Church of Merrill?

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Church of Merrill?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Is it just me, or do other people notice that the various posts on the Saving to Suitors
circle-jerk seem to be focusing, more and more, on religious justifications for their fantasies?
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Re: Church of Merrill?

Post by AndyK »

It's not just them.

Almost every sovereignoramus or alternate-government (e.g., RuSA) movement falls back to reliance on the appropriate version of the King James Bible (tied to references to God in various language from the documents of the founding fathers) to justify their insanity.

Although they are not DIRECTLY proposing a theocracy, beliefs, words, and actions clearly lead one to feel that they would only be satisfied with a government based solely on THE ONE TRUE AND CORRECT religion.

But, how can one fault them? After efvery single (albeit different) version of the Bible is the unerring word of god. Forget about those other things like the Koran or various other religions.

This country was founded oncertain religious beliefs and any straying from them is anathema, heresy, and a direct affront to one of the various sky daddies.
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