NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

I've read volumes about what happened, but the only conclusion I can come to is that I'm disgusted at how slowly justice is moving in this case. In Hawaii they dismiss this crazy lady's ravings in hours, not months!

Isn't it great that we live in a country where some crazy person can make any accusation they like online, calling the President a criminal and his mother a slut, but when she posts something allegedly about a judge then there's some action! Never mind that she put out a press release saying that an "Obama operative" did it, or the following to harass the attorneys in this case:

extremely important Bar complaint against attorneys for Democratic party for submitting to court forged documents. Demand for sanctions

Posted on | May 7, 2012 | 5 Comments

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ


Bar Prosecutor Mississippi Bar





Dear Bar Prosecutor,

On 05.04.2012 attorneys Samuel Begley, member of the Mississippi Bar (Hereinafter Begley) and Scott J. Tepper, member of the California Bar, admitted in Mississippi pro hac vice (Hereinafter Tepper) submitted a motion in the case

CIVIL ACTION NO. 3:12cv280-HTW-LRA which contained documents (motion for a judgment on the Pleadings and Exhibits) , which represent forgeries(long Form Birth Certificate) (Exhibit 1). Begley and Tepper requested for such forgeries to be accepted by the court for a judicial notice and ruling on the pleadings. Begley and Tepper acted knowingly, with malice and with moral turpitude, with an intent to defraud the court and to defraud the public at large.

When such documents were presented Begley and Tepper were in possession of testimony showing such documents to be forgeries.

Tepper and Begley had in their possession:

1. Sworn testimony for a computer expert Felicito Papa, attesting that a document in question, an alleged copy of a long form birth certificate is a computer generated forgery (Exhibit 2)

2. Public announcement and press conference by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona and investigator Zullo, advising the public that the long form birth certificate in question is a forgery (Exhibit 3)

3. Sworn testimony by a senior deportation officer John Sampson, attesting to the fact that the document in question is a forgery (Exhibit 4)

4. Sworn testimony by a scanning and copying machines expert Douglas Vogt, attesting to the fact that the document in question is a forgery. (Exhibit 5)

5. Begley and Tepper knew that neither the original document not a certified copy of a long form birth certificate in question was ever provided to any court of law and were never authenticated. (Exhibit 6)

6. Tepper and Begley submitted those documents in order to defraud honorable US District Judge Henry Travillion Wingate and Honorable Magistrate judge Linda R. Anderson and in order to defraud the public at large, as well as to dispose of a valid legal action brought by the plaintiffs.




/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

cc US District Judge Henry Travillion Wingate, Magistrate Linda R. Anderson
cc Special judge R. Kenneth Coleman
cc Chief Justice Supreme Court of MS William L. Waller
cc California bar
cc district attorney Hinds County , MS
cc Steve Cooley District Attorney Los Angeles county, CA
cc Tony Rackauckas, District Attorney Orange County, CA
cc Disciplinary committee US District Court Southern District of MS
cc Inspector general Department of Justice
cc Public Integrity Unit Department of Justice
cc Congressman Lamar Smith, Chairman of the judiciary Committee
House of Representatives
cc Darrel Issa Chairman of the House oversight committee
cc Inter-American court for Human rights
cc UN Nations committee for civil rights defenders
cc US and international media

That's right, she wanted these people disbarred for entering a copy of the President's birth certificate into evidence, which she and some other crazy people KNOW is forged! And she sent a copy to Judge Wingate who now seems clueless about her. Unbelievable!

Judge Wingate - I have no doubt you're the respected and level headed jurist your position would normally indicate. Please, please, please don't play into this crazy lady's hands and allow her to use the judicial system to harass people. She does it enough with her "blog." Why she hasn't been disbarred for her actions and comments about the judges who ruled against her in the past (very nasty stuff - pick one at random and do a Google search) is beyond me.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

The comment in question.

Virgil E. Byrd
January 20th, 2014 @ 6:02 am

I spoke at some length to Henry at our once-a-year Yale Club (he was class of ’72 and I was ’70) get together in mid-December at the Clarion Hotel in Jackson about you and your shenanigans.

