Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Well, it seems AK is satisfied that the whole "banking" issue is taken care of now and it's time to move on to something else. I'm not sure what he thinks is resolved, other than his getting enough donations to beat a path to Heather's door in Morocco. But the followers seem happy.

"Made it safely to Morocco, having some very interesting conversations with Heather Tucci-Jarraf! She feels we have completed our banking mission and now we are moving on to even more amazing adventures, which D (of Removing the Shackles) and myself will chronicle over the coming months.

Heather will still answer limited questions about banking but that will no longer be her primary focus. The whole banker issue was really completed last December, they've just been running on fumes for the past 11 months...

Some exciting stuff ahead, some of which I don't completely comprehend but you will be able to follow my learning experience as I report on it all from my perspective. My blog has always been me talking out loud to several million good friends while I figure things out...

Two major events yet to come are First contact with ETs and the Celestials becoming visible. The Celestials have always been interacting with earth and ETs, on earth its been primarily through the highest levels of the banking system. Send your love to the Celestials, they're processing a bit of shame at the moment for what they allowed here on this planet, but this is not a win-lose situation, everyone wins in finale to this experience, some just learn their experience at the very end of it all. It was all for learning and growth and all beings played their roles superbly for the absolute plan. Its just ending a bit different than they expected, but it will be a much better and peaceful ending. Then we go onto more fun adventures but this time in absolute love and peace."
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

While Heather has "moved on" from soverign citizen bank gibberish to new age alien gibberish, her followers certainly have not!

From the IUV blog, another stunning OPPT success story:
Alright so the credit union is now refusing to deal with the bond all together, either type of bond both new style and old style. They say that I have to initiate the wire that they do not deal with any bonds of any kind. So how do I initiate the wire? and what do I do next, this is getting tiresome when they flat refuse my deposit, and thats with sending ALL of the paperwork, from the true bills, to everything else that has been accomplished.
Indeed, how to initiate a wire to tap that fake bond value that doesn't exist? Here is a lovely reply from a fellow OPPTer:
I think at this point you should make the bank managers aware of the damages that they are causing by refusing your Foreign Deposit Bond. I would tell them that You have no other choice now then to contact the Secret Service.
If the Secret Service tries to use the excuse that you did not loose any value, tell them that they are wrong and that yes you just lost the Face Value of your Bond, because they refused it.
Question to you P: Where is all your paperwork that you send to the Bank?
How do you know that they did not go ahead and did complete the transfer. The C.F.O might be lying to the Branch manager and your Bond Value was now funneled into a slush fund account for the C.F.O/C.E.O
Just saying!!!!
Yes, surely that will work. Threatening bank managers and calling the secret service on them...that will make them give you your billions! Surely they are just tapping all your Eternal Essence value and putting into their private slush fund!

Stupid does not even begin to describe these people.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor poor clueless OPPTers.

In the first place banks etc, ARE NOT obligated to accept bonds, or deposits, and most particularly foreign deposits, EVER!!!!!

The fact that even the OPPT idjits can't agree as to what that thing is should be enough for any sane person, excluding those under discussion, to conclude that the thing is uncashable.

The ONLY "bonds" a bank will usually unreservedly cash(with good ID) is US Savings Bonds, since they have a contractual agreement with the Treasury about that, otherwise, not really their problem. Otherwise, you have a bond, you go through a broker.

That piece of magic paper that her Heatherness foisted off on them doesn't really qualify as anything but an overt attempt at bank fraud, since it contains neither valid nor real wiring or routing instructions, so on top of being meaningless, it is useless, except as an exhibit for a fraud trial.

Logic would seem to be a foreign language with this crowd.

What their behavior will get them, is shown the door, told not to return, and possibly a trespassing warrant issued if they try and come back, and most likely copies forwarded to the FBI, whose luck it is to have to deal with this sort of thing. About which, they have exactly no sense of humor.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ashlynne39 »

rogfulton wrote:
Deep Knight wrote: Image
"Brian Kelly and Lorenzo from OPAL Tour Sedona stop"
Mouth breathers? Who'd a thunk it?

They look like morons. Does Bob have underwear on his head? On second look probably not but that white "hood" just looks ridiculous and why is the other guy chewing on his necklace? These two don't inspire confidence and hardly look like someone whose advice I would follow. Getting right down to it, neither of these guys would inspire me to forsake monogamy.

