ago we would have been toast. Not today.
SOURCE is all about No Judgment, Free Will, Free Choice, and Peace
, but does naturally reserve the right to defend its existence even after having parts of IT (Us) stuffed into powering these body bags.

There are 4 basic factions or possibly races that make up the invading forces. (It is hard to describe as so many names are being tossed about.) Their cover story for the invasion is that the ET slaver races that created the human life forms and imprisoned our Spirits within them are returning to “adjust” their hybrid children, the planet managers they left behind who have been displeasing their slaver parents.

We were all warned by physical contactee Alex Collier that the world controllers would throw their current mid-level manager offspring under the bus to make us think we are free, and so we will stop looking for them. But, you must remember this ruse is being attempted during the ongoing mind control and constant programming of your thoughts and life – programming that you are incapable of being aware of - without having many CLS clearings. It just hums merrily along inside you.

The Creation Lightship however, informs us of the following: The big December of 2012 ascension everyone expected actually did happen, but unfortunately it consisted of 90% of the human race being abducted, cloned, and replaced. Because of their aggregate free will choices resulting in giving up their wills and Spirits to darkness, this 90% of us could not be saved. This 90%’s replacements – now as spiritless clones - were slotted right back in here amongst us, and all programs adjusted so that nothing was noticed or said.

You can see the new clones now as having no radiant life energy, almost like they are the lively walking dead. Do you remember the from-the-future traveler warning us that the human race would be destroyed last December? Do you remember my written warnings before that, that this would be the last chance for most to start doing the CLS clearings?

We presently do not know exactly which ET race or races pulled this December abduction off, but again, there was no protection available for those who already chose to be darkness. There was so little actual Spirit left in them they were considered already gone.
However, clones, as a life form, LISTEN UP! You may now choose to get your own Spirits and apply for CLS protection. I advise this as necessary, because…

THE REAL REASON FOR THE ISON INVASION is that the slaver ETS have come to harvest the human clones as food. Apparently they prefer the many varieties and different flavors of how we taste. We have postulated that cloned humans as food (“Now with Chunks of Spirit!”) is in scarcity. Why else would they fight to get it?

As I previously said;
“The ISON “Comet” hid the ET slaver invasion fleet of ships within and behind the ISON comet coma. The deception has been met head on in space/dimension/and time battles by the combined might of our secret underground time traveling sovereign soldiers recruited from almost all of our earth countries.

“The Sovereign Chrononauts are fighting side by side in alliance with the unbeatable Creation Lightship Defense Fleet. Although outnumbered 100 to 1, our forces are prevailing.“

There were 2 main battlefronts. One in “the beyondo” (A space dimensional portal opening), and the other nearer Earth. The invaders had 25 outposts behind the moon. Their 1 hour truce conference revealed one of the four factions wanted to back out completely, but the majority forced everyone to continue the attempted invasion. The returning elder human slavers must have expected to easily overcome the Earthlings and take over the planet. They saw our remaining 10% as no threat.

Do they have memory problems? Their previous Nibiru planet/ship was almost completely exterminated by the Creation Lightship Defense Fleet Forces because they had just instigated the Fukishima mass murders. We can assume they have little experience battling our sovereign military forces backed up by CLS forces. If they knew what they were doing, then they would be smart enough to not bother.

Here is my previous report on the Extermination of the Nibiru deathstar.

Check the RMN record. On March 22nd, 2011, I published/announced that Creation Lightship (CLS) Forces working with Constitution loving underground U.S.A. time-travelling Sovereign Soldiers forces had just completely dissolved/destroyed "The Destroyer" / Nibiru.

Nibiru was energy-signature-trail traced back to the darkness sponsored ETs on Nibiru as being the prime cause of all the deaths and destruction in the tsunami attack on Japan. If not for the Earth chrononauts quick action, we would have lost the whole country of Japan. If not for the CLS timeline crashes, the radiation levels would have been unlivable.

In the action, SOURCE's Timeless NOW Highest of All Pure Light Energy - above all "vibration," time and dimension - was infused into all the alien Spiritless ET negativity at such a concentrated high level that they simply could no longer exist.

They and their "undefeatable" deathstar planet sized ship dissolved on the spot. CLS is as serious as a heart attack about protecting Itself (Our Spirits,) - Its Creation here. Arrogant ET invaders and their Earth Minions are seriously advised to take note and leave.

Note for any invasion ground agents, spies, and saboteurs. Your backup is being destroyed wholesale. Now it’s just you, alone here, about to be exposed. Because you are highly programmed you will probably be too arrogant to listen, but we try. Give it up. There is no cause left to sacrifice for. Give it up. Help is available. Get out from being controlled. Ask CLS for your own Spirit!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:20 PM


Anonymous November 7, 2013 at 11:39 PM
I think the important thing to remember here is this video...
A False Flag Alien Invasion..(The last card to fall). In her own words Carol Rosin tells the story of working with Von Braun the scientist that helped pioneer alien technology and his final words to her on his death bed so to speak.
I would not believe that these ET;s are here to harm us for there has been overwhelming evidence that all they wish for us is for us find ourselves. In my opinion, that single most import thing to remember. Don't loose yourself in all of this because as they say the truth is stranger than fiction.

