NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »


Posted on | January 15, 2014

A concerned citizen called Lewis Fuddy, brother of Loretta Fuddy, and asked whether Loretta knew how to swim. He stated that she knew how to swim, she was an average swimmer ad was comfortable in the water. So, being in the water would not make her anxious.

We know that the water was warm, about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the video showed a calm ocean, they were very close to shore and a 70 year old man indeed swam to shore with no problem and within minutes an airplane was circling over their heads to let them know that the rescue is on the way. So the reason for her death is still unknown.

Further, arrhythmia is a default diagnosis. When a pathologist does not know a cause of death he claims stress and arrhythmia, which cannot be seen during autopsy. We still do not know what caused the plane to go down and what caused Fuddy’s death

Translation: Orly's minions are now harassing the Ms. Fuddy's family, Orly still doesn't realize that air and water temperatures are "different" (70 deg water DOESN'T feel like 70 deg air), and has become an expert in pathology overnight (no doubt building on her legal degree and real estate license).
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Let's drop Orly unexpectedly into the Pacific, in her street clothes, about a mile from shore, and see if her heart beats normally.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

fortinbras wrote:...and see if her heart beats normally.
What makes you think that she has a heart?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

News Flash! Orly's minions can determine water conditions off Molokai from birther internet comments!

Update from an investigator. I need help in ascertaining: who concocted the story about 6 feet waves even though the video showed no waves at all??? Can someone trace the timing of the story of 6 feet waves and Fuddy’s body left in fuselage, where did it come from?

Posted on | January 16, 2014 | No Comments

Good morning Orly,

Here is another observation. In my interviews with Richard Schuman, he indicated waves of 6 feet and rough conditions. In my conversation with Jim Struhsaker of the NTSB he indicated waves of 6 feet and high currents. The conversation with Lewis Fuddy was the same, waves of 6 feet and rough seas. It seems strange that all would have the same false story. Who is spreading the lie.

If there was a prefabricated story then the report of Fuddy being left in the plane would make sense. We know from the video the pilot knew Fuddy was out of the plane. Where did that false information start? From my notes: *Schuman blamed the pilot for speaking from the hip and reporting one passenger in the fuselage. Schuman claimed everyone survived the crash landing and made it safely to the water as reported by his pilot friend and the coast guard.

Here is a possible explanation. There was a plan to poison Fuddy and then ditch the plane. The plan called for her to die in the plane and then ditch it. Somehow the timing was off and the plane ditched early. Those close to the plan gave out the wrong information. 6 foot waves and fuddy was left in the fuselage.

Just trying to connect the dots.


A 1 minute search reveals it was the guy who swam to shore for an hour and a half through the ocean, waves, and surf. In Orly world, the worst possible source and the source of these lies. As Orly knows, people who are at the alleged scene often are biased because they've seen what happened and this exerts an influence on their judgement. Her minions, who were thousands of miles away, aren't blinded by seeing actual events and thus are much more objective.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

I would add that there is an element of uncertainty, of disorientation, that adds to this. If I am at the seashore and I swim out and know with reasonable assurance where and how far the shore is, I probably don't get alarmed by the waves ... at least not the way I would be if I were dumped unexpectedly in the ocean in a plane crash and found myself an unknown distance from a shore in a direction I was not sure of.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Her minions, who were thousands of miles away, aren't blinded by seeing actual events and thus are much more objective.
Or are at least are certainly more creative with their "facts", than those nasty old first hand observers and eye witnesses.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Jim Garrow has announced a plan to force Obama out of the White House, even to the point of shooting it out with Secret Service people: ... ime-revolt

He had previously announced plans (or at least a willingness) to assassinate Obama: ... ed-treason

Some insight into Garrow's leadership qualities: ... oser-look/

This is the sort of thing that worries me about the birfers.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Jim Garrow has announced a plan to force Obama out of the White House, even to the point of shooting it out with Secret Service people
It's the constitutional remedy.