Edited to add that I see now that Lorenzo isn't chewing on a chain he just has really stupid looking facial hair. He still looks like a moron.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

It's the eyeliner that does it for me. The pair of them look like something that was washed/flushed up out of the desert, not something going to the desert.

The do look like a pair of prime, or is that ripe, examples of OPPTers.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

Looks like he tried to pull off the Tony Stark look. Didn't work so well.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

From Facebook. It's almost like not being there.

Sunday, November 24, 2013
OPAL Tour - Thunder Ranch & Sacredness

The OPAL Tour spent a few short beautiful days at an RV park in La Grange, TX around the second week of November. La Grange is a peaceful, little old town, right along the Colorado River. Thankfully, the park had a community center with internet access, warm showers, and laundry machines. The sun came out and we were out in shorts & t-shirts. A huge welcome after some cold nights in the desert areas. Living out of my car and sharing beds with several people in an RV may seem like a situation that is not for the faint of heart, but let me set the record straight from my perception. The synchronicities of donations and value exchanges kept us on the road, with full bellies every day, we washed clothes, had showers, and connected with each other around the campfire each night in ways that family members sometimes rarely get. To experience nearly 30 people come together on a daily basis and make sure that each need is filled, no matter who came or left, and hold the spaces for each voice to be heard is something so profound that even the most cynical of perspectives would gain love for their fellow BEings.

Many conversations were happening constantly. One of which was the mystery of Thunder Ranch. All I really knew was that the caretakers of the land felt as though we were the people they had been waiting for, and were there to take part in fulfilling their Rainbow People prophecy. Who would argue with that?! The interesting part of this was that the caretakers, Grandfather Marshal and Grandmother (Mary Elizabeth) Thunder, hold their people's ancient traditions of ceremony VERY seriously. In full transparency, I became a little itchy when I thought I was to obey someone else's idea of sacred ceremony. The last thing I wanted was for someone to tell me how to connect to spirit as if it was the only way, or the right way.

What became apparent was that a group of indigenous people had been holding a space for us to synchronistically fall right into place, and watch over 50 people from numerous backgrounds, come together to participate in the same purpose - UNITY. As a mobile community, we had already seen how people from across the world - America, Australia, New Zealand, UK - can drop their ego's definition of what is sacred action, and find that we all want peace and freedom for ALL.

To the Hopi, ceremonial practices are a physical demonstration of creating a respectful relationship with the earth and spirit. When we arrived on Friday, the women were taken to the women's area to offer prayers to a statue of Mother Mary. I'll admit, I was surprised to see a statue of a woman who has been worshiped and praised in various Christian religions on a sacred property with indigenous caretakers. My ego started to say "what is this doing here? What place does this statue have with the indigenous?"

A bit later, we were taken into Grandmother Thunder's house. WHAT AN HONOR! This woman could be seen as the Hopi version of Mother Theresa. She has traveled the world, speaking with leaders of countries, always on a path of uniting for peace. In one room, we could see walls and shelves full of gifts from around the world. Egyptian cat statues. A signed poster from the movie Highlander. Various religious symbols. I stared in silence as I realized that the Hopi were not trying to enforce particular belief systems. Rather, they were showing us that they have never truly lost their relationship with spirit, energies, and solidly honored life on earth with every step.

For three days, we kept The People's Fire burning constantly. For me, it represented the fire in every heart that burns for loving respectful freedom. Grandfather Marshal sat around the fire with us and spoke of the importance of asking for permission with the property. It wasn't out of submission or hierarchy. It was for many of us to relearn the fact that we have energetic relationships with EVERY SINGLE THING on this planet. Everything is consciousness, and when I acknowledged that on this beautifully powerful property, I remembered my own sacred relationship with the world.

The property and warm weather reminded me of summers in the south. As a kid, I would walk up the hill next to my house and sing to the trees. I would watch the trees around me start to blow in the breeze and I felt the connection. It felt as though the voice sounding from my heart was responded by the trees dancing in the wind. That magical feeling returned to me again while on Thunder Ranch. Every step I took, I thanked the grass. I spoke to the pink and yellow flowers and thanked them for their visual beauty and being their in my experience.

