Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

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Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Status Of Master Robert, A Patriotic legend for all ----- who needs your support NOW!
hi all

I have taken the liberty of updating most on the whereabouts and status of Robert Fox. It is always nice to know the cruel and unusual punishment, kind men and women are receiving in our prison for profit system. The truly wrongfully incarcerated which comprise about 95 % of those currently caged; many of them with charges completely fabricated such as that which was contrived for Mr. Fox simply to deport him because he purchased a church that some socialite wanted and happened to be connected to the court system. For those of you who don't know Master Robert, he is a legend and one of the very few who remain true to himself, knows who he is and is a staunch defender of liberty and freedom for all. He is quite the spiritual man and most likely the reason the Corporate Fiction want to deport him at all costs.

Who is Robert Fox? It's hard to say, not because the information isn't there but because there's so much of it that I would wear out my fingers. In short, he started life as Robert Nicholas Fotti in Canada, but left rather suddenly when he was sentenced to jail time for running a red light and killing two father & son motorcyclists. In the US he changed his name, and applied for amnesty as an illegal alien when it was offered in the 80's. Since that time, he has been involved in a laundry list of anti-government activities, taken flight when arrested, and has finally been caught, convicted, and is serving jail time before being deported. To Canada, where he's still wanted even after 36 years (those Canadians are so sentimental, it's a side effect of the maple syrup). A patriotic legend. See ... eally-know and ... ill-repute The last one tells the tale of his being arrested for being a phony lawyer in the office of a phony dentist that was also a church. You can't make this stuff up.

The church aspect brings a lot of religion into this, but it's way too long anyway, so here are some less-religious tidbits from this article John-Boy MacHaffie posted.


State of Texas
McLennan county

I, Mark Allen Coker, am a sui juris man upon the land created in the image of, and by, the Great Creator. I am a follower of Yahshua the Messiah in the laws of The Almighty Supreme Creator, YHVH first and foremost and the laws of man when they are not in conflict (Leviticus 18:3.4) Pursuant to Mathew 5:33-37 and James 5:12, let my yea be yea and my nay be nay, as supported by Federal Public Law 97-280, 96 Stat. 1211. I am over the age of majority and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein, and hereby asseverate understanding the liabilities presented in your Briscoe v. LaHue 460 US 325.

2) From the beginning of our relationship, Robert explained his political and legal situation in Canada as well as the danger and continued threat to his life. Although it might ultimately be a greater awakening for the body of Christ at large, it would be a great loss to our local Christian community if Robert were sent back to Canada to be martyred.
3) From the beginning of these ongoing retaliatory charges coming out of Jacksonville and Cherokee County, Texas, I knew they were completely false. I was aware that the three S.W.A.T. type attacks with their myriad of charges against Bro. Robert Fox was retaliatory and preposterous from day one and reeked of continued police corruption for which Bro. Robert had been drawing attention to himself by his publicly exposing their violations of law. Not only was this affiant aware of the falsity of the charges, but ultimately these false and retaliatory charges were defeated one by one over a period of many tortuous years. Would anyone at Immigration Court care to calculate the exponential number of the exact probability of those odds of winning when Texas prosecutors boast a 99.6% conviction rate? What are the probabilities of winning that 0.04% not once, or twice, or thrice, ….......but 9 times in a row? Can anyone at Immigration Court count that high without smelling corruption? And who is in need of “genuine rehabilitation” here?
5) I have witnessed Bro. Robert's strong ties to the community of those wrongly imprisoned, the downtrodden, truth seekers, strangers, followers of the Way, followers and servants of the misguided way of force, and others, and his willingness to help those in need at every opportunity, including myself.
6) I have witnessed events that Robert has suffered such as outrageous religious persecution by means of nine false charges in Cherokee County, to ultimately have him deported, absent ANY benefit of recompense for their false and retaliatory attacks, false imprisonments, lost opportunity costs, monetary losses, false news releases, mental anguish, etc., in the furtherance of their plans to run Bro. Fox out of town and/or into prisons and steal a church building while remaining unaccountable for ANY of their retaliatory attacks that ultimately FAILED.
9) Whether Bro. Robert is persecuted further, whether people attempt to further cover up the injustices done to Bro. Robert, whether people cower to politics and routine, whether people feign ignorance or lack of findings or not knowing Bro. Robert's specifics, or whether people do the right thing by rejecting favoritism and following the Royal Law [to love your neighbor as yourself] in the face of ongoing injustice, is irrelevant to one's very temporary stay on this earth. Robert will prevail in the end and be rewarded just as Christ will prevails in the end, and all powers opposed cast into eternal fire in the afterlife for ETERNITY...if not before. Everyone (yes, even those too smart to believe) will be assessed. No earthly BAR Association can write you a note for your performance in favoritism or disfavor or Bro. Robert Fox. No president, no Atty. General, no Secretary of State, nor your mother, not even an aggrandized earthly Supreme Court opinion can save the reprobate from damnation and hellfire then...if not before. I know Bro. Robert will continue to do the right thing by following the True Law and be rewarded for his faithful service. Will you, the reader/actor? Everyone is on trial daily as per ...
11) I am not an expert in the law, however I do know right from wrong. If there is any human being damaged by any statement herein, if he will inform me by facts I will sincerely make every effort to amend my ways. I hereby and herein reserve the right to amend and make amendment to this document as necessary in order that the truth may be ascertained and proceedings justly determined. If the parties given notice by means of this document have information that would controvert and overcome this Affidavit, please advise IN WRITTEN AFFIDAVIT FORM within thirty (30) days from receipt hereof providing me with your counter affidavit, proving with particularity by stating all requisite actual evidentiary fact and law, that this Affidavit statement is substantially and materially false sufficiently to change materially my status and factual declarations. Your silence stands as consent to, and tacit approval of, the factual declarations herein being established as fact as a matter of law. May the will of our Heavenly Father Yahvah, through the power and authority of the blood of his son Yahshua be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Reserving ALL Natural God-Given Unalienable Birthrights, Waiving None, Ever

