monmouth county dwi spammer

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monmouth county dwi spammer

Post by calldrin55 »

Have you recently been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in New Jersey? If so, you understand the seriousness of your situation. Checkout our website and hire an Red Bank NJ DWI lawyer.

[Mod removes spam link, tosses spammer and titles the thread more accurately]
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: monmouth county dwi lawyer

Post by fortinbras »

There are a number of law firms around the country that have chosen to specialize in DUI cases. The lawyers have (presumably) prepped themselves on all the weaknesses and anomalies of sobriety tests, breathalyzers, medical mumbo-jumbo, etc., and will trot it out for a substantial amount of money. DUI cases are normally extremely easy cases for the prosecution to win, but when the motorist pushes back like this the prosecutor may eagerly trim the charge to inattentive driving or drop the charge altogether.

Keep in mind that this legal expertise is available only to drunks with lots of money.
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Re: monmouth county dwi lawyer

Post by wserra »

It takes a lawyer who is both crass and desperate to spam a fraud board for clients.

That presumptively crass and desperate firm is Hannan & Black Law Group - a "group" consisting of, well, Hannan and Black - of Freehold, NJ.
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Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Re: monmouth county dwi lawyer

Post by wserra »

fortinbras wrote:Keep in mind that this legal expertise is available only to drunks with lots of money.
And that the lawyers who have that expertise - and they exist - don't spam bulletin boards for clients. But then, these guys did spam the NESARA forum, so they are probably planning on "revaluing" their services. Or dealing with your DUI by calling in the Lightworkers.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: monmouth county dwi spammer

Post by fortinbras »

Perhaps someone associated with NESARA had been nailed for DUI, hired this firm, got off lightly, and now thinks he is doing his lawyer a favor by freely promoting him to people (on NESARA) who are mostly low-budget drunks.
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Re: monmouth county dwi spammer

Post by Deep Knight »

This is not the first time this has happened, and I doubt whether it has anything to do with the nature of the board. In many cases the spam was for investment scams, which would make no sense what-so-ever on Quatloos.

As for NESARA types getting popped for DWI or DUI, if they're true believers I doubt they still have enough money to afford to drive a car, sober or not.
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