Ed adds names to his revenge killing list

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Post by Demosthenes »

When the Union Leader in an earlier article asked the IRS spokesman what law makes Ed liable, the IRS gave the Union Leader the Code sections that say who must file, not sections 1, 63 or 61.
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Post by Famspear »

Texas Penal Code sec. 19.02 (murder) states (in part)
[ . . . ] (b) A person commits an offense if he:

(1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual [ . . . ]
Now wait a minute! Show me where it specifically makes it unlawful for ME to commit murder! "A person" ??? Wow, how unconstitutionally vague! Which person? It doesn't say "any" person -- so I would argue it might not apply to me. And, am I really a "person" -- or am I a sovereign? It doesn't make it clear who is liable!

Causes the death of "an individual"?? But WHICH individual? The statute should have to say specifically! Unconstitutionally vague! I can kill anbody I want to! Constitutional Ranger! Federal zone! Can't define income! Illuminati! Freemason Zionists! Small craft warnings! SHOW ME THE LAWWWwwwwwwwwaaagghhhh! [sounds of shouting, muffled struggling -- "OK boys, got the velcro straps down good?" "Yes sir, his straight jacket is secured." "OK, let's get him in the van."] Bwwahh bwahh, Huh? What? What?

[Sound of Famspear's wife voice: "Honey, wake up, you're having a nightmare."]

Good grief, I dreamed I was Ed Brown.
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Post by Demosthenes »

New news video regarding Ed's newest threats.

notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

Comes to mind, has good ole Ed given any thought, not likely I know, to what happens to idiots who hold up in bunkers? Sadam and his groupies come immediately to mind. Somehow, the idea of locking oneself in a concrete box does not seem to be a survival trait to me.

The man and his hangers on strike me as being not only unbalanced, but becoming more and more dangerous the longer this drags out. There is a particular form of psychosis, whose name escapes me at the moment, that sets in in situations like this, and the longer they last the more deep seated it becomes and the more out of touch with reality the victims get to the point that they cease making anything resembling rational decisions, although I think that may have been a lot further back than we know. I am not in the least concerned for the idiots holed up in the bunker, but I am becoming increasingly more concerned for various outsiders who may be targeted for so sort of retribution by the equally brainless, and I do think this has gone on far too long.

Just to add insult to injury, they made a two page spread in one of the hotsheets this week. I guess any press in a pinch. Really adds to the credibility to be right up there with monkey or is it bat boy and the most recent Elvis citing, bigfoot had other things to do this week I guess.

Post by No_Name1 »

Comes to mind, has good ole Ed given any thought, not likely I know, to what happens to idiots who hold up in bunkers? Sadam and his groupies come immediately to mind. Somehow, the idea of locking oneself in a concrete box does not seem to be a survival trait to me.
Especially when the inevitable flashbangs start a fire. Gets REALLY hot in an oven.
The man and his hangers on strike me as being not only unbalanced, but becoming more and more dangerous the longer this drags out. There is a particular form of psychosis, whose name escapes me at the moment, that sets in in situations like this, and the longer they last the more deep seated it becomes and the more out of touch with reality the victims get to the point that they cease making anything resembling rational decisions, although I think that may have been a lot further back than we know.
Intentionally distancing yourself from rational people will do that.
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Post by grixit »

Ok, time for a new psychological term: "Iwo Jima Complex". That's like a Masada complex except you're convinced that you will cause your opponents an untold amount of pain before you go down.
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Ed Brown and his posse
Ed, Elaine and the one other guy who can actually stomach Ed for more than 5 minutes.

Perhaps Monier should start blaring Neil Diamond tunes at Ed 24/7. Or some rapper crap. The neighbors might not like it, but they'd understand. The Noriega gambit.

Or start a publicity campaign based on the theme of "Ed is an illiterate kook and has no friends because he's an asshole." Get the neighbors to show up. Get the whole town to show up. Turnout would probably be good because 99% of the town hates Ed at this point. Massive chanting. The opposite of what Ed expects. The anti-revolution. Embarrass him out of there.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Concord Monitor

Prosecutor: Brown stoking tension
Tax protester says he's warning police

By Peter Jamison
Valley News

August 11. 2007 12:26AM

Convicted tax protester Ed Brown is trying to ramp up tensions with the police through a series of threats against local law enforcement officials, the Sullivan County Attorney's office said in a statement yesterday.

The statement came after Brown said his supporters would retaliate against Plainfield Police Chief Gordon Gillens and Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Prozzo if he or his wife are harmed by authorities. Brown's comments were first reported in the New Hampshire Union Leader yesterday.

