NESARA Loves Orly!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:
Her [=Taitz's] specific reasoning is:
"In the prior case of Taitz v Astrue 11-cv-402 plaintiff provided the court with undeniable legal, competent evidence of Obama using a stolen Social Security number of a resident of Connecticut born in 1890."

Here's the "undeniable, legal, competent evidence" -- Taitz ran Obama's presumed SSN on the E-Verify internet program. E-Verify is a service provided, not by the Soc.Sec.Admin but by Homeland Security. Employers are supposed to use it to make sure that employees and applicants have real SSNs and therefore are not non-citizen foreigners. I do not know for sure, but very likely the Homeland Security program does not burden itself with every SSN ever issued; it probably omits all SSNs belonging to the deceased, it probably also omits those belonging to people (or at least some of the people) who are still alive but not in the running for being hired - folks who are confined to nursing homes, prisons, or kindergartens. In light of the purpose of that database and so forth, it probably does not carry the SSNs of living Presidents and other some others whose citizenship won't be doubted by an employer.

There is another internet service for checking SSNs, the SSN Verification Service (SSNVS), operated by the Soc.Sec.Admin. itself. Again, intended for employers to use to make sure they hire only US citizens. I do not know what the limitations of the database are - but I don't think I have heard of a birfer running Obama's SSN through this database.

Evidently both the E-Verify and the SSNVS process begin with questions that require the user to swear that he is a bona fide employer with a bona fide interest in hiring the person with this SSN (or that he is the applicant himself wishing to demonstrate the genuiness of his own SSN). So the birfers had to fib to get into those programs.

Although Taitz is all twisted up about her failure in Taitz v. Astrue (DDC Oct. 17, 2011) 806 F.Supp.2d 214 aff'd (DC Cir May 25, 2012) rehearing den. (DC Cir Aug. 9,. 2012), the District Court did give her SSN argument a thorough study. The court decision notes that the failure of E-Verify to confirm Obama's SSN "constitutes nothing more than an unsubstantiated bare suspicion of wrongdoing". The court also noted that to make use of E-Verify it was necessary to answer "a series of private questions", so either the birfers may have answered those questions wrong or fibbed to get into the system. The court also took issue with the "Connecticut connection" and noted that the Soc.Sec.Admin's own documents explained that the state prefix numbers only identified the state of issuance - which was not necessarily the state of the applicant's residence.

Text of DC District Court decision: ... s_ylo=2009
Last edited by fortinbras on Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

E-Verify and the SSNVS both require a jurat that you are using them for employer verification purposes, which means that Orly, the crazy woman in WA, and the skip tracer have all violated several federal laws by doing what htey did.

I don't know about SSNVS, but E-Verify has a reported mean failure rate of upwards of 50%. It requires that both an SSN and a name, and if they don't match exactly it will also kick out, so the fact that they couldn't get a valid response, means exactly nothing.

So Orly's proof positive ebidence means exactly what all her other ebidence means, exactly nothing.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:Let me get this straight, Orly searches her own name daily and keeps track of the number of hits? And is so upset when they go down she blames the President and crows that it must be due to pressure from her which means she's winning?
Er, yes didn't you realise? It's not like she has any clients or work is it? Fogbowers are busy trying for Googlewacks and counts of other odd combinations, like "orly taitz is competent" (allegedly 1 hit).

Also, I think it was a flying monkey who ran the e-verify not Orly herself. As has been pointed out though the system is only a guide and can easily give a fail answer for many reasons, none of which amount to "not a natural born citizen".
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

So running the true SSN but putting in 'Barack Obama' ... if the Prez used the name 'Barry' to register for Soc.Sec when he was age 13, or including the middle name or initial, if the Prez did otherwise, etc., will get a false fail on E-Verify and probably also SSNVS!? Howcome nobody spoke up long and loud in the media when the birfers were bleating about the SSN business??

(PS: I added, to my previous entry, a link to the Taitz v. Astrue decision)
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

You're making the assumption that birthers can read and follow direction, as well as spell, of which I have seen precious little if any evidence thereof.

