Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

Jeffrey wrote:Could the guys in the forum clarify something; is Heather involved with the treasury routing number thing or are these just OPPT remnants operating independently trying to find new scams?
Anything they do Heather is directly involved in, do not let her faithful say otherwise, nothing is done with her and Caleb Skinner's know-all.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »


The US treasury routing number scam is a result from Heather's latest (November 2013?ish) sov'run gibberish paperwork. The set of paperwork where she told people to draw up fake bonds and call the secret service when banks refused them. The fake bond paperwork used the US Treasury routing number, and since then (since the banks told them they were all nuts for trying to pass fake bonds) they've been sitting around trying to figure out ways to use a combination of the routing number and their social security number (based on the strawman myth) to "access their value." The 100% failure rate, charge backs, and the adverse action banks have taken against the idiots stupid enough to use the routing number have not persuaded them at all that its not supposed to be used.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Allow me to share some of the discussion amongst the OPPT fruitcakes on the "Removing the Shackles" forums...for your amusement. First, they have been tracking one of the comments in the blog posts on the main I-UV scam site where people have been posting about using the US Treasury routing number and paying their bills. They note/quote one of the most recent comments from a OPPTer who tried this to pay off her credit card bills and just about everything else:
Ok well thats it, the credit cards have renounced it all, everything has bounced, now it took 2 weeks for the one i was using to bounce, and the other one that applied for online gave me a reference number but when i called to do the rest of the process it also did not accept the payment. So while all of these filings are true, the government is not following its own laws surprise surprise, and I have no faith left in this site or anything its about, because it has lead all of us down a road to disaster. The people who built this site and maintain won’t even stand up for what they have done, so as far as I am concerned it is over, until something actually happens that the government will follow the laws on in our favor. To many criminals out there controlling the system to allow all of us fucking poor people, peasants, and worthless human beings to get what is rightfully ours.
So it doesn't work, all the payments have bounced, but somehow this means that all the filings are true. Then one of the crazier forum posters, called Anon, posts this and reveals that one of their kids is a Quatloos poster!
my snarky teen (coe, she's a quatloo, but not the one "junkin us":)

showed me that treasury notice last week. (to which i said, & STILL SAY)




I told my snarky quatloo, "Mark my words Junior, NO ONE IS GOING TO JAIL OVER IT"

Treasury's ASININE "notice" would've called out OPPT Specifically IF IT WERE "ABLE TO" but IT IS NOT!

Birdy, regarding the above joe biden doesn't control the banking system.

Yes, biden does not control the banking system. However, the PUBLIC CONTROLS ALL!

Basic "OUTING" of all these filings and the TRUTH (IN BIBLICAL TERMS, THE WORD!)


treasuries "missive" is JUST THAT a big, leave us alone,nothing important going on here:)

YEAH? BULLSHIT:) Lots "going on" LOSERS
So apparently the twoof that the filings "still stand" is that the OPPT idiots haven't all gotten arrested for trying to defraud their creditors with the US treasury account number. It somehow hasn't occurred to this loon that while the US government doesn't like people trying to commit fraud with their routing numbers, they have neither the time nor the resources to arrest everyone that does it since it always bounces anyways. I could break into someones house tomorrow and steal something, and never be caught - the fact that I don't get caught doesn't mean the act itself isn't illegal.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

LightinDarkness wrote:while the US government doesn't like people trying to commit fraud with their routing numbers, they have neither the time nor the resources to arrest everyone that does it
Alas, the limits of justice. Wouldn't it be nice, though, to have a show trial for the most nefarious of the perpetrators of this particular fraud. A guilty verdict and consignment of the damned to the deepest, darkest dungeon in the US (do you still have them there?) might serve as an object lesson for other evil-doers contemplating such activity.

Yes, I particularly liked the pretzel logic of the followers - this approach to gain access to Our Value failed, so the UCC filings must be correct!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

Well that's how it's been since the beginning.

Heather always stated that if the Government allowed things it meant the filings didn't work, and that when they fought them it meant the filings worked, it was the twist in the whole OPPT logic that allowed them to garner so many followers early on, because every failure meant that the "system" was working and they would be free eventually.

Now we all know how this will turn out in the end..
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Perfect logic, particularly if you are anal cranially inverted and really haven't got a clue to begin with.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

These people suffer from "optirectosis", which happens when your nerves become scrambled and your visual impulses travel to your brain through your rectal nerves. Essentially, you wind up with a sh*tty outlook on everything.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

All has been quiet on the IUV Exchange scam side of things from what I can tell. D, who you may recall has been something of a Prophet for Heather yet couldn't get Heather to give her $200 to get her visas renewed, has decided that the OPPT hippy commune will have to be in Malta for the time being (where she is currently at and can't get out of the country because of no money, apparently).

D has been very active on the "Removing the Shackles" forum where the lunatics in the asylum have re-discovered the whole SWISSINDO scam. SWISSINDO, you may recall, is a bit of a lunatic asylum all in and of itself. From what I can tell its a bunch of new age people in Indonesia who have been issuing insane proclamations about prosperity packages/ordering the United Nations around for years. This group in particular loves "recruiting" the leaders of the new age/conspiracy community by telling them that they get to be UN diplomats and will help bring about prosperity packages for all. The people they recruit get gibberish sov'run stye fake diplomatic immunity documents from SWISSINDO. Hilariously though lately the people they have "recruited" have turned on them and are trying to claim SWISSINDO is part of the dark cabal. Its all hilarious since NONE OF IT IS ACTUALLY REAL - its all fake - but they are so busy looking for the cabal in every corner they even find it in fake prosperity package pushers like SWISSINDO.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

American Kabuki, the anonymous blogger who has been associated with the One People movement from the early days and who now resides in Morocco, has posted a further diary blog ( ... ary-4.html) in which inter alia, the recent trials and tribulations of Heather are laid bare, including the fact that she and her partner, Youssef Jarraf, have now parted company and that she is impecunious. Some readers may recall that before the OPPT madness descended, they jointly operated Moroccan Treasures, an import store in Tacoma, Washington State. Now it seems that she has to run on the smell of an oily rag.

