macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

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macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Quixote »

That busybody Larry Williams, apparently under the impression that macwildstar had not gone down in the kool-aid for the third time, tried talking some sense into him via e-mail. mac sent
Larry an e-mail yesterday to "shut him up once and for all" and copied his E-group on Yahoo. Fortunately for us, he also posted a copy on Lost Horizons. mac's best point in his e-mail, and one that is almost certain to shut Larry Williams up once and for all is "No court case has said my pay is income.". And he's right. I have read a lot of cases over the years and the phrase "macwildstar's pay is income" does not appear in any of them. Check and mate, Larry Williams.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Kestrel »

Did you notice this under macwildstar's header: "Location: veterans home"

I'm guessing this means he lives in a veterans home. That generally means he would be either low income and/or disabled. Also, VA disability benefits are tax-free. So either way, he probably would have little or no taxable income even if he did file an honest tax return.

I suppose he could be working in a veterans home, but if he's posting to Lost Horizons from his workplace he probably won't be working there very long.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by operabuff »

It also implies that he's a beneficiary of federal government outlays. So as with so many of these folks, he's willing to take, but not give.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by The Observer »

Quixote wrote:mac's best point in his e-mail, and one that is almost certain to shut Larry Williams up once and for all is "No court case has said my pay is income.".
Well, as much as we all would love to see a "busybody" shut up, the problem is that Larry Williams has a bunch of better points than mac's, including that of Pete Hendrickson being convicted and sent to jail becauseof his belief in CtC (or as mac describes it, "Pete's stuff").
Not sure how you can trump a point like that. If I were that Larry guy, I'd hire Famspear to write a limerick along those lines.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Famspear »

Quixote wrote:That busybody Larry Williams, apparently under the impression that macwildstar had not gone down in the kool-aid for the third time, tried talking some sense into him via e-mail. mac sent
Larry an e-mail yesterday....
If macwildstar (or any other of Hendrickson's Heroes) sent me an Email yesterday, I certainly haven't received it. And, the posts on losthorizons that we're talking about are from the year 2012. Specifically, it looks to me as though macwildstar's post (and his Email to me) were in November of 2012.

Also, do we already have a Quatloos thread on this, somewhere back around that time in 2012?
The Observer wrote:.....If I were that Larry guy, I'd hire Famspear to write a limerick along those lines.
Lately, not too many limericks.

You know, I chose the internet name of "Larry Williams" a few years back -- because I wanted what I thought sounded like a fairly generic name (not as common as "John Smith", but something nondescript). In retrospect, I think perhaps I should have picked a name that is more unusual. Since it's no secret that I am a CPA and that I reside in Texas, at least one tax protester with whom I have dealt tried to do research and found a few CPAs in Texas with that name. ("Larry Williams" isn't even close to my real name, so obviously that doesn't work.)

Not only that, but I recently discovered that a fellow by the name of Larry R. Williams is or was a tax protester of sorts. He has written a book called Confessions of a Radical Tax Protester: An Inside Exposé of the Tax Resistance Movement, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2011). There is even a Wikipedia article about him. He's the father of an actress named Michelle Williams (I'm not familiar with her, as I don't get out much, you know, being obsessed with reading and thinking and writing about taxes and having no other life to speak of, and so on....). Here' a link to the article:

I bought his book a few months ago, but so far I've only skimmed a few pages of it. He does mention such "luminaries" as Peter E. ("Blowhard") Hendrickson (uh, no, he doesn't actually mention the "Blowhard" nickname in the book, which of course is a major defect of his tome, in my opinion), Eddie Ray Kahn, Lynne Meredith, and Oscar Stilley. Over all, it seems that he drank some of the kool-aid at one point, but later backed away from the precipice. The tenor of what little I have skimmed so far is that he no longer buys the tax protester/tax denier idiocy. He was arrested in November of 2008 and charged with various felonies and misdemeanors. As part of a deal with the prosecutors in February 2010, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of failure to file federal returns, 26 USC section 7203 (he says in the book that he pleaded guilty to two counts, but the Court record seems to indicate three counts), and the felony counts were dismissed. He was fined $50,000, and sentenced to "time served."