I advised him to throw the book at you. He laughed and told me I have nothing to worry about as “everything is proceeding on schedule. She won’t get away scot-free.” He added, “We’re making the b*tch squirm a little first.”
January 20th, 2014 @ 6:33 am

I do not believe any judge would say anything like that. I believe you are making this up to harass and intimidate me. I will ask Judge Wingate for a subpoena to internet providers seeking the name and address of all the individuals harassing me

And now she says:
January 22nd, 2014 @ 1:21 pm

this was not initiated by me, it was initiated by the judge.

Uh Huh.
January 22nd, 2014 @ 12:49 pm

it is a very heavy load and it takes a lot of sleepless nights and it is very stressful
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Deep Knight wrote:That's right, she wanted these people disbarred for entering a copy of the President's birth certificate into evidence, which she and some other crazy people KNOW is forged! And she sent a copy to Judge Wingate who now seems clueless about her. Unbelievable!

Judge Wingate - I have no doubt you're the respected and level headed jurist your position would normally indicate. Please, please, please don't play into this crazy lady's hands and allow her to use the judicial system to harass people. She does it enough with her "blog." Why she hasn't been disbarred for her actions and comments about the judges who ruled against her in the past (very nasty stuff - pick one at random and do a Google search) is beyond me.
Yep, she's really playing with fire now. At least in my neck of the woods, filing a bar complaint against another attorney without reasonable basis, while an action is still pending, is conduct that could subject one to discipline. And certainly making half-baked accusations against another attorney all premised on her imagined birth certificate case could subject her to a rather nasty set of lawsuits. I wouldn't let that slide if it happened to me.

I think where there's smoke there's fire, and this particular smoke means that she is getting increasingly desperate. Why? Are donations running out? Is she already under some kind of scrutiny that isn't yet public? I ask these things because from where I sit, she's a half a step away from acting like a person with nothing to lose.

Except a few more lawsuits, that is. :snicker:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Working theory on the whole "Yale Club" email re Judge Wingate. It's not entirely implausible for that email to have been sent by someone friendly to Squirrel Nest in anticipation of her inevitable 8 millionth loss in court on these issues. This way she can say "see, it's a conspiracy!" This would be all her followers need to hear in order to go nutso with a bunch of wacko conspiracies about plane engines, crisis actors, and long form birf certificates. :beatinghorse: :idea: :roll: :haha: :shock:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly is martyred yet again.

does anyone know, who this is? This person is taunting me

Posted on | January 24, 2014
Shaz Muhammad
Submitted on 2014/01/23 at 10:39 pm

I resent you talking about my fellow Muslims in the condescending way that you have. I am one of the hundreds of Muslims that arrived here on the planes you are talking about. My relatives paid a lot of money to get us here … We could easily pay the Judge you’ve been talking to lately and he’ll gladly sanction you as per our request. That’s how we do things. If you have money, you can get anything you want accomplished in the blink of an eye. I will have one of my representatives contact the judge and pursued him to sanction you immediately. This is what you get when you mess with people with the right connections. Can’t wait to photograph the look on your face next week when you are $20,000 in debt and nothing to show for it but a bruised ego.

She's gonna send this IP address to the judge, 'cause she's convinced he's given her carte blanche to go after anyone who mocks her. Which of course begs the question, why not Deep Knight? Bring it on, I would be honored to be put on your "taunting enemies list."
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

I ran across this disbarment case in Kansas, although the specific behavior is different, the categories of offenses seem to describe Taitz to a T:

In re Bret Landrith (2005) 280 Kan 619, 124 P.3d 467 cert.den 549 US 838 ... 7770883969
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Quite a match indeed...I keep wondering how she gets away with her crap...
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

This starts with a long press release by Orly, so it’s gonna take a bit of time and some brain cells.

Press release: Criminal complaint submitted to the US Attorney fo NJ, seeking to prosecute ongoing hate crimes against Catholics in NJ

Posted on | January 25, 2014

Press release

Criminal complaint submitted to the US Attorney for NJ, seeking to prosecute ongoing hate crimes against Catholics in NJ.


