On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

littleroundman wrote:They played baseball back when Satan was walking around ???

Well, I never knew that.
Satan is a huge baseball fan! Not only is it the only game played in the middle of summer when the weather is "hot as hell," but he owns most of the food vendors. How else do you explain $10 warm beers and $8 cold hot dogs? As for why the Cubs haven't won the World Series in 105 years, I would tell you about 1945, the curse of the billy goat, and who the goat really was, except you know who would know who blabbed.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Two of my neighbors told me while I was gone yesterday, several drones were flying overhead in our neighborhood like they were spying on everything there. These two neighbors were very resentful of the implied threat by several drones flying overhead again and again targeting the neighborhood for whatever reason.

Once we win in America, we will back drives in other nations to pass the equivalent for their nations of our basic model Omni Law and those nations wanting to share in the booming economy like America will have then, we will accept picked leaders from other nations and train them in our system of economics booming the American economy so fast once we win in America! We will move so fast and powerfully then, Communism will be forgotten and no one on earth wanting to live under a Communist society after that! The Muslim faith teaches a simple form of economics, but our free enterprise economics in speed of growth will be like a jet plane flying in the sky in comparison to an ancient Model T Ford bumping down an old dirt farm road referring to Muslim economics or Communist economics versus our American free enterprise system then flying ahead with the speed of a jet plane!

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for that American leader believing in honoring God as a nation, being moral and smart in character as a nation, and using all the smartest, practical ideas that have ever worked in history so America wastes no time in rising to its God-given potential as a nation before God and mankind on earth! When we use old economic ideas that have worked well before, then we don't have to spend time to see if they will work! I like to use tested economic ideas that have worked super great before and inviting to be done again now by us!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:10 PM
"Follow the Money"

Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by littleroundman »

Amazon have announced they are trialling the use of drones for "last mile home deliveries"
http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevebanker ... will-work/ and Dominoes UK likewise have been trialling drones for home delivery of their pizzas http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/04/technol ... zza-drone/ but nooooooooooooooooo, these drones are "spying"

Imagine living inside that head.
notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

littleroundman wrote:Imagine living inside that head.
Thank you NO!! Too crowded, too many crazies. All of them boring.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

oh my God! Marty Bormann or whatever Rassys real name is seems to be bent on world domination based on puffed rice which everyone should recall (along with puffed wheat) is the only cereal "SHOT from GUNs". Someone better do something!

oh what a terrible tune! king confusion may carry the day while we hide in caves of woe!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, December 28, 2013
Anyone who says that the American people cannot win and pass the Omni Law is either a con artist, a liar, or else their brains are maybe fried with some drugs or other angle to short circuit their brains from thinking effectively. When the American people say "I CAN!" or "WE CAN!" and mean it about passing the Omni Law, then they should win! The first panic among Monsanto Chemical stock owners is starting now as they realize that the public is waking up to the GMO threat imposed by GMO foods and public reaction is getting dangerous for Monsanto Chemical. I understand some Monsanto Chemical sources are starting to dump their stock while they still can. People learn from this. The power elite are afraid of your public opinion and this includes the criminal cabal secretly running America.
By the way, push for passage of the Omni Law soon as you can! The report is out that the bankers of Wall Street with White House support under Obama are planning to collapse the American economy soon with Washington backed tricks to overnight bankrupt the American people, businesses, and America as a nation. If the Omni Law is fast passed and it can be, vote me by national referendum to be the Economic Czar of America until the crisis is over. We will use fast tactics of economics to save the American economy and your money as citizens and businesses of America. Then we will arrest the traitors in Wall Street, White House, etc. and put them on trial for high treason against America and if the judgments are against them, it is predictable that the American people will want all these traitors to America executed as authorized by the U.S. Constitution. I and the Omni Law once passed represent the authority of the American people over the federal government.
If they try to pretend that there is no legal way to stop them and try to destroy America from control of Wash., D.C., then my hand will be forced and I declare the reestablishment of the Confederate States Government of the Confederate States of America to be the new national government of America for all 50 states this time if this happens! I had several branches of the Jefferson Davis family sign over to me all legal claims to the Confederate Government years ago. Under the Confederate Constitution, the Confederacy never surrendered to Wash., D.C. and this was recognized under a British Commonwealth Parliament to be valid under international law. As already stated, I possessed all legal claims to the Confederate Government due to the Davis grants of legal authority to me for years now and witnessed years ago by delegates representing all states of the Confederate States of America at our national convention at Hot Springs, Arkansas that year! By legal maneuvering and legal ambushes on Wash., D.C. under Obama, I let Obama pull the legal mistakes that gave the Confederate Government legal claim to all land of the 50 states of America. All Confederate claims can be submitted to the UN and other international legal bodies for verification that the Confederate Government has legal claim to all land for the 50 states of America at this time. This will hold up as valid under international law. I am not an amateur at law, but a reputation as very deadly at law when the chips are down!
Since I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and studied as star engineering student with an engineering school, if Obama and his evil cabal backers are committed to violence at all costs to try and crush the American people, I have a trick weapon system with the potential to wipe out all 30,000 federal drones if they try to use them against the American people. I have a trick weapon system that can kill all the traitors hiding in underground cities under Denver, Colorado or any other place they try to hide under. If any foreign power tries to back Obama militarily, I commit myself to wipe them out with the Soviet era Doomsday Bomb which technology for I got when cracking the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. If the UN tries to side with Obama, then I will see the UN kicked out of America and we will set up a new international organization to replace the UN in the world to represent nations on the earth.

WARNINGhttp :// WWW. DRONE HUNTING LICENSE PERMIT .COM has a malicious software payload. AndyK

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:22 PM

Strange, Monsanto stock has been going up for the past few months, from around $100 per share to $115 per share. Must be them Illuminati hiding the real price with a false flag or somethin'. And as for the UN, which is it, are they going to install a new Confederate government, be kicked out of the US, or both?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

My name is Tomas Texino and I think the OMNI LAW has a snowball's chance in China of being passed.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

texino wrote:My name is Tomas Texino and I think the OMNI LAW has a snowball's chance in China of being passed.
Not sure quite how to interpret this. Either you are holding China to be on the same plane as the 9 Circles of Hell, or you are in possession of some knowledge that snow no longer happens in China.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Cathulhu »

A charming Chinese belief I've run into is that the first snowfall of the new year is lucky. Which is kinda how I got into one of the more memorable snowball fights of my life, in Hangzhou.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Tomas Texino is welcome to mix his metaphors as much as he wants, whether they make sense or not (I think it does: snowball's chance in hell + chinaman's chance, yes?). After all, this is where Gassy Rassy's nonsense is posted, and he set the "not making sense" bar rather high! And, speaking of that, did you know you don't have to pay income tax? Apparently, not only is it not law, it's voluntary.

Friday, January 3, 2014
Make checks, etc. for payment to NIFI and tell us what payment is for whether Omni Law loan program or product such as our new Federal Income Tax Package containing several legal/historical reports showing that technically Federal Income Tax was not apparently passed for the 50 states of America, but at best just for federal territories. As stated in the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776: "He has combined with others subjected us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws..." This is an important part of the legal definition of tyranny according the founding document of America on July 4, 1776. And it has been stated at times by some Washington sources that taxes are voluntary. What did they mean by that? Read this legal package and find out how far your legal rights go! People forget but until World War I, the federal government financed itself successfully without federal income tax! We can do it again whenever you want to return to a federal government run without need of federal income tax. As Communist Lenin said, "The power to tax is the power to destroy!"
"People who don't stand up for their legal rights soon have no legal rights. People who do stand up for their legal rights soon have their legal rights respected again by law." - Erasmus of America. This legal package on federal income tax is listed as the first item in the Product listing section of our website. And as soon as our Omni Law is passed, we will have our legal rights respected again in America and our economy will boom with prosperity for all. And if you are seriously wanting this, it won't take too long after passage of the Omni Law and we will have a national government free of federal income tax again in history! And China is so busy buying up the valuable assets of America, it won't be long until you are the serfs and Chinese coolies of the Chinese unless the Omni Law is passed now to restore America to American ownership again! And unconfirmed to me so far but reported to me that Obama just signed away at the end of 2013 all the parks and unoccupied federal territory of America to the UN. If true, for reasons maybe not realized by Obama, such an act is illegal and void under American law. When the Omni Law is passed, we will show why Americans own all this land claimed signed over secretly to the UN by Obama at the end of 2013. Back us. We are the only game in America that is going to restore control of America back to the American people.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American who practices the policy of John the Baptist that Jesus praised so highly by exposing the corruption in the government of Israel at the time of Jesus Christ when His public ministry began.)
Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:18 PM