On Sunday, we awoke at 6am for the sunrise ceremony. We joined hands and formed the head, wings and tail of the eagle, representing the bird that watches over the whole country. Grandfather Marshal guided us in each move, sang songs with Hopi traditional words, and sounded a whistle that stilled my thoughts. Every time he stood in each cardinal direction, looked to the sky with tears in his eyes and blew that whistle, it felt like a sound I heard in my soul. Even when there was side conversations, that sound silenced everything around us. I could swear every living thing in ear shot was paying attention to us in this ceremony. For the rest of the day, multiple large birds circled the property as if in response. It was like they had been waiting for us, too, and acknowledged our presence.

That afternoon, many more people again came to the property. I'm guessing over 60 total. For 5 hours, the moonrise ceremony was prepared. Dozens of people used blue, white and yellow cornmeal to form geometric lay lines in a circle, probably fifty feet in diameter. Crystals that had traveled with many people were offered to the land. Grandfather Marshal and others led each piece of the preparation in Hopi songs. Another gentleman shared his gift with a flute-like instrument that again drew me in like an angel's voice. Everywhere I looked, someone had the same longing gaze in their eyes as if they were embracing the buzzing energy in wonder. Tears were shed without words. As the sun fell behind the horizon and the full moon appeared, over 50 people put these crystals in the ground, and danced. And I mean DANCED! During the last hour of the ceremony, clouds of burning sage surrounded everyone as they danced in circles withing the larger circles, led in song by Grandfather Marshal, drums, and numerous crystal bowls.

In those moments, there was no culture clash. No judgment. No "right" or "wrong". Only the elated individuals moving as one in the moonlight to create a portal for the new energies to come to the earth, from the central sun straight to her core. At the end, everyone burst in cheers, tears and hugs. Of course, we may consider the fact each of us are our own portal that can connect to source directly, and it wouldn't necessarily take 5 hours to complete...but that day, 50+ people came together with the same intention, creating a relationship with the land to stand as the new conscious custodians of the earth and connect with the central sun. A kind of co-creation that should be put into the new history books. Maybe someone can get a MP3 version straight from the Akash!

Regardless of where we all came from, what logistical detailed routes each should take when dealing with the government or financial worlds, what dogmas were implanted, and what experiences we've shared with various aspects with the spectrum of contrast...seeing those smiles while running around in sage smoke will be forever etched in my mind. The kind of sounds, sights and smells that make you stop in your tracks so that your soul can focus on the sensory data coming in...THAT is soul activation. If you get the chance to partake in indigenous ceremony (Thunder Ranch holds sweat lodges each weekend, by the way), song, dance - whatever! - I highly recommend going. Soul activations are truly something you have to experience, as words never seem to fully describe the sensations.

At a soul level, I experienced remembering that I am a connection piece in the web of consciousness. No matter where my individual path has taken me, holding no expectations for where the energetic trail will lead me, I KNOW THAT I AM CONSCIOUSNESS. SO ARE YOU.

*This is a picture of part of the gigantic medicine wheel on Thunder Ranch. We were asked not to go roaming around in there. It was beautifully constructed by many hands!

(Next time: "How the heck do I go home?!")

Posted by LadyBugHealing at 3:36 PM
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

This lady's earlier posts to torment and torture you.

Thursday, November 21, 2013
OPAL Tour - Getting to Sedona

As many listeners of the 5D Media Network shows are longing for details of the OPAL Tour, I decided to take this time back home to sit down and try my best to give words to some of the most profound experiences I've had in my life, while on the tour. I'll break them down into accounts during each location I journeyed to on the tour - so far.

A month ago, in early October, my consciousness became incredibly focused. It was if the center of my universe was driving every move I made. Literally, everything I heard, saw and felt - from the tv in the background, to conversations happening around me, to the lyrics in each song I was playing - everything was synchronistic and pointing to the same thing...GO TO SEDONA. For two days, I suddenly had Kia Sedona vans driving in front of me. Songs of speaking out, holding a fire inside, and flying free became a live soundtrack to my life.

One Monday night, I had the strong notion to turn my phone off before I went to sleep. I did. The next morning, I woke up an hour after I was to leave for work. It was the first day I was supposed to take over orientation for over 70 new employees...whoops. I began to go into panic, and quickly realized I had a very important choice point. I could 1) call my supervisor, beg for forgiveness, risk my neck rushing 45 min through traffic to get there, and stress my self out for days over it - OR I could 2) be true to myself and acknowledge that I was working in a place I didn't want to be, call my supervisor, and simply state I wasn't coming back. I chose #2. She was pissed, lol. I got fired that afternoon. Good thing, too. I had been fooling myself by thinking I could function in the work world anymore. I had gotten to the point of not being able to concentrate on anything other than the fact that the corporate world was sucking me dry. No thanks.