But, I digress.

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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Famspear »

Ah, here's the prior thread, from November 2012:

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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Quixote »

Oops. I mistook the old LH thread for a new one because Noah, who I think is Libre, Nationwide, Harvester posted to it recently. The fact that Noah was posting under two different sock puppets did not even strike me as unusual.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Famspear »

Quixote wrote:Oops. I mistook the old LH thread for a new one because Noah, who I think is Libre, Nationwide, Harvester posted to it recently. The fact that Noah was posting under two different sock puppets did not even strike me as unusual.
Yeah, and keeping track of Harvester's sock puppets could be a full time job.

As you noted, he currently posts at lost horizons as "Noah." He should not be confused with a Quatloos regular who also uses that name.

Harvester, posting as "Noah" at lost horizons has, as you noted, previously posted there as "Nationwide" and as "Libre." He has been banned there under at least one of those monikers, maybe both. He has posted elsewhere on the internet as "johnnycash" and "johnthetaxist" and one or two other names that I can't recall at the moment. He has used the name "John Travis Harvester", but I don't know whether that's his real name or not. Harvester/Nationwide/Libre/Noah/johnthetaxist/johnnycash apparently suffers from paranoid personality disorder (that's my strictly non-expert opinion).

HIs paranoia is evident as I see that he is still flailing and thrashing around at another web site with a poster named "jessejames." I stopped posting at that web site about 2 and half years ago (I don't have the link available right now), and yet he still mentions me there quite often. Apparently I and others here at Quatloos really scared him. He is well known for believing, or at least professing to believe, that I am the "jessejames" character with whom he interacts (that's false). He also has falsely claimed that I am Jay Adkisson, the creator of this Quatloos web site. It's hard to tell at a given point what Harvester really believes, or whether he his belief at any given time is based on his momentary mood or the state of the fever (or whatever it is) in his brain. He is fascinated by the fantasies that he creates and weaves, and maybe that's a function of the paranoia, as his mind seems to spin more or less in and out of control over time. He seems to have a strong desire to say over and over that, in effect, he is winning a war against the evil IRS/Federal Reserve System/international banksters, that because he hasn't paid taxes in years he has found Truth, and so on.

If I had to compare Harvester to, say, Pete Hendrickson, I would say that Harvester probably has Paranoid Personality Disorder, while Hendrickson does not. Hendrickson almost certainly would be classified as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder, while Harvester does not.

I'm thinking that Harvester is very self-centered, but does not have true Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The fact that Harvester tries so hard to convince others in his internet posts, over and over, that he is happy and joyful, that he is "winning," might indicate that he is really trying to convince and re-assure himself of that -- which in turn means that, just below the surface, he is really uncomfortably aware that he is not in control. He fears that he is not "winning." His paranoia is related to fear of the evil IRS/Famspear/international bankster that he senses is under his bed, or somewhere out there, in the dark, etc.

By contrast, a true, hard-core Narcissist (such as Blowhard Hendrickson) is someone who is deeply delusional about his own abilities. A true Narcissist does not often feel the angst, the mental discomfort, of the kind that Harvester apparently feels. Blowhard Hendrickson has what I call a true superiority complex -- he actually does believe his own publicity. (In prior posts, I have identified one or two situations where his delusion did start to break down, so that he exhibited what I think psychiatrists call "decompensation", but those situations seem to be rare for him). His writing style is very different from that of Harvester.

Harvester appears to be "trying too hard" to convince others of how Harvey is doing, and Harvester is really trying to convince himself.

Hendrickson's writing style indicates to me that he is someone who has always felt, and does feel, that he is smarter, prettier, more worthy, etc. I think Hendrickson has a much better psychological capability than does Harvester of repressing the consciousness of his own lack of ability.

