On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

Yeah, and the peasants "lucky" enough to survive the transitional military fiasco known as WW l were none too pleased to come back and find no food or medicine to fire up their peasantness so they pitched two revolutions leaving Noble Family hanging (so to speak). Too bad someone didn't engineer a food process and get the Vatican to pitch it.

So I awoke this morning asking myself,"Is Erasmus really crazy?" Heck, I'm a medical man, and I should know. Well sort of, but back in the day the "Shrinks" were given short shift and it wasn't until Big Pharma figured out that since Psychiatrists were MDs they could use some new pills to RX
and out came the tricyclic antidepressants. Sure TCAs killed some folks, but they got things rolling and "The Boys in the white coats" started to get real doctor pay. With that shift in fortune the Shrinks got their very own bible called the DSM and like any good bible the DSM allows you to apply reality to nonsense. You can find DSM codes online and Dx your friends right into The Bin should you want to. If you care to find a Dx for Rassy, you could go from mildly delusional where the Pt. believes in things that could happen and progress up the scale to things possible but highly unlikely. These delusions must be juxtaposed to how well the Pt. deals with the day to day. While Rassy tells a lot of whoppers, he does not seem to think that he is being directed by radar or is getting instructions from bill boards (Other that buying a Chevy).

If you wish to hear a pretty good psychotic rap, search "crazy Gail" on youtube and see how long it takes to pick up on what she's about. (depends on the post)

OK? Fine.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

A Two-Rassy Review, with as much religion removed as possible. What he believes isn't from any recognized religious thought, so I'm not sure if the "no religion" rule would have applied if I hadn't, but the "no boring the readers to death" rule certainly would have.

Friday, November 29, 2013

I took scientific logic courses both at a military academy and at a large university. Before you can think scientifically in any field whether the sciences, business, religion, etc., you also have to know the difference between genuine logic which leads you to valid ansers by scientific thinking or else the fool's gold of sophism what sounds like logic, but is not logic, but merely a play upon words for the naive and gullible who lack common sense in practical matters.

In two published experiments, the speed of light was reported multiplied by as high a factor nearly 100 times the claimed constant speed of light. This was censored from the school kids because the "constant" speed of light was supposed to prove the universe was incredibly old whereas 100X speed of light could make the unverse young! Also, an Australian astronomer took the recorded tests on speed of light since science started this and found a mathematical curve of decay to the speed of light indicating that the speed of light was originally the speed of infinity and the universe could therefore even be just a few thousand years old!

Give you examples. What is the oldest city mentioned in the Bible? Not Jericho as many Bible scholars claim. It is Enoch mentioned in Genesis which was the first city founded in the world according to the Bible. One Bible scholar said he got from Pennsylvania a metal cup from a coal vein which was identified as coming from the ancient city of Enoch. The city of Enoch was named by Cain after his son. This Bible scholar theorized that somehow the Great World Flood must have washed this metal cup over to North America. Nice theory but can't be correct. Metal could not float enough to do this vast trip by a world flood due to its concentrated weight. This cup if from Enoch meant that Enoch was originally located in North America, not the Middle East.

Lactantius who was a highly honored Church father at the time of Constantine the Great around maybe 310 A.D. mentions the key thing that triggered God off where he destroyed all the human race on earth except for Noah and his family. They had an angle how to genetically alter the human race and were trying to create a race of giants on earth. This messing with the genes of mankind so angered God that God wiped out all the genetically altered mankind on earth and left alive Noah and his family who had not been made impure genetically by this evil of mankind on earth. Maybe this is a message for our time and age!

On my mother's side of the family, they claimed they had the hereditary gift of prophecy and there were many family accounts about this family gift they claimed they had. One of my forefathers from this line predicted someday a descendant of his would oppose the tyranny of Wash., D.C. and restore a free government to America for the American people. He predicted what year this descendant would start arising to restore a free government to a people who were no longer living under a truly free government from Wash., D.C.