Respond to this nonsense in 30 days or it's true!

Robert James Fox (# A91 619 283)
Alleged Extra Terrestrial Alian

No, convicted illegal alien from Canada, which last time I checked wasn't extra-terrestrial, and I think I would have heard about that status changing.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:21 PM

1 comment:

Dan November 14, 2013 at 9:34 PM

Just have Robert James Fox declare that the Judge has NO Jurisdiction that Robert James Fox is NOT ROBERT JAMES FOX, a 'fictitious' person!
This could get nationwide support and start it for the rest of us!
Or have the Judge Declare that ROBERT JAMES FOX is a SLAVE!
So have the cameras there!

Yes, Mr. Fotti, er, Fox is a great person to hold up as a model sovereign citizen! By all means, bring cameras!
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Coker lost me after the preamble.
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by fortinbras »

Not so much a patriotic legend as a total myth. For some reason, people (very probably including the author of that article praising Fotti) are dead set against accepting Mexican refugees who are willing to do very hard honest work but will rise up to defend anglo-saxon scofflaws and killers like Fotti.
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by Deep Knight »

Fugitive in fatal 1977 Winnipeg crash faces U.S. deportation
Robert Fotti was convicted in 1980 but fled to the United States before starting his sentence
By Leif Larsen, CBC News Posted: Jul 30, 2013 5:23 AM CT

After more than 30 years on the run, a fugitive may be heading back to Manitoba.

On April 10, 1977 Robert Fotti ran a red light in Winnipeg. He collided with the motorcycle of 42-year-old Gordon Hochman and his 17-year-old son, Stewart, killing them both.

Hochman’s wife, Marlene, and other son, Larry, were on a motorcycle close behind and witnessed the aftermath of the crash.

Fotti, who had an extensive record of traffic violations, was charged with dangerous driving, and in 1978, was found not guilty. The Crown appealed the decision and won. Fotti then took his case to the Supreme Court of Canada, which upheld the conviction.

In 1980, Fotti was sentenced to nine months in jail but never showed up to his hearing. It was 10 years before Fotti would surface again.

In 1990, CBC reporter Ross Rutherford confronted a man in a Texas parking lot. The man claimed he was Dr. Robert Fox, a salesman selling a machine he said could cure cancer, but records indicated the man was not who he claimed to be.

