Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Presumably the next he will hear from the bank is a FOAD letter closing all his accounts, returning his monies and explaining the laws of trespass.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

LightinDarkness, I very much suspect that most, but not all of what was reported in that letter happened. The biggest portion would be that currency trading is not a big part of their operations and most, even upper level types, would have very little if any familiarity with either terms, specifics, or even what the market is doing. From there, I am pretty sure the narrative dives off in to fiction. The response I have seen from several different banks is that, "We used to/never sold those currencies, we sued to sell them for foreign exchange traveling money as a courtesy for our customers, and quit doing that quite some time ago. And at this point it is ILLEGAL to buy or sell or own dinar as an investment. There are several Comptroller warnings out about scams relating back to this I can send you if you'd like,"
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote: now they are going to drop more money to go see an attorney about this. One thing dinar idiots are pros at - flushing money down the toilet.
Yes, but it will be hilarious to see how they report the results of their encounter with a legitimate attorney - who will advise them that they have been scammed and to kiss their money goodbye. Our Dinarians/Dinarettes will only see the situation as further proof that the legal establishment has been bought out and is abetting the cover-up and suppression of the RV.

By the way, the fact that our bribery budget here at Conspiracy Central has tripled recently is mere coincidence.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

I wonder if any run of the mill Dinarians know about Q and if they will descend on this board like a hoard of locusts? It certainly seems to me that this scam must implode before too long and leave a sorry mess.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

texino wrote:I wonder if any run of the mill Dinarians know about Q and if they will descend on this board like a hoard of locusts? It certainly seems to me that this scam must implode before too long and leave a sorry mess.
If they do, we may be able to burst the bubble for some; but still others will double down on stupid and tell us that we are part of the same corrupt system which has delayed the RV/NESARA/the various prosperity packies, and seek only to provide disinformation that will allow us to keep cashing in our dinars at the $38 per dinar rate, while others wait and wait.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:By the way, the fact that our bribery budget here at Conspiracy Central has tripled recently is mere coincidence.
We have to bribe lawyers? I thought that being a part of the BAR they were bound to do the Queen's bidding, which of course comes straight from the NWO. Royalty just ain't what is used to be.
texino wrote:I wonder if any run of the mill Dinarians know about Q and if they will descend on this board like a hoard of locusts? It certainly seems to me that this scam must implode before too long and leave a sorry mess.
I would have said that a year ago, and the year before that. How many times can the boy cry "wolf?" Trying to make sense of it gives you a headache, so stop.

As for the locusts, I understand that unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power, that they are to hurt only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads, that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. Your basic Illuminati End 'O the World Plan X.

Pottapaug1938 wrote:...we are part of the same corrupt system which has delayed the RV/NESARA/the various prosperity packies, and seek only to provide disinformation that will allow us to keep cashing in our dinars at the $38 per dinar rate, while others wait and wait.
And proud of it!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Latest TNT Tony is hilarious:
Good evening TNT. I have some good news, great news and let's hope for the best news.

1. The bankers had more meetings today and one of their main topics was what do they do about TNTDINAR. We are definitely making an impact on their plan. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why they can't just do the right thing. All it takes is to make it fair for all. We know that everyone is not going to get the $32.00 rate, but some of us should. We will have to wait to see how this starts, but believe me when I tell you, I know how it will finish.

If we are treated as second class citizens, they will be treated as second class banks. I have talked to all of my team and we have a plan to let them know how it feels afterwards. There will be over 5 million of us, we can change an industry in 1 day. We can expose corruption, if we have to, in 1 hour and have it go global. I am still hoping this never happens, but we must be prepared.

2. I just received a call from a personal friend whom I talk to everyday. He was very excited and wanted to tell the world his good news. He was just personally contacted by a Tier 2 bank officer that wanted to know if he still had the dong that he purchased from them. He said yes and she told him that she had just received a memo directing her to call all of her customers that had purchased dong and to tell them that they would like to be their bank during the exchange process. She said the memo listed several currencies that would be revalued by Monday.

