Denny Jackson v. Robert Baty

Paths of the Sea
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Denny Jackson v. Robert Baty

Post by Paths of the Sea »

(Some Quatloosians have been involved and/or watching the show. Here's the latest which may bring the conversation to an end.)

Denny Jackson


Robert Baty

Subject: Personal Income Tax: 26 USC 1

It appears Denny Jackson is quite a sore loser. After losing the argument, he posted the following message in the readers' comments section following the article and our discussion: ... in-schiff/

From: Denny Jackson
Date: Thursday, December 27, 2013
Time: About 2:00 AM MT

@ Bob Conlon (and Peter Reilly):

Don’t waste your time on the psychopathic Quatloser rlbaty.

As you can see, he’s clearly insane and incapable of discerning right from wrong. He’s cut from the same Nazi cloth as all the other totalitarians who think that all they have to do is make a criminal act legal and suddenly everything’s jake. Steal as much as you want and destroy anyone who resists…as long as you have a badge and a bunch of lying politicians and judges say it’s OK, because it’s the law.

You’ll never get rlbatsinhisbelfry to admit that govt theft is just as wrong as private theft (worse really) and still a crime even though ten thousand judges who are just as damaged as he is say it’s not theft, it’s taxation!

Oh, silly me.

Same act, different word, all OK.

Also it won’t matter what you say to him, he’ll just keep coming back and you’ll never get the last word with him because in his sick, twisted, control-freak mind whoever merely speaks last wins and to the psychopath winning is everything (who in their right mind would go to the trouble of searching tax court cases for irrelevant dirt on someone he’s debating on a website?).

The guy’s completely nuts.

Don’t let him steal your time as he and his ilk have stolen your money.

The Quatloos snake pit is full of this type.

Ignore him and he’ll slither back there.

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Re: Denny Jackson v. Robert Baty

Post by Lambkin »

who in their right mind would go to the trouble of searching tax court cases for irrelevant dirt on someone he’s debating on a website?
Hee hee, who indeed? Love it.
Paths of the Sea
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Re: Denny Jackson v. Robert Baty

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Lambkin wrote:
Hee hee, who indeed?
Love it.
I think this is Denny's primary Tax Court case:

U.S. Tax Court Docket # 17268-08L

Opinion: ... ID=5711107

I think this is Bob's primary Tax Court case:

U.S. Tax Court Docket #21091-09

Entered Decision: ... ID=5421269

Those two have quite a history, it appears, that they don't want to talk about.

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Re: Denny Jackson v. Robert Baty

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Paths of the Sea wrote:(Some Quatloosians have been involved and/or watching the show. Here's the latest which may bring the conversation to an end.)

Denny Jackson


Robert Baty

Subject: Personal Income Tax: 26 USC 1

It appears Denny Jackson is quite a sore loser. After losing the argument, he posted the following message in the readers' comments section following the article and our discussion: ... in-schiff/
More wisdom from Peter Schiff: ... ris=182531

Somehow, I think I'll pass. It would be too much like taking driving lessons from the son of a man who set the United States for automobile accidents.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools