On the Road to Erasmus

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, January 20, 2014

What is it that this usurper has done!? Does it involve Canada?!

Obama ordered sabotage of the radio broadcast on Saturday Jan. 18, 2014. A longtime friend of mine Frank and I appeared on Saturday onwww.wolfspiritradio.com hosted by Dr. Mike Castel. As the radio program progressed, federal operatives under orders of Obama at the White House sabotaged the radio program several times between cutting the transmission line to the radio program when they didn't like my showing of scandals of Wash., D.C. and drowning the program out by a form of massive static in the background.
Mike commented to me that this had happened before when some radio guest speaker said something that the feds didn't want the people to hear so the transmission line would be cut for awhile and then restored so the public would not catch on to that this was federal censorship of what was being said on the radio program. Mike got mad at this and cussed them out a bit and said if they would listen to what was being said, they might learn some important things they needed to know.
One time when the radio broadcast was cut was when I started to read my proposed Omni Law on the radio show and they cut off the transmission so the 100,000 estimated people listening to the radio show couldn't hear what the Omni Law said. ... Under even current federal civil rights laws, it is a major felony for what was done for anyone in government including Obama!

Let me get this straight, Gassy Rassy has cheap cell phone service that drops him a lot, or perhaps an old analog cordless phone with a really short battery life, and he blames it on President Obama? And 100,000 listeners for some obscure internet "radio" show? Like, crazy daddy-o!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American leader who borrowed the tradition of Benjamin Franklin. Abraham Lincoln who also used pen names for some of their articles supplied to American newspapers! And Mark Twain who got known by this pen name rather than his regular name in life! The pen name is a symbol for what you stand for!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:19 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:One other person was an obvious plant and his only arguments against me was to call me names. His style is very obviously federal intelligence plant trying to practice mob control tactics, so I will because of him now jack up the legal damage claims against Wash., D.C. up to $160 Trillion! I am not naive and don't try your psychological warfare tactics with me.

Sorry, elite government agents don't use terms like "gut pile." If we wanted to use psychological warfare and mob control tactics, we would have used terms like "nutjob," "extremely small penis," and "kill the unbelievers!"
This is the wrong approach. Instead, we should be goading Rassy for all its worth and see if we can get him to increase his "legal damages" to a zillion dollars! Once he does that, we can cancel the RV legitimately and claim that Rassy was the one who blocked it from happening due to his out-of-this-universe damages.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:This is the wrong approach. Instead, we should be goading Rassy for all its worth and see if we can get him to increase his "legal damages" to a zillion dollars! Once he does that, we can cancel the RV legitimately and claim that Rassy was the one who blocked it from happening due to his out-of-this-universe damages.
I suggest calling him names. Silly-while-still-being-insulting names. In fact, I would like to make this an informal contest - if you think you can top what's been posted, put 'er up!

Gassy Who-Will-Never-Be-The-Man-His-Mother-Was Rassy

Gassy Who-Looks-Like-He-Fell-Into-A-Fire-And-Someone-Pulled-His-Face-Out-With-A-Fork Rassy

Gassy Even-If-He-Was-Twice-As-Smart-He-Would-Still-Be-A-Moron Rassy

Have fun.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Gassy who leaves the decimal point out of his IQ rating.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

Darn it to heck! Every time I think I'm going to hear what this Omni Law is about someone pulls the plug. Anyone know if it's posted online? Please and thank you-Tomas
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Gassy who leaves the decimal point out of his IQ rating.
... plus all the zeroes in front.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Thule »

texino wrote:Darn it to heck! Every time I think I'm going to hear what this Omni Law is about someone pulls the plug. Anyone know if it's posted online? Please and thank you-Tomas
You asked for it...
“James Madison Father of the U.S. Constitution, stated that the U.S. Constitution and all other law in America must obey the supreme authority of the national compact (American Declaration of Independence) founding America in 1776 or else not be valid law or even government in America. Therefore, the American people always retain final legal authority over all government in America whether to leave it intact, amend it, or abolish it altogether replacing it with approved new government created by authority of the American people.

“We therefore authorize the creation of ten civil tribunes for America with the same basic tested legal powers as possessed by the wisely created ancient civil tribunes of Rome. They will protect the people from tyranny in law whether legislative, judicial, or executive. They will be elected for four years instead of the one year under Roman law. They will hold referendums to create national law by states instead of by the original tribes of Rome. The first 10 civil tribunes will be appointed for four years by the National Institute For Inventors to keep any corrupt leaders from undermining and sabotaging the beginning of this new branch of government.