3. Let's hope for the best news......

Let's hope that the rate comes out high enough so that we are not compelled to react with vengence and be forced to expose those in the government who took advantage of what was suppose to be for the people.

Let's hope that the rate comes out high enough that we don't have to expose the public to another corrupt bank scheme to decieve us, while they pile up Billions and Billions of dollars to line their own pockets at the expense of the people this was designed for.

Let's hope that someone in that group finally uses a little common sense and makes the right call/decision to get this over with and back on track for us all.

Let's hope this ends tonight, because tomorrow we have no choice but to start doing what we have to, to make this public for all to see.

Let's hope this is the end..........
Lets see, the all-powerful and deviously maniacal bankers that are withholding the RV from anyone but rich people are now "concerned" about TNT Tony and his idiot twitter followers. Because apparently these evil bankers are so powerful that they can selectively let only the rich cash out, but HEAVEN FORBID a bunch of dinar idiots start tweeting about the RV with a "#wearethepeople" hashtag. Once they do that, oh noes, time to run for the hills fellow Illuminati members!

I also love the entitlement mentality of the idiots that follow this guy. The mythical RV was "designed" for them, its their "blessing." They almost view it as a birth right or something. All evidence that their birth right is not real and their "blessing" is simply a currency pump scam is simply dismissed as being more evidence that the Powers That Be want to stop people from buying worthless currencies (dinar, dong, etc.) before the RV.

Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by littleroundman »

TNT Tony wrote:There will be over 5 million of us,
Who is this guy, Justin Beiber in disguise ??

From where on earth is he going to be able to conjure up 5 million people ??

Things must be a whole lot weirder in the USA than we colonials are being told if there's five million DinarIdjits on the loose unmedicated and unrestrained
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

TNT Tony wrote:If we are treated as second class citizens, they will be treated as second class banks. I have talked to all of my team and we have a plan to let them know how it feels afterwards. There will be over 5 million of us, we can change an industry in 1 day. We can expose corruption, if we have to, in 1 hour and have it go global. I am still hoping this never happens, but we must be prepared.
Why does this guy think we're thwarting him - for our health? We have known for years that Dinarians would be upset at the Powers That Be, not only because of the delays but the level of disrespect. Would you like to be called a greedy, clueless, pants-wetting idiot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
TNT Tony wrote:If we are treated as second class citizens, they will be treated as second class banks. I have talked to all of my team and we have a plan to let them know how it feels afterwards. There will be over 5 million of us, we can change an industry in 1 day. We can expose corruption, if we have to, in 1 hour and have it go global. I am still hoping this never happens, but we must be prepared.
Why does this guy think we're thwarting him - for our health? We have known for years that Dinarians would be upset at the Powers That Be, not only because of the delays but the level of disrespect. Would you like to be called a greedy, clueless, pants-wetting idiot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

I tell you, the TNT Tony "Intel and Rumors" forum is a gold mine for how deluded these people are. Here is yet another "bank story" from a dinarian that is so good I just had to share. The most amazing parts are in bold.
I just talked to the Chase wealth manager here in Oklahoma. Like BillyB, I heard more than the words he spoke. I shared I had talked to him as an individual rather than a part of a group. I know he was speaking to the talking points.

I explained my colleagues and I were coming together to try and meet the bar of being a tier one client with an opportunity that would provide us access to the contract rates for the dinar and the dong. He shared quickly that the dinar is not traded and he was not interested in the dinar but wanted to talk dong. I shared we have @100m dinar and @350m dong. What rates do you have available for us above forex. I quickly reminded him it's over 20+ individuals from 5 neighboring states. It will be new wealth management clients that will never use him without good exchange rates. He asked me to hold. After 3 minutes on hold he came back with the forex rate. I told him that would be a bad decision on our part. What is the number we need to reach to achieve tier one or tier 2 status to access the contract rate. He stuck with "there is no contract rate." I shared we would look elsewhere for the bank that wants new wealth management customers and thanked him for his time. He went on to say that all the other banks in Oklahoma use BOA for all currency exchanges so the rate is the forex rate. I quickly explained we are a group of well connected individuals and are not confined to Oklahoma. I was just giving you the first opportunity to earn our business. I asked him to call me if he has a change of mind about adding 20+ new wealth management clients with millions of USD. WE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

It was the awkward silence that told me he wasn't telling me everything.
It was a good exchange that lasted close to 30 minutes. I could tell it was over his head.