As I remember, John the Baptist's "exposure of corruption" was denouncing King Herod's marriage to his niece. Didn't end well for him.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Well, the sad (and expected) thing about all of this is that Erasmus is now turning to the "income-taxes-are-illegal" scam as his next venture. His past and current actions show that Erasmus will say and promote anything that he thinks will bring him a few extra bucks from the marks out in Internet land. Obviously Omni-law, his father's Vatican bread recipe, free-energy devices, youth pills, investment securities, and the like are not bringing in enough dough for Rassy, so it is time for a new scam.
Deep Knight wrote:Tomas Texino is welcome to mix his metaphors as much as he wants...
I don't think Texino was mixing metaphors on accident, I think he did it on purpose because he knows something is up between China and Hell. I just want him to let me in on the info to see if we can exploit something financial out of it.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

The story so far:

Erasmus of America talked about being born & raised in Illinois, and also being the rightful president of the Confederacy. Deep Knight wanted to know "Where's the Birth Certificate," which was especially delicious as Gassy Rassy is a noted birfer. So he claimed that Illinois was actually part of Virginia, and thus he was born in the Confederacy and a Natural Born Citizen. Agent Knight cut 'n pasted a "Law of the Flag" thing from a nutjob conspiracy website, and used that to argue that Martin Hunter, if that really is his name, was a traitor to the glorious South 'cause where he was born had both a Yankee and Illinois flag. Anyway, it's taken Gassy Rassy over a year, er, "some months" to come up with a response. And it must be a good one, because he contends it means I now owe him $150 trillion dollars. I'll get my checkbook.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Some months earlier I had said in a national report that Illinois originally belonged to Virginia. I was criticized that this was nonsense. I said that it had been ceded to the federal government in order to help form America as a nation. However, it was originally ceded on the basis that the perpetual national government formed under the Articles of Confederation of 1777-1787 would abide perpetuallly by its terms in this national charter creating a national government. Also, to induce Maryland to accept the Articles of Confederation and help form America as a nation, Virginia ceded its western claims to land to the federal government being formed.
Later when the U.S. Constitution was written up, Patrick Henry (5 times Governor of Virginia!) created a storm in the South and the South was not going to ratify the U.S. Constitution. He had addressed the Virginia General Assembly (originally called House of Burgesses - oldest elected assembly in America) and said that the U.S. Constitution would create a "consolidated government" (meant legal tyranny under colonial definition). ... But this proposed U.S. Constitution would create a consolidated national government which some day would crush the Southern States and end the Southern way of life and states'rights.
The authors of the U.S. Constitution had to orally send word down to the people of the South that if the South would ratify the U.S. Constitution, then as an oral legal rider to the U.S. Constitution, it was legally promised that the U.S. Constitution would never be used to crush the Southern way of life nor states' rights in the South. I had a history book written around the time when all this happened later destroyed by Wash., D.C. when they destroyed my private library of rare books near Wash., D.C. when I lived in that area years ago. Wash., D.C. did not like for me to tell the truth to the American people to counter Washington propaganda of lies and rewriting of history.
But some of the words of Henry Henry survived where he opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. ... "I smelt a rat." "What right had they to say, We, the people?" Henry demanded. "Who authorized them to speak the language of, We, the people, instead of, We, the states? … If the states be not the agents of this compact, it must be one great, consolidated, national government." ... Quotes from a history of Patrick Henry since my original book of Virginia history was destroyed by Wash., D.C.
In such legal heat from the South, only the oral legal rider to the U.S. Constitution kept Virginia from claiming back the land granted by Virginia to create the starting United States of America. Since the legal terms by which Virginia originally granted this land to Washington for the Articles of Confederation had been violated, the contract was now null and void and the Virginia granted land as state property under standard law was supposed to be returned to Virginia. And when this later oral legal rider to the U.S. Constitution was violated by the Lincoln Government of Wash., D.C., then Illinois and other lands granted by Virginia to Wash., D.C. now legally belonged to Virginia once more. Standard contract law!
- Comment from Erasmus of America. Cancellation of the original U.S. Constitution offered for ratification therefore under law cancelled the land grant of Virginia to Wash., D.C.!
There are more ways to fight a war than just military action in a theater of action in some land or another. Federal operatives tried to assert how dumb, crazy, and contrary to history were my historical claims that Virginia had or ever had legal claims to what is called Illinois today. I just won the historical debate today and with that the propaganda war with federal operatives on that point of history and law. This is the military doctrine of overwhelming the other side by massive strength! For trying to smear me with false claims of history and twisting this into an intended smear campaign against me, Washington now owes me $150 trillion in legal claims which also applies to any federal operative violating the law with what are actual criminal acts under law in order to try and stop me from passing the Omni Law in America.
Having grown up in military academies, I could list many principles of how to win a war. But one principle is all that I applied here. I just won a propaganda war with Wash., D.C. by massive force of using history and law to win my side in this propaganda war they started against me and thought it would be impossible for me to win against the "might" of Washington tricks of lies and deceptions. Anytime Washington wants to jack the legal damage claims up to $160 trillion, try more tricks of lies and deception as you massively tried already! I will be ready and waiting for you if you want more bloody noses legally! And higher legal damage claims against Wash., D.C. and all federal operatives assigned to try and stop me by a disguised Washington propaganda warfare of lies, deceptions, and massive cons on the American people Wash., D.C. thinks are too dumb to know the difference between the truth and mass propaganda warfare of Wash., D.C. which does not even know how to tell the truth in major issues!
By the way, having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I checked out some angles of science and engineering and now know how to drive the Muslim rebels out of the two major cities of Iraq in even two days flat! However, while the military victory might be won easily by an unorthodox tactic the rebels are not expecting, the present leader of Iraq caused the uprising by not having the RV of Iraqi currency fast enough and needs to get closer to the people of Iraq where they want him to lead them instead of fighting to get rid of him as many in Iraq think civil war is better than having him as their leader of Iraq.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American who thinks like the first Americans did ... There I stand, like it or not! I have already picked which side I am on!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:05 PM