Paul J. Fishman
US Attorney
District of New Jersey



Statement of facts

Since September of 2013 parishioners of several Christian, specifically Catholic churches were victims of acts of domestic terrorism and hate crimes. Perpetrators have decapitated and hacked heads of statutes of Mary, Joseph and Jesus and otherwise desecrated multiple churches in multiple townships in New Jersey.(see attached news article). Aforementioned acts of domestic terrorism were reported in Camden, Malaga and elsewhere. Aforementioned crimes were committed with the clear goal of terrorizing the population. As of now there was no action on part of local and state authorities. [Except for the investigations by the police featured in the articles she cuts and pastes later :brickwall:]


18 U.S.C. §2331

As used in this chapter – (1) the term “international terrorism” means activities that – (A) involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum; (2) the term “national of the United States” has the meaning given such term in section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act; (3) the term “person” means any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property; (4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of – (A) declared war; (B) armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or (C) armed conflict between military forces of any origin; and (5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that – (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

Aforementioned acts of desecration of Catholic churches and beheading of statutes of Mary, Joseph and Jesus fall within 18USC 2331 (i) as those acts were perpetrated with the clear goal of intimidating Catholics in multiple townships of New Jersey, which are located miles apart and such acts took place starting from September 3, 2013 through January 25, 2014. This amounts to a systematic campaign of intimidation of population and coercion of population into not attending Catholic churches.

Further, considering the fact that these occurrences took place in multiple townships, and the fact that the damage is extensive there is a high likelihood of a RICO enterprise where a number of individuals have colluded in perpetrating such acts of domestic terrorism.

Further, aforementioned acts might also fall under 18 USC §249 Hate Crime act. Here a specific group was targeted: systematic targeting of Christians, specifically, Catholics. While Hate crime act typically involves bodily injury to a person, in the past acts of burning of crosses, swastika and other acts of vandalism involving signs of hate towards specific groups were prosecuted as hate acts.

The state and local government have not acted upon those acts of hate and the US Attorneys’ office for the District of New Jersey is requested to act and prosecute aforementioned acts. While local townships are lacking resources, the U.S. Attorneys’ office has vast personal and financial resources to investigate and prosecute such acts of hate and domestic terrorism.

US Attorneys’ office for the District of New Jersey was in the news for successfully prosecuting theft of millions of dollars in counterfeit credit cards. Mr. Fishman, you should be commended for that success. However, robbing citizens of New Jersey of their dignity and terrorizing them is important too and as a President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, I implore you to show the same zeal in prosecuting these acts of hate crimes and terrorism, and restoring the citizens right to live free of fear as well.


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
President Defend Our Freedom Foundation

First of all, how many people got an image of some sword welding Jihadist beheading Catholic statues as a religious statement? How ‘bout a picture.


Second, here’s a short and true story. Many years ago, Deep Knight got talked into volunteering at a halfway house for psychotics. The very sweet and incredibly hot administrator of the place, who my roommate was hopelessly in love with, was a firm believer and getting the “clients” out of doors. Local parks, hiking, walking tours – and I helped as sort of a sheepdog to herd the “clients” and keep them out of trouble. One hard and fast rule, NO STATUES. This meant scouting new parks before going there, and when driving the van, NEVER EVER going by the private cemetery with the lighted life-sized statues of 3 winged angels welcoming you through the gates of heaven.

You see, life-size statues tend to talk to psychotics and tell them to do bad things, and religious statues were historically the worst. While a suggestion from some general astride a horse might be problematic, a command that seems to come from a messenger of God was fraught with more danger. I was told about one of the “clients” seeing the aforementioned 3 angels while being driven by and walking halfway across town to talk to them, where they told him to get a can of gasoline and burn down a specific house. Luckily he went back home and told a few people first.