These civil tribunes will propose a national plan for referendum on how to swiftly make fuel cheap again in America, restore our common law rights and 1776 declared “God-given rights” to contract and to property which were the foundation to the founding of the powerful American version of free enterprise, and break the power of corrupt interests to control politicians by making deals with them or else cannot probably be elected to public offices without their finances. And address other national issues needed for the future of America.

And by national referendum will propose the plan to be approved for honest future tribune elections so the people elect and control these elections, not corrupt interests. Money cannot be allowed to dominate our elections instead of the will of the American people.

And the tribunes are to establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth to break the corrupt hold of many corrupt news sources censoring the truth and lying about the truth in important issues to the American people. The civil tribunes will be assigned to keep the federal government honest, fair in law in courts, and agencies, and serving the American people rather than any corrupt interests.”
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Thule wrote:
texino wrote:Darn it to heck! Every time I think I'm going to hear what this Omni Law is about someone pulls the plug. Anyone know if it's posted online? Please and thank you-Tomas
You asked for it...
Quoting Gassy Rassy in full is the fools game. Sure, I used to do it, but it only led to heartbreak and bleeding eyes. Even though people don't know who I really am, they beat a path to my door to beat me for doing it. Nasty.

Anyway, I learned my lesson and now try to cut out the fluff.

Omni Law ... creation of ten civil tribunes ... legal powers as possessed by the ... tribunes of Rome. ... They will be elected for four years ... They will hold referendums to create national law by states ... The first 10 civil tribunes will be appointed for four years by the National Institute For Inventors. [i.e. Martin Hunter, a.k.a. Erasmus of America]

...plan ... how to ... make fuel cheap ... “God-given rights” to contract and to property ... And address other national issues ... establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth ... keep the federal government honest ...

So, ten independent tribunes making laws and rightin' wrongs. Made up of Rassy's friends (as if he had any) and people he looks up to, like himself and Orly Taitz. Omniriffic!

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:
So, ten independent tribunes making laws and rightin' wrongs. Made up of Rassy's friends (as if he had any) and people he looks up to, like himself and Orly Taitz. Omniriffic!
What could go wrong there?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »


Gassy Rassy celebrates a Letterman bit that never was, a chain e-mail that recycles "Why you should vote DemocRAT" chain e-mail from 10 years ago. The tide is turnin', don't cha know. Loved the unintended irony of #9.

9. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

:snicker: But he saves the best for last.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for that daring spirit in military intelligence over the years. I won repeatedly at daring military projects because I just didn't know that I couldn't win. I scored some of the biggest hits and successes in military intelligence that anyone has ever achieved. I had God-given brains, but also the guts to follow through on smart ideas set up. That is why we will win and should soon with passage of the Omni Law! "God helps those who help themselves!" - Old Proverb!
Some people that know some of the stunts I pulled in military intelligence predict that if I ever make a deal with Hollywood, the movie of what I did would be sensational and the public would love to see how I did what I did in military intelligence! But I would be showing trade secrets in that case, so haven't decided yet whether to make this secret part of my life public for all to know and see!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:05 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Not only is a new Hollywood Erasmus of America military intelligence adventure movie in the works (I understand there's a bidding war by the major studios), but ...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Rassy is gonna tell us when that darn RV is finally gonna happen? Or how to find out using a clever trick? I’m all ears, er, eyes!

As I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a Geman economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century, let me make a few comments prior to showing the two messages I received and copied below. Also, one prestigious international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe once wrote me up as "The Einstein Of American Economics." You can safely assume that I am no fool in economics and have a lot of common sense in the national and world economic science that is practical and makes sense to use!

Rassy goes on and on (big surprise) and never actually addresses the RV’s timing. Aaaawwww. But he does give the answer to all of America’s problems, which I suppose could be his clever trick –pass Omni Law! And …

Make me Economic Czar of America for 6 months and potential brief prosperity and then collapse of America and the world economy avoided! I know what I am doing in the field of economics! Obama is kindergarten level in understanding of economics and cannot be trusted with the survival of the American race or all other races and nations on earth. Frankly Obama needs to be removed from office and Joe Biden I guess keeps his mouth quiet while I and the team of top economists put America back soundly on its feet. Congress still meets, there is still a White House, but like Bernard Baruch who was the economic war industry czar of America during World War I so America would win and not lose World War I, I as chairman of the team and the team collectively will do what is right for the American economy and by 6 months with a skyrocketing national economy, America is saved from ruin by Obama! … He has to be replaced by those with brains in national economics as your economy decides your level of quality of life and whether you can survive or else even die long before your natural time to die because the stupid ran Wash., D.C. called politicians rather than the gifted brains in economics which God has blessed this nation with some very sharp brains in economic science who are very sound in national judgment.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist who was too honest for Washington standards … You can look up my maybe 300 national reports posted with Nesara News since April, 2012 under Erasmus of America - my pen name symbolizing what I stand for!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:36 PM