My rebuttal:



Just as the laws of the sovereign state under whose protection a ship is registered and whose flag the ship flies shall apply to that vessel, and the gold-fringed flag in court means you're under admiralty law, the license plate of the car that drives the mother to and from the hospital shall determine the citizenship of the person born from that visit. And furthermore, if that state's license plate features the leader who kicked the butt of a country and caused it to cease to exist, imaginary continuations of that government can't claim that state belongs to them.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

In-depth legal analysis by Deep Knight after 5 minutes using Google and zero calendar years at law school, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn with a hooker last night.

Virginia and the rest of the states making claims to lands they actually didn't control between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River, got their Revolutionary War debts paid by the US government in return. Look up "Funding Act of 1790." Virginia got three million five hundred thousand dollars.

How's that for Quid Pro Quo, sucka? Standard @#$&*! contract law!
"Follow the Money"

Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by littleroundman »

Erasmus is a perfect example of what can happen when someone is prescribed too large a dose of Thorazine, or takes it for too long.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus posted this last month, but I missed it due to this thing called "Christmas." Turns out Gassy Rassy owns title to the State of Virginia, because he very quietly filed legal land claims, if I read it right, in 1861-1865. No wonder he's so confused, people more than 150 years old tend to get that way.

When the Constitutional Convention had written the U.S. Constitution, Patrick Henry raised a storm in Virginia for the southern states not to ratify the U.S. Constituion as someday it would be used to crush states rights and the Southern way of life. The southern states were not going to ratify the U.S. Constitution and the authors of the U.S. Constitution knew it. So they sent word down to the southern states an oral rider to the U.S. Constitution binding on it legally. If the southern states would ratify the U.S. Constitution, then the legal authority of the U.S. Constitution would never be used to crush states rights or the Southern way of life. Upon this legal promise as a legal oral rider to the U.S. Constitution, the Southern States as a separate legal entity ratified the U.S. Constitution and Virginia gave up its claims to land west of Virginia which included such as Illinois, Indiana, part of Pennsylvania, etc. to the federal government to be created under the U.S. Constitution. If ever the federal government created a breach of these oral terms for ratification of the U.S. Constitution which was a legal contract offered to the American people to ratify, the land claims of Virginia would return to it and it free to secede from the federal government which betrayed its legal agreement with the South if Virginia wanted to.
The federal government broke its legal contract with Virginia in 1861-1865, and very quietly I obtained the legal land claims for Virginia and expanded its legal claims to larger than the original land grant to the federal government upon the terms that the U.S. Constitution would never be violated in the legal agreement or contract with the Southern States including Virginia. The legal land claims I obtained by secret by legal valid means was recognized under international law as valid by a key international source secretly recognizing that I had successfully obtained the lost land claims of Virginia but I am the legal trustee and not Virginia directly until I sign away the land claims either directly to Virginia or else to Wash., D.C. IF THEY PASS THE OMNI LAW AND DO OTHER THINGS GUARANTEED TO RESTORE LEGAL FREEDOM AND LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE OF ALL 50 STATES! I separately had some other valid land claims separate from Virginia due to a hidden background on my mother’s side of the family, but I transferred all these land claims into one package deal of land claims for Virginia which would take a giant bite off of the American map if executed under international law.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the leader who actually dares to tell the American people the truth in a land dominated by federal lies and mass deception as they think the American people are so dumb, they cannot see the truth when shown them and incapable of acting to straighten America out!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:16 PM