Just around 7 years old I had the manifestation of what the adults said was the "Cloven Tongues of Fire of the Holy Ghost of God." This lasted for maybe 20 minutes and then disappeared. When older I got the written testimony of all three adults to what happened that night.

You pay attention to details and use deductive reasoning like "Sherlock Holmes" publicized in the clever detective stories about him, you can crack almost any secret of history, science, military intelligence, and as illustrated above likely of much of what the Bible says in prophecy so long as you stay honest with the scholarship. A practical point here. Jesus Money was used 4 times in history and always performed the best of any monetary system in human history. I got all the details on it and by deductive reasoning knew where to look for missing records so all details were found verifying how it worked and worked so spectacularly for mankind each time used in human history.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the American who dares to actually think when Wash., D.C. does not want you to think in America but blindly accept all their lies and con propaganda and act like they are telling you the truth for America which you must believe in.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:54 PM

Saturday, November 30, 2013

In my report yesterday "PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS!", I used a trick to test if any critic of the report would know the Bible or not. None caught the trick of Bible scholarship. I said the sons of Abraham founded the tribes of Israel. Now on the surface that should sound incorrect as it was the sons of Jacob who was renamed Israel who had the sons who became the Tribes of Israel. …So the use of this phrase was technically valid but if you did not know the meaning of this statement in the culture of the Jews back then, then you could think I had incorrectly said that direct sons of Abraham founded the tribes of Israel. Many heretics and heresies are born in Christianity by claimed Christians who have too shallow a knowledge of the Bible and do not always know the correct meaning of words in a Bible when used in a special context. Also, critics of Christianity can invent false arguments against the Bible because they are not familiar with the real meaning to many words in the Bible and especially when used in special context due to the situation involved.

[In other words, Gasssii Maximus made a mistake in his previous post, and now offers this lame excuse for it.]

Many dead have come back alive for whatever reasons in these last 100 years. I have found widespread testimony from such of seeing the hereafter and then knowing what the Bible says about the hereafter is true and not invented falsehood. I think Christianity among other things is a form of I.Q. test from God. … Or Ronald Coyne with the Plastic Eye Miracle where he saw with plastic eye inserted or else with an empty eye socket all his life after a woman evangelist prayed for him in Oklahoma when he was also 7 years old like the Italian girl.

Enough preaching for now with real testimonies and facts for you the American people and other people across the world. … The evil organize fake opposition in such as America to trick the people so they won't back real opposition to evil from good leaders in their nations. I am the real McCoy and not a plant of the evil! That is why you should back me and passage of my Omni Law posted on our national website.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one who died, saw death for what it is, and God returned me to life so I could tell you to honor God so your nation may be blessed on earth by God!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:09 PM

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by littleroundman »

Deep Knight wrote: In my report yesterday "PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS!", I used a trick to test if any critic of the report would know the Bible or not. None caught the trick of Bible scholarship.
Of course there are also several other possible "logical" reasons "none caught the trick"

* No one read it

* No one cared enough to point it out

* People are so used to Erasmus' delusions mistakes, they just added it to the ever growing list.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

littleroundman wrote:
Deep Knight wrote: In my report yesterday "PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS!", I used a trick to test if any critic of the report would know the Bible or not. None caught the trick of Bible scholarship.
Of course there are also several other possible "logical" reasons "none caught the trick"

* No one read it

* No one cared enough to point it out

* People are so used to Erasmus' delusions mistakes, they just added it to the ever growing list.
But that would mean that Erasmus would have had to detect the mistake himself, which I don't think is too likely. I supsect that someone (or someones) did indeed point out the error to Rassy and he had to respond in someway to deflect criticism.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one who died, saw death for what it is, and God returned me to life so I could tell you to honor God so your nation may be blessed on earth by God!)"

If there's one thing I like about Erasmus, it's his humility.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

I think all three reasons are in the highly likely column, that and the majority of his readers got lost after the first big word, but mostly I'm betting no one(as in not many) really read it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:If there's one thing I like about Erasmus, it's his humility.
Your special “Humility” edition of heavily-edited Rassy.