I only did this for a year, my roommate didn’t get any further into the administrator’s pants than he had in grad school and lost interest. The “outdoor” program is probably still in existence, but whoever drives the van no longer has to avoid the major road into town that goes by the cemetery. About 20 years ago some person was driving into town (not a local) and was struck by the splendid white images. He went to have a chat, didn’t like what he heard and decided they were deceivers, and went at them with a piece of rebar he kept in the back of his truck to this reason. I’ll let you put 2 and 2 together in ways Orly could never dream of to get 4 here.

Another observation. Out in the rural west, where men are men, a rite of passage involves driving around shooting at highway signs, especially ones with cows or deer on them. It’s actually militia training, if we’re ever invaded by thuggish Obot roadsigns… Anyway, everyone understands this is mindless vandalism caused by a link between high hormone levels and stupidity, not some jihad against game crossings or cattle’s right to live free of fear.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:Quite a match indeed...I keep wondering how she gets away with her crap...
TPM Muckraker
Birther Orly Taitz Faces California Bar Complaint Over Attack On Judge

Justin Elliott – September 17, 2009, 10:45 PM EDT

Things just keeping getting worse for Queen Birther Orly Taitz. Yesterday, a federal judge not only threw out her latest "birther soldier" lawsuit, but also took the time to demolish Birtherism generally and threaten Taitz with sanctions if she files more frivolous suits.

Now, in response to Taitz's comments to TPM calling the judge corrupt and suggesting he should be tried for treason, a fellow member of the California bar has filed a formal complaint against Taitz.

"I respectfully request that you investigate Ms. Taitz's conduct and impose an appropriate sanction. She is an embarrassment to the profession," writes Subodh Chandra, who practices in Ohio and is also an inactive member of the California bar.

Read Chandra's full complaint right here. Chandra was a Democratic candidate for Attorney General of Ohio in 2006 and a delegate to the Democratic National Convention last year.

Taitz's comments to TPM going after U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land violate section 6068(b) of the California Business & Professions Code, the complaint charges. That section of the law requires attorneys to "maintain the respect due to the courts of justice and judicial officers."

She told TPM yesterday: "Judge Land is a typical puppet of the regime -- just like in the Soviet Union."

The complaint further charges Taitz is violating the code by filing frivolous suits and pursuing actions based on "corrupt motive of passion of interest, namely, discriminatory and political motives."

Once the complaint is received -- it was mailed today, Chandra says -- the investigative division of the bar's Office of Chief Trial Counsel, which deals with disciplinary matters, will review the matter. The process could take up to 6 months, says California bar spokesperson Kathleen Beitiks.

If a violation is found to have occurred, Taitz could face actions ranging from "private reproval to disbarment."
Subodh Chandra wrote:While lawyers have a wide range of latitude to advocate for their clients, they do not have professional license to just make things up. In a self-regulating profession, lawyers have a responsibility to report when other lawyers engage in conduct that reflects on fitness to practice law.

Here, Ms. Taitz has waived around demonstrably phony documents (the Republic of Kenya was the “Dominion” of Kenya on the date of the fake “Republic of Kenya” birth certificate she’s been brandishing), ignored the state of Hawaii’s own official statement that its records reflect the President was born in Hawaii and failed to explain how a Hawaii newspaper reported on President Obama’s birth back at the time — did the wily conspiracy extend to the president’s grandparents when he was infant?

Ms. Taitz also accused a (Bush-appointee) federal judge in Georgia of “treason” and corruption without any reasonable basis. She reportedly advocated positions contrary to her clients’ direct instruction. And the federal judge sanctioned her for “frivolous” conduct. These are things for which we mere mortal lawyers normally face consequences.
As of 2012 nothing but crickets chirping in response to this.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