Is this a kickback, a bribe with our federal funds from Obama to Gv. Abercrombie and HI for certifying a flagrant forgery as Obama’s birth certificate

Posted on | January 18, 2014

The federal government spent the most money per capita of any state in the nation on salaries and wages of workers in Hawaii in 2010. That $7.9 billion on salaries was part of a more than $20 billion in federal money that flowed into the state last year, making Hawaii the fifth-highest recipient of federal spending per capita in the U.S.

You remember when Obama put that big base in at Pearl Harbor with all those federally paid military types? Kickback for certifying the birth certificate!

As for who the other four that got even more of a kickback are? Virginia, Maryland, Alaska and New Mexico! Read between the lines, and it's darn close to a smoking gun!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

I can't tell if Garrow is as delusional as he appears to be, but he certainly is living in a fantasy world all of his own making, and the stuff he is peddling makes him worrisome in my very opinion.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly Taitz, the gift that keeps on giving - unless you're one of the people she decides have Obama secrets and need visits from her minions.

Help in research needed. Please, look at the names of Obama’s basketball team mates from Punahou High school in HI. Please, check if all of them are alive, particularly Topolinsky. See if you can get in touch with them and see what info you can find

Posted on | January 17, 2014

Is Tom Topolinski related to Obama? Did anyone see this name in census for 1940 or as a classmate for Ann Dunham

Posted on | January 18, 2014

WTF? Orly thinks someone on a basketball team with The President in High School was alive in 1940, went to school with his mother, and was thus 21+ years older?

in the interview Topilinski said something like “he was not in the year book” does anyone know what was that about? Was Obama not in the year book in Punahou?

Posted on | January 18, 2014 | No Comments


Submitted on 2014/01/17 at 6:41 pm

Here is an interview of Barry’s friend Tom T. a member of the “Choom Gang”. A bunch of pot head smoking bums! Barry earned a basketball degree in Hawaii.

Help in research needed. Please, look at the names of Obama’s basketball team mates from Punahou High school in HI. Please, check if all of them are alive, particularly Topolinsky. See if you can get in touch with them and see what info you can find

Here "John" makes a mistake, it wasn't the "Choom Gang" but the "CHOAM Company," which controls spice production on planet Arrakis, also known as Dune. He who controls the spice, controls the universe, and "Barry" as he was known then already had his eye on the prize. This is why the great houses of the Landsraad and the spacing guild are afraid to act, after all the spice must flow and the reason they hide the REAL birth certificate is it reveals he IS Muad'Dib and the Kwisatz Haderach!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

The investigation continues, and like the female bulldog she is, Orly is tenaciously on it. Obama will get his any day now...

Investigation in ObamaForgerygate and Loretta Fuddy’s death continues

Posted on | January 19, 2014 | 5 Comments

If you recall Honolulu fire captain Terry Seelig came up with the story of Fuddy’s body being left in the fuselage of the plane [You know, the story that until a couple of days ago Orly insisted must be true and thus the later stories were lies?] and the story of 6 foot waves. Both statements were false: other passengers and the captain reported that Fuddy got out of the plane alive, she put on the life vest and video showed no waves at all. Fuddy’s brother stated that she had no health problems, no heart problems, did not suffer from arrhythmia and she knew how to swim.

Now we find out that Michael Topolinski, the father of Obama’s close friend, Tom Topolinki was Honolulu assistant Fire Chief. His friend John Bellinger was the director of the First Hawaiian bank. If you recall from the video of the former attorney for World Bank, Karen Hudes, First Hawaiian Bank, is where billions of dollars worth of CIA gold stash is allegedly kept.

Did Ann Dunham’s mother work for the same bank? I believe so, but need to check.

These connections are not proof yet, those are just a couple of many leads that are being investigated.

People in the same town know each other? It's, it's, it's ... A CONSPIRACY!

10 seconds of Googling tells you Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham worked at the Bank of Hawaii. Surprisingly, one of Orly's minions was able to do the same thing in only a couple of hours.

January 19th, 2014 @ 12:35 pm

she worked for the bank of Hawaii in 1960 according to wickipedia.,probably the same one.