Monday, December 2, 2013


When you deal much with the bright in society, this automatically makes your own mind sharper than just dealing with those who never think in their lives.

At ages 6, 7, and 8, I was already studying how to send rockets to the moon, how to build atomic bombs, worked out laws of science, etc. which later in high school I found out that my theories of laws of science were actually taught in the textbooks in high school.

A friend told me afterwards they called me the "Abe Lincoln" of the classroom for honesty and everyone then decided to elect me class president.

I had maybe signed up for the most advanced math course in America and not taught in other colleges and universities. I may have been the only freshman who signed up for this. Other students were sophomores, juniors, etc. and the top math students at the university. I passed the course.

At the age of 20, I successfully cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany which enabled them to boom the German economy

Having won the respect of economists by successfully cracking the top economic secret of Nazi Germany which was more sophisticated than American and European economists had realized, I was now able to study with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. I had shared with me even their most secret economic studies not taught in the colleges and universities.

My economic formula is very sophisticated and can expand into hundreds of different formulas depending on what answers a government or nation wants from it.

I always back smart leaders on my side if I can. I have quite a circle of smart people I call "friends" and this is a power base to win for good instead of evil in America.

I have tried to talk common sense to the people where other people use hysteria and psuedo-logic to try and lead the people away from what are their best interests in America.

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the maverick in economics who believed that honest scholarship created true economic science, not starting with lies and trying to make them work as claimed economic science!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:11 PM

Oh yeah? Well, I studied for 11 calendar years at the most evil anti-American spy school in the world, well-known as the most top-secret school in the world! While there I studied with the top 6 thugs in the world, recommended by Albert Einstein himself! While in this college or university they taught me ways of causing pain not taught at colleges and universities! When I was 5, 6 or 7 years old, I had independently come up with all the positions in the Kama Sutra, well, all except the one that required hot wax from dripping candles 'cause I wasn't allowed to play with matches. Did I mention that my mother was the most famous child actress in the world with the highest IQ ever recorded in the world but that all that was covered up with a false flag so you can't look it up? And that I have this idea for Satan money that will make the economy boom! You see, we make money that self-destructs in a few days, literally burning a hole in your pocket. People will have to work extra hours to make up for all that over-toasted cash, which will produce more goods, and the economy will boom! Then there's my father's Sabbatean Maffia endorsed bread...
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus of America wrote:At the age of 20, I successfully cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany which enabled them to boom the German economy

Having won the respect of economists by successfully cracking the top economic secret of Nazi Germany
Another piece of evidence showing that history and reality have no common ground in Rassy's mind. If anything, the Nazis were total incompetents when it came to managing the economy. During the early years of the regime before the war, Hitler only instituted a large number of public-works projects to facilitate employment; that was accomplished only with large-scale governmental borrowing. The result was that at some point the chickens were going to come home to roost when the bills came due. Of course, WWII started and the looting of the occupied countries allowed Nazi Germany to postpone that day.

But the war economy itself was horribly mismanaged and too many fingers were in the pie. There was redundant manufacturing, there were too many weapons, vehicles, planes and systems being developed without coordination of the available manufacturing capabilities. Instead of a factory system that could produce large numbers of weapons with interchangeable parts, you had a weapon or vehicle being produced by the same factory that somehow had to produce the spares at the same time. Much of this was a result of the Nazis trying to reward all of the manufacturers who supported them with political donations during the the early years of the party. Such cronyism only dragged down the ability of Nazi Germany's ability to supply its armed forces and to replace its losses. It wasn't until Albert Speer was elevated to the head office of the Ministry of Armaments and War Production in early 1942 did there come any effort to centralize and coordinate the war effort. At this point the German economy became more efficient than it had been, but that still came at the expense of the living standards of the average German citizen. Food became a scarce item as the war evolved and there was certainly a problem with trying to come up with housing for Germans that was being systematically destroyed by Allied bombing.