Since the birfoons involved have been carefully closed mouthed about what they actually did, it is really hard to tell, always assuming they actually kept track of what they were doing in the first place, but a good bet is they were sloppy, and it is equally possible that the system simply wasn't cooperating at that given point, I'm holding out for sloppy, slipshod, and generally incompetent though as the true reason(s). Always assuming that whoever actually input the original information didn't make a keying error at the time.

In any event, the ones who did violated federal law, several of them I am sure, and the ones who accepted the information after the fact are probably accessories after the fact to the crime.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:There is another internet service for checking SSNs, the SSN Verification Service (SSNVS), operated by the Soc.Sec.Admin. itself. Again, intended for employers to use to make sure they hire only US citizens. I do not know what the limitations of the database are - but I don't think I have heard of a birfer running Obama's SSN through this database.
Yes, someone did, or rather, someone supplied Orly with what she says was a legal document saying they committed fraud by claiming to be an employer doing a legitimate search. Or so she claims. If memory serves, the one who did e-verify wasn't the same as the one who did SSNVS, but I could be wrong. The mind glazes over when reading Orly, don't cha know. It's in her bundle of "evidence" which she periodically puts up (warning, her site gives me malware hits all the time).
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Er, yes didn't you realise? It's not like she has any clients or work is it? Fogbowers are busy trying for Googlewacks and counts of other odd combinations, like "orly taitz is competent" (allegedly 1 hit).
They had a great time with this on that site (search for "Orly's Latest Poopies," I could have given you a link, but then I wouldn't have an excuse to type "Orly" and "Poopies" together). And, by doing so, they may have caused the following:

After I mentioned massive scrubbing and de-linking of any mention of my Obama cases on Google, the number of search results suddenly jumped from 179,000 to 1,140,000, it went up 10 times in one day, which supports the notion of prior de-linking of inconvenient truth search results.

Posted on | December 3, 2013 | 3 Comments

Current search results under “Orly Taitz” on Google

About 1,140,000 results (0.65 seconds)

Let's say for the purposes of discussion that by giving the Fogbow people something to ridicule Orly about, they actually caused her "hits" to suddenly increase, which batsh!t crazy Orly takes to be Google being afraid of her having "found them out." Classic Orly. Classic crazy (seriously, ascribing-meaning-to-random-events while peeing in her pants crazy).

BTW, searching for ""orly taitz" beastiality" on Google gives "About 93,700 results (0.27 seconds)," and only about 80,000 of those are things written by Deep Knight!

notorial dissent wrote:Since the birfoons involved have been carefully closed mouthed about what they actually did, it is really hard to tell, always assuming they actually kept track of what they were doing in the first place, but a good bet is they were sloppy, and it is equally possible that the system simply wasn't cooperating at that given point, I'm holding out for sloppy, slipshod, and generally incompetent though as the true reason(s). Always assuming that whoever actually input the original information didn't make a keying error at the time.
Strange, I distinctly remember Orly poopies, er, posting what would amount to a confession, although it may have been worded in such a way as to not say they did anything fraudulent. And then sending them to Federal court. Laser sharp legal mind.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Apart from the dozen entirely plausible reasons why either of those verification websites gave a false negative to Obama's SSN, I think there is a real possibility of the Soc.Sec.Admin either giving the Prez (and First Lady) an entirely new SSN when it was realized that their original SSNs were no longer secret, or else the Soc.Sec.Admin decided to keep the President's SSN out of the employee verification database on the reasonable assumption that nobody has a proper reason to check his SSN or, if the Prez or former Prez was looking for a job, no employer would doubt his nationality.
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Also a very likely scenario.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Cathulhu »

I don't think "undeniable" means what Orly thinks it does...having Princess Bride flashback here.
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notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

At any rate, it doesn't mean what she wants it to mean.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

We Illuminati, who are everywhere (just look under your bed), have the tape.

Obama - Darn, that crazy lady has my social security number and is publishing it online!
Aide - Sarah Palin?
Obama - No, the one with the weird eyes.
Aide - Michelle Bachmann?
Obama - No, the lashes are like spider legs and she screeches a lot.
Aide - Orly Taitz!
Obama - That's the one. Now I'll have to cancel all of Michelle and my credit cards.
Aide - Sir, since you are the head of the government, the Social Security Administration works for you. Simply ask them for a new one! It will only take 4 to 6 weeks.
Obama - I can do that?
Aide - Yes sir!
Obama - But I can't target Rush Limbaugh with drones! Go figure.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly posted an e-mail or something from Congressman Smith who went on and on about how he hated Obamacare, but at the very end included this, which Orly left in, obviously not sensing the irony!