Let's see, spend 10 more seconds searching for Bank of Hawaii vs. First Hawaiian Bank and you get this right from the top:
03-26-2012, 02:54 PM
First Hawaiian Bank vs Bank of Hawaii

Which do you prefer? I have opened accounts a both before my move so I can escape to one or the other if service is bad, but which bank should get my direct deposit off the bat? I will be in Honolulu btw.
So it appears they were still separate banks in 2012, but that doesn't mean they're not part of the same conspiracy! After all some crazy person talking about $billions in gold gotta mean somethin'.

It's not proof yet, but Orly will turn it into proof given enough time to dig up new evidence! With investigators like her minions, she can't fail!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

I think Orly and her followers simply have too much time on their hands. The whole Fuddy thing is like the supposed "Sandy Hook" and "Boston" conspiracies in that there is absolutely no indication of any reason to doubt the official version of events. This particular conspiracy and its adherents also follow the same modus operandi - which consists solely of sitting in a chair in front of a computer, consuming youtube videos. (A great many of them probably can't read at a very high level, so they resort to the lazy man's way of getting information: looking at a screen). As such, there is really no "research" at all, merely consumption of other people's work.

In the old days, it took a real event of importance and some reasons for suspicion to at least exist to launch a conspiracy theory. When Kennedy was shot, that was real news, and immediately raises for everyone the same questions it raises for the conspiracy theorist - who did it, how, how many, why, etc. (unlike the youtube investigator conspiratard genre). When Kennedy was shot there were some facts that most reasonable persons would find interesting or unusual...this event not so much.

Once confronted with their treasure trove of "truther" youtube videos, the real work then begins. Their analysis seems to involve wholesale rejection of any information that would suggest there is no conspiracy, and ignoring of possible non-conpsiratorial explanations as steps one and two. This clears the way for the kooky alternative explanations for everything. If there was no video of an event, for example, that means that there "had to be" a video, whether or not a camera was present, and the absence of the video is some level of "proof" to a conspiracy nut (I've actually had this discussion with one so I speak from experience).

To a normal person, it would merely raise a question, and without going to the source and doing real research (the kind that doesn't involve passive video viewing from parents' basements) there would be multiple, plausible, non-conspiratorial reasons: camera never purchased, camera never installed, camera broken, images not saved, camera aimed somewhere else, and so on. But not to a "troofer" - no sirree - they are not going to be fooled by such shill tactics! Not them! They're too smart! And we're all sheep!

In contrast to the "believe nothing" level of skepticism they employ towards mainstream or popular analysis, if something is marketed as a "conspiracy" by an untrained kid doing youtube videos, they have absolutely no skepticism towards that. Indeed, the suggestion that some random person's theory is just a theory will send them over the edge. If you relay it online they will immediately being calling you a shill or a government agent, or worse.

Just like in the whole Fuddy thing it is. In this instance, there is no real reason to think that there was foul play here. A plane went down, a significant distance from shore. Not ideal circumstances for anyone. Someone perished in the midst of that. But instead of saying "gee, that makes some sense" nooo, they have to conclude that like them the rest of the world is intently watching this innocent Hawaiian official. In reality no one outside the people she works with and the birthersphere have any idea who she is, but that would never stop them! Now they start consuming the youtube vids and conclude that because in certain images there are no waves, that means there must have been no waves, anywhere, and that people not only had a reason to lie about waves, but they are doing it just to thward their crack analysis! Emphasis on in perhaps they are smoking it. :snicker:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ashlynne39 »

Your analysis makes me want to create and put out a new conspiracy theory to see how it takes off. Only 2 things hold me back:

1. Can I get in trouble
2. I don't want black ops and 3 letter agency people coming after me in case I hit on a real conspiracy. Like in that Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts movie, Conspiracy Theory (which by the way I always have an urge to watch after reading this page).
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

You can always consult for a "random conspiracy generator." In fact, I'm willing to bet if you posted and linked to a fake conspiracy from there, you could reel them in like hungry carp at any conspiracy website.