In short, Erasmus relies on wive's tales, urban myths, fantasy, legends and lies - anything but the truth and facts - when it comes to spouting off about history.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

More to the point, Gassy Rassy just makes it up out of whole cloth, saves all that nasty research and actually having to learn anything. That way he doesn't have to worry about all those nasty facts contradicting his latest line of bilge.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Another explanation for the Nazis' prewar successes is that they were able to loot the property of Jews and imprisoned political dissidents to pay for the buildup to war.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Deep Knight said;
. . . . . And that I have this idea for Satan money that will make the economy boom! You see, we make money that self-destructs in a few days, literally burning a hole in your pocket. People will have to work extra hours to make up for all that over-toasted cash, which will produce more goods, and the economy will boom! Then there's my father's Sabbatean Maffia endorsed bread...
Wow! That's new and innovative! Well, apart from being totally cribbed from the Townsend Plan, an idea thought up eighty years ago. Francis Townsend figured the US could beat the depression and eliminate poverty amongst the elderly by giving every old-timer $200 a month regardless of need however it had to be spent by the end of the month. The reason for the mandatory spending was the belief that all this cash being blown every month would stimulate the economy back into prosperity. Problem was that the math didn't quite work except in Townsend's head. Trust DK to steal his ideas from a past failure. Next he'll be promoting NESARA.

Last edited by Burnaby49 on Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Thule »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Another explanation for the Nazis' prewar successes is that they were able to loot the property of Jews and imprisoned political dissidents to pay for the buildup to war.
A bit of a weird connection here. Rassy has previously raved about 13th century France and "Jesus Money". Saint Louis was not above extorting money from the Jews, in fact he financed a lot of his crucading that way.

Somehow I don't think the re-discovery of the old "let's fleece da joos" trick is going to win him any prizes.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Wow! That's new and innovative! Well, apart from being totally cribbed from the Townsend Plan, an idea thought up eighty years ago. Francis Townsend figured the US could beat the depression and eliminate poverty amongst the elderly by giving every old-timer $200 a month regardless of need however it had to be spent by the end of the month. The reason for the mandatory spending was the belief that all this cash being blown every month would stimulate the economy back into prosperity. Problem was that the math didn't quite work except in Townsend's head. Trust DK to steal his ideas from a past failure. Next he'll be promoting NESARA.
Lies! Slander! Bed wetting! I had never even heard of Townsend, and couldn't have been the one who killed him because I was elsewhere, besides, it was just a coincidence I was seen fleeing from the scene. Instead, I stole it from the 60's TV show "Mission Impossible," where when Mr. Phelps got paid a mysterious voice told him that the treasurer would disavow any knowledge of his salary and it would self-destruct in 15 seconds. And his suitcase full of bills did, usually with heavy smoke or light fireworks. So, the IMF team would spend the episode trying to figure out a way to get their money to the bank before it burned up.
Thule wrote:A bit of a weird connection here. Rassy has previously raved about 13th century France and "Jesus Money". Saint Louis was not above extorting money from the Jews, in fact he financed a lot of his crucading that way.

Somehow I don't think the re-discovery of the old "let's fleece da joos" trick is going to win him any prizes.
Gassy Rassy wrote:He had this one area of economic study which was overwhelmingly powerful and which the other economists did not know about. We had this system of money starting in 1150 A.D. and was in France from basically 1170 A.D. until 1270 A.D. when early bankers overthrew it because it made all the people basically rich under it, no unemployed, no poor left, no crime left, no wars left, made businesses boom in super prosperity, taxes disappeared from governments as they no longer needed taxes to run on, and historians then wrote how a virtual golden age had descended on mankind under this monetary system. When I studied how it worked, I coined the name of "Jesus Money" ...
Feudal 12th century France, heaven on earth!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Wasn't that "burn up the money in your pocket" the economic model of the Weinmar Republic?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Totally out of limits to rebut my expose of your vile palagarism by revealing to the world my issues with bed wetting. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Totally out of limits to rebut my expose of your vile palagarism by revealing to the world my issues with bed wetting. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
We Illuminati are everywhere! Just look under your bed, where agent Ralph as a bone to pick with you about that subject. And while you're at it, you might question the efficacy of asking someone who's been arrested over a million times for indecent exposure about his sense of decency.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