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ashlynne39 »

As luck would have it, I have a copy of the book rassy is missing. Its called "Everything You Ever Wished Patrick Henry Said But Didn't."
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, January 10, 2014

... A tactic of law when the government tries to be corrupt towards valid law, hit them on a number of fronts of law and it becomes too obvious how corrupt the government is if they either don't allow your legal arguments to be heard in court or else the smart move is quick dismiss any tax claims against you before this goes too far and the involved government gets badly hurt legally by allowing this matter to go to court! Once they lose in court, all citizens can use these rulings to also say that they owe no taxes either! So better to drop tax claims against you than gamble on losing in court if they have any brains at all!
These "Federal Income Tax Packages" are to be printed up per the number of orders coming in and sent out by regular mail to those ordering this. This creates a few days delay in sending out the orders, but I am not going to send this out by email copies of these reports in the Federal Income Tax Packages. Included in these tax packages will also be given the source for at least 30 tax reports such as the "Omnibus Taxpayer Bill Of Rights" passed in 1988 which is a 30 page report which included right to sue I.R.S. for $1 million for reckess tax collections, new appeal rights, etc. These several dozen legal reports also show many legal angles and maneuvers which drives the I.R.S. crazy if you start hitting them with these. In that case, they will wish that they had never tangled with you and just left you alone as you were not worth the price to try and fight in law! One of the tax reports is "Getting Previous Income Taxes Refunded." Shows the procedure and sample forms for you to use if you want your last three years taxes refunded to you! The information on where to get these many tax reports is included as a free bonus with this tax package if you order now!
Also, order earlier, get your order back earlier! If we get a flood of orders, may take a little longer to fill all orders as this will be done by printing and mailing, not by email copies of reports. This helps finance our Omni Law Drive and helps build pressure on the federal and state governments to want our Omni Law passed fast in order so I will not offer this longer once I am convinced that the Omni Law is going to be passed and fast!
By the way, for those hoping to see a soon RV of foreign currencies, with this type information, this gives you an option to decide if you want to pay taxes or not on the involved RV if you judge this tax information fits the format you would want for this purpose. A Pentagon official who was a good friend of mine years ago in Wash., D.C. used to give this as an example of the dumb way or smart way to win at a big project. He said you give a leader the assignment to topple a big pyramid in Egypt. The dumb leader assigns 100,000 slaves at the ropes to try and topple that pyramid of massive weight onto its side. The smart leader assigns a few dozen men with shovels to dug out from one side of the foundation until the pyramid flips over onto its side due to its own massive weight! By showing how we can set up the Jesus Money system with the Omni Law, many of you will want to help topple the pyramid of the big project which is passage of the Omni Law. By showing federal and state officials that they want us to quick win on the Omni Law Drive, they help us instead of oppose us when we work to topple this big pyramid of passing the Omni Law and fast in America. "Brains beats stupidity in situations like this!" Even the big secret power elite are scared to death if the people suddenly join together to straighten out a nation that the power elite had previously ruled over without effective opposition to their tyrannical rule over America. As the old saying goes, "There are a lot more of us than them!"
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for that natural born rebel against tyranny as my forefathers were in Scotland, England, Ireland, and of course in the American Revolution where family tradition was maintained as they fought for the God-given rights of man against tyranny in government regardless what form it comes in!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:11 PM 0 comments

I wonder where Gassy Rassy got the idea of flipping over a pyramid by digging its foundation?