I know this is really bad internet form, but I have a question. And I may need the answer as my second round of illuminati admissions exams is coming up and I'm not sure if this one involves essays or blood-drinking. So, in the event I must display arcane knowledge of society's primary lunatics, can someone explain how Orly is linked to Nesara in this forum...does that mean she's even more out there than previously believed possible?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:I know this is really bad internet form, but I have a question. And I may need the answer as my second round of illuminati admissions exams is coming up and I'm not sure if this one involves essays or blood-drinking. So, in the event I must display arcane knowledge of society's primary lunatics, can someone explain how Orly is linked to Nesara in this forum...does that mean she's even more out there than previously believed possible?
Please consult your study guide entitled "Birdbrains Of A Feather...."
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:...can someone explain how Orly is linked to Nesara in this forum...does that mean she's even more out there than previously believed possible?
While you occasionally get some "news" about NESARA, NESARA News is now mostly other nutjob conspiracy cut 'n pastes. For a while, John-boy was big on Orly and other birther screeds, and a bunch of Orly's comments (which she moderates) were suddenly about NESARA. Orly herself left a few comments, asking "whistleblowers" to send her more information. So she became part of the "what's left of NESARA and prosperity program" family. Not that she promises prosperity packies from the Saint Germain Trust when the usurper is lynched, but if you put the idea in her head I'm sure she would. Because she is more out there than anyone previously believed possible.

As for birds of a feather...

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

It would appear that the NESARA website is following the birfers (Orly + others such as Zullo), but that Orly is indifferent to NESARA apart from her ego-surfing to see how many times her name is mentioned.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

if I were a betting man, which I'm generally not, I would say Orly's act runs out of steam before too long. She can't possibly not know that what she's doing is not right. I see she has also filed a complaint against one of the judges in that Pennsylvania case as well, over a perceived alteration of the record, much like what happened in Fortinbras' illustrative example, above.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

An intriguing article, can former generals, like Vallely, be court-martialed for rabble-rousing against the sitting President? (Answer: Yes) ... -the-ucmj/
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Press release: Copyright of Obama’s book presents more questions, was Obama really born in 1961? Doesn’t licensed attorney and Constitutional law professor understand a question “In what year were you born?”

Posted on | January 28, 2014

Press release:

Law Offices of Orly Taitz

Copyright of Obama’s book presents more questions. Doesn’t licensed attorney and Constitutional law professor understand a question “In what year were you born?”

Attorney Taitz received a certified copy of the copyrght certificate of registration of Obama’s book “Dreams from my father”. The federal standard form for copyright has a number of questions. One of them is “Dates of Birth and Death . Year born” and arrow pointing to an area where one needs to enter the year of his birth. Anyone with an IQ over an IQ of a brick understands that he needs to enter the year when he was born. Apparently this question was not clear for the Constitutional law professor and Attorney Barack Obama. Instead of entering the year of birth, “USA” was entered. What’s more, this USA appear to be in a different font than the rest of the form. We have seen forgery and falsification in other IDs and forms relating to Obama. The question is: What is being covered? Was Obama born in a different year, not 1961? When was this ‘USA” in a different form entered?

Attorney Taitz continues investigation into forgery and fraud in Obama’s IDs. There are several legal challenges in different courts. It is noteworthy that Acton Dystel literary agency that represented Obama had in their forms and brochures Obama’s bio which stated that Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. This bio was posted on their website from 1991 to 2007, for 16 years, until Obama decided to run for the US Presidency and decided that he needs to be born in USA. In 2007 Acton Dystel removed this bio from the net and stated that it was an error. Of course, nobody believed that it could be an error. On can make an error and misspell someone’s name. A literary agent cannot make an error and make up a fact that the author was born in Kenya if he was born in the USA.

Attorney Taitz would like to thank an individual who assisted her in obtaining an aforementioned record. Attorney Taitz is working pro bono and any and all donations are greatly appreciated and can be made on via pay-pal or by mail at 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688.

OK, so from a freedom of information request Orly got a request for a second copyright certificate from Obama's literary lawyer, whose secretary didn't fill in the "Date born and died" since he wasn't dead. But, this typist did fill in the section below saying his place of birth and residence was the USA. Unfortunately, they also seem to have put USA in the line above (darn typewriters, the ribbons obscured where you were actually typing and this happened all the time - well at least to me).

While this didn't seem to make a difference to the copyright office, it does to Orly. In that it's proof of treason because it proves Obama wasn't born in 1961! I mean, if he was, he would have known!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly's site has some interesting malware that McAfee and MalwareBytes don't stop - a new window telling you you're at risk, your browser needs to be updated, and click here. DON'T. I'm sure I don't need to tell most of you this, but there's always "them."