Apparently Heather still radiates an intense energy field that is readily detectable by all who venture close and which effectively results in withdrawal symptoms after separation (like nicotine). It seems that D, who now lives on Malta, is suffering from this withdrawal but can't afford to get back to Morocco. And perhaps it explains why all the One People who can afford it are either in, or travelling to Morocco, for their 'fix'.

The good news is that after various setbacks, Heather has regained her composure, "back on her feet and working hard again" (on heaven knows what, we wonder).
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I had wondered how long Heather would hold it together after she got to Morocco and he had to put up with her nonsense full time. That sort of thing doesn't go over well over there. Morocco really isn't where I would want to be running any kind of new age cult if I really didn't have connections and more importantly money.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Alcibiades, thanks for pointing out that "update" from the OPPT fruitcakes. A few things I noticed in reading the blog post:

- Heather is in such dire financial straights after her divorce that shes being given free rooms by Caleb (Project 13 founder - a OPPT nut BUT he has actual skills that allow him to get paid like being able to program).

- The AK blog guy has decided that moving to Morocco has reactivated his true DNA and that he has grown a inch since arriving and will probably top out at 7 feet (hes in his 50s).

- Heather has taught the AK blog guy how to "remove chem trails" by making chalk board eraser motions in the air, which hes been going out and doing daily at farms around the area.

What is most hilarious is that all these fools were brought together by the promises of free money and magical legal language offered by Heather. And now here we are, over a year later, and Heather is penniless and begging for someone to give her shelter. This is the same woman they all believe has a direct line to the most powerful people int he world and teleported mass amounts of gold of planet with her mind. Yet she can't seem to use those powers to manifest a bank account with a balance greater than $0.

By the way, OPPT is a perfect example of the "whats the harm?" argument you sometimes get from people regarding crazy scams like this. There is in fact real harm. Every single person, even among the gurus and Heather herself, that went down the new age/conspiracy rabbit hole has been divorced/separated/disowned by their significant others. Only exception seems to be D, whose husband was a new ager to begin with. On top of all that the gurus have fleeced the OPPT flock for tens of thousands of dollars for 2 round trips to Morocco now and the OPPT magical sex bus tour. A flock that was already in debt and had no money, who maxed out their credit cards and home HELOCs to give money to the gurus since they were told their $5 billion was coming thanks to the magical UCC documents.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

I wonder why Heather doesn't just deposit her value like she's told everyone else to? Unless of course she realized it would only come out to about 45 cents.... :snicker:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Is there any way to dig for information on why Youssef Jarraf was arrested in Spain as Heather claimed or whether that's true or not? I can't help but think that it might give some background info on what the whole story is.

Could Heather have "converted" Youssef to SovCit, gotten him arrested when he acted upon her advice and the current divorce or breakup is now a product of him realizing Heather is crazy?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

EDIT: Posted in wrong thread, sorry!
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »


Moved this post too, see above
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

Moved since LiD moved his.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

Jeffrey wrote:Is there any way to dig for information on why Youssef Jarraf was arrested in Spain as Heather claimed or whether that's true or not? I can't help but think that it might give some background info on what the whole story is.

Could Heather have "converted" Youssef to SovCit, gotten him arrested when he acted upon her advice and the current divorce or breakup is now a product of him realizing Heather is crazy?
From everything I can glean, Heather is just trying to save face with her dwindling followers, the only major arrests in Spain recently have been anti-government protests/anti-bank protests, if he got caught up in one of those, then maybe, but otherwise his name doesn't pop up in even the smallest Spanish newspaper as an arrest..
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering Spain's current economy, or lack thereof, that is a distinct possibility, if ever there was a place ripe for the standard sovcit anti-bank booswah, you would think Spain might just be the place, but their toleration for things like that is pretty small, and I don't think it would be really good idea.

Also, I can't help thinking that Morocco would be a very hospitable place for the sovcit mindset either. As liberal(relatively) a Muslim nation as they are, most of what Heather is peddling is not going to be received with open welcoming arms by the current gov't. She, and her hangers on, had also better be very careful with the New Agey stuff, as it won't go over at well there either.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Finally some images from Morocco. Lisa Harrison is now living there, sharing a tiny room with another cult member. Claims there are 19 members now in Morocco including one child. If you don't have the stomach for the full 22 minute video, she shares a bizarre parable where God creates an experiment involving two angels and one of the angels realizes it was all a farce by God. The whole thing has a creepy Jonestown vibe; they've transitioned into a full blown cult now.

The more recent video has Brian Kelly reporting in from Morocco discussing more commune plans. D from RTS and her husband Nick remain in Malta. I'm assuming the plan for the commune is in Oued Lamil in the Taza province. Brian claims they have the blessing of the "Royal Families" of Morocco for their plans.
We will be building machine shops and labs for inventors to utilize, working together as we move forward in the realms of zero point energy, alternative means of propulsion, the study of frequencies and developing healing technologies.
If you try to see past the bullsh*t, Brian appears to be trying to attract fresh blood and donations via the "free energy" angle. I guess they're just going to ignore that the "water powered RVs" never worked. It's not clear how long they can remain in Morocco given that they lack the money for food, housing and other necessity. How they plan on building a commune is a mystery.