Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by AndyK »

Note how PAM continues to refer to himself.

Since he is a self-appointed Private Attorney General and a Protected Federal Witness, he introduces many of his filings with "The United States now intervenes ex rel."

He remains under the delusion that he can act as 'the United States' along with all of hith other delusions.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by notorial dissent »

Mitch either has a really good game going here, or else his grip on reality is even more tenuous than was suspected, which is what I'm betting on.

Those latest filings don't even qualify as good birdcage liner.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by wserra »

Well, this past Thursday Mitch finally arrived in Cheyenne and was arraigned on the indictment. The minute order in the docket notes that "The Court entered a not guilty plea on behalf of Mr. Mitchell". We can be reasonably sure what that means - Mitch insisted on asking every person in the courtroom for his/her oath of office, and the M-J got tired of it. Even before Mitch got there, some guy named Larry Saccato filed on his behalf a bunch of "verified criminal complaints" against the CID SAs, the AUSAs and a cast of thousands. People are learning how to deal with Mitch: ignore him.

Faretta hearing next week, jury trial now set for April 14. Both should be worth the price of admission.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by fortinbras »

Probably the Not Guilty plea "on behalf of" PAM means he refused to enter a plea himself.

He's in trouble and frankly going to prison is going to be uncommonly brutal for him because I am sure he'll be peddling his patented brand of BS to other prisoners, who either already know or soon will realize what a con and disaster he is, and will express their displeasure accordingly.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by AndyK »

PAM is an old man and unbelievably opinionated.

He probably won't become someone's prison bitch, but, unless he's placed in a white-collar facility, his mouth will get him into contuing, serious trouble with his fellow inmates.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by The Observer »

I suspect that PAM will end up alienating the rest of the prison population from him. He may end up dying incarcerated as a lonely bitter person.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by notorial dissent »

AndyK wrote:PAM is an old man and unbelievably opinionated.

He probably won't become someone's prison bitch, but, unless he's placed in a white-collar facility, his mouth will get him into contuing, serious trouble with his fellow inmates.
Dusting off the old understatement mixed with sarcasm function I see.

I rather suspect that after dealing with him for any length of time in a judicial setting, that they will confine him to one of the secure geriatric facilities where the rest of the patients will probably be as far out there as he is.

Point to Observer, PAM is already "a lonely bitter person" and has been so for quite some time, he is just getting more so as his fantasy world continues to crumble around him.

I really do not expect this latest foray into the judicial realm to do him any great amount of good. If he passes the Faretta before the trial, I doubt he'll be able to afterward.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by wserra »

And the minute order that resulted from yesterday's Faretta:
The defendant expressed his desire to represent himself with Mark Hardee as stand-by counsel. The defendant is advised with regards to choosing to represent himself. The USA informs the Court that they will be asking to have this defendant sent for an evaluation to determine competency and ask that this issue be considered before a decision on Faretta is entered. The Judge suspends the Faretta hearing and informs everyone that she will not make an ultimate decision about whether the defendant has knowingly and voluntarily waive his right to counsel sufficient to represent himself.
So the Court will wait to decide whether Mitch can put on his nitwit show until there is a determination as to his competency. Moreover, the govt's motion for the exam is sealed. These people are no fun at all.

The Court was good enough to decide all Mitch's pending chazerai in one swell foop:
Gov/Dft Doc # Motion to/for Disposition
Dft 23 Motion for timely Interlocutory Judgments Denied without prejudice
Dft 28 Motion to vacate decisions and hearings Moot
Dft 34 Motion for Interlocutary Judgment Denied
Dft 36 Motion for Docket Status Moot
Dft 53 Application for Orders to Show Cause Denied
Dft 54 Motion for Orders to Show Cause Denied
Dft 55 Motion for judicial notice Denied
It would seem as though the Private Attorney General is getting more private every minute.

Not to be deterred, Mitch filed two more "motions" yesterday, and three the day before that. Since I downloaded one anyway, here it is; don't bother to read it unless you're really bored.

I wanna see the competency report, but it will likely be sealed too. Spoilsports.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by . »

wserra wrote: Since I downloaded one anyway, here it is; don't bother to read it unless you're really bored.
Ya got me. I was really bored. And now I'm sorry that I bothered to even try to read 12 semi-legible pages of nonsense.

Somehow I suspect that this guy is going to spent the next 10 or 20 years (after he's convicted and sentenced) writing hundreds, maybe thousands of pages of similar garbage, even unto the point where nobody can tell (or cares) whether the effluvia is due to mental illness or dementia. Or both. That's really quite sad, but he'll have to carry on tilting against the windmills in his mind without me trying to read any more of his junk.

But, by all means carry on posting his nonsense, some vociferous adherent might come to the revelation that he's totally full of beans after trying to read it.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by notorial dissent »

PAM is the poster boy for vex lit and all around general crank, and he doesn't seem to be making any attempts at changing that pattern at this late date.

I am going to hope that the judge in this does a little research on our boy and discovers what a waste of time he can be, he can certainly compare notes with Kozinsky in the 9th who has had a long, almost a lifetime one could say, of intimate and ongoing knowledge of all craziness that is PAM, and hopefully he will pass the word along to the poor judge in WY who inherited this nightmare.