Jay W November 8, 2013 at 10:25 AM
Just another 10 cent fiction novel , yea lets save the U.N. , obama pelosi ried durbin IRS Wall Street , The queen Vatican all because they are such great people and leaders . what pure Bull Sh!t..............
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by fortinbras »

Is the guy who wrote this up on drugs?? And will he share???

What the hell is a false flag invasion from outer space? Were they hoping we'd blame the wrong planet?!

This resembles the nonsense that we used to get from the Aetherius Society back when George King of England (you guess how he'd punctuate that) was leading it.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Is the guy who wrote this up on drugs?? And will he share???
Sherlock Holmes fans will recognize Devil's Foot Root as this whistleblower's drug of choice.
... radix pedis diaboli (or “devil’s-foot root”), a West African root-extract used as an ordeal poison. The root is shaped like a foot, half human, half goatlike. Burning a reddish-brown snufflike powder from its root was said to cause madness and hallucinations in small doses, and death in larger ones. The effects were supposed to be nightmarish.
Just say "no."
fortinbras wrote:What the hell is a false flag invasion from outer space? Were they hoping we'd blame the wrong planet?!
It's to cover-up the even worse stuff, like the planet that's going to slam into us ending all life on earth, so that people won't notice.
fortinbras wrote:This resembles the nonsense that we used to get from the Aetherius Society back when George King of England (you guess how he'd punctuate that) was leading it.
Wikipedia wrote:The Aetherius Society usually refers to King as "Doctor George King". The society does not, however, document where King received his doctorate. David Barrett in A Brief Guide to Secret Religions states King received his doctorate from "...the International Theological Seminary of California, a degree mill with no accreditation..."

In 1980, King was dubbed 'Sir George King' by Robert Khimchiachvili, a man who claims to be a prince and the 74th Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta. The United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit lists other known aliases of Khimchiachvili as "Dr. Von Badische;  Cesar A. Viana;  Christopher Berwick". According to the NY Sun Khimchiachvili "ran a bogus Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta from his faux-marble apartment (filled with equally genuine Louis XV furniture) at 116 Central Park South. If you had a passage fee, he had a gong for you, and hundreds of men and women with more money than sense each paid him up to $30,000 for his phony knighthoods." The NY Daily News in 2002 referred to Khimchiachvili as "a fugitive." In August 2002, Khimchiachvili and two associates were convicted of "conspiracy and wire fraud after they swindled about $3 million from people by promising them riches bankrolled by a make-believe African kingdom."

In 1986 King was nominated and given the Freedom of the City of London, and membership of the Freemen of England. Anyone who has been on the City of London Electoral Roll for a minimum of one year may obtain this designation. The Roll includes Business Electors who only have to hold a nominal business tenancy within the City. In 1992 he applied for a Grant of Arms, or Letters Patent of Armorial Bearings, which was officially presented to 'The Most Reverend George King' by the Bluemantle Pursuivant of the College of Arms London, in a ceremonial presentation which took place in America. A Grant of Arms is applied for. Anyone can receive a Grant of Arms if one can "prove that an ancestor have had his arms recorded in the registers of the College."

The society's official King biography claims that King was a Chaplain of the American Federation of Police. The organization's full name is "American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens". Anyone who is a concerned citizen appears to be able to become a member for $36. Charity Navigator gives this organization its lowest ranking (1 star).[Several police organizations have warned that solicitation by the American Federation of Police are possible scams. The site does not appear to have any official way to apply for a position as a chaplain and does not provide any list of official chaplains.

According to skeptic James Randi George King's titles of 'Reverend', 'Doctor' and 'Sir' are unverified
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by fortinbras »

The Aetherius Society was featured in the book "Can You Speak Venusian?" by Patrick Moore, who did a BBC series on crackpot science theories. Aetherius was founded in 1955 by George King, who drove a taxicab in London, and who claimed that he had been appointed the spokesman of the the Interplanetary Parliament, which had, moreover, granted him knowledge of all earthly languages (except, it turned out, a few obscure tongues such as French and Swedish). Whenever asked why he, out of all earthlings, had been chosen, he'd fall back on the usual Britannic "I am not at liberty to discuss that." At some point he got prosperous enough to move his hq to Hollywood where people are even nuttier and the weather is more congenial. He evidently gathered a local hardcore of about 50 adherents, mostly pensioners, and perhaps as many or somewhat more scattered around the US and UK.

