The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Liar. You don't get into the United States, especially after 9/11, without one. Our customs folks are not noted for their senses of humor, so I don't for a minute believe that you were able to waltz through customs without a valid Canadian passport.
Actually Canadians can enter into the United States without a passport. This unusual (unique?) situation is governed by the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative ["WHTI"], which is described on this rather awkwardly structured webpage:

In brief, Canadians can enter into the United States if they have as identification either:
  • a passport,

    a driver's licence or provincial identification card that uses approved RFID 'smart' technology,

    certain other specific traveller's identification cards, or

    in the case of aboriginal persons certain approved aboriginal identification cards.
My quick survey of online resources leave me unclear on whether these aboriginal identification cards have been issued, though it is clear that initiative had been planned over five years ago.

SMS Möwe
We have similar documents, among which are "Passport Cards", which use the RFIS technology. I never got one, because they are no good for air travel. At any rate, let me amend my earlier statement: I don't believe, for a minute, that the "Chief" got across the U.S. border with a do-it-himself document. If he crossed legally, he used some sort of document officially recognized by Canada and the U.S.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

Just to chronicle our friend Mr. Ream's "adventure"
i have the court thing soon. it should be easy. i understand that remedy is not to be found in the legal system. will only be there to document the fraud. it will be next year January 22 9:30 am room# 206. public support would be appreciated and you only have to witness.
This will of course end well.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:Just to chronicle our friend Mr. Ream's "adventure"
i have the court thing soon. it should be easy. i understand that remedy is not to be found in the legal system. will only be there to document the fraud. it will be next year January 22 9:30 am room# 206. public support would be appreciated and you only have to witness.
This will of course end well.
Do you know which court it is? Probably New Westminster Provincial but could be Vancouver Provincial.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

CSO shows New West.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:CSO shows New West.
I'll see if I can drop in for the show.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Thanks LordEd! I had not looked in of late on the ongoing adventures of Alexander, purveyor of medicated marijuana oils for internal and external applications.

Since it's a quiet rainy morning, I thought I'd browse that source and excise and share some items that captured the Magical World of Mr. Ream:

A comment on the message quoted by LordEd ( ... 6705778880):
Alexander Ream
last time was great. the amount of fraud we have about the way they operate is abundant. the only thing i need is publicity
[Nov 16, 2013]
On radiation ( ... 9237247298):
Alexander Ream
we are going to be facing a lot of radiation soon here on the west coast and having hemp around would dramatically decrease the radiation


only thoughts to keep in mind. action maybe if you're interested
[Nov. 14, 2013]

Paul Davey
check out lugols iodine before radiation comes. if you have enough iodine the radiation apparently by passes you
[Nov. 14, 2013]
On the operation of the "tax" system ( ... 6939151190):
Alexander Ream
thanks i think it is a step to people to start learning about contract. simple and effective. no arguing. only settling matters. next step people would be doing is not paying tax (extortion) and we watch things changes.
[Nov. 11, 2013]


thanks and paying tax is merely paying for the legal title (does not make you owner of the property) and it does not contribute to society at all.


it only give privileges. no ownership (allodial title)


tax goes to private interest groups
[Nov. 14, 2013]
On the character of society, class, and conflict ( ... 1947266027):
Alexander Ream
if they can make innocent people overseas suffer without any empathy or remorse through mass killing then why would they care because you were born here. we fail to see because we identify ourselves with the farmers who manage the livestock because we've been conditioned since we were brought into this world


worshiping a flag and the farmers does not make you caring and loving. it is idol worship. what makes you real is by being real and not pretending


the only team played is the oppressed and the oppressor


war is the oppressed vs another oppressed


typing down random thoughts so I can read them later


need to be more articulate
[Nov. 14, 2013]
Spellcasting 101 ( ... 7383982150):
Alexander Ream
Maybe it is why magician and magistrate sound similar. Casting spells on you. They want and hope you to believe in them.
[Nov. 13, 2013]
And last, perhaps a haunted recollection of visiting Quatloos? ( ... 4650750090):
Alexander Ream
[Nov. 11, 2013]
In my dream state I've faced my deepest fear. I am afraid of the dark. I've seen dark entities in a dark realm and I don't think it was an hallucination. I learned to face my fear by being still. In stillness I find peace and I am not afraid. It takes understanding to overcome the fear of the unknown and when we are afraid our our perception is blurred. We have very little insight when we do not use our intuition. I managed to find peace in chaos.