But when is the RV gonna happen?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, January 25, 2014

And if there's somebody who knows muck, it's Gassy Rassy! Not only is he the Einstein of American muckers, but he's an archeologist too! After telling us you can easily disprove the the theory of evolution by the fact the Nazi's and Communists used it to kill millions (WTF?), he invites us on an adventure!

I guess I am more scientific than the average Bible scholar. I took the Genesis account of the Garden of Eden, noticed its references on the four branches of rivers coming from the master river coming from the land of Eden and noticed this created an arrow pointing to the direction to where the Garden of Eden should be located at today. Combine this with a science reference of mine showing the scientific proof that the continents of North and South America were originally connected together with Europe and Africa until broken apart by a massive world event (I guess world flood is the answer here!) and I have a scientific hunch where we will find the most ancient city of the world which Genesis said was Enoch named after the son of Cain and located in the Land of Nod. Four of us checked out a possible site for this and we found amazing things that I will not record in this report. And a metal cup another source identified as originally coming from the City of Enoch was found not too far away from where we explored for various reasons. I guess I have a little touch of an Indiana Jones to my character and archaelogy is one of my interests! Someday when time and circumstances allow, I want us to go back to where we were. Two ancient Jewish legends gave us natural markers to look for and what we find if we do would be a colossal discovery of archaelogy if we made public what we found. If any ever want to join me in trips of archaelogy to confirm the location of Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, etc., let me know and when the time is right, I may let you join us if you would fit as part of our group. My legends also include the location of the biggest treasure hidden in the world and it is mentioned in the Bible! I probably have a pretty good hunch where it will be found on this earth! We test hunches by putting them to the test! But one comment. I normally prove right in historical hunches I get to check out and verify!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:50 PM

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JamesVincent »

So plate shifts were a "massive world event "? I guess they would be when it broke up the land mass but what has any of that to do with the shifting of the magnetic poles? Next thing you know he'll tell us that the Mediterranean used to be dry land.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »


Quatloos has a “no religion” rule to keep the peace. I could argue that the theology Erasmus of America expounds/explains is so far from any mainstream sect that it could qualify as his “hobby,” but I will respect the rule and give a sanitized and short summary of the many, many pages I cut out:

A historical event means things that others don’t know about! There are 10 lost tribes of a major religion, and Rassy knows where they got lost to! At least 2 people have come back from the dead! Major religions have errors in scholarship he would like to correct, and how! Pass Omni Law to get evil out of DC.

But you know Gassy Rassy, he can’t leave well enough alone. Sanitized for sects (isn’t there a band from Seattle by that name?)

By the way, China has plans how she thinks that she can annihilate America in war. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and have the military technology that withdraws America from the threat of being clobbered in a World War III. Several nations are planning how to annihilate America once they are ready. As soon as our Omni Law is passed, we have some surprises for all military sides and suddenly no nation is going to make America their target to try and destroy in a nuclear World War III. I shouldn't really admit this, but we have several answers powerful enough to annihilate entire nations and continents. Once the Omni Law is passed, we will promptly set up the first answer which I as a military spy stole from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies years ago. And soon after, other systems are set in place and no one is going to try and annihilate America after that. As the XXXXX teaches, when God approved leaders are put into the leadership of a nation, then God protects their military defense so they can live in peace instead of in endless threatening warfare. God likes me is why I was allowed to get ahold of so much strategic ultimate weapon technology from sources all over the world. And as I like the cultures of nations across the world, I respect the independence of nations and have zero interest in seeing America conquer the world which the secret Satanic power elite are scheming to do. But in the end they want to kill off nearly the whole human race and left a small remnant alive to be their slaves for their planned world global plantation and their planned "god" is Satan. I spied on them and know their secrets what they are up to concerning America and all other nations on earth!