Ed and Elaine Brown were sentenced to five years in prison in April on charges stemming from their refusal to pay federal income taxes on about $1.9 million earned since 1996. The couple says there is no law requiring them or most other Americans to pay income tax to the U.S. government. They have been holed up at their Plainfield home for close to seven months, vowing to violently resist any efforts to arrest them.

"Law enforcement views Edward Brown's most recent threats as a continuation of his efforts to rally support to his failing cause," the statement from the Sullivan County Attorney's Office said.

In an interview yesterday at his home, Brown said he had not threatened anybody. He characterized his statements as justified under New Hampshire state law governing the use of deadly force, saying that the police were intent on killing him.

"It's lawful to warn, unlawful to threaten," Brown said. "If they kill me or my wife, or capture me or my wife, we will do the same to (them). We are reciprocal people. If you kill me, I'll kill you. If you hit me, I'll hit you. I'm not going to turn the other cheek."

Brown said that he was not personally aware of specific plans to attack either Gillens or Prozzo, but that supporters of his cause had told him any action against the couple would be avenged. He said the locations of Gillens' and Prozzo's homes were being shared among those supporters.

"There are millions of people who are concerned about our welfare and safety," Brown said. "You look in the phonebook and tell me who they might be or what they might do."

State Sen. Peter Burling, a Cornish Democrat whose district includes Plainfield and who has urged federal officials to bring the Brown saga to a swift conclusion, said Brown's remarks had "repugnantly escalated the violence of words." Burling said he was "personally concerned" for the safety of Prozzo and Gillens.

"They are such good, stoic people that I'm sure they shrug this stuff off, but I don't," Burling said.

Sullivan County Attorney Marc Hathaway would not comment on whether his office would bring charges against Brown as a result of his comments.

"The contingent threats by Edward Brown against local law enforcement officials have not altered law enforcement's commitment to have Edward and Elaine Brown taken into custody without injury to any member of the public, law enforcement or to Edward and Elaine Brown," the county attorney's statement read.

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier issued a statement in which he repeated his past commitment to resolve the situation peacefully.

"We are disappointed that Ed Brown, once again, continues his tired effort of making threats towards peace officers," Monier's statement said.

Brown said yesterday that he considered himself "at war" with government authorities. He noted gunshots that he and visitors said were fired near his property late last month (neighbors denied hearing the shots, and officials involved in the case have said the shots did not come from law enforcement), as well as an incident in June in which Danny Riley, a supporter of the Browns from New York state, claimed he was shot at by police near the Brown home. Riley was detained and later released.

"We already know that they intend to use deadly force down on this land," Brown said. "So why would my rhetoric be anything other than rhetoric of war, when they've already fired the first shot? As far as I'm concerned, this is World War IV, World War III being the Cold War."

Post by gezco »

Demosthenes wrote:New news video regarding Ed's newest threats.

At the risk of repeating myself, what an asshole. I’m starting to think this thing is going to end with a lynch mob of locals who are tired of Ed’s idiotic threats. How many locals has he not pissed off? Like 8?
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Post by webhick »

gezco wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:New news video regarding Ed's newest threats.

At the risk of repeating myself, what an asshole. I’m starting to think this thing is going to end with a lynch mob of locals who are tired of Ed’s idiotic threats. How many locals has he not pissed off? Like 8?
In my experience, small towns stand up for their own. "Their own" basically are the people who have earned the respect of their neighbors.

I've heard the neighbors call Ed "nice", but that won't hold water. I don't recall them talking about helping out his neighbors, the community, or otherwise performing good deeds. "Nice" doesn't get you too far when you start causing trouble.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Saturday, August 11, 2007

12:59 PM - Look where we’ve come

If only the founding fathers could have known -- perhaps some of them did (the mason ones). Wondering how things in Amerika are right now? I'll tell you.

At least 2 supporters have been arrested -- Danny Riley and another man who wishes to remain anonymous right now. Danny was SHOT AT, tasered, tackled, banged and bruised, offered money to be a snitch again Ed & Elaine, and more. The second supporter was arrested for NO REASON as well -- he was bringing candles to Ed & Elaine. Candles...for light.

I was speaking on the phone to the second supporter before he ventured out to Ed's. He was pulled over by a state trooper near West Lebanon. He then went back into town and called me and told me he'd leave after the trooper left. He again tried to go to see Ed and they arrested him -- this time on Center of Town Rd (Ed's road). They jailed him for three days. How did they know he was going out there, that he was even a supporter (he's from out of state), and that he had supplies? We believe it is because they have LIVE people listening to our phone calls. All of your phone calls run through computers and are analyzed for patterns -- as are ours -- but ours are also monitored live. Yes -- WE ARE TAPPED.