So why had I come to the point of not functioning in the work place? The experiences I've had since the 5D Media Network group went to Morocco defy logic or scientific explanation. You might remember a Collective Imagination Show in September in which Michael Monk was a guest. He explained something he phrased "quantum tubing". Not the rocket material. More like creating a vortex that connects people's consciousnesses no matter the physical distance between each other. It happens through the audible sounds of our voices in the radio. There have been several Collective Imagination shows in which I've heard multiple layers of conversations. During the live shows, I've heard responses to my thoughts, that weren't recorded in the archives. I've even heard my voice on occasion, as if an echo of a different timeline was coming through. My voice said something like "everything is all washed out." I've had conversations with people over the phone and had other voices come in and have a different conversation with me. The voices are familiar, though, and are usually giving me some sort of boost to propel me into standing into my purpose. "It's for you!" and "whatever you need!" I've heard those several times.

The last big quantum tubing/audio experience I had was the same weekend of the Return to Atlantis Conference. I didn't attend physically, but while listening to the Transitioning Show that weekend, I heard Andrew Bartzis' voice doing a meditation on the beach. I also heard loud booming sounds outside that no one else heard. I believe it may have been echos or remnants from experiencing the fall of Atlantis. Have you ever seen an artist's rendition of that event?


How could I share this with the people around me without sounding bat-shit crazy? I've been told "you need help" before. By the way...that phrase doesn't help in the slightest. A couple weeks later, I stopped worrying about the fact that I wasn't sure where money for rent, food, gas or anything else was going to come from. I packed a duffel bag with some clothes, told my husband, family and friends, that I was going to a conference in Sedona. I was tired of explaining everything about the OPPT, UCC filings, banks, energetics, galactics...and just said "I have to go." I left on a Tuesday afternoon and drove for three days. I slept in the car the first night, parked in a hotel parking lot. After getting "off track" for 3 hours in Texas the next day, I forked over what little money was in the bank, and got a hotel room for the night. I started to wonder, "what the hell am I doing?" I'm alone. Three hours off course. Bad tires on my car. Ten more hours of driving to get to Sedona. I was exhausted and quite frankly, feeling pretty low.

After grabbing a shower, I saw a video of the OPAL Tour had been posted from the meetup in Tehachapi, CA. I heard Bob speak about how prophecies from Nostradamus and others had seen the faces of those in attendance. "We are the ones we've been waiting for." It was all I needed to remember why I had left family, friends and the comforts of my home life to drive for days across country. I needed to be in the same physical space with my soul family. These were the people that I could share my experiences, and they would understand.

I was right.

(Next post: Sedona Experiences & Picking off the Plaque)

Posted by LadyBugHealing at 12:11 PM

Friday, November 22, 2013
OPAL Tour Experiences - Sedona & Picking Off the Plaque

On Halloween day, I was driving through Texas, into New Mexico, headed to Sedona, AZ. Having never been to that area of the US, it was energetically and visually obvious that I was in a totally knew place. Not to mention the tumbleweeds that crossed the road! The sun was bright. The sky, clear blue. After two days of driving in the rain, it was a warm welcome. Alia, one of the beautiful souls already with the tour, was gracious to serve as my phone contact for when I got there. This worked beautifully because many of the caravan group was at a Buddhist Retreat property when I arrived. I got the address, plugged it into my phone (which I purchased knowing I would need the gps), and arrived at the end of a ceremony in progress.

You might imagine that I was exhausted when I arrived, but it was quite the contrary. Physically, yes, I was relieved. At a soul level, it felt as though a clearing had been made the entire day for me to enter the ceremony at just the right time and space. I wasn't 3 hours behind. I was right on time. I waited for the ceremony leaders to invite me into the circle. I have a big stance on being invited into an energetic happening as not to interrupt the flow. They waved me in, and we continued to provide prayers and offerings. I requested there to be no more conflict among the many current factions of the world. It's time that we become transparent and honest with ourselves and each other to recognize our common desire for freedom and true happiness. When I met Alia's eyes, we embraced in a hug that I had been waiting eons to have. The energy released. We cried and smiled together. I told her "I didn't want to do this alone anymore." She smiled, took my face in her hands, and replied "the time of the lone wolf is over." My heart swelled. I made it.