At one site recently, a poster placed an obvious troll/satire piece which postulated that the recent death of actor Paul Walker was due to "directed energy weapons." Then, it was hilarious to watch the mayhem that ensued. Some people got the joke. Others weren't sure. But quite a few just flat argued with anyone who questioned it, calling them shills/governemnt operatives/ disinformation trolls and so on. Then, within a couple of days, on most conspiracy sites on the net there were references to the possibility of directed energy weapons being involved. True story. I just googled it and there are over 62,000 hits for 'Paul Walker' and directed energy.

What's that? Oh no, a black helicopter! Oops, drone from Dominoes, my mistake
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Your analysis makes me want to create and put out a new conspiracy theory to see how it takes off. Only 2 things hold me back:

1. Can I get in trouble
2. I don't want black ops and 3 letter agency people coming after me in case I hit on a real conspiracy. Like in that Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts movie, Conspiracy Theory (which by the way I always have an urge to watch after reading this page).
Assuming that this conspiracy would be, a) one the community would believe and thus get legs, and b) because of this, one that insults the government and causes your believers to make threats.

1. Sure. If you try to use it as a scam and get too successful or con some investigator's mom, then your fake conspiracy and crazy minions would get you into more trouble. Or if a crazy minion killed someone because of something you posted. Other than those, it seems that crazy people get to post what they want day and and day out, including ones that advocate armed revolution or frog marching the President to the gallows.

2. Let's assume the NSA listens in on everything. OK, how do you sort it so you get it down to a manageable size? If you guessed they flag everything that has phrases like "kill the infidels" you would get too many hits on posts like this and NESARA NEWS. No, they need something that filters out the crazy. Add enough crazy, and you're in, er, out.

If you want your conspiracy to work, you need to fit it into this framework:

"They" have to be doing something nasty to "us."
What it is is something that will strike a chord with paranoid people. They have to have always known something like that was happening.
Hidden so deep for so long only you have discovered it, even though you may have ripped off a good part of it from others (beats having to write it).
Someone you can hate ("them") is profiting from the conspiracy to the detriment of "us."
A good dose of sex, violence, and/or science fiction (go light on the last if it's purely political).
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

On Martin Luther King Day, Orly Taitz, who has billed herself as a "prominent civil rights lawyer" and compared herself to Thurgood Marshall, wrote this:
I saw a video of Topolinski, he has an earring in his right ear, he might be gay or bisexual. What about Orme and Ramos: are they gay or bi? Were their golf outings similar to outing with Reggie Love?

If only Orly could prove this that usurper would be out the door and in the electric chair for sure!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Can I have the lawyers' opinion on what just happened in Taitz v Mississippi Democrat Party and others or whatever its real name is. (The "Mississippi Ballot Challenge"). The judge appears to have got sidetracked by some further crap Orly has filed.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

see ... o-special/

Apparently the latest Mississippi hearing had very little to do directly with Obama. Taitz had posted on her website fanmail from someone named Virgil Byrd who claimed to have discussed her case with the judge when they met at the latest Yale alumni mixer in Jackson - and that the judge had said he already decided to flatten Taitz. The judge found out about the posting and raised the matter with Taitz -- turns out the story was total santorum, the judge doesn't know any such person, hasn't been to a Yale-related event in years and nonesuch was held in Jackson, etc. Taitz just sort of retreated with she doesn't know this person either, just posted the email.

By the way, the email is still on her website for all the world to read: --- ... ent-311985 --- (number 19)

So she's pissed the judge off majorly. Nothing new there.
Last edited by fortinbras on Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The issue was that the judge was supposed to be making some decisions on various outstanding issues and not letting the screech owl go after some IP address that she let through on her blog. Now no decisions were made and Taitz thinks she has the judge's permission to go off subpoenaing IP addresses.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say the net effect was zero, other than getting the judge's knickers in a twist that someone might accuse him of something inappropriate. Basically the waste of an otherwise perfectly good conference call, just put off til later what should have been done a long time ago.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.