CBC used legal documents, handwriting analysis, hidden camera footage and a vehicle sales record to conclude Robert Fox was actually Robert Fotti.

"We don’t believe you’re Robert Fox. We believe you’re Robert Fotti from Winnipeg. Is that true?" Rutherford asked as he approached Fox.

"I have nothing to say at the moment," Fox answered, after considering the question for several seconds.

"I will have to consult with counsel on this," Fox added after more questions from Rutherford.

Court records would later confirm Robert Fotti had changed his name to Robert Fox in the Bahamas in 1980.

After he was identified, CBC was informed Robert Fotti could not be sent back to Manitoba from the United States because dangerous driving was not an extraditable offence at the time.

Fotti, who entered the U.S. illegally, applied to remain under an immigration amnesty and was granted resident alien status shortly after.

In the years that followed, Fotti drew the attention of law enforcement in Texas. Sgt. Jason Price, of the Jacksonville Police Department, told KETK, an NBC affiliate in Texas, Fotti was a "conman" who made tens of thousands of dollars giving legal advice to criminals through his Matthew 25 Mission and House of Israel.

In 2008, police in Texas obtained a search warrant for the House of Israel and found illegal prescription drugs, computers and forged government documents.

Fotti was convicted of tampering with government records and sentenced to nine months in jail. The conviction resulted in Fotti losing his resident alien status, opening the door for his deportation back to Canada.

He began serving his sentence in late 2012, and, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, was set to be released Tuesday.

According to Manitoba Justice, upon his release, Fotti will face an immigration hearing. If that hearing decides to deport him, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the RCMP will coordinate bringing Fotti back to Canada.

If Fotti is returned to Canada, according to the Winnipeg police, he would be arrested by the warrant apprehension unit in relation to his 1980 conviction.

In letters sent to CBC, Robert Fox said the accident "caused me to go on a spiritual quest, ultimately becoming a missionary."

He added, "I left Canada due to the death threats and government corruption."

Fotti said he is "known from coast to coast and has friends all over the United States. There is a tidal wave of support for me as I fight the various attempts to frame me."

He did not respond to questions about his possible return to Canada.

A spokesperson for the Hochman family told CBC if Fotti is brought back to Canada, they are prepared to let justice run its course.
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'd bet his "tidal wave" of support won't stop your government from sending him back here. Since I have a good idea of the kind of people supporting him it will probably do more harm than good to have them demonstrate on his side. What amazes me is that, even with an immigration amnesty, he was granted US residency given his criminal record in Canada.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by Deep Knight »

Winnipeg Free Press wrote:Jacksonville police Chief Reece Daniel wrote a letter about Fox to Janet Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, which was reported in the local media. The letter said: "Quite frankly, I feel that a resident alien who entered this country illegally to escape justice and then changed his name in order to gain amnesty and then embarked on a lifelong crusade against our Constitutional laws should be deportable."
Naw, he's a patriotic legend.

Anyway, I gather the letter posted by MacHaffie had blanks and such in it so you could cut 'n paste and send it or something like it to the court to influence them. I have my own modest proposal...


Re. In the Matter of ) Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ROBERT JAMES FOX ) Department of Homeland Security
A# 091-619-283 ) Removal Proceedings
15850 Export Plaza Drive )
Houston, Texas 77032 )


State of Texas
McLennan county

I, Your Fake Name Here, am a sui juris ipso facto terra cotta man/woman upon the land/woman created in the image of, and by, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Let my yea be yea and my nay be nay, with a hey nonnie nonnie and a ha-cha-cha as supported by Federal Public Law 97-280, 96 Stat. 1211. I am over the age of majority and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein, and hereby asseverate understanding although I don’t know what that is.

1) I have known about Robert Fox since Year Pulled Out of Your Butt Here as a man of the lowest moral character in deed and thought and have considered him lower than slime for all those years. But we’ve got lots of people like that here in the USA, especially Texas, while Canada is still relatively free of them (20 below keeps the riff-raff out). It would create hardships for many, including myself should I move to Canada, should Robert and his bodily functions to this local body be removed from his long time home upon Texas soil.
2) From the beginning, Robert explained his political and legal situation in Canada as “he didn’t want to go to jail so he split.” You gotta admit, it was like the word of some Canadian God in his ear, sending him down south of the border and away from his flock.
3) From the beginning of these ongoing retaliatory charges coming out of Jacksonville and Cherokee County, Texas, I knew they didn’t go far enough. Why weren’t the three raids S.W.A.T. type attacks? Why weren’t a myriad of charges filed against Robert Fox? A dozen, two dozen? Can anyone at Immigration Court count that high? And who is in need of “learning not to insult the people they’re asking favors of” here?
4) I have witnessed Bro. Robert's strong ties to the community of those wrongly imprisoned, followers and servants of the misguided way of force, rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists. But the ties weren’t tight enough. Use chains next time.
5) I am not an expert in the law, however I do know right from wrong. Not that I always follow that knowledge, especially where my penis/vagina is involved, but I’m more than willing to lecture others about it. If there is any human being damaged by any statement herein, if he will inform me by facts I will laugh in his face. I hereby and herein reserve the right to amend and make amendment to this document as necessary in order that I can cover up my lies if they’re found out. If the parties given notice by means of this document have information that would controvert and overcome this Affidavit, please advise IN WRITTEN AFFIDAVIT FORM within thirty (30) minutes from receipt hereof providing me with your counter affidavit, proving with particularity by stating all requisite actual evidentiary fact and law, at least 100 pages long and in triplicate, that this Affidavit statement is substantially and materially false sufficiently to change materially my status and factual declarations. Your silence stands as consent to, and tacit approval of, the factual declarations herein being established as fact as a matter of law.

May the will of our Heavenly Father The Flying Spaghetti Monster, through the power and authority of his noodley appendages be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Reserving ALL Natural God-Given Unalienable Birthrights, Waiving None, Ever

28 USC Sec. 1741(1)
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signed this _____ day or the tenth month in the year or the year of two thousand thirteen or sometime else.

Your Fake Name and Fake Address Here

Notary is for identification purposes only and NOT for entrance into any foreign venue.

Your State
Your County

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on
the _______ day of _________________, 2013.

NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the Your State
My commission expires: ______________________

Certificate of Service
I certify that a true and correct courtesy copy of the foregoing document was sent by mail, postage due, to Mark Evans of DHS, Office of Chief Counsel, 126 Northpoint Drive, Room 2020, Houston, Texas, 77060 on this the_________ day of the _____________ month in the lord of our year, two thousand thirteen.

Your thumbprint in blood on a 3 cent stamp here

Just print this out on heavy paper, take a large coin of some sort and press it into the paper set on a soft surface from behind, and presto, you've got a notary's seal! Send it off, and keep them from sending back dear brother whatever-his-real-name-is.
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by fortinbras »

I honestly think that the Amicus Curia affidavit (the one this Mark Allen Coker actually submitted) is going to do Fotti more harm than good. By now virtually every judge in the country knows and can spot SovCit verbiage, and the SovCit jargon in this affidavit just tells the judge considering his extradition (or deportation) what sort of people Fotti runs around with.
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by texino »

Living, as I do, near the equator Canada seems terribly far off. I do know a few Canadians, some of whom are grand women and others, fine chaps. In fact, I can't say I've ever run across one who struck me as a rum sort*. I have always thought Canada represented England's wish to regain control of it's original 13 colonies plus Texas, however; further review brings about the knowledge that France has a country up there as well! I'm just going to have to sort this out by hitting the books. Given the circumstances, I would tend the blame for Master Robert's screwball activities on Texas, but I'll have to see what turns up.

*Jim Norman is not from Canada
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Re: Master Robert, A Patriotic legend

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually it appears that Roberts was well on his way and adding to his repertoire long before he ever got south of the northern border, and he just found a lot of like minded once he got gown in to TX. I have a strong suspicion that he is of the "You can't tell me I can't have a drink and then drive", crowd that seems to go so well with the general run of sovrun idjits. I think it boils down to a real strong lack of respect for the value and safety of anyone but themselves, and the safety issue usually manifests itself in a fondness for guns to protect themselves. In their mind the drinking and driving laws aren't to protect the innocent from them, but to infringe on their right to whatever then damn well please when they please.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.