After everyone finished the ceremony and group pictures, we gathered inside the house for food and conversation. I knew exactly who I was going to first. Bob. A few months ago, I hosted Angel Lucci at my house while he was on his tour and Angel connected me with Bob over the phone. A week or so later, I was able to meet up with them both at Bob's house in PA. Apparently, I'm not afraid of driving for hours on end to see my soul family, lol.

Inside our host's house in Sedona, people were everywhere, but directly in front of me was Bob. I calmly walked toward him with the biggest smile I'd had in weeks. "Hi Bob" was all I could get out. He met my eyes and quickly did a triple take. "You made it!!" He threw his arms out and I fell into him. "Hey bay-beeee!!!" He kept fumbling over his words "How did you-? I can't believe you- Yeah, I can believe you made it."

Expect the unexpected.

I did my rounds and met eyes with Brian, then Lisa, then Judy, and many others. Each time we met, it was if they had been waiting for me and were just as excited to see me as I was to finally hold my family. Although we hadn't met in this physicality, we embraced as if we knew each other so well and hadn't seen each other for years on end. At those moments, the 3 day drive seemed like nothing. Nothing else mattered.

I immediately started sharing some of my quantum experiences and dreams with Judy. That woman is like the welcome sign on a bridge to the OPAL island. When anyone new got to the group, she's right there to be there by their side as they adjust. Make no mistake, there was certainly an adjustment period. For me, it lasted several days. I have never been around so many people that I didn't feel like I needed to censor myself or hold back on the details of all the unexplainable experiences and feelings. I bared parts of my soul in each conversation because I knew I could trust each person to take whatever they needed as a piece of their puzzle, and visa versa.

What I didn't expect was to walk around for two days, watching the deeply ridden programs that were implemented in my past to be played out in front of me. The energies were to the point that I felt my beingness merging with everyone and everything around me. This had happened once before, but on a smaller scale. This time, I saw people as representations of my physical family in this lifetime. My mother being emotionally unavailable. Sexual, emotional, mental, and physical abuse from my father had programmed a victim mentality so ingrained that I was surprised it was even coming up after doing years of inner work and forgiveness. But there it was. Someone resembled my father with the good and scary parts merged. My schizophrenic sister. The guilt ridden shame. Sense of lack. Suddenly, I was the broken girl, imprisoned in her own mind for survival, feeling helpless and shaking in the corner, all over again. For hours, I was again wishing for my twin flame to rescue me from my reality. There were several times when I thought for sure, some personified perfect man was going to roll up in a limo and take me to our palace of sanctuary.

Amazingly, the "pop-up angels" were always there. Whenever I was crying and shaking in my seat, sitting around the campfire, there was always someone there to hold my hand, listen to me spill out the past, and transmute the energies to a higher vibration. How? By simply letting me be me. By not giving me grief for crying, or telling me to "suck it up." By listening to whatever was going through my mind at the time. Just getting it out allowed me to ground myself and remember that I was safe. The past, is the past. It only played out in front of me so that I could acknowledge myself not as the victim of my own experiences, but as the strong soul that braved the psychologically tearing realities to finally see myself as the survivor. The warrior that walked right into the darkness and still found the light. To become the example of transmutation from fear to standing in my own empowerment. Through these transmutations, I recognize when others have been triggered. That's when my empathic skills act as a sponge for those energies to be brought back up into empowering another individual.

Some may say that telling stories will only make us stay in the past. I say, not necessarily. If we recognize when we've been triggered, and work through those relational memories to reform new neural pathways that allow us to react in love instead of fear (amygdala - fight, flight or freeze - defense), then we've transmuted those programs. I looked at those programs straight in the face in order to say goodbye. I did it with full force because my higher self knows exactly what I can handle. And those old programs were chipped away like plaque off of my teeth because I was in such a highly supported area created by ALL on the OPAL Tour.

I am a story teller. I tell these stories to share my own experiences so that others may feel more empowered to come forward with their experiences, or just to know that when they experience something they can't explain, it doesn't make them crazy. It's just the unplugging of old programs that no longer serve us. The victim mentality that tells us we have no say in our reality. That's bogus. Pure bullshit. I don't need rescuing.


