This happens when I try to log in using both Verizon data and wifi. I've tried each from multiple places. ZB Block doesn't like me for some reason.403 FORBIDDEN!
Either the address you are accessing this site from has been banned for previous malicious behavior or the action you attempted is considered to be hostile to the proper functioning of this system.
The detected reason(s) you were blocked are:
Vulnerability Scanner (UA-0160).
Your IP, Domain Name (if resolvable), the referring page (if any), QUERY, POST, User Agent, time of access, and date have been logged and flagged for admin review. Please either 1. Stop the bad behavior, or 2. Cease accessing this system.
webhick - THIS IS HARDLY URGENT. I have no trouble logging in from PC (home and office), laptop and iPad (the latter two using the same wifis that fail with my phone). I only mention it so that (a) others who may experience the same problem know they're not unique, and (2) if you should see anything that might be causing it WHILE YOU ARE ALREADY DOING SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT.
And no, I have no idea what "bad behavior" the board is talking about. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.