I will also warn you about the "call up and tell you your computer is sending out viruses and you will be arrested unless you sit down at your computer and do what I tell you" scam that's out there. We got the call last weekend, I played with the person for awhile, and then hung up. My wife got a call back Monday saying "we got disconnected and ..." She asked for their name and address and got hung up on.

They must think I'm really, really stupid. Monumentally stupid. Which of course begs the question - Did they somehow get on to me by my visiting Orly's site?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I wouldn't trust ANYTHING which came from Oily's site.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Deep Knight wrote:Orly's site has some interesting malware that McAfee and MalwareBytes don't stop.
Orly's website was afflicted with malware last year. Apparently she is as slipshod about her website security as she is about her research.

This particular malware resembles "Antivirus2012" (of a couple years ago) which suddenly popped up, looking for all the world like one of the security pages already built into your own Windows system, that says "Something is wrong. Push a key to clean it out." If you do, you actually load the virus into your computer and give it a chance to sink its teeth in; thereafter your entire computer jams up with a page that pretends to show you your own internal files (not really, but the virus does manage to pick out your name and put in on a bunch of fake file names on a fake directory display) and tells you that your system is hopelessly infected and your only remedy is to click here to purchase an anti-virus program for about $30 using your credit card. Beyond that, I am not sure if paying this ransom actually gets your computer freed or what else they do to you once they have your credit card number.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Deep Knight wrote:Press release: Copyright of Obama’s book presents more questions, was Obama really born in 1961? . . . . .
Attorney Taitz received a certified copy of the copyrght certificate of registration of Obama’s book “Dreams from my father”. The federal standard form for copyright has a number of questions. One of them is “Dates of Birth and Death . Year born” . . . . . . Instead of entering the year of birth, “USA” was entered. What’s more, this USA appear to be in a different font than the rest of the form.
I won't pretend to be familiar with the paperwork at the Copyright Office, but, first, getting a copy of a copyright registration is not so cloak and dagger as Taitz makes it appear. The Copyright Office does provide copies of registration papers under its FOIA program for a very modest fee. Second, as Taitz notes, the "USA" in the space for date of birth does appear to have been printed on a different machine than the rest of the information - which leads me to think that the 'USA' was not what Obama had on the form he submitted to the Copyright Office, but might be a sticker pasted over this personal date by the Copyright Office itself when churning out copies for third parties, in keeping with the FOIA and Privacy Act.

In any case, an author's date of birth is NOT a legal requirement. The Copyright Law does not ask for the birthdate of an author, but it is interested in the date of an author's death. Under 17 USC § 302, works created after 1977 (and that would include Obama's book) enter public domain 70 years after the author's death. If the author dies in such obscurity that the Copyright Office is unaware of when he died, then it's 95 years after the first publication of the work. So the Copyright Office really doesn't have a reason to want to know the author's birthdate, but it does want to know the date of his death.

As a matter of fact, looking at a bunch of US Copyright Registrations for various things, visible on Bing Images, I saw several that simply didn't request a birthdate and didn't have a space for it. It turns out that the Copyright Office forms themselves, although they have a space for the birthdate, say in the instructions that it's "optional":

I might add, with regard to the mystery that Taitz sees in the absence of a birthdate for Obama on this form, that if Obama had been willing to put a false birthdate on everything else, including passports, I cannot imagine why he'd hesitate about putting the same date on a Copyright form (it may be that the paperwork for the copyright registration was done by the literary agent or publisher of Obama's book, and that person didn't have his birthdate on the tip of his tongue). More than that, even the (obviously fake) "Kenyan" birth certificates being occasionally touted by birfers, Taitz included, accept August 1961 as Obama's birthdate.

{An additional mystery - very baffling. I submitted a comment on Taitz's blog regarding the Copyright papers, pretty much stating what I say here, and yet, even hours later, my comment is not posted nor even counted on her blog.}
Last edited by fortinbras on Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.