In his latest insightful analysis of whatever it is he pulls from his butt, Erasmus of America inadvertently gives us a partial resume. Edited to probably maybe only those references.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

In Teaching Economics as the saying goes, "Garbage In, Garbage Out!"

I had a regional manager job with a multi-billion dollar insurance company and could hire insurance agents in 49 states. I could become a potential millionaire with this yet quit it after learning the insurance secrets of running an insurance company not known by the public.

… ultimately got me to hold maybe positions in 30 or so professional positions and some positions in management including vice president of an advertising agency and in management running some retail stores for national chains.

Among this wide array of professional fields I went into over the years, I also was an elected union labor official with two labor unions. One of them I was the local head of the local union.

I was an elected union official with another union …

We had a South Carolina Investors financial group which for decades paid faithfully high interest returns each year.

When I worked in the savings and loan field and studied with the American Savings & Loan Institute …

When I worked for one of the top newspapers in America ...

Being in so many positions seeing how the American economy really works and not theoretical from textbooks, etc., I observed something that the economists don't know about.

From my studies of economic science with six of the most brilliant economists in the world, I was strongly impressed how land was a great asset for creating enormous wealth in the nation.

I am an honest economist and tell the truth!

I am loaded with economic answers I do not have the time to show you.

I had advanced Colon Cancer for over one year and it was only a question of time before I would die from it. With my usual philosophical approach to this, I said, when the Lord is ready, I will be shown the answer for this. Suddenly one day in I think 1987 I saw by scientific logic how to cure this advanced Colon Cancer and for less than $100 in total supplies, knocked it out in 7 days flat. That is certainly cheaper than spending $250,000 to $500,000 to "fight" but not cure Cancer under Obamacare

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the most pro-free enterprise economist in America and fiercely anti-Communist as it is a lousy and evil answer for mankind!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:11 PM 0 comments

Wow! Think of all the cancer Gassy Rassy has cured for himself, his wife, and his friends. First it was tumors falling off his/hers/theirs faces, now it's gonna be colon cancer cures for under $100 in supplies! Just get some aluminum shavings, copper wire, powerful magnets, quartz crystals, autobody filler, and some muffin tins you'll never want to use for muffins again.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by AndyK »

Al,lowing that his litany of prior employment is moderately accurate AND that it all relates to his current incarnation AND that he held each job for approxomately 1 year:

Year 1 -- regional manager job with a multi-billion dollar insurance company

Years 2 - 31 -- positions in 30 or so professional positions and some positions in management including vice president of an advertising agency and in management running some retail stores for national chains.

Years 32 - 33 -- elected union labor official with two labor unions.

Year 34 --- elected union official with another union …

Year 35 -- worked in the savings and loan field and studied with the American Savings & Loan Institute …

Year 36 -- worked for one of the top newspapers in America ...

So (allowing for about 20 years for him to finish high school and some college) Gassy should be at least 56 years old. That's the MINIMUM assuming he stayed at each job for only one one year.

More likely, his CV would have been a difficult accomplishment for Methuselah

But then, who's counting -- or trying to relate his posts to Planet Earth :?:
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Let me take you on a journey through time and space and the mind of Gassy Rassy. Hold on tight, you wouldn’t want to get left there.

First, remember that Gassy Rassy suddenly started promoting the Dinar RV, a post I put in the RV thread. I wonder why …

Friday, December 6, 2013

[1,000 IQD are worth $0.86]

If Iraqi Dinars were worth $1 each at time of the RV of foreign currencies including that of Iraq, 1,000 Iraqi Dinars would be worth $1,000 in US Dollars. If they were worth $3 each, then 1,000 Iraqi Dinars would be worth $3,000. If worth each $30, then your tiny imput of $4 would bring you back in US Dollars basically $30,000 minus any service fees if any applied to this exchange at that time. Unless Iraq is never to join the WTO and engage in true international trading of their oil, etc. in regular currency exchanges as other nations do, then at some point they have to have an RV of their currency which many reports indicate can be at any time now.

[It just HAS to be!]

We don't sell Iraqi Dinars but found this source that priced the purchase of Iraqi Dinars low enough so anyone with even but a little money could still buy some Iraqi Dinars if they wanted to. If you use this information and things turn out good, then with your newfound much larger money, look at the business opportunities and options we will have once we build our Camelot Project in America which will be a huge community built so fast as to be like a city popping up overnight from the wilderness.

To get this information, you order from any product offered on our national website or send in on the loan program for the Omni Law on our website. Then send us an email what you ordered from us and ask for the report "$4 For 1,000 Iraqi Dinars." We tell you who the source is offering this nationally at this time.

Pass this report along unless you love living in a lousy national economy in America under Obama.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for a level-headed economist tired of the Mickey Mouse Communist flavor economics offered to America under Obama dominated Wash., D.C.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:54 PM

[John’s readers didn’t think this was such a good deal]


Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 8:22 PM
If Erasmus is such a Christian man, then why doesn't he just post the source of the $4 per 1000 dinar. But noooo! You have to go thru him to get this info and send him some money. What a con artist!

Anonymous December 7, 2013 at 5:07 AM
I just did a search and found this site that sells a single 1000 dinar note for $3.99:

Anonymous December 7, 2013 at 11:21 AM
It doesn't matter if he offered this as a bonus as a way to raise funds for the Omni Law that he is promoting as a way to help America out of this communist takeover that is under right now. Some people are apparently to "dumbed down" (with fluoride) to realize what passage of this Omni Law could mean for a great and prosperous future for America. One college professor teaching a speech class told the class that "There's no such thing as a free lunch in America" (things always come with a cost or strings attached) (The groomed bum class in America today expects everything for free) (Ignorance is not bliss) What the teacher actually meant was that we would have to do our homework, research, and put together and perform our speech if we expected a good grade out of him. What is wrong with the people in America today? Have they all been brainwashed into accepting communism already?

Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 8:44 PM
If the Iraqi dinar is about to revalue - the option to do what Erasmus said is a moot point as the dinar will no longer be for sale at that price.........OR........Erasmus knows something Okie doesn't like yet once again the Iraqi dinar WILL NOT revalue.

Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 8:45 PM
John I hope you will post this as it is intended as a guide for people to show we can help others without expecting something in return and we very well should if we expect to ever turn this nation around.
Here is my report I offer it for free as I truly want to help people without something in it for me and I Do Not sell Dinar you can purchase 1000 Dinar notes on a very popular auction site that starts with an E for $2.97 free shipping
We are all in this together we can choose to rise or we can let greed lead us into a major fall

Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 9:07 PM
One can get 980 IQD per $1 at Dinar Trade. Just about a 4x markup. WHAT A DEAL !!! (Raw Deal that is)

Anonymous December 7, 2013 at 12:13 PM
yo can get all the dinar you want on e-bay for a lot less. just make sure to by from a 98% or higher seller.

[Believe it or not, those cranky comments were by government agents, perhaps even Obama himself! And now they'll have to pay!]