Harvester, by contrast, is bombarded by delusional feelings that evil "others" are out to "get" him. He feels fear that he cannot control the evil forces around him; he must fight to keep them at bay, and his fear is much closer to the surface of his consciousness than is the case for Hendrickson. Harvester seems to expend a lot of mental energy trying to "protect" himself, trying to re-assure himself that he is defeating (indeed that he has defeated) the "monsters" that he "sees" around him.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by notorial dissent »

Not to mention that Harvey the Hamster has very good reason to live in fear and trembling, as I understand it, every case he has filed in court has come up snake eyes for him, and the IRS really is after him. Whether or not there is anything to get is a better question. The truth is that Harvey's world is full of fear and night terrors for very good reason, and it is just a matter of time before they actually do get him.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Famspear »

Ah, here's the web site where "johnthetaxist" (i.e., Harvester-Libre-Nationwide-Noah, etc.) has been having an on-going umm.... "discussion" ..... with another character "jesse james," who seems to be suffering from his own delusions: ... endrickson

Here, you can get some of the flavor of Harvey's paranoia; a post from January 5:
So why did LarryWilliams stop posting here in May 2011, and why did JesseJames begin posting here June 2011? While their patterns were similar, there were some differences, for instance at first Jesse introduced many typos, many misspelled words. This could be intentional, it could be built-in to the 'persona management' software he uses (yes, there's off-the-shelf programs for this). But now, look below - a perfectly spelled post! Either he's forgotten to introduce the dumb "electrician-from-Iowa" typos, or, Jesse's not using the persona management software.
Then, later the same day:
Clearly Jesse is not using the software today, if so it wouldn't allow him to sound just like Larry Williams. It appears he wanted to distance himself from that persona because it was linked to the nasty quatloos site. Of course most freedom-fighters know what the Q is all about. [link not reproduced] Many were forewarned of it. What better way to defend & protect the banking/IRS scam than to label your site as an "anti-scam" website (yes folks, that's the nature of these sociopath liars). So it appears he wished to move away from that, to create a new persona with no "nasty quatloos" stigma attached. It would free him to post anything, lie freely, use foul language, with no possible connection to the nasty Q site created by boutique attorney Jay ADKISSON (that might adversly effect the bottomline of Riser Adkisson LLP). He could be "LarryWilliams" on steroids!
"Jesse james" responds with this:
And your delusions I'm being accused of being Larry!

Hahahahaha....the delusions don't stop....will you accuse me of being mary poppins next?
Later, from johnthetaxist/Harvester:
Thus there's not much reason to pay any attention to "jesse james." He's an agent of the bankster class sent to discourage anyone from becoming a NON-taxpayer. Just like "Larry Williams" worked his disinfo agenda on behalf of the parasites feeding off the labor of good Americans.
Harvey has been scolded a few times over at lost horizons for suggesting that other posters there are disinformation agents. The paranoia is really quite severe for him. He and "jesse james" have been posting this kind of stuff, back and forth, for months.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by wserra »

Famspear wrote:He and "jesse james" have been posting this kind of stuff, back and forth, for months.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by The Observer »

What I find even more amazing is that there is "persona management software" out there that will allow me to sound just like Larry Williams. I wasn't aware that there was a market out there for that sort of thing. Or is this just another conspiracy out there to force everyone on the Internet to make it appear that it is always Larry Williams posting? I think I'd rather have the webhick persona software myself.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Quixote »

There apparently is something called persona management software, but none of it does what Harvey thinks it does. Or at least none that has been leaked to the online press. The persona management software that is known to exist just helps to keep your sock puppets straight. It gives each of them a separate IP address, facebook page, complete with annoying posts from friends and family of the sock puppet, etc. No personality filter to add typos or stock phrases. Although that shouldn't be that hard to do.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:.....I think I'd rather have the webhick persona software myself.
From what little I know of the principles of quantum physics and Einstein's theories about the effect of gravity on the curvature of the multi-dimensional space-time continuum, there could be a point at which the simultaneous use, by too many people in a single frame of reference, of the webhick persona software could result in a catastrophic rupture in the fabric of space-time, plunging all those in that frame of reference into a worm hole.