Prelude to impeachment

Posted on | December 3, 2013 | 11 Comments
Expert Testifies to Congress: Obama’s ‘Ignoring Laws’ Could Lead to Overthrow of Government

“There is one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restrains that the constitution places on the government.”

An Update from Congressman Lamar Smith
Fighting Frivolous Lawsuits

Lawsuit abuse is common in America because lawyers who bring frivolous suits have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Attorneys can file worthless suits without fear of penalty. Meanwhile, defendants are faced with years of litigation, attorneys’ fees, and an unfairly damaged reputation.

Last month, the House of Representatives approved legislation that I authored to fight frivolous lawsuits. The bill restores accountability to our legal system by making attorneys who file worthless lawsuits pay the legal fees of innocent defendants. It encourages attorneys to think twice before filing frivolous lawsuits

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Deep Knight wrote: An Update from Congressman Lamar Smith
Fighting Frivolous Lawsuits

Lawsuit abuse is common in America because lawyers who bring frivolous suits have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Attorneys can file worthless suits without fear of penalty. Meanwhile, defendants are faced with years of litigation, attorneys’ fees, and an unfairly damaged reputation.

Last month, the House of Representatives approved legislation that I authored to fight frivolous lawsuits. The bill restores accountability to our legal system by making attorneys who file worthless lawsuits pay the legal fees of innocent defendants. It encourages attorneys to think twice before filing frivolous lawsuits

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If this is Lamar Smith's idea of being witty and snarky, it fails. Which is tough to do when being critical of Orly Taitz.

The reason I say that is the dialogue about "lawsuit abuse" is largely insurance lobby-funded nonsense, designed to make the world more profitable for big corporations and insurance companies. Orly Taitz'es lawsuits may be frivolous but they are not seeking any kind of monetary remedy that I am aware of. So perhaps he didn't even intend to direct it that statement at her. When a politician starts yammering about "lawsuit abuse" the only thing one can really ascertain is that he wants donations from the insurance lobby.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:Meh.

If this is Lamar Smith's idea of being witty and snarky, it fails. Which is tough to do when being critical of Orly Taitz.

The reason I say that is the dialogue about "lawsuit abuse" is largely insurance lobby-funded nonsense, designed to make the world more profitable for big corporations and insurance companies. Orly Taitz'es lawsuits may be frivolous but they are not seeking any kind of monetary remedy that I am aware of. So perhaps he didn't even intend to direct it that statement at her. When a politician starts yammering about "lawsuit abuse" the only thing one can really ascertain is that he wants donations from the insurance lobby.
It wasn't addressed specifically to Orly, it was a general release she liked because it had a lot of red meat in it. She may of not noticed the Frivolous Lawsuit part, or more likely, she doesn't realize her's are, what the judges said went in one ear and out the other.

Speaking of clueless Orly, some recent posts on Obama's uncle.

Obama’s uncle to appear in deportation hearing, while Obama is allowed to stay in the WH wth all fabricated IDs, which could have been prepared by the same forger. I need your help in getting all the info about this case

Posted on | December 3, 2013 | 13 Comments

please, look under address 48 Bishop Allen dr, Boston, MA

Posted on | December 3, 2013 | 14 Comments

Obama’s uncle lived in MA at 48 Bishop Allen Dr. , Boston, MA. He stated that he shared an ap-nt with BO.

Both of them used and are still using bogus IDs. We need names of any individuals connected with this address in 1990, any SSNs connected with this address around 1990

I need your help in getting in touch with Obama’s uncle. I believe that the same forger made their bogus IDs, as well as the IDs of BO’s aunt Zeituni. I need your help in interviewing the uncle and getting the address, where he and Obama shared an appartment

Posted on | December 3, 2013 | 3 Comments

Well, just now, about 2:30 PST, Judge Shapiro ruled that uncle obama is such a nice guy (having only ignored several orders to get the heck outta here and a drunk driving conviction on his record) that the USA should be glad to pay for his every need for the rest of his life. Welcome him in everybody, alongside obama’s Autie Zeituni. Yes, the obamas are the new Kennedys. It’s just like Camelot all over again, huh?

Oh, testimony by the uncle says that obama lied about never meeting him, that obama actually shared housing with the good uncle back in b hussein o’s college days. So obama lied again. Or the uncle is lying under oath. My money is on obama.

We need to extend the search on Onyango Obama to 1980s-1990s. He tells that Obama is lying, that he lived with his uncle in the same house when he went to Harvard. We need all records re. the properties: names, tax returns, social Security numbers. They are believed to use the same forger who created for both multiple IDs and bogus SSNs

Posted on | December 5, 2013 | No Comments

Was 48 Bishop, Cambridge, MA, where Obama lived, joined with 50 Cambridge MA, as one property, just as Obama’s house in Chicago annexed the property next door? We need all assessor’s records going back to 1980s. I need names and SSNs of people connected to 48 and 50 Bishop

Posted on | December 5, 2013 | No Comments
Hi Orly
Bishop Allen Drive is in CAMBRIDGE MA and not Boston MA.
The good news is that there is a website for the assessor’s office in Cambridge:
There are 2 things wrong. There IS NO #48 Bishop Allen Drive. What’s bizarre is that the assessed value
of housing (e.g 50 Bishop Allen Drive, 56 Bishop Allen Drive) is between $1.100,000 and $1,700,000 !!!!!

Please, look at the affidavit of Investigator Sankey. We have Obama’s address in Somerville, MA, but it is not clear, why is he hiding his residence with his uncle in Cambridge, MA. Why Cambridge and Boston records are missing from the recorders office? Was inconvenient evidence scrubbed?

Posted on | December 5, 2013 | No Comments

Here is the address in the apartment complex in Cambridge, MA, where Obama lived with his uncle, even though Obama denies it

Posted on | December 5, 2013 | No Comments

only took a minute– google maps– street view– the LH door is #48, RH door is #50 ( I zoomed in)
from the looks of all the mail boxes– they rent single rooms in that building– looks like 5 rooms at 48 and 8 live at 50- a perfect flop house for a student or someone who is living incognito–
Marc Smith ps- I have also called the postmaster of a postoffice and they have answered questions about specific address locations ( before the internet)

Does anyone know, who is Paul O. Nyangani? I need to find names and SSNs of people who lived with Onyango Obama at 48 Bishop, Cambridge, Ma in 1980s-early 1990s, when he claimed he lived together with Barack Obama, when Obama went to Harvard

Posted on | December 5, 2013 | No Comments
Dear Orly:
I had tried to post that there are 8 people living at 48 Bishop Allen. That post “vanished” when I posted.
Here are the names listed on an internet search:

Paul O Nyangani
48 Bishop Richard Allen Dr
Cambridge, MA
Age: 65+
Associated: Evaldo Oliveira
Alexandra Mead
Paul Swartz
Alex Bottone
Evan Eppler
Evaldo Oliveira
Gregory Harris
Grace Nyangani

Obama admits to another lie

Posted on | December 5, 2013 | No Comments

Submitted on 2013/12/05 at 11:42 am

Barry mis-remembered when he said he had never met his illegal alien uncle, now says he lived with him for a couple of weeks,

FLIP-FLOP: President admits he DID live with his illegal alien uncle…

And what is that "lie" or "flip flop?"

President Obama acknowledged on Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than a year ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.

Their relationship came into question on Tuesday at the deportation hearing of his uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed in testimony for the first time that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation.

On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe that they had no record of the two meeting. This time, the press office asked the president directly, which they had not done in 2011.

“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

The White House said Obama’s immigration case was handled “without any interference from the president or the White House.”

So this is Orly's next big lawsuit? That the White House press office didn't ask the President and and got his having met his half-Uncle wrong, which is an impeachable offense? In Orly-world, sure!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Having mentioned Douglas Vogt (e.g. in my entry of Nov. 2), who claims to have identified the "forger" who worked up Obama's b/c and then had that person's name sealed in the court file, on the premise that this person didn't yet know that there was this all-out manhunt going on....