It happened again today. More details to follow on this incident, but I will tell you what I know. I apologize if anything is inaccurate, but I will do my best:

2 parties of Ed & Elaine supporters (perhaps just 1 person in each party, or maybe a couple people) talked together on the phone. They decided to meet each other at the Burger King at a certain time. They pull up, and the U.S. marshals are waiting there for them. They didn't get arrested or anything to my knowledge (as of date, no one has been charged with anything -- the so-called "authorities" probably deny "arresting" anyone too -- even though Danny and the other guy were NOT allowed to leave). How did the marshals know? OUR PHONES ARE TAPPED.

Also, the marshals have been following at least one of Ed & Elaine's supporters around at the supermarket today. Yes -- he was buying food for the couple. FOOD FOR EATING. I think they actually followed them around in the store too. They followed them to other stores. That second supporter who was actually arrested has also been followed around in town. It even got to the point where the state troopers were messing with him -- presumably to get a reaction out of him (like almost hitting him with their car door and saying "SORRY!" sarcastically and things like that). This supporter knew Ed & Elaine before this all happened, and he hasn't even seen them yet since it happened. So he isn't even a "regular" supporter.

Federal and/or state agents have been out on Center of Town Road many many times. They drive unmarked vehicles -- usually SUV type either black or navy blue. Today they had 2 GMC-Chevy type Tahoes or similar parked next to each other in a driveway on Center of Town -- facing the road. This is what they did when they arrested that second supporter a couple months back.

Ed also told me they did a fly-over with some sort of military helicopter today.

The question I have is -- what are these guys doing? Why are they going to all of this trouble and expense? Why our are public "servants" listening to our phones? Why are they harassing and trying to intimidate us? All of this because one older couple decided they wouldn't donate money to the federal reserve any longer? The issue is bigger -- Ed & Elaine are simply saying "NO." The government doesn't know what to do. If other people catch on and say "NO," then the government loses its power hold over us and we return to a FREE, SENSIBLE, NATURAL society -- not this mechanized, roboticized, brainwashed, anxious, confused, misled, etc society that we are now. Our TYRANNICAL leaders can't stand the thought of this happening. They only reason they haven't gone in and killed Ed and Elaine (like marshal Monier said he could at any time if he wished -- literally -- go read it), is because the government is AFRAID of what WE will do if that happens.

That's right -- the government is walking on egg shells right now. Ed and Elaine have them over a barrel -- between a rock and a hard place. It is because this whole thing is ALL OVER the Internet and other independent media sources. WE ARE ALL WATCHING. Don't get complacent though -- because the government is getting its ducks in a row right now. They are getting ready for that final move -- the final lunge over the edge -- bringing us into a COMPLETE police state. The government WILL stage another event -- either a false-flag terror attack, a "natural" disaster of epic proportions, or some other thing to bring things to a state of emergency. Perhaps when they're ready to do this, they will simply go and take down Ed and Elaine -- that would bring EXACTLY the type of emergency they want.

What does this mean for us? Remember -- they aren't ready to do this yet. They may be ready in a few months, or in a year -- I don't know. But I know they are getting ready, and if anyone reading this can't see that with their own eyes -- it's time to take the blinders off for real. Their weakness is exposed -- they aren't ready. We have precious little time to move, and I'm not talking about violence either. All we need is for more people to say "NO." It's that simple. All we need is everyone to stop paying taxes, applying for licenses, and everything else that they expect from us -- everything else that gives them control over us. Be ready for a fight as well, in case they up the violence which they already started (9/11, waco, ruby ridge, oklahoma city, everyone they've killed over taxes, the 10s of thousands (including our soldiers) in Iraq and other countries, the list goes on forever). Be ready for their every move. This has to be a spiritual battle as much as a non-violent boycott, or in the worst case scenario, all out civil war. SPIRITUAL. THIS IS ABOUT FREEDOM.


Sincerely yours in Truth, Love, and Freedom,

Shaun Kranish
MakeTheStand.com -- Ed & Elaine's official website

Post by gezco »

WOO WHOO! Finally! Shaun, if you’re reading this, the reason law enforcement is doing this is because Ed and Elaine are convicted felons.
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Post by webhick »

Maybe the Feds are gearing up for a takedown...and maybe Shaun and the other E&E supporters are lying.
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Post by Joey Smith »

The state may take him down for making terroristic threats if the Fed doesn't.