Pass this report around and wake America up!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American God arranged my military academy background, etc. for so I could help XXXX out when the evil should win otherwise. … We will stand for freedom and individual rights of people wherever the future of mankind is threatened if we do not stand for moral good in society on earth. And if you tolerate terrorist groups to try and conspire how to attack America, we may end up coming against you like the Wrath of God let loose on earth. Contrary to the politicians, I always fight to win and that means you can judge it guaranteed that you will lose if you try to wage terrorist war against America. Our policy will be that we will only be your enemy if you allow us no other choice. And we will mightily reward our friends across the world! And for XXXX who do not know their XXXX on this, national defense to protect your people is God approved and God taught in the XXXX such as God backing XXXX in war when they were right with God!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:08 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Pass Omni Law 'cause Gassy Rassy got all these really neat technologies but won't release 'em until we do!!!

Friday, January 31, 2014

… If some nations conspire to try and engineer it where American money is suddenly claimed near worthless, we have technology we can bring forth from hiding and maybe make America the leader in the world in a number of key world industries. This is a short form of our total list of technology we can potentially supply and keep trade secret so America has total control of all these world industries started from America.
We can potentially turn American oil into a product so superior to what the Middle East, etc. puts out as oil as to potentially capture the entire world oil market overnight for America. We could produce the best performing auto and truck fuel at lower prices from oil than any other nation on earth. And we could produce if we wanted to an auto and trucking fuel so cheap that we get all the world market except for the crumbs we leave to other oil nations in the world. We have the technology to solve the fast coming water crisis of the world and make water so cheap and plentiful for the earth so we overnight become the main water supplier of the world. We potentially have weather control technology which is good in nature and with this we could potentially turn drought hit areas of America or other lands across the earth and supply them the rain they need to solve their farming problems created by poor water supply from nature. We could turn cold areas into warmed up areas as to become paradises on earth to raise crops in.
We have the Vatican endorsed industrial food process that Pope Pius XII endorsed various ways including potentially being the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. … We have one or more ways to make the production of electricity cheaper than seen before on this earth and with cheaper electrical energy for all nations, we become the main electrical supplier to the world and help build up all economies on the earth by cheaper electricity for them. … We probably have the best answers in the world how to raise food for the world from the farms all across the earth! …
All this and more we offer to America once our Omni Law is passed. And nothing available for America until this Omni Law is passed. Obama has secret alliances with some of the most corrupt and evil sources that can be found on earth. We are not going to supply him with the answers that can empower him to carry out various evil schemes of his for America and the world itself! Albert Einstein knew how to make the atomic bomb but would not share such powerful knowledge with German Hitler who might have conquered the world if German Einstein had backed him instead of opposing him.

There was also that little thing about Dr. Einstein being a Jew (non-observing, but a certain Mr. Hitler didn’t care ‘bout no “secular”). He moved to the US after the Nazi’s came to power, and there was supposedly a price on his head in Germany. While here, certain right-wingers reminiscent of Rassy called him a Communist, much like Rassy does to President Obama below. The irony and the stupid flow like wine.

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that maverick economist who studied with 6 of the most brilliant economists of the world, studied mass amounts of military intelligence records on economics as having spent eleven calendar years in military academies which gave me the angle how to engineer access to such intelligence records, hated doing it but forced myself to work around three dozen professional and business fields to give myself more practical insight into how true practical, sound economics really works and which gave me insight into mistakes in economic policies even my brilliant economic teachers did not teach about. … In one way or another, you are owed likely over one thousand trillion dollars as a nation and if you know how to tap repayment of key parts of this owed money back to America, national and state debt is paid off which is a giant payraise for all workers in America and a big increase in profits for businesses in America. …The alternative choice under Obama, etc. is runaway taxes in America and bankruptcy of America at some point and collapse of America as a nation and race. For whatever it is worth, a prestigious international organization in America and Europe once wrote me up as "The Einstein Of American Economics." As Obama only studied Communist economics under Communist teachers he arranged to study under as he grew up through college level education and then from a top Communist teacher in Chicago, Illinois, even if he wanted to, he does not know how to save America from hyperinflation if it is suddenly going to hit America otherwise!)

This report authorized by the National Committee To Pass The Omni Law In America - January 14, 2014

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:08 PM

So let me get this straight. With Omni Law, the RV happens at $38 per Dinar and all sorts of regular folks become billionaires, he gets the country "likely over one thousand trillion dollars" (over $3 million per person) and by doing these thwarts hyperinflation?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by AndyK »

Erasmus of America: A legend in his own mind.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My answer would be a resounding, "How come Gassy Rassy never talks about birth control?"