Vogt has finally let slip enough to figure out his target. His method of figuring out the culprit was his confidence that, amid all the forged signatures, etc., the counterfeiter of the b/c was vain enough to include her (yes, her) own name in a hidden fashion in her handiwork. He says that by taking the defective letters scattered around the b/c and rearranging them, etc. ... ger-clued/

And it turns out to be Jill Theresa Nagamine, who is Hawaii's Deputy Attorney General! Nagamine actually allowed a meeting with someone from Crazy Joe Arpaio's "posse", wherein she told him that he had no legal authority to demand to ramble through the Dept of Health's birth records. I would assume that she is a crackerjack lawyer (graduate of Univ. of Southern Cal law school), but having the technical and artistic skill to fabricate a convincing counterfeit birth certificate is a really impressive addition to her repertoire. I don't know the lady but I sort of think that she does not get much amusement from being accused of falsifying an official record, and she might be in a good position to make that lack of amusement manifest.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Great news! Orly will finally have her day in Supreme Court!

Monday, December 9, 2013
Breaking News – US Supreme Court To Hear Case Against Obama Fraud In A Closed Door Hearing Away From The Main Stream Media Spotlight
The Obama Hustle
The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama

US Supreme Court To Hear Case Against Obama Fraud In A Closed Door Hearing Away From The Main Stream Media Spotlight
Orly Taitz, friend of The Obama Hustle will have her case against the protected one on the 15th of this month. In a hearing behind closed doors which is unheard of as far as I can tell, Taitz will have her day with the Justices. She will be using information supplied by the Obama Hustle detailing the frauds committed by Barack Obama along with other evidence supplied by experts and others across the spectrum of various expertise.
She will be using evidence supplied by my article which details Obama’s crime in detail and finally connected the dots on his crime against the American people with the theft of the social security number that he stole from Harry Bounel, a man from Russia born in 1890.
Like her or not, people have to respect Orly’s tenacity in digging for the truth and shedding light on the protected one and his many crimes such as:

A fraudulent and forged Birth Certificate
Stolen social security number
Real Estate fraud
Tax fraud
High Crimes and against the American people
Election fraud
A forged Selective Service document
2006 US Senate Ethics violations

Other articles written by the Hustle that prove Obama’s fraudulent / criminal activities ...

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:54 PM

And what does Orly say?

It seems Google-YouTube has locked the “number of views” counter on my you tube channel again

Posted on | December 9, 2013

Um... it seems nobody's told Orly yet. Either that, or ... she's playing dumb and waiting in ambush for them to walk right into her trap!

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Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Altho MacHaffie appears to have posted this within the last two days .... ... -hear.html
... the mention within the message of the supposed Supreme Court date of Feb. 15, 2013 indicates that this is a rehash of something from a year ago and not new. And, of course, nothing came of the Feb 2013 date (apparently the regular Justices' conference wherein the decisions to grant or deny certiorari to a multitude of pending petitions are made).

The more time that passes, the more obvious that the birfers are losing and that Obama is solidly in office as the legitimate President, the wilder (and more scary) the birfer bleating becomes.
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, aside from the little things liek the SCT DOESN'T hold trials, and the date thingy, pure vintage, and apparently vintage McHalfwit. Why if one didn't know better, would could almost begin to consider that the birfers had lost total touch with reality, but that couldn't be possible since they have proven that they have long since lost it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

While MacHaffie posts another year-old Orly fantasy as being current (this time some of the dates were changed, but not all), Orly has her minions focus their laser-like intellects on another problem of national interest.

I can’t believe it is happening to me again. My car dies again. For 2 days certified mechanics at the dealership cannot figure out what is wrong with my car.

Posted on | December 10, 2013 | 20 Comments

20 Responses to “I can’t believe it is happening to me again. My car dies again. For 2 days certified mechanics at the dealership cannot figure out what is wrong with my car.”

December 10th, 2013 @ 12:51 pm
Give some detail and this might be a more productive post.

December 10th, 2013 @ 12:57 pm
Guess that spell that was cast on you is working quite well.

bo pe
December 10th, 2013 @ 1:00 pm
Hopefully other states will follow suit..
Read more: Obadiah Chapter One Barry Soetorah, Michelle Soetorah, Gen Ham, Gen Betrayus, SCOTUS, DHS, CIA, GOOGLE, YAHOO…ETC.