It applies here and now too.

Marcus Aequus
The shadow people are real - they milk your chi during sleep paralysis and can be commanded through ritual.
[Nov. 11, 2013]
Milking Chi!? Under ritualistic command!? Ewwwww!

In answer to Burnaby49's inquiry, the B.C. Courts Online webpage indicates the Jan. 22, 2014 hearing is at Courtroom 206 in the New Westminster Law Courts. It also appears that David Lange still does not have a date scheduled for his breach of recognizance charge.

Checking on the other Nanaimo Five Four, I see that David Lange on Oct. 22, 2013 was indeed found guilty of driving a motor vehicle without insurance and was fined $520.

Nothing else new I see from any of the others, in court or otherwise.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Checking on the other Nanaimo Five Four, I see that David Lange on Oct. 22, 2013 was indeed found guilty of driving a motor vehicle without insurance and was fined $520.
I think Lange said in the radio interview that I reviewed in a prior post that he had pled guilty to the driving charge because he just didn't have the time and money to fight it. Too busy trying to stop forclosure proceedings against his home. Failed in that anyhow.

edit - Just went back and read Mowe's review of the radio show. Mowe commented about Lange pleading guilty to charges in December, not October so I assume separate offenses. Hard to keep track of the various legal problems these guys insist on generating. As I found at the meeting with the Chief at Joe's Cafe driving without a license is a fundamental article of faith with these guys. The half-dozen or so at Joe's who discussed the issue had all faced problems with the police over it. I can at least understand following deluded beliefs that involve money such as taxes being illegal or Yankson's secret trusts because they hope to gain financially by them. But the driver's license fight is just stupid. These people are doing their best to make life difficult for themselves.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote:These people are doing their best to make life difficult for themselves.
That pretty much seems to be the hallmark of the whole bunch of them, and whether or not it is really a fundamental tenet, it certainly seems to be the universal outcome, some much more than others.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

D'Rok found Mr. Ream's defense strategy:
Freedom vs NWPC limited liability corporation

We have already settle the matter through a series of default letters. The Crown prosecutor and every other members of the NWPC limited liability corporation failed to provide evidence or any response at all for that matter and are in dishonor. The charge is about personating a Peace Officer, but we did not as we swore and oath to keep the peace unlike the RCMP. These corporate thugs are the ones who are pretending to work for law and order.

The Criminal Code of Canada is an Act; it is not the law. It says it right somewhere in the first few pages. I know because I have the book myself. The Crown prosecutor is trying to charge me with a code without proving the applicability of the codes, which is very wrong and it needs to stop.

Me and three other sovereign (David, Dave, Andy) will be challenging the corporate Jurisdiction of a limited liability bankrupt foreign corporation operating for profit know as New Westminster Provincial Court. Sovereign simply means self-ownership meaning that no one owns you so they can not tell you what to say or do. You are your own king/Queen and free to do whatever you like. Of course freedom comes with responsibility. If you are careless and harm someone then by law you would have to compensate the victim for the harm done. Unfortunately we have deviated from what law is really about. Acts, Statutes and Bylaws are not law. It is important to understand that legislation do not define what is right or wrong. These codes are merely corporate policies and can only be applied to members of the corporation. It is why these Crown corporate agents need you to identify yourself as the Crown copyright legal name created through the birth certificate so they can assume to have authority over you. It is important to make it clear that you are not the Crown legal fiction so they can not deem you to be anything or they would have to take responsibility for the claim. The birth certificate is a Government collateral asset to the private bankers due to the Government being in an outstanding debt as a result of borrowing credit at compounding interest. It is mathematically impossible to discharge the existing debt by borrowing more debt with compounding interest. The Government and the private bankers are in collusion deceiving people to act as debt slaves when they are not. We will be countering assumptions and presumptions and we will be relying on facts and evidence instead of playing their fictitious monopoly game. There are already many witness that will be there, but it would be nice to have many more.

... (continues on)
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

I see grammatically as well as reality challenged.