I'm just saying that the webhick persona software is not something that should be made generally available to the public. There's no telling what could happen.

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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by Famspear »

Crack-a-dooster "macwildstar" is back at lost horizons dot com and he is spouting his news about his Cracking the Code tax scam "victory":
The current garnishment on my disability is not paying off any of the CTC [Cracking the Code] related fines.

The IRS is garnishing me because they claim I never filed for 1994, and I filed for a refund. They are making me pay nearly 20 years io interest and penalties, on a tax form that i have that is clearly stamped, "received IRS Detroit Michigan", and of which 2 federal senators, 8 state senators, 5 Federal Congressmen and 3 state congressmen and one governor, have sent the IRS copies of, along with their request that the IRS correct its records and refund my money.

Remember what they said at the IRS hearings held on Cspan in 1997 by US Senator Roth? "the irs does what it wants to whom it wants because we can".. and that is still true to this day.

I am being punished by the IRS for being a part of the Tax honesty movement for 30 of my 50 years.. plain and simple.

At the rate its being paid off, VS the amount of interest and penalties being applied each year, If I live to be 98, I will have paid about 65,000 for a 354 dollar refund that I never got, and a balance will still exist of about 3 grand owed to the IRS for 1994.
So I will never get around to paying off the CTC related filing penalties they imposed on me. ... eaf#p31502


Oh, boo-hoo!

Chalk up another one for Hendrickson's Heroes.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by . »

Hapless CtC doofus wrote:I am being punished by the IRS for being a part of the Tax honesty movement for 30 of my 50 years
Good thing he waited 10 years or so before putting his scrawny financial neck on the chopping block.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by notorial dissent »

The "Hapless CtC doofus" really is clueless, not that that comes as any great surprise. So dummy finally got nailed for being a dead beat from 20 years ago. I don't know if it is a record, but it ought to at least rate special mention, oh wait, it just got that here. Twenty years on what was probably a minuscule amount even back then plus the penalties and interest has got to be staggering, and they haven't even started in on the rest of them yet. This idiot is going to end up owing, well probably already does owe, more than he'll ever be able to come close to paying back, no matter how long he lives and they garnish his disability.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by . »

The lawyers/CPAs/other experts here can correct me if I'm wrong, but the collection period on any given assessment is 10 years extended by any tolling agreement(s) and maybe some other weird stuff I haven't heard of.

So, they'll squeeze whatever blood there is out of the turnip for a few years and then he'll be free to do it again.

What a life. Play silly word games. Get hammered. Pay for 10 years. Rinse and repeat.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The IRS is garnishing me because they claim I never filed for 1994, and I filed for a refund. They are making me pay nearly 20 years io interest and penalties, on a tax form that i have that is clearly stamped, "received IRS Detroit Michigan", and of which 2 federal senators, 8 state senators, 5 Federal Congressmen and 3 state congressmen and one governor, (and a partridge in a pear tree!) have sent the IRS copies of, along with their request that the IRS correct its records and refund my money.
The non sequitur is strong in this one.
So I will never get around to paying off the CTC related filing penalties they imposed on me.
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Re: macwildstar shuts up Larry Williams once and for all

Post by notorial dissent »

The dim bulb doesn't seem to get that he is never ever going to get anything paid off as they will continue garnishing him until he is dead at this point, particularly if he was true to his calling and filed all of his taxes falsely. But then, Hendrickson's Hopeless, or is that Hapless, aren't known for grasping the facts, or their general cluefulness for that matter, that come up and smack them repeatedly in the face to begin with. So, I guess another victory for macwildstar.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.