I realize I am never in lack. I am never alone. Creator Source is in ALL of us. CREATOR SOURCE IS ALL OF US. I love my home. I love my husband - paper contract or not. I love my biological family. I love my soul family.

In my reality? There were only perceived degrees of separation until I looked at the big picture and know now that after traveling the cosmos, I and ALL other I's, no longer have to struggle or suffer under someone else' rule of distorted law. I no longer has to look outside of I to find answers. I AM ALL THAT I AM.

My reality is MINE. I create what I choose to invest in each moment. Choice. Do I invest paranoia? Fear? Anger? Personal Attacks? OR do I invest in being a heart spaced centered individual of light that can see the growth in every moment?

I DO I - I offer my self in love to each I in bodied.
I BE I - I can only be myself, so...I might as well create my self as someone I cherish <3
I KNOW I - I see my self in each other self, each mirror, I see.
I LOVE I - I invest high vibrational energy (genuineness, transparency, smiles, hugs, dinners, laughter, endless playing in the sandbox) to support each I to experience love with I.

I think the emotional rollercoaster is coming into the station. I can hear the hydraulics in the breaks. My hair is a mess and I'm a little dizzy. Which can only mean one thing...COTTON CANDY!

How do we become enlightened?
Lighten the f@ck up <3

(Next time - Thunder Ranch & Sacred Ceremonies)

Posted by LadyBugHealing at 4:29 PM
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I would say that saying this lady needs "a little help", is like saying "fire is a little warm". On the plus side, the new hires were spared having to deal with her, and who ever she was working for is spared having to deal with her deepening detachment from reality. I've worked around a couple of people like this and they never understand why people are concerned for them, or that they really do need more than just "a little help".
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

After reading LadyButtHealer's stories about Mary Elizabeth Thunder, a "Hopi version of Mother Theresa" I looked her up. She claims to be "adopted Lakota," but looks, and talks about, being Irish (and with a name like "Mary Elizabeth"...). Where the Hopi comes in, I'm not sure, but she's VERY heavy on new ageyness. No wonder the tour liked her. I wonder if she accepted their value as payment?


But this still doesn't answer the burning question, where are they now and where will Thanksgiving be? Will it be some nameless RV park across from some petrochemical plant, or the parking lot of another Walmart? Maybe some voodoo plantation deep in the bayou swamps, or free lodging at the expense of the State when the Highway Patrol investigates that funny smell? Will LadyButtHealer get trussed up and stuffed like a turkey by Bob? Will her "Pop Up Angels" finally get blocked by her spiritual firewall? And what kind of husband would put up with this @#%!?

They are the ones they've been waiting for, and we're tired of listening to them whine about it.
"Follow the Money"
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Its been a while since I did my MA in Religion but we had a faculty member that was the leading expert on Native American religion practices. It was not my area of specialization but I did take her class. I am almost positive NOTHING in our little OPPTers breathless recital of this "authentic" Native American ceremony had any actual relationship to real Native American practices. In fact, nearly every detail describes is your typical new age "everyone get high/dance or have sex in a group" thing that new agers have been doing since the 1970s. I just love how earnestly OPPTers are trying to seek out this authentic experience and basically got taken for a ride by a new ager claiming to be a authentic Native American practitioner.

There is a peculiar demand from a segment of Americans - people that get into the OPPT, usually aging hippies and those otherwise seeking to experience some "native" culture - that has spawned a cottage industry around people like Mary Thunder. Although nothing about what they do is real nor has any relationship to traditional Native American culture, its all basically made up because it looks/sounds good, these people nevertheless pay good money to go home and tell everyone about how they communed with a Native American "elder" and experienced some sort of "Hopi prophecy" (and its ALWAYS a Hopi prophecy...did you know the Hopis made very few prophecies?). These types of people ***NEED*** to be told they are special, and people like Mary Thunder are there to tell them just that - everyone who visits Thunder Ranch I'm sure is a fulfillment of some "prophecy."