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

I hope you all realize how honored we are to feature Erasmus of America here. Some of the skills and accomplishments of this modest man are truly unbelievable! A review of his achievements from his Jan 2 New Year's post.
I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. One was personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century. Also, an international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe once wrote me up as they claimed "The Einstein of American Economics." America's economy has to be its strongest at the time we defuse this radiation threat from Japan. As soon as Congress or the military sees that I have the authority, I order the Secretary of the Treasury to have an immediate RV of foreign currencies as has been in the works for some time now. That is not the ultimate answer to all the economic problems of mankind, but at this time and place a good move for the world economy and America as a nation.
I have been exceptionally good at law when I had reason to be. And combine this with I have always been rated a very good history scholar. I was a history major at the university, but before that, I won a national award (reward) which apparently rated me as the top history student out of American high schools that year. I took a national history test given to honor students in high schools across America and won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science off of the results I got on that national history test while still in high school.
I studied with an engineering school many years ago and they let me study one week of engineering each day and I kept an A average doing this. I was very good at engineering and had a natural instinct for it. My father was one of the most brilliant inventive geniuses in history and invented successfully the food process that the Vatican endorsed as potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ ... My grandfather on my mother's side was a natural born genius in inventing and never studied with an engineering school ... He became a millionaire off of his inventive talent. He invented up to around 700 inventions later used in America. My own parents looked on in a bit of amazement when as a small boy I began coming up with inventions and I had not been encouraged by them to do this nor had I studied technical courses at that young age. It was born in the blood and I was good at it! Later on, Charles Kettering who had been the head of research and development for General Motors at one time and then later president of General Motors once saw a list of mine of 920 inventive ideas I had come up with in a two week period while a teenage cadet at a military academy. He wrote me while I was in military school that he rated me to be the most original inventive brain that he had ever seen in America and I didn't know it but one of my concepts for a guidance system for ICBMs was a duplication of the top secret guidance system for American ICBMs worked out by the Pentagon for Wash., D.C.

I have for much of my life dealt with many of the most brilliant people in America and some abroad. I like working with them. They like working with me. We make great teams together as we understand each other so well and understand well what are the smart and brilliant answers of all parties to our braintrusts we form and frankly we know what will work or not among proposed ideas and concepts. I have no interest in what is called "boasting," but because of what I am about to propose for America, it is required for credibility for the following proposal to state the following. If not required, I would not mention this ... If Wash., D.C. had believed in its own U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, I probably would already in life have given America maybe up to 2,000 national industries to America meaning jobs for all and people not even knowing what poverty was in America. Wash., D.C. knew that I had scored an official I.Q. rating of "beyond scientific measurement" when my I.Q. was first tested when I came to Wash., D.C. I had completed the I.Q. test in half time which was supposed to be "scientifically impossible" to do since I destroyed the time factor to measure intelligence with.
Got it? All from the same post. And now for the kicker.
Congress remove Obama from the White House on medical grounds. He has delusions of grandeur that make it impossible for him to see reality from the White House and he cannot be trusted with the responsibility of the White House without risking the end of America as a nation and race on earth. Congress or military remove him from office at the White House! Do it by 5-7 days from now if you are smart!
I'm sorry I missed this one when it came out, 'cause Gassy Rassy has this kiss, er, sign-off.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American standing up for the American people in this hour of extreme danger to America. Wash., D.C. already knows exactly where to find me any time they want. The Secret Service met with me in 2013 in a national security issue apparently originating from Denver, Colorado and I gave to them what legal assistance I could. I do not approve of violence as a usual way to solve the problems of a nation so showed where I stood by helping them against a threat of murder of a federal official and probably identified who was behind the murder threat mailed from Denver, Colorado if I recall correctly where the threat came from.)
You may remember that last year I had a post suggesting we follow Rassy's request to "copy and mass send out this report all over America and the world." by sending them to the Police, FBI, Secret Service, etc. Especially the ones where he demanded money from or threatened the government (see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8945 ). This must have freaked him out, 'cause he spun a story about the Secret Service (or was it FBI, it changes) paying him a visit where he explained the killing the President by slowly lowering him into a vat of boiling acid story was a computer hack by Deep Knight, an Illuminati Air Force Colonel from Denver, CO. Nailed me. Anyway, they were going to find and execute me, which still gives me sleepless nights, but I compensate by having millions of supermodel lovers. It's a living.
First position I take is any nation supplying Obama with soldiers to take over America, they will be the last to receive this Vatican endorsed food process that will save their race and nation from apparently fast coming biological extinction according to the dire results predicted by these medical labs all over the world. Second position, until Obama is executed by the military, America will never get this food needed for the survival of the American race. And since Obama is mocking and laughing at constitutional law and bill of rights in America, I will legally honor his legal position and say that he and 10 top co-conspirators with him are all to be dropped into hot sulphuric acid and inch by inch dropped down until their entire bodies are eaten up by acid which will scientifically likely be the most painful slow deaths any leaders have ever suffered in human history for planned treason against their own people. Do I mean it? Yes! Not symbolically but for real! I am a tough son of a bitch when reality requires it!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Somehow, the word "reality" seems out of place in any of Gassy Rassy's rants.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just ran across (ok,ok, it was pointed out to me) a facebook account that indicates we Canadians might just have a Erasmus wanna-be. His grandfather depth-charged a whale! Razzy has his father's Vatican Bread, Scotty has Grandad's Cetacean capers!