His quote for the dong was pennies on the dollar. When he said that, I replied, you act more like a private banker, I thought you were a wealth manager, I can get Forex Rate without you and your spread. We know what we are holding, we have done our homework. What we are looking for is a wealth manger to help grow and manage our wealth with exposure to things that are not currently available to us today. Can you recommend someone that would like our business? He stuck with “he is the man.” That's when I told him we would take our business to someone that wanted to work for us, not just take our money.

I believe in this sometime soon there will be bankers that will want what we have. We are not settling for pennies.
Shock and amazing, a banker quoted the forex rate (since the RV and the "contract rate" doesn't exist) and they couldn't believe it! They will be taking their money to someone else, since they will be changing some bankers LIVES with their (never going to happen) RVed millions.

Again, the amount of money people have invested here is amazingly stupid. At 100M dinar and 350M dong across 20 people...they have each invested $15k+ on worthless currencies. Remember that if THERE WERE ANY TRUTH to the whole RV myth then this group of idiots would be the type of people banks were cashing out because they have so much in worthless currency - but the fact that they were told forex rates to them doesn't phase their belief in the "investment."
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

If the posts on DINAR RECAPS are any indication, it would appear that the Dinar madness may be subsiding somewhat. There are definitely fewer comments these days (even compared to a couple of months back), and it's not just because Tony and his TNT blog were removed. Even the antediluvian con-artist Okie, whose posts used to stir the faithful into paroxysms of praise, seems to be waning in popularity. Can it be that the scales have finally fallen from the eyes of some of the congregation?

As someone on this blog has already suggested, it may be that the reason Tony jumped the shark with his "the elite have cashed out" fantasy and subsequent twitter offensive was to encourage folks who believed that were going to get $32 to accumulate more Dinar so as to offset disappointment with a miserly $3. Sales must be down. What is not at all clear is how he is going to break out of his current make-believe scenario since he has well and truly painted himself into a corner as the people's champion.

We await with interest.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Alcibiades wrote: We await with interest.
I had the same thoughts, but await no more! The very unimpressive grand finale of the latest pump was today on Tony's conference call. Tony's fellow conman "DC Guy" announced that the RV twitter campaign had scared the banks/elites and thus:

1) The old (fake) contract rate of $38/dinar is back for everyone instead of the $3/dinar (also fake) international rate. The Elites/Bankers were terrified of the mighty #wearethepeople twitter campaign, and have decided they can no longer screw the non-Elites out of the $38/dinar rate.
2) We will all be cashing out soon! Not Tony's usual "were cashing out today!" but hes back to now promising the RV will be within days.

I wonder how much extra sales he generated for Sterling Currency (the company he pumps for) with this most recent pump? He really dialed up the hysteria amongst his flock, I mean there were people close to threatening violence on Congressmen and Senators on his calls.

All the callers were praising Tony for being a mighty force of "we the people" and expressing joy over getting back their (fake) rate for the (fake) RV. The rest of the call was the normal BS you hear on every Tony call - people asking questions about NDAs, trusts, and all sorts of stuff as they prepare for an RV that will never come.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

So this bunch of financial geniuses have about $87K of wallpaper between them. In truth I find it hard to believe they could scare up that much loose money for something like this when they probably can't pay their regular bills as it is.

They quite obviously have no understanding of or real idea of how FOREX works either. Anyone who thinks $87k is real money if currency trade is seriously deluded.

The awkward silence was his just being so totally appalled at the customer's ignorance and not being able to properly laugh at him as he deserves.