Hmmmmm, sounds like a good strategy for the Feds not to have to take Ed down themselves -- let the state guys do it. And they will not be expected to use as much restraint . . . :wink:
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Post by No_Name1 »

"It's lawful to warn, unlawful to threaten," Brown said. "If they kill me or my wife, or capture me or my wife, we will do the same to (them). We are reciprocal people. If you kill me, I'll kill you. If you hit me, I'll hit you. I'm not going to turn the other cheek."
Well, at least they aren't playing the "devout Christian" card.
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Ed Brown and a personality disorder

Post by Famspear »

Regarding persons with “antisocial personality disorder”:
The aggressive actions of these personalities [persons with "antisocial personality" disorder] appear to spring from their anticipation that others will be hostile. Their anger and vengeful behaviors are a preemptive counterattack, a fending off of the malice and humiliation they have learned to expect; in effect, they want to “beat the other fellow to the punch.” To accomplish this, they seek to grab as much power as they can to prevent others from having and using it to exploit and harm them. Once seizing power, however, they become even more ruthless and vindictive than others may have been to them. They now use their strength for retribution, striking back at those who they feel mistreated and betrayed them in the past.
---Theodore Million, Ph.D., “Disorders of Personality, DSM-III, Axis II,” p. 182 (John Wiley & Sons, 1981) (hereinafter “Millon”), published as companion volume to the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” Third Revision (“DSM-III”) (American Psychiatric Association, 1980).
[ . . . ] many of these personalities have an irascible temper that flares quickly into argument and attack, as evidenced in frequent verbally abusive and physically cruel behaviors. Another characteristic that I think coheres the scattered details of our description is the theme of “social rebelliousness” as evidenced by the fact that these patients are contemptuous toward authority, tradition, sentimentality, and humanistic concerns. Moreover, they exhibit a social “vindictiveness,” a tendency, if you will, to enjoy and gain a peculiar satisfaction when derogating and humiliating others. Another notable feature is their frequent fearless attitude in which many of them seem to be not merely undaunted by danger and punishment, but seem to seek, provoke and be attracted to it.
--Millon, p. 182-183.

Seems like some of this sounds familiar.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Post by gezco »

Is Shaun talking about a new arrest, or is he just re-hashing the one from a few weeks back? I haven’t seen anything credible stating that Danny, “liberty boy dog walker”, has been arrested again.
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Post by Demosthenes »

gezco wrote:Is Shaun talking about a new arrest, or is he just re-hashing the one from a few weeks back? I haven’t seen anything credible stating that Danny, “liberty boy dog walker”, has been arrested again.
Shaun is rehashing the same old garbage from mid June.

Post by gezco »

Demosthenes wrote:
gezco wrote:Is Shaun talking about a new arrest, or is he just re-hashing the one from a few weeks back? I haven’t seen anything credible stating that Danny, “liberty boy dog walker”, has been arrested again.
Shaun is rehashing the same old garbage from mid June.
Dam, now that Ed’s made new threats, I was hopping the local law enforcement would start arresting supporters.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Sunday, August 12, 2007

11:26 AM - Message from Elaine
Current mood: grateful

Greetings to all our friends and supporters,

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Ed and I want you all to know how much we appreciate your friendship and support. It is good to have this opportunity to write you directly, and let you know that we are fine, though slightly bored,. Since the scare two weeks ago, things have been fairly quiet except for a couple of incidents this weekend.

Friday night, at 9:30 a news crew from channel 7 in Boston arrived, wanting to speak with us. Our security stopped them part way down the driveway, and let them know it was too late to come calling. Eventually they left after stating they would return in the morning. Of course they did not return, We have to assume they were sent by the Feds to scope us out.

Yesterday, our friend went into town to get some things he needed, and two SUV's with two agents in each followed him the entire time, including going into stores and following him around the stores. Our friend approached two of them and asked them if they were having fun yet. They replied they were only doing their jobs.

We do get this type of harassment sometimes, but basically things are quiet. Friends and supporters continue to come in to meet us, and to visit. Some stay for a coupe of hours, some stay for a few days. Mostly they are surprised to find that there are no roadblocks or police or feds interfering with them. They continue to tell us that they know of others who want to come, but think they will have trouble getting in here. If you know of anyone who fears this, please let them know that is not a problem. The more who come here, the more that can learn about the issues, and we know that knowledge is power.

We continue to pray for a peaceful resolution, and ask Yahweh to help the evil-doers to see the truth.

God bless you all for caring not only about us, but also about our country. I will try to write whenever I can.

Elaine Alice: family Brown