Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Dai Kiwi »

An interesting decision, though I only skip read it. Good to see the Judge take the opportunity to examine OPCA in the criminal jurisdiction at length. When read together with Meads they make a fine pair and should be most useful, especially the parts on contempt.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Glenn is on the Run!

A couple local media sources have reported on today's hearing:
Both accounts indicate the trial started dramatically:

Country 95.5 FM:
Fearn, who was scheduled for a four-day weapons smuggling trial in Lethbridge provincial court, yelled at the judge, packed up his box of information and stormed out of the courtroom.

Only moments before the Arizona resident had refused to stand when the judge entered the courtroom, refused to give his full name and demanded he be tried by a jury of his peers. But after Crown prosecutor Alex Bernard pointed out jury trials are held in Court of Queens Bench, not provincial court, Fearn refused to proceed and fired the judge.

“If you think you’re representing me you’re fired,” he announced before walking out of the courtroom.

Judge Derek Redman ordered a short break in case Fearn decided to return, but when he didn’t Redman issued an arrest warrant and adjourned the trial until the afternoon. Redman allowed the trial to proceed, and said it was obvious Fearn’s arguments and absence were designed to delay, disrupt and the impede the trial.
Lethbridge Herald:
An accused weapons smuggler kicked off his trial in an unusual way Monday morning.

It started when the court clerk entered the courtroom with the judge and asked everyone to stand, which everyone did with the exception of the accused. She asked again, and again he stayed seated.

Glenn Winningham Fearn then asked Judge D. Redman where the jury was, saying he wanted a jury and it was his right to have one. When it was explained that a jury trial is not an option for a provincial matter, Fearn stated, "You're fired! If you think you're representing me, you're fired!" He then grabbed his items off the defence table, said "Have a good day" and stormed out of the courthouse.

Judge Redman stated that he would give Fearn time to "cool down", adjourning the case to the afternoon.

When Fearn failed to come back, the trial got underway without him. Judge Redman noted that the decision to leave was consistent with other things Fearn had done throughout the process to try and delay things as much as possible.
So there's an arrest warrant out for Glenn. Well, I can't say I'm all too surprised he is trying to keep away from authorities after Fearn v. Canada Customs. The reports are the trial proceeded smoothly with entry of evidence, now that Glenn wasn't there to yell and protest. It also seems Glenn has been living in a towed trailer, which is also apparently his legal headquarters:
Collins continued that when they searched the trailer that Fearn was towing, he found a great deal of paper work, including what he called a manifesto and letters to a number of American judges, Premier Alison Redford, Lethbridge Regional Police Chief Tom McKenzie and others, explaining that they have no authority over him as he is a Sovereign Citizen or Freeman on the Land.
So, bets that Glenn will live up to the prognostication in his "Notice of Objection and Non-Consent to your Roman Civil Law by Affidavit", attached to today's judgment?
Rooke knows that these Canada Customs thieves assaulted Me, and kidnapped Me, and falsely imprisoned Me, because the director of the Lethbridge Correctional Center came to see me at approximately 0100 AM in the morning, when they took Me there and he said; “Why are there so many chiefs of police that are so happy to see you in here?” and these Canada Customs thieves woke Rooke up in the middle of the night to give him the great news that they had assaulted Me and kidnapped Me and falsely imprisoned Me, and now Rooke, Windsor, Johnston, Harper, Ethell, Redford and Wittmann, are all celebrating and sending each other gifts to celebrate their assaults and kidnapping, and false imprisonment, and they intend to MURDER Me, and the proof of that is that they have converted My proper appellation with their Roman Civil Law capitus deminutio into a dead thing called GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, and the Vatican Jesuit masonic bencher is working with them to help them complete their justus, and all of this was precipitated by Rooke and Langston, and Redford, 3 years ago when I had the audacity to think I might get some justice before their bencher buddy Langston, and further,
A lot more of that document in the Appendix - there really is no-one who writes quite like Glenn...

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Jeffrey »

The Roman Civil law thing tastes of UCADIA
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by The Observer »

...[T]hat they had assaulted Me and kidnapped Me and falsely imprisoned Me, and now Rooke, Windsor, Johnston, Harper, Ethell, Redford and Wittmann, are all celebrating and sending each other gifts to celebrate their assaults and kidnapping, and false imprisonment, and they intend to MURDER Me, and the proof of that is that they have converted My proper appellation with their Roman Civil Law capitus deminutio into a dead thing called GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN,...
Just let me know when he starts claiming that he is a dead silver coin. Then maybe I will be impressed.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by rogfulton »

Fearn apparently walked out of the courthouse 'without consent' and now has a Canadian warrant. He is considered armed and dangerous and has been spotted in Montana. Authorities think he may be on his way to Texas. He is a confirmed sovereign citizen and member of 'the Texas Republic'.

We sure know how to grow 'em, don't we?
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

What a great judgement! I think the QB judges here in Alberta are starting to share our hobby! Makes me proud to be a redneck Albertan!

A bit more selfishly, I'm glad that Glen and his heavily armed, execute-by-hanging ways have gone south, and will be someone else's problem for a while.

(Off to read some of the cases from the judgement that I'd missed, especially Leis)
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Jeffrey »

rogfulton wrote:he may be on his way to Texas.
So he's a wanted man on the land.

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Burnaby49 »

What can I say? Jeffery was complaining that "Canadians are hogging up the board with their SovCits" here;


So we generously sent one of ours down to give you some material to post. Go nuts!
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by AndyK »

How about a fair exchange?

We keep Fearn and you take Beiber back :?:
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

AndyK wrote:How about a fair exchange?

We keep Fearn and you take Beiber back :?:
Take off, eh? :D
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

The first media report has appeared that reports the outcome of Glenn of Fearn's trial ( Surprise! Glenn is guilty. He also still wasn't there, nor arrested.

Glenn does not appear to have made a very good first impression:
In presenting his decision, Judge Derek Redman stated that the rule of law applies to everyone and not just those who believe in it. He added that Fearn showed, "a total disregard and disrespect for the legal system." ...
Curse you Roman Civil Law dictatorship!

So it's off to sentencing. Once more, Glenn's winning ways shine through the murk:
Bernard explained that while denunciation and deterrence should be major considerations, it should also be taken into account the importance of removing Fearn from the general population for a period of time. He directed the court's attention to several letters Fearn has sent to government and judicial officials containing conspiracy theories and "dark content".

He continued that it seems to be getting worse, bringing forward a letter that came to his office Wednesday morning. The letter, addressed February 26th of this year, refers to government officials, several local judges and Bernard himself as dogs and pigs. The letter also says tyrants are waging a war against the 13 colonies. Perhaps the most alarming part is when Fearn writes that he will sit back and laugh when the Chinese invade and sweep across Alberta in 20 to 30-years and kill them all.
That's nice. The Crown proposed a five month jail term. By my calculation the longest offence sentence available would be six months, so the Crown is suggesting a sentence on the high end.

The sentence decision is set for tomorrow.

My bet is that the Crown's recommendation will be accepted.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by GlimDropper »

Freeman on the lam:
Man on lam preparing for war?

By Shurtz, Delon on March 6, 2014.

Delon Shurtz

lethbridge herald

A dual citizen caught trying to smuggle prohibited weapons and ammunition into Canada last year may be preparing for war, a Crown prosecutor suggested Wednesday in Lethbridge provincial court.

Alex Bernard said he could think of few reasons why Glenn Winningham Fearn would attempt to smuggle a blowgun, pepper spray, two push daggers and more than 600 rounds of ammunition into Alberta Oct. 11, 2013, unless it was to make good on previous comments that he was at war with judges, prosecutors, politicians and other officials. While Bernard also suggested Fearn may just be a sportsman who planned to do lots of shooting, he may also have intended to distribute the prohibited items.

I don't think I saw this posted, a facebook "event" listing from last November:
Speaking Glenn Winningham house of Fearn
Public · By Jeremy Daniel HouseofNewman
Going (2)
Maynard Munroe
Jeremy Daniel HouseofNewman
Recent guests (1 new)
Export · Report
Saturday, November 23, 2013
*Location: upstairs 11434 - 168 Street*
*On November 23rd and 24th Larry Zachow will be hosting an information
share weekend with Glenn Fearn. *

*Location: upstairs 11434 - 168 Street*

*Date: November 23 - 24, 2013*

*Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm both days*

*Cost: 5 ounces of silver (1 ounce coins either Maple Leafs or American
Eagles) or fiat currency of $110*

*Note: for those who have attended Glenn Fearn's prior events, the cost is
2 ounces of silver or $60.*

*Bring your own lunch (coffee provided) and paper and pen for notes.
"Glenn has 6 hours of new material".*

*Contact Larry Zachow at <>
or call 780-461-1777 <780-461-1777> to confirm your attendance as seating
is limited. *
Jeremy Daniel HouseofNewman created the event.
Like · · November 15, 2013 at 11:56am
Six hours of new material? Hope that's strong free coffee.

The contact info is notable, Larry Zachow is mixed up in that Alberta land scam.

And as Jeffrey pointed out in the Lee Lai Ping thread, if there really are 30,000 freeman types in Canada, why do we keep running into the same ones all the time?

(And Jeremy Daniel HouseofNewman is also a Hovind supporter.)
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by arayder »

From time to time freeman debunkers have wondered what happens to a wannabe gurus when they are faced with the reality that their woo didn't work, has never worked and never will.

We have the Menard way of dealing which involves retreating into a world mutliple Moose Heads and posting cut and pasta freeman videos.

The Clifford method involves pathological jailhouse denial in the face of a long term in the big house.

The Thompson method is to become a tranny in hopes of not being the person, Keith.

The Fearn method is "armed and dangerous" to go on the run.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Nice find GlimDropper!

I bet this is a video from that session:

The date and location matches.

Mmm... anyone else think Glenn's been living a little hard of late?
Still waiting for the sentencing result - C'mon, Lethbridge media...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

And the result (, Glenn received a four month custodial sentence, two years probation, and a 10 year prohibition against possession of firearms. The probation has an interesting term:
Fearn can not consume drugs or alcohol and is not allowed to have any contact with Canadian Border Services staff, judges or prosecutors unless it's for the purpose of court.
[Emphasis added.]

Couple that with a vexatious litigant order and Glenn is going to have to find a new hobby. Err... lifestyle.

Glenn's habit of writing 'excitedly' caught up with him:
During sentencing Judge Derek Redman stated that Fearn showed no remorse for his actions, noting a letter Fearn mailed in just before his trial that declared war against the justice system and government.


The Crown presented letters to the court during sentencing that were sent to border, government and judicial officials, as well as the prosecutor himself. The letter stated that they have no authority over him and went on to make a number of disturbing statements.
All in all, not a bad result. I have a suspicion that Glenn is going to accrue a few more convictions if he remains on the loose in Canada, so he may end up spending an extended time in a box.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect that our brave stalwart suvrun hero, made a break for it as soon as he saw the writing on the way, and is most likely headed back to TX where his peculiarities are somewhat better tolerated, although I would think they would be getting tired of him as well, and with an outstanding warrant things may not go well for him at his next, and there certainly will be a next, altercation with law enforcement. He's just too damn dumb and full of himself for it not to.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Border Reiver »

arayder wrote:From time to time freeman debunkers have wondered what happens to a wannabe gurus when they are faced with the reality that their woo didn't work, has never worked and never will.

We have the Menard way of dealing which involves retreating into a world mutliple Moose Heads and posting cut and pasta freeman videos.

The Clifford method involves pathological jailhouse denial in the face of a long term in the big house.

The Thompson method is to become a tranny in hopes of not being the person, Keith.

The Fearn method is "armed and dangerous" to go on the run.
You've missed the Rudolf method, which is to try and call in the CF to protect you from the RCMP (as an Ally of Her Majesty).

Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by redbird »

You've missed the Rudolf method, which is to try and call in the CF to protect you from the RCMP (as an Ally of Her Majesty).
Nope. Its not the CF that will protect them from the RCMP, its the entire united nations and ALL the armies from every member country that will come and "save" them from the terrible people who are out to get them. :Axe:

I wonder if the UN will come a runnin' when they need help in northern alberta this spring?

try looking in Mr. Z's back yard for GW of the house of F. I'm pretty sure Mr. Z knows where GW is hiding.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Canadian Forces (combined Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines)?
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