If PAM isn't brought up short pretty quickly, he will bury them in totally useless and meaningless paper and bog the whole process down to a complete halt. He is serious about what he is doing, it is just that nothing he generates has even a nodding acquaintance with reality.

I really don't think he is competent to represent himself, or really participate in his case, as he is living in an alternate reality with a totally unregistered area code. Now whether the judge will see it that way I don't know. I will say that I think PAM thinks he knows what he is doing, and fervently believes it is all valid, but none of it qualifies as real here. I equally have no doubt that he did everything he is charged with doing, and knew full well what he was doing, except in the context that he firmly believes it was all legal according to his view of reality.

Whatever they decide, he will be disruptive and difficult throughout the entire trial, that is pretty much a given.

My personal opinion is that if PAM doesn't want to spend the rest of his wasted life in prison, that he needs to have counsel appointed for him, can only speak through the counsel, and isn't allowed to file anything without leave from the court. I don't particularly expect him to go for that, and I don't know if the court would even do it, but it is the only way he isn't going to dig the hole he's in a whole deeper and then push himself in to it. Of course, they may fool me and decide he isn't competent to defend himself, stranger things have happened.

Whatever happens, i suspect it is going to be a long tedious trial for all involved, probably made longer by the addition of PAM to the mix.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:Not to be deterred, Mitch filed two more "motions" yesterday, and three the day before that. Since I downloaded one anyway, here it is; don't bother to read it unless you're really bored.
I think he has rather nice handwriting, under the circumstances.

I wonder if he has all that crap memorized, or whether he still needs to look stuff up.

I suspect that he could rewrite most of that "motion" from memory, having written many similar motions before in response to many dissimilar indictments. (One objection fits all.)
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

notorial dissent wrote:PAM is the poster boy for vex lit and all around general crank, and he doesn't seem to be making any attempts at changing that pattern at this late date.

I am going to hope that the judge in this does a little research on our boy and discovers what a waste of time he can be, he can certainly compare notes with Kozinsky in the 9th who has had a long, almost a lifetime one could say, of intimate and ongoing knowledge of all craziness that is PAM, and hopefully he will pass the word along to the poor judge in WY who inherited this nightmare. ...
Actually, I don't believe that should happen. Ex Parte communications are a really bad idea. The prosecutors should definitely bring it to the attention of the court but any hint of a Judge investigating on their own or discussing the case among themselves would only result in another blizzard of troublesome motions and possibly a mistrial or grounds for an appeal.

In a criminal case the only evidence that can be considered by the Judge in terms of guilt or innocence is that brought to trial by the prosecutor and the defense.

And there's the fact that Mitch will do more to make his lunacy self-evident in short order.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by Paths of the Sea »

One of PAM's supporters posted a link to one of the motions following the Forbes' article at: ... n-hearing/

You'll have to "expand" the comments to see it. Here's the link that was posted there: ... b-377.html

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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by Lambkin »

For those of you following the case, PAM has been busy with his pencil, filing gibberish complaints about the credentials of various court staff. I downloaded all of the recent stuff using RECAP so you should be able to get it for free. He seems to be increasingly voluble of late, although it doesn't seem to be working for him.

In document #63, the court flushes a raft of PAM's previous "motions" and demands.

In document #67, you know PAM is getting mad when he begins writing diagonally across court filings, refusing for cause on such important issues as spelling and grammatical errors.

In document #68, Larry Saccato (mentioned earlier in this thread) writes to the court to file some garbage on behalf of PAM and photocopies of some irrelevant documents.

03/14/2014 48 ORDER OF DETENTION as to Mitchell Paul Modeleski by the Honorable Kelly H Rankin.(Court Staff, szf) (Entered: 03/14/2014)
03/20/2014 52 "Notice of Public-Authority Defense: FRCrP Rule 12.3" filed by defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/20/2014)
03/20/2014 53 "Application for Orders to Show Cause by United States ex. rel. Paul Andrew Mitchell, Private Attorney General: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.; 5 CFR 1320.5" filed by Defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/20/2014)
03/20/2014 54 "Notice of Motion and Motion for Orders to Show Cause: 18 U.S.C. 1519, 1964(c)" filed by defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/20/2014)
03/20/2014 55 "Notice and demand for mandatory judicial notice: FREV Rule 201(c)(2)" filed by Defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/20/2014)
03/21/2014 57 Minute Entry: Faretta HearingMotion Hearing as to Mitchell Paul Modeleski held on 3/21/2014. Written Order to follow. (Court Reporter Jan Davis.) (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/21/2014)
03/21/2014 58 "Notice of Motion and Motion to dismiss with prejudice: 18 U.S.C. 1514(b), 3771" filed by Defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/21/2014)
03/21/2014 60 "Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss Count Nine" by Defendant(s) Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/21/2014)
03/21/2014 61 NON-PUBLIC DOCUMENT pursuant to the Judicial Conference Policy on Privacy and Public Access - MOTION for Medical/Mental Exam (BOP) by USA as to Defendant(s) Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit)(Murray, L) (Entered: 03/21/2014)
03/24/2014 62 "Notice of Public-Authority Defense: FRCrP Rule 12.3" filed by defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/24/2014)
03/25/2014 63 ORDER ON VARIOUS MOTIONS (finding as moot 28 ; denying 34 ; finding as moot 36 ; denying 53 ; denying 54 ; denying 55 ; denying 23 ) as to Mitchell Paul Modeleski (2) by the Honorable Nancy D Freudenthal.(Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/25/2014)
03/27/2014 66 "Reply to 56 Motion to exclude 90 days and Motion for Order to Show Cause: 18 U.S.C. 241, 242, 1513, 1962(d), Guarantee Clause" filed by Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/27/2014)
03/27/2014 67 "Notice of Motion and Motion for recusal of Nancy D. Freudenthal ("NDF") and Emergency Habeas Corpus Relief" filed by Defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Attachments: # 1 envelope)(Court Staff, sal) (Main Document 67 replaced on 3/27/2014) (Court Staff, sal). (Entered: 03/27/2014)
03/31/2014 68 Supplemental Exhibit filed by Larry Saccato for defendant Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 03/31/2014)
04/02/2014 69 Letter from Paul Andrew Mitchell dated March 25, 2014. (Court Staff, szf) (Entered: 04/02/2014)
04/03/2014 70 RESPONSE to 58 MOTION to Dismiss, 60 MOTION to Dismiss by USA as to Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Murray, L) (Entered: 04/03/2014)
04/08/2014 71 RESPONSE to 62 Notice (Other) by USA as to Mitchell Paul Modeleski. (Leschuck, Lisa) (Entered: 04/08/2014)
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by wserra »

Everyone sitting down? No beverages in hand? No small children nearby? Because you're about to get the shock of your lives: The Court-appointed examiner has found Mitch incompetent to proceed.

The minute order, from earlier this month:
Competency Hearing - Plaintiff requests that subject to the findings by Dr. Low, defendant be detained for four months to attempt to restore his competency. Defendant's counsel states that he has submitted a motion to withdraw from the case. Mr. Modeleski objects to the hearing as a whole due to lack of notification. He strenuously objects to the request of the Plaintiff because he has not seen the report. Court grants the motion to withdraw as counsel. Mr. Modeleski will have a new attorney appointed. The competency hearing will be continued. Competency hearing reset on 6/24/14 at 1:30 p.m.
Restore Mitch's competency? Good luck with that.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by Famspear »

wserra wrote:Everyone sitting down? No beverages in hand? No small children nearby? Because you're about to get the shock of your lives: The Court-appointed examiner has found Mitch incompetent to proceed.

The minute order, from earlier this month:
Competency Hearing - Plaintiff requests that subject to the findings by Dr. Low, defendant be detained for four months to attempt to restore his competency. Defendant's counsel states that he has submitted a motion to withdraw from the case. Mr. Modeleski objects to the hearing as a whole due to lack of notification. He strenuously objects to the request of the Plaintiff because he has not seen the report. Court grants the motion to withdraw as counsel. Mr. Modeleski will have a new attorney appointed. The competency hearing will be continued. Competency hearing reset on 6/24/14 at 1:30 p.m.
Restore Mitch's competency? Good luck with that.
Awww.... there must be a miracle drug out there somewhere that they could give him....

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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by . »

So, what are the limits on detention in the interest of restoring competency to stand trial? Are there any?

He may have finally entered into his own little self-generated Twilight Zone.

At least, if he's ever able to sue the world again after his release from prison following his conviction -- assuming that he is ever held to be competent to stand trial -- any given defendant may have an easier time proving that he's been at some point and perhaps for an extended period of time totally bonkers, thanks to the Feds. I'm not a lawyer, but even the thought of a deposition involving him makes me shudder.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by notorial dissent »

I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!!! The court has finally and officially determined and acknowledged the rest of us have known or at least suspected for quite some time, that PAM is stark staring bonkers!!!!

I personally don’t think there is, or in fact has been, any question but what PAM slipped around a corner a great number of years ago and has been broadcasting from an unregistered and unlicensed reality.

I seriously doubt that there is anything that can be done in 4 months, or 4 years for that matter to restore PAM to a competence I'm not sure he ever had.

It does make me wonder what will actually become of him now that they have made that determination. I would dearly love to see the report that came back on him I have to tell you, it should make interesting reading.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I don't know if Mitch has been in custody for any length of time in the past, but four months in an institution for someone as deeply self-absorbed and convinced of his authority cannot be a pleasant experience.

The theory of it "restoring" his competency leads me to believe the examiner may just think it's all an act and that four months of hell will teach him a lesson.

I doubt it will.
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Re: Mitch Modeleski aka Paul Andrew Mitchell

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!!! The court has finally and officially determined and acknowledged the rest of us have known or at least suspected for quite some time, that PAM is stark staring bonkers!!!!
No question that he is "bonkers," but the standard for competence to be tried is quite low.
Dr. Caligari
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