http://www.facebook.com/notes/scott-dun ... 9621812845

Anyhow, statements like the following indicate, at least to me, a yearning to be recognized as genius and guru. The main difference from Erasmus (apart from the scale of claimed achievments, this is Canada, we're more modest) is that Duncan is dead serious. I'm of two minds about Razzy. Also Razzy seems to like his daddy, Duncan clearly does not and I bet it's reciprocated. This is only a first post so I hope for more examples of greatness to follow;
For the name, John Duncan ( I am the twenty-third to hold that title), represented Clan Equity protecting the rest of the family from the perils of legal jurisprudence. I'm going to presume that in the distant past, members of my family actually liked each other, as I myself am more likely to put a bullet in my father's head than I am to give him shelter from legal jurisprudence. It is of no concern, I still hold the title. It doesn't mean much under the law, but it does allow you to commission Royal Trusts.

My first love is computer science, and it is the bulk of what I do to occupy my time. Those that remember me, (and people always remember me) are from all walks of life. CIBC, NCR, WALMART, The Toronto General Hospital, DELOITTE AND TOUCHE, the list goes on... Corporations that are stepping a little out of line, and need correcting, were the targets I was often deployed to. That is just in the past sixteen years. It required a skill level that very few people had, and each time I did my duty (it wasn't my job, nor was it my employment), I patted myself on the back and said, “Not bad for someone who was told by his father, 'Scott, you live in a fantasy world. You watch too much Star Trek, and there will never be computers everywhere'.” When the first consoles, like the Atari 2600, the ColecoVision, and the Commodore 64 showed up on the scene, my father in his “wisdom” declared that these were toys, and that one could not “make money off of them". That was the day I knew, “I'm smarter than he is”.

I had often wondered why my deception was so effective on him; and it was because he was just as stupid as everyone else.

I'm not afraid to admit that the biggest drawback to knowing more than everyone else is that it's profoundly lonely.

Imagine if you will, a world where everybody is 12 years old, or less. You are the only one in your 20's, or 30's or 40's (depending on how old you are), and that's what life is like for me. You see 12 year olds have the benefit of ignorance and gullibility, making them very easy to manipulate. This gets tedious after a while, and it makes it very difficult to look in the mirror. I couldn't figure out why it had to be such a lonely existence. I don't possess any mental powers that you don't, but you all love ignorance and stupidity. You celebrate your ignorance with idiotic phrases like, “Keepin' it real”, while worthless people control you. I know they're worthless, as I've walked among them. It seems the more wealth people have, the more contemptible they are. I've been a millionaire 1.5 times in my life (the .5 is given that designation as it was less than two months – I'd learned my lesson the first time). Only those that have experienced self-made wealth can understand this, but the worst part about being rich is that you have to hang around rich people. It seems I'd flown too high, and nobody had noticed. I longed for a conversation that didn't require two years of education before the party I was conversing with could even grasp the outer edges of what I was saying. I still do.

I gained the most by seeking out people who were smarter than I, and that pool gets smaller and smaller every year.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