Going with the old "if you don't tell me I'm full of it to my satisfaction you owe me a bazillion dollars" routine. Works every time. NOT!!!

(continues on)... and on....and on.... to no real point or value.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by The Observer »

Ream wrote:The Criminal Code of Canada is an Act; it is not the law. It says it right somewhere in the first few pages. I know because I have the book myself.
Strange - if this is a vital and critical element of your defense, you would think that you would know exactly where this statement is. Are you telling us you haven't bothered to find it at this stage of the game?
The Crown prosecutor is trying to charge me with a code without proving the applicability of the codes, which is very wrong and it needs to stop.
I know this will be a surprising development to you, but "proving the applicablity" of the code is exactly what happens during a trial. The prosecutor doesn't have to "prove" this before the trial starts and only has to show the judge enough evidence to show that there is reason to have a trial in the first place.
Of course freedom comes with responsibility. If you are careless and harm someone then by law you would have to compensate the victim for the harm done
Nothing different about that under the current law. Civil tort law provides for that very result if the defendant is found liable. You make it sound as if this is only something that you have special knowledge of. And why do I think you would try to wiggle out of responsibility for repayment if you had harmed someone?
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:Nothing different about that under the current law. Civil tort law provides for that very result if the defendant is found liable. You make it sound as if this is only something that you have special knowledge of. And why do I think you would try to wiggle out of responsibility for repayment if you had harmed someone?
The only difference is that Ream wants to be the one to decide if he is responsible or not, and of course the answer will always be that he is not.

This boy not only isn't the sharpest knife in the box, I'm not convinced he's even carrying a blade.

He's going to do really well with all his legal theories at his upcoming hearing, right up until he opens his mouth and runs flat in to the harsh facts of reality.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by grixit »

I'm not sure what page, but i read somewhere that Ream is a boiled cauliflower, so it must be true.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Me and three other sovereign (David, Dave, Andy).....
Why did I think "Ed Edd and Eddy" when I read that?
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Thanks for posting that LordEd (and nice spot, D'Rok!) - but I think you should have mentioned Alex has set up his court appearance as a Facebook Event!

Sadly, it does not appear we are on the invite list. Good thing crashing the party is acceptable. Though I have this sneaking suspicion that Dean Clifford will not be able to attend. Glancing through the invite list I do not see Robert Menard. I guess Alex is still irritated over Rob's castigating the Nanaimo Five Four on CBC Radio.

It also looks like Alex has moved from Peace Officer to Guru ( ... 1200123435):
Alexander Ream
November 22
I've helped a man dealing with tax (extortion) using the default letters process and he hasn't paid tax since then. If I were to interview him. What would be the questions to ask? I think it would make a nice start in making interesting videos. The process is simple to learn and it is effective.
Hmm. Isn't there a Criminal Code offence for promoting tax evasion schemes? Why yes, there is: R. v. Porisky & Gould, 2012 BCSC 67:
380. (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service,
  • (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or the value of the subject-matter of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars; …
Oh dear... I think Alex should have stuck to his medicinal marijuana oils and curing cancer.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

I missed that little tax venture. I wonder if he will accept liability when his 'friend' comes back and says his 'letters' resulted in interest, fines, and/or imprisonment.

Is assisting in tax fraud considered "keeping the peace" per his release terms?
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

I suspect Alex's guest list is going to get progressively shorter, the Clifford boy's dance card is going to be otherwise occupied for the foreseeable future, and I suspect his erstwhile friends are going to start deciding that maybe, just maybe he is a liability to know or be involved with.

At any rate, so very nice and generous of him to properly brief the Crown on what his, and we'll use the term very loosely, strategy for the upcoming event is.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

ream wrote:We have a court credit system. So those who attend our court case will earn court credit, which means that me and others will have to attend your case.
I think if Burnaby decided to go freeman on us, he could have enough credit to force his case to be held at Rogers arena.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:
ream wrote:We have a court credit system. So those who attend our court case will earn court credit, which means that me and others will have to attend your case.
I think if Burnaby decided to go freeman on us, he could have enough credit to force his case to be held at Rogers arena.
Not yet, still working my way up. Past High School auditorium though.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

I'm sure the judge will make you a nice sandwich though.