December 10th, 2013 @ 1:09 pm

Bruriah Sarah
December 10th, 2013 @ 1:30 pm
Dr. Taitz
There might be foul play going on. This has happened to you before and I bet this is related to the post from the other day. I think you are getting close.

December 10th, 2013 @ 2:23 pm
..If the problem can not be duplicated it would be unethical to sell you something you do not need…
They are doing the right thing by NOT throwing expensive parts at it..
Being near an airport has been known to cause die out problems..
is it still not starting or did it die out and restart?
If there are no DTC’s present it could be difficult to diagnose..this is not so uncommon…
How many times has this occurred? you may just need to drive it and see if the problem persists.
if the car is not able to start still it should not be to difficult to diagnose
December 10th, 2013 @ 2:39 pm
it makes clicking sound when I drive uphill and when I try to increase speed, it like the car is choking

December 10th, 2013 @ 3:06 pm
I would check the warranty
and if it is still valid,
insist on its being returned
to the dealership, ask for
refunded monies, as you may
just have a ‘lemon.’
Shop around, buy a new car,
a time-trusted model; Consumer
Reports might have an article on
I have had no trouble with
either Toyota or Honda
and many thousands of miles for each.

December 10th, 2013 @ 3:48 pm
If you have On Star they could well be tinkering with your vehicle
AJ Dumitz

December 10th, 2013 @ 4:06 pm
Sounds like a smog hose, that sort of thing can be dangerous

December 10th, 2013 @ 4:43 pm
There are so many variables and possibilities..
Is it All Wheel Drive? Four wheel drive, or standard two wheel drive?
Can they duplicate the symptoms in the shop or on the road test?
that is the first step in diagnosis

December 10th, 2013 @ 5:02 pm
Hi Orly. I’ve been following you since 2009, and I am so very happy about the progress you have made in trying to bring the Impostor to justice. May God continue to bless you in your endeavors and keep you and your family safe.
Why not drive a rental car every day???????????
December 10th, 2013 @ 5:06 pm
it is expensive

Janes Edition
December 10th, 2013 @ 5:07 pm
With any luck, the car will soon catch fire with you in it. My suggestion would be to get it fixed at minimal expense and then drive the shit out of it.
December 10th, 2013 @ 5:08 pm
they told me that they found 2 coolant leaks that just appeared, they are repairing those and will run the car tomorrow, will try to duplicate the symptoms when the car is no longer overheating.

December 10th, 2013 @ 5:21 pm
Go buy a used pre-computer car to drive for a while.

December 10th, 2013 @ 7:25 pm
That sounds reasonable..
hopefully that was not too expensive.
In some circumstances coolant leaks can cause noise(s) and performance issues so maybe it is related or cause of..
I do have 23 years experience in dealership service dept. as a technician. Keep us posted if you have any concerns

Bob Robertson
December 10th, 2013 @ 7:33 pm
Don’t worry, it’s not going to explode or anything.
No, really, I promise.
(heh heh…)

Davey Crockett
December 11th, 2013 @ 2:57 pm
Orly: maybe try to get a loaner every so often, so they won’t be able to keep track of what car you are driving?
With what you said about the chocking…sounds like a bad carburator? or bad gasoline? Go to another service station? dealership? Call that other dealership and quiz them with what is going on? See what they say. Or…get a ride to where you need to go from you husband? trusted friend?
Be as creative as you can.
"Follow the Money"
Princeps Wooloosia
Posts: 3144
Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 4:50 pm

Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Loretta Fuddy, the head of the Hawaii Dept of Health, was killed in a plane crash last night. ... ama-birth/ Taitz has already suggested there was hankypanky in this, although Fuddy had repeatedly and unequivocally attested to the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate, and bent the Health Dept rules to allow Obama to get a photocopy of his original long form birth certificate. Even WND is hinting at a "mystery". ... ry-killed/

Fuddy was aboard a small plane that crashed or crash-landed, going from one Hawaiian island to another. There were about a half dozen others on board who survived, Fuddy was the only fatality. In view of her official duties, and the layout of the Hawaiian Islands, very frequent airplane flights, even aboard those little commuter planes that look like they use rubberband motors, are unavoidable.