But none of this is surprising given what else LadyBugHealer has told us. She is a classical "I AM A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE...I JUST KNOW IT" OPPT case. The OPPT really draws in people who have always flirted with new age/soverign citizen gibberish but never really committed to going full crazy. The delusional/illusion of having a ton of people who suddenly think all those things aren't nuts helps.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Our friends on the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans board have threads going back several years on "Mary Thunder". This is the most recent, containing posts from earlier this year.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is a pretty good bet, as in dead bang sure thing, that Mary Elizabeth Thunder is NOT any kind of a Hopi anything. The Hopi are not big on outsiders to put it mildly, and the real ones do not "share" their ceremonies or anything to do with their religion with non-Hopis, and the claim that she is an an "adopted" Lakota just puts the icing on the cake. Basically, she is a new age wannabe conartist taking advantage of the OPPT conartists.
Last edited by notorial dissent on Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Mary, Mary, quite contrary.

Thanks for the link, my favorite part for those who didn't click on it.

Mary Grimes hung around the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, area in the early 80's. She used to brag that she had boinked Leonard Crow Dog. No kidding. She actually bragged about it to anyone who would listen. As if anyone wanted to know. Or even cared. Man, anyone who knows Leonard knows that he'll boink almost anyone -- so it's not as if Mary Grimes was an exceptionally spiritually receptive/powerful person. Hell, she's not even a native. She just gladly opened her legs to Leonard when he nudged them.
One of the main guys in the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, area who provided Mary Grimes with a platform early on was a white guy named Walt Fowler. Walt was a non-native married to an Oklahoma woman -- a Kiowa, I think. She made crafts and Walt displayed and sold them in the living room of his little house in Fort Worth. Next thing you know, there was old Walt -- recently retired from the USPS with a pension and a lot of time on his hands. One of Walt's companions at the time was another white guy named Glenn Bavosett. Glenn had done time in a federal prison, and when Glen and Walt got together in Fort Worth, they saw an opportunity to sell their art and crafts by promoting themselves as natives. Better yet, they got a permit to build a sweat lodge and run sweats in a wilderness preserve. Just like real Indians. Hell, Walt was even getting native bones from local university anthropology departments to rebury them. They were in business. So, the millieu in which Mary Grimes stepped into was filled with other non-natives who were also playing an elaborate con.
So, into this scene steps Leonard. He boinks Mary and suddenly, voila!, she believed she acquired a spiritual prominence accorded to neither Walt nor Glen. She parlayed that boinking into her spiritual empire. She out-conned Walt and Glen by giving it up to Leonard.
She STILL sundances at Leonards from time to time. Man. What a riot filled with cons, sex and money. All in the name of Lakota spirituality.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by davids »

it's an interesting case study in the proposition that the same kinds of people populate the sovereign citizens movement, common scamsters and hoaxsters, new agers, and online guru cultures. Very rarely are they all wrapped into one.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Energetics, Devines, Banking...and things that go bump in the night.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

thunter wrote:Energetics, Devines, Banking...and things that go bump in the night.
This is why I am never sure if Heather is actually mentally ill or just doing this to inflate her ego. At first I thought it was to inflate her ego - spout legal gibberish and get the idiots on the internet to worship you type thing - but now that we are moving on to aliens and it gets even more bizarre.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by davids »

Isn't there an option for "Both". Most new agers, for all of their introspective drivel, are un-self-aware about the fact that they may have very base reasons for their actions. That of course doesn't mean they aren't also "crazy" :shock:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Shane Bennett, a true OPPT believer, is still in the process of having his house foreclosed upon. He bought the courtesy notice BS whole sale earlier this year and since then:

(1) His credit has been ruined since he stopped paying his mortgage
(2) He assaulted a process server who had to call the police on him

Note none of this has phased him. And despite the fact that hes going to lose his house, hes still busy billing the bank for 22,000 ounces of silver for violating the courtesy notice.

Another STUNNING OPPT success in progress! Hes also been filling OPPT gibberish to sue the bank for $10 million, which the bank has filed to strike out and award costs for since its sov'run gibberish. So not only will he lose his house, hell end up paying court/attorney costs (I hope) for all the frivolous court filings.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

At the rate he is going I'm not sure what he'll have left to pay with, since from the sounds of it all, he's not going to have the proverbial pot by the time he's done being and doing. It sounds like he has gone too far over the line in to total denial to be rational any longer and is now firmly and irrevocably in the Heather Zone, if getting regularly laughed at and tossed out of his home hasn't convinced him that he's been had.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.