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sometimes I have a hidden reason why I make an offer. I was not selling the Iraqi Dinars but would supply the information for free to those who wanted to back the Omni Law drive. What I deliberately did not tell in my offer last night is that those who contacted the source I was going to offer had a offer how they could maybe earn for themselves maybe even 1 million Iraqi dinars if they wanted to join his plan. Maybe even more starting with just $4.00! Among those attacking my offer yesterday were one or more federal operatives trying to be too clever and not knowing when to quit. The new legal settlement figure for the federal sources with me will now be $140 trillion for each federal offender and the federal government itself. The hidden deal was for my supporters, and not for the enemies of Christianity, of America, etc. . I wanted to back the supporters of Christianity, etc. with a potentially smart way to increase their money which could later be used to back Christianity and other worthy causes in America and abroad.
Well federal dirty trick operatives, want to shoot for $150 trillion settlement figure with me? Obama and Eric Holder are among those who will be sued for full amount when the hour comes for my legal filings against them and others in the federal government we already know about or else will find out about by extensive legal investigations. And since civil rights conspiracies are punishable as criminal acts under federal civil rights laws, those found guilty may be judged should also be charged with criminal charges by the legal committees that will be legally investigating them. This also comes under the criminal law of the Genocide Treaty which President Ronald Reagan signed as a treaty obligation of America meaning that even 190 foreign nations can all charge these federal leaders and federal operatives with genocide conspiracy efforts to kill off the people in their nations by trying dirty trick operations trying to block the reestablishment of my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America. You are playing with legal fire and smart time to quit totally from the dirty trick operations.
By the way, I hear a dirty trick operation of the feds is trying to block Nesara News from being seen on the public computers of libraries in South Carolina. Didn't you boys ever hear of freedom of the press and freedom of speech guaranteed as legal rights in America? Since when did America become Nazi Germany of America?
I realize my report of yesterday also showing the drive of The Tea Party to have Obama impeached could provoke federal dirty trick operations by attacking my $4 for 1,000 Iraqi Dinar report as an angle to divert attention away from the drive of the Tea Party to have Obama impeached now which I publicized in my $4 for 1,000 Iraqi Dinar posting with Nesar News yesterday.

This is an email report sent to me earlier this week. Here is an interesting story how the people in Spain blocked the building of a mosque their government was backing and the people were not.

Best idea yet! Looks like that is going to be the only way to stop 'them'!!
The Islamic rules forbid the erecting of a Mosque on "pig soiled ground".
In Texas they have an overabundance of feral pigs. They could send them all over the country, and...just plant them everywhere!
Americans, put on your thinking caps, and lets find a solution to this problem of a spreading menace to the American way of life!
If pigs are the answer, let’s do it!
Let’s keep this going!
Send it on! Maybe we could get someone to
Plant a pig at the White House!

COMMENT FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA. Field Marshall Viscount Edmund Allenby captured control of Jerusalem from the Muslim soldiers in 1917 and led the British Army into the city after using a special tactic. He had bullets coated with pig fat used by his British soldiers and by printed tracts dropped from the air told the Muslim soldiers inside Jerusalem that their bullets were coated with pig's fat. Under the Islamic faith, they lost their salvation if hit by a pig coated bullet. Jerusalem fell to the British Army soon afterwards!


Pass this report on to others. We expect to win but we are not going to show our true hand prematurely. We will when we have won explained the true reason why we made some public moves we made and the public will understand then and totally approve!

If I was dumb enough to follow the advice of my enemies, then I would be far too dumb to help the American people with their economy, etc. by passage of the Omni Law. An old saying is, "Don't let Satan force you to play in his ballpark. Force him to play in your ballpark instead!"

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the leader who uses smart answers so his side will win, not the dumb answers supplied by his enemies hoping he is dumb enough to use their dumb suggestions instead designed to collapse him and stop him from coming victory! An enemy does not supply you good advice so you can win instead of his side! And involved federal operatives, you are in such hot water now as you cannot even yet begin to imagine! Time will show!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:49 PM

Boy, I bet Obama is sorry now!
"Follow the Money"

Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by littleroundman »

An old saying is, "Don't let Satan force you to play in his ballpark. Force him to play in your ballpark instead!"
They played baseball back when Satan was walking around ???

Well, I never knew that.