Unless you want to spend a lifetime building up some wealth for yourself and family and then having it suddenly confiscated by federal government or else foreign sources granted claimed authority to do this by Obama, etc., pass our Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America (short name we used as "Omni Law" but some are trying to confuse our proposed law with something else called by "Omni-Law technically, so best to use the full formal name now!). ... As Sonny Bono said while in Congress and probably shortly before he either died by accident or else engineered murder looking like a ski accident, the American people needed to hire two or three lobbyists in Wash., D.C. for them so someone would represent them in Congress!... We are rattling the nerves of some of the corrupt now in Wash., D.C. as they suspect that we might well win soon now and they don't want Wash., D.C. made an honest government again by passage of our proposed constitutional amendment!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who maybe is helping to help prove the old saying true that "The pen is mightier than the sword!")

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:32 PM 0 comments

Rats, no birth control there.

Monday, February 3, 2014
Amendment 7 of the U.S. Bill of Rights states that you cannot be sued for more than $20

Wait a second, Rassy knows this and he's still suing everyone in the Federal government for $180 trillion dollars? Last time I checked, that was a bit more than $20. And here we've been quaking in our boots waiting for the other shoe to drop!

We never needed securities agencies to regulate stock and bond offers. ... If any stock or bond offer was carried out with good intent and the business plan failed, the parties offering the stock or bond offer were not liable for a bad business commitment that did not work out as planned. They could not be civilly sued nor criminally prosecuted for honest effort made with the funds raised. ... Since heavy regulation of stock and bond offers, the growth of American industry maybe has only been as much as 10% to 20% maximum of what America would have had in industrialization of America, millions of new great jobs in America, and America still the undisputed industrial leader of the world instead of the fast falling star other nations are planning to replace with their own nations.
Hate to have to say this but Wash., D.C. under Obama just can't get it out of their system how badly they want to be a police state over America and not a Constitutional Government over America. Yesterday, Feb. 2, 2014, I was talking with a friend of mine from Virginia. I wanted to see if the fed boys were respecting the rights of the American people now as claimed by Obama or just another propaganda line of Obama to try and keep the people sedated with propaganda until America was a total police state under plan of Obama. I covered some legitimate issues and then deliberately began pouring it on on all the ways we could punish under law those officials and employees who did not respect the rights of the American people under law. I poured it on thick to see if I could bait any federal sources listening in on our phone call as I was sure they were in violation of the respect of our legal rights as claimed by Obama to the American people. Finally, I pushed our would-be federal censors over the line and we heard this big crash of the line going dead by our would-be federal censors. They wanted to make sure that we knew that they had cut off our phone line. We called each other again a few minutes later and I told my friend from Virgina that the federal idiots just pushed up my legal financial claims against Wash., D.C. up to $180 trillion and also the same $180 trillion claim against federal officials or employees engaged in civil rights schemes such as cutting off our phone line and so obviously yesterday.

Um, make that $20 instead of $180 trillion, please.

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American who judged the American people needed someone who knew the power tricks of the other side so the American people would win this time and not the other side in America! Once we pass the Omni Law, we have won the game in America! This is power chess and I know how to play it! The American people win this time by seriously backing the smart leaders in America rather than the corrupt leaders in America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:33 PM

Omni Law coming out the wazoo, but still nothing about birth control.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

''He who walks with wise men becomes wise.'' - Proverbs 13:20
The Jews of 2,000 years ago practiced birth control with primitive but basically effective tactics. This was not to not have children but to have them responsibly as you could afford to raise more children. This is a different angle than marrying and avoid having children as God wanted from marriage as a general principle. The sin of the man in Genesis who "spilled his seed" was he would not have children by his brother's wife to raise children for his brother instead of himself. His sin was refusing to follow through on the custom to raise children in the name of your brother instead of yourself, not "spilling his seed" in this case. Young men going through puberty may have sexual dreams generated by nature while they sleep and it is not a sin if their body responds while they sleep. And from this position that men and women have natural sexual instincts built into them when they are born does not make it a sin to have sexual instincts as they grow up. The sin is to abuse the sexual drive when it is intended by God to lead mankind into marriage to continue the human race on earth. Sex outside of marriage with others is labelled sin by the Bible. And Genesis says that God made Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, not Adam and Steve to marry each other which God did not intend.

"Spilling his seed," "nocturnal emissions," "Adam and Steve" - what exactly is going on in the Erasmus household?