His doctrine closely resembled the nonsense of the 1978 movie, Starship Invasions (which is NOT worth seeing except for its obvious defects), namely that the earth is being targeted by some evil interplanetary collective and is simultaneously being defended by another (benevolent) interplanetary equivalent of Sergeant Fury's Howling Commandoes; both sides riding around in invisible starships. King's special instrument in this was a "prayer battery" which would absorb the energy of his congregants' fervent prayers and then discharge the energy in a beam that King aimed according to the secret telepathic commands of the interplanetary good guys. At fairly frequent intervals - about 4 times a year - King would send out an urgent command to all Aetherius members to pray hard - they weren't told exaclty for what - and later he'd report that THEIR EFFORTS had generated the energy that made it possible for the good guys from planet so-and-so to drive back an attack by the bad guys of planet such-and-such.

King kept attaching various honorifics to his name and, shortly before his death in 1997, was The Right Reverend George King of England. Moore pointed out that he always introduced himself, and wanted to be introduced, as "George ... King ... of England" -- and left it up to you exactly where the pause belonged.

I imagine that the fortunes of the Aetherius Society have sort of dried up since King died - and likewise some of the people who joined under his leadership - leaving successors who could not quite claim to be telepathically linked to the Jedi or whoever was out there.
Last edited by fortinbras on Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by ashlynne39 »

They have a website that seems up to date so they may still be active.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by Deep Knight »

I see these folks take some of their UFO material from Donald Keyhoe, founder of NICAP (and some say inspiration for MUFON). I became familiar with him in the 60's, when a book he wrote claimed my father's government research site was about UFOs, not remote sensing for intelligence gathering for the evil NWO like it really was. Anyway, the people who worked there got a big kick out of it, my father borrowed the book and I read it. Later, I put two plus two together when a girlfriend in college mentioned a crazy great uncle who wrote books about UFOs. She was not pleased that I had heard of him, and admitted he was a GREAT embarrassment to her family.

My family had much the same experience with a second cousin who wrote conspiracy books and gave himself a PhD from an unaccredited college he formed himself. I knew him fairly well when we were young, he seemed normal enough except for a taste for Gilligan's Island, and have no idea why he turned into a conspiracy nut.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:I see these folks take some of their UFO material from Donald Keyhoe, founder of NICAP (and some say inspiration for MUFON). I became familiar with him in the 60's, when a book he wrote claimed my father's government research site was about UFOs, not remote sensing for intelligence gathering for the evil NWO like it really was. Anyway, the people who worked there got a big kick out of it, my father borrowed the book and I read it. Later, I put two plus two together when a girlfriend in college mentioned a crazy great uncle who wrote books about UFOs. She was not pleased that I had heard of him, and admitted he was a GREAT embarrassment to her family.

My family had much the same experience with a second cousin who wrote conspiracy books and gave himself a PhD from an unaccredited college he formed himself. I knew him fairly well when we were young, he seemed normal enough except for a taste for Gilligan's Island, and have no idea why he turned into a conspiracy nut.
I never know what parts of the things you write to take seriously. If even 5% is true though you have led an entertaining and interesting life.
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Re: 5 Million Killed

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:I never know what parts of the things you write to take seriously. If even 5% is true though you have led an entertaining and interesting life.
Both of these incidents are true, the stuff about Deep Knight and his love/murder life not so much. Working for the devil, 'bout half and half. It's probably not strange that I knew a girl related to a UFO author, just that I found this out. No doubt due to the cattle mutilations (I was living in Colorado Springs, and it was a center of these at that time), which many were saying were being done by UFOs. Her roommate had a boyfriend who was fascinated by them, and one thing led to another. If you want strange conspiracy theories, look into the history of those (which everyone knew were either being done by animals or drunken a-holes as a joke, but where's the fun in that?). What no one was able to explain to me was why beings would travel halfway across the universe to pick up a few cattle genitalia.

Keyhoe was a Marine flier who flew across the country with LIndberg, and became a successful author writing about it. He also wrote a few things for pulp magazines, non-fiction and fantasy stuff, and then became interested in flying saucers. It started legitimately enough, being curious and using his influence to prod the government to investigate, but went bad as he got paranoid and started making wild accusations. There is a government research facility where I live, where my father worked. Much of the research is related to remote sensing, so it was a secure facility with lots of antennas, including these two gnarly movable microwave dishes. In Keyhoe's mind, if it was secret it must have to do with UFOs...

Anyway, I suppose Rev. Dr. George King of England read one of his books, the first two on UFOs came out in 1950 and 1953, and borrowed liberally. By all accounts these books were speculative, but not plumb crazy like the the stuff Keyhoe and his organization wrote in the mid 60's. I've always sort of liked the strange and unusual, and this fit the bill. By the way, I can highly recommend the book "Kooks" by Donna Kossy, in which part of the chapter "The Space Brothers are Watching You" describes the Aetherius Society. I suggest you check it out.

By the way of another story, Colorado was kind of famous for this instance of teenagers claiming a UFO close encounter as the reason they were so late coming home. Both kids broke down and confessed after getting WAY too much publicity. A local band that did 50's music in the early 70's, Flash Cadillac, used to do a version of "Wake Up Little Suzy" based on it.

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