It is also obvious that the customer believes in the tooth fairy and free lunch, and that he is doomed to a lifetime of laughter, and derision at him.
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Uses for the useless

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I keep on thinking about that guy who bought $6000 worth of Iraqi dinars, in Boston, in August of 2012; and I keep on picturing him at his mother's kitchen table, as he contemplates his piles of dinars while reflecting on his recent realization that yes, the "RV" was really a scam and that it will never take place. He now has to figure out what to do with his pile; and assuming that he cannot make his way to Iraq and spend the money there, what does he do with his pile? The obvious thing is to toss everything into the recycling bin; but I'm wodering if anyone has any better ideas. Four of mine are:

1) wallpaper
2) fire starters (roll a 1/4 inch thick pile of dinars, the long way, and then tie off withstring 1/4/ 1/2 and 3/4 of the length, leaving a trail of string, on one side, about 3 inches long. Cut the rolls in between the strings. Melt some paraffin or candle wax in a double-boiler, Dip each section of the dinar roll into the wax, and then set aside to cool.)
3) packing material. Instead of plastic peanuts, crumple up the dinars into balls, and then surround what you're planning on mailing with them.
4) bedding for caged pets (run the dinars through a shredder, and then scatter at the bottom of the cage).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

It was the awkward silence that told me he wasn't telling me everything
And again, a Dinarian stumbles so closely on the truth, and yet is still clueless. Here is what the "wealth manager" wasn't telling you:

"I have a certifiable nut sitting in my office believing that he/she has millions of dollars in a currency that is trading for far, far less. And our customer service policy doesn't allow me to tell him/her that he/she is an idiot."
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

I know this is rude and a bit off the track, but I can't help thinking it ever time something like this story comes up, and I keep wondering if they got the super deluxe special steele sided specially padded cases for their "millions" of dinars. I know it's mean of me, but I just can't resist myself sometimes.

The problem is that the ones I remember were pretty many and so wouldn't make good wall covering, fire starter would be good, but that would require work, so not likely to happen, packing same problem, on top of which they'd probably all be quite dirty, even hamsters have their limits and standards, so I doubt it.

One of the things I occasionally ponder when I'm really bored or my pain meds are working exceptionally well, is just how much in illegal currency is being held by the dinaridjit crowd, in real tangibles and how much is being held for them by the dumpers, bet that would make for some interesting figures. The fascinating thing is that since I don't think a word of what the dumpers are saying can be believed, we're left with the idjits in the field, and I keep wondering how far they can be trusted to be able to count. Would make an interesting economics and accounting project I would think.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Looks like I spoke to soon about Tony trying to reel back in the crazy now that hes unleashed his fruitcake followers on twitter and getting them riled up by telling them the rich are cashing out. The day after he seemed to be trying to tone down the crazy he ramped it back up again. I suspect he got word form Sterling that his pumping hadn't resulted in enough sales.

So now we are back to daily promises that the call centers are maned/exchange centers are on high alert BUT the elites are still being cashed out and Tony's followers will get the "low" $3/dinar instead of the $38/dinar. Hes also now telling people that churches are cashing out at "low rates" of $0.20-$0.80/dinar. Most of Tony's base is Evangelical Christian and consider the RV as "their blessing" so this actually ratchets up the hysteria even more, if such were possible.

I still think if he continues down this path one of his fruitcake followers is going to crack and commit some random act of violence. He is telling delusional and desperate people that they may only be multimillionaires instead of getting hundreds of millions. You would think most people would be happy with a return on their "investment" of $1,000 to $3-4 million, but these people are so delusional that they view that as a personal insult. The greed is amazing, when you think about it.

Meanwhile, The Powers That Be are supposedly very scared at the #wearethepeople Twitter hashtag - even though they keep cashing everyone out! Deep Knight, at Illuminati headquarters how are things going with tracking the #wearethepeople slactivism?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

Someone noted that according to the numbers Tony has given over the last couple of months, approximately 1.2 million dinar holders have cashed out in the secret exchanges. More perniciously, many have taken the billions of dollars they received, bought trillions of more dinar at the 1166 rate, and cashed out again, repeating the act several times!

I'm a little slow, but I can't figure where all of these tens of trillions of dinar and hundreds of trillions of dollars are coming from.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness » ... ck_check=1

Tonys followers have harassed members of congress so much that one of them released a statement which the media picked up on saying its a scam. The comments are many delusional dinarians.