When the Roman Catholic Church sanctions the "rhythm method" of controlling how many children you have in marriage, the principle is already established that within moral standards birth control is sanctioned even for marriage when done correctly and for the right moral reasons. ... Because I am an economist by thinking, I see birth control if done within moral standards acceptible if done for the right reasons. ... Lest any misunderstand me, I also consider it potential national suicide to have a policy where you try to not have enough population for future generations to maintain the survival and well-being of your nation and race. ... I know that general Christian scholars are scared to death to cover the topic of birth control like I just did, but I think Albert Schweitzer stated it well, "Christianity must be founded upon thinking!" I am a mature Christian and economist and I sense no moral wrong when sex is discussed in Christianity like I just did! I do not believe in moral license in sexual issues nor in a sexual policy so restrictive as to make sex in marriage a "duty" ... "All is lawful in marriage" between the married couple! ... the husband should not deny sex to his wife when she wants it and the wife should not deny sex to her husband when he wants it. ... As last one Christian scholar takes the bull by the horns and talks with maturity and moral responsibility about sex in a nation and how to have it with moral approval by God. God did not give us sex so we would never have it nor use it in marriage. And truthfully when a married couple shares total intimacy with each other because they want to, they are expressing their love for each other and nothing wrong with that! ... To have sex courses in school to teach and push sexual perversion as "normal sex" is double-talk trying to incite the youth both young men and women to have sex outside of marriage and lose their moral convictions as they feel they have now lost their salvation with God. The Bible says to raise your children in "The Ways Of The Lord" meaning having prayers to God and reading of the Bible in school for moral education to give moral values to your children. ... An economic study of I think in 1987 concluded that labor probably lost over one trillion dollars a year in wages due to prayer and the Bible being outlawed from the public schools of America. And that means that business has a one trillion dollar smaller annual market to sell to nationally! It is not a free ride to try and outlaw God from America! And as for any children of atheists or other religious convictions, they can be exempted from such religious practices in school. However, I predict that these children will later be mad at their parents where they see the children with moral values make more money in jobs than them and have better marriages and family lives than them.

If your read between the lines, Gassy Rassy's wife won't have sex with him when he's wearing one of them new fangled condoms with built in flashing lights and music, sort of like those annoying birthday cards that start up some annoying song when you open then. Is there no end to this man's creepiness?

As for the RV of foreign currencies which is supposed to occur at any time, once the Omni Law is passed, if it has not occurred, we have a trick currency policy that we can set up fast and suddenly American currency is once more the undisputed leading currency of the world and all other currencies in the world drop in basic value against the new American dollar policy. And if privileged circles cashed in secretly by secret approval of Congress, we can initiate a legal policy to recover this graft money and turn it over to the Americans holding the RV currencies they were swindled of its basic value they were supposed to be paid like the super rich. If the RV occurs now, we then have no need to show the clever hand we have we can play in currency policy and suddenly America decides the value of other foreign currencies, not foreign currencies decide the value of American money.

"Knowledge is power" when correctly applied!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist who is worldy wise and not just academically wise! By the way, speaking worldly wisdom, how much do backers of the Omni Law Loan Program and purchasers of products also getting credit in the Omni Law Loan Program also get with a $180 trillion settlement figure? 10% of $180 trillion is $18 trillion which divides pretty nicely for those getting their share of this $18 trillion divided pro-rata between them based upon their share in credit in the Omni Law Loan Program? I assume that is called retirement money for those getting it! And as an economist, I know both how to force quick financial ruling our way and where to get the $180 trillion we will recover from angles you don't know about now or realize can be done! Of course, we may let land grants take away a bit of the total from $180 trillion, but whatever the final settlement figure is, your share of the 10% of settlement funds going your way should put a smile on your face! Federal sources will not be smiling as they did not see how we were going to be able to collect the vast sum owed us then!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:33 PM

That's 10% of $20, not $180 trillion.

"Follow the Money"
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:"Spilling his seed," "nocturnal emissions," "Adam and Steve" - what exactly is going on in the Erasmus household?
He obviously overdosed on watching "Dr. Strangelove" and is now focused on those precious bodily fluids.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:"Spilling his seed," "nocturnal emissions," "Adam and Steve" - what exactly is going on in the Erasmus household?
He obviously overdosed on watching "Dr. Strangelove" and is now focused on those precious bodily fluids.
Not to mention that "the sin is to abuse the sexual drive" - obviously Rassy, like Gen. Ripper, withholds his essence.

But dammit, Obs, you're supposed to be coordinating conspiracies, not stealing mine.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:But dammit, Obs, you're supposed to be coordinating conspiracies, not stealing mine.
Stealing, coordinating...tomayto, tomahto.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff