Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by grixit »

Yup, the UN Crisis Task Force has shelved all discussion of Ukraine, South Sudan, Congo, Egypt, Venezuela, and other minor problems to concentrate on this ultimate atrocity.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

All quiet on the Glenn front.

A couple days ago Freeman-on-the-Land guru and head of the Canadian Common Corps Of Peace Officers (website still down) made a noteworthy post on Facebook ( ... 5072844242) about a "recent court judgment". I've cut it back vigorously in the quote below, but I think what Rob is saying is that the failure of Freeman-on-the-Land strategies in court proves that the court and state apparatus is a corrupt and malevolent conspiracy:
From a recent court judgment: "Instead, the appropriate test is that a litigant who claims judicial bias, influence, or conspiracy has an obligation to provide positive evidence of that alleged conspiracy: R v Sydel; see also Meads at paras 291-292. "

The conspiracy is positively evidenced by their shared beliefs. A shared belief in an imaginary construct called a 'State' or 'The Crown'. This construct does not exist in reality. It is not something which is corporeal. You cannot touch it. You cannot meet it or face it. It simply does not exist. Except within the minds of the conspirators, who use this construct as a form of deception and mass manipulation. They do it knowingly and willfully, and their stated reason is usually 'public safety'. THEIR CONTROL is what it is actually about.

There is a severe case of judicial bias and conspiracy. The judiciary, they who believe so strongly in the existence of this imaginary construct, and who point to it as justification of their power and prestige, will ALWAYS rule against anyone who does not share their delusion. They will always rule in favour of the party that supports the existence and continuation of these imaginary constructs, especially when the other party questions its existence or refuses to accept that fiction any longer. That is the bias. That is the conspiracy. It is a conspiracy of 'we don't need your consent cause we have our fictions and you must do what we tell you to do, or we initiate violence against you.” ...
Rob did not identify the "recent case" in question, nor did he provide his readers a link to that case. I did a quick CanLII search and found Rob was quoting from Fearn v. Canada Customs, 2014 ABQB 114.

It's curious Rob did not cite other passages of that judgment, such as:
[3] OPCA schemes never work. OPCA concepts are no more than flights of conspiratorial fancy and wish fulfillment. Sadly, individuals who employ OPCA techniques [“OPCA litigants”] are two-fold victims: first of their own imprudence, and second to the conmen who market these schemes on a commercial basis to the desperate, foolish, and greedy.


[201] Another extremely disquieting aspect of certain OPCA movements is a belief that individuals are authorized to take extrajudicial vigilante actions against court actors, including judges. Naturally, these illegal actions are cloaked with some kind of purported though fictitious authority, most commonly as an expression of the “mutant” common law in a jury or court process. Typical language is formation of “common law”, “people’s” or “de jure” posses, juries, and trials. Other times OPCA litigants announce they are forming their own court, on the spot, using their “personal inherent jurisdiction”. ...


[204] Meads at para 124 reports that Freeman-on-the-Land guru Robert Arthur Menard operates a group of self-declared and appointed vigilante “peace officers”, the “Canadian Common Corps Of Peace Officers” (“C3PO”).

[205] Reference and reliance on the authority of these fictitious, vigilante courts and law enforcement officers is a much more common theme in the US Sovereign Citizen/Man movement. Stephen A. Kent & Robin D. Willey, “Sects, Cults, and the Attack on Jurisprudence” (2013) 14 Rutgers’ Journal of Law & Religion 306 at 319-329 provides a useful but very troubling review of that phenomenon and how members of the Sovereign Citizen/Men movement members use these techniques to challenge and subvert court and state authority. In that jurisdiction these vigilante processes have been associated with attempts to abduct, try, and kill judges. A recent Alberta case involved a Montana Freeman who had participated in this kind of scheme in the US: Perreal v Knibb, 2014 ABQB 15 (CanLII), 2014 ABQB 15.

[206] An OPCA litigant who states a judge is potentially or actually subject to extralegal retaliation or supervision is prima facie in contempt of court. Persons who appear in Canadian courts have well-established avenues to protect their legal rights, including the right of appeal to the appropriate court and judicial review.


[210] It occurs to me that if a fee schedule is prima facie evidence of the act and intention to intimidate a justice system participant (Criminal Code, s. 423.1) (Meads, para 527, this decision para 198) then speech of this kind that threatens extrajudicial response directed to a judge or court personnel may also qualify as a foundation for that offence.


[217] In Meads the OPCA community is described as a two tier structure:
  • • persons who sell instructional material and training in OPCA schemes: called “gurus” (paras 85-158);

    • the gurus’ luckless customers (paras 159-167).
[218] That judgment identifies certain OPCA gurus by name, and details aspects of the schemes they promote. It also explains that gurus may in certain instances directly participate in litigation by their customers (para 156) (this was particularly the case for Detaxer guru David Kevin Lindsay (para 104)). However, often a guru is hidden in the background, providing advice and materials (para 154-155), but invisible to the court.

[219] OPCA gurus are the ‘Typhoid Marys’ of the OPCA phenomenon. Rooke ACJ in Meads states at para 72:
The persons who advance these schemes, and particularly those who market and sell these concepts as commercial products, are parasites that must be stopped.
I entirely agree.


[237] I agree with Justice Saunders that misuse of court resources and processes by vexatious litigants, including OPCA litigants, represents a genuine threat to the function and operation of court processes. Canadian jurisprudence provides ample examples of how the techniques taught by OPCA gurus frustrate and complicate court proceedings.

[238] I have previously reviewed examples of those in my discussion of how certain OPCA strategies are prima facie civil contempt of court. My review of criminal proceedings where OPCA concepts have been deployed also illustrates how the purported remedies taught by OPCA gurus complicate court proceedings in a needless, useless manner. In fact, these strategies make things worse. For example, in R v Jastrebske, and R v Seagull the offenders received a stricter sentence because they had disobeyed court authority in their attempts to apply OPCA strategies.


[247] Canadian jurisprudence reviewed above is clear that the court’s contempt authority is an unusual process, used in a sparing and cautious manner. That is particularly true when the alleged contempt occurs outside the court. That said, OPCA gurus themselves are an unusual, if not unprecedented, category. These individuals are therefore appropriate exceptional targets, because:
  • 1. The ideas promoted by these individuals harm their customers, other innocent litigants, the state, and the court.

    2. OPCA gurus are often behind the scenes, and largely ‘invisible’ to the court itself. We only see their downstream effects. They are therefore unlikely to become targets of civil contempt sanction.

    3. Almost two decades of in-court failure has neither deterred these promoters nor their customers. Rooke ACJ explains this is at least in part due to the gurus attributing failure to misuse by their customers of the techniques taught (para 78), that OPCA gurus themselves often do not use the techniques they teach (though they say they do) (paras 668, 674-675), and the manner in which OPCA schemes are taught in an unnecessarily byzantine, ornamented, and magical manner (paras 77, 80). A more direct challenge is therefore an appropriate strategy.

    4. OPCA gurus are uniquely obnoxious in that they not only make victims of the court and their own customers, but they do so in a commercial context, for profit, operating a cottage industry of seminars, training materials, and tutorials. OPCA gurus engage in a business that causes real social and individual harm. They are a malevolent, dark mirror reflection of the legal profession.

    5. OPCA gurus engage in activity that parallels the components of criminal counselling offences, as described in R v Hamilton, 2005 SCC 47 (CanLII), 2005 SCC 47, [2005] 2 SCR 432:
    • a) “... the actus reus for counselling will be established where the materials or statements made or transmitted by the accused actively induce or advocate — and do not merely describe — the commission of an offence” (para 15);

      b) “... the mens rea consists in nothing less than an accompanying intent or conscious disregard of the substantial and unjustified risk inherent in the counselling: that is, it must be shown that the accused either intended that the offence counselled be committed, or knowingly counselled the commission of the offence while aware of the unjustified risk that the offence counselled was in fact likely to be committed as a result of the accused’s conduct.” (para. 29);
    6. To date OPCA gurus have had no reason to change or terminate their activities. Their misconduct has had no consequences. Instead, the damage they cause has been implicitly tolerated. It is time for that to end.
[248] In brief, to date there has been a lacuna in the court and state response to OPCA litigation. Many OPCA gurus appear to operate unchecked, particularly as their ‘victim’ is an entity, the court, which is very cautious about the exercise of its powers in a public context. That said, criminal contempt is a potential remedy for that injured party to address abuse of its processes. There is no legislation that specifically responds to this form of misconduct, so I conclude suppression of OPCA guru activities is a context where the common law contempt authority may potentially be applied to protect court operation via prosecutions for criminal contempt of court.


[252] It also occurs to me that while the contempt authority is designed to protect the court and its operation, that during any evaluation of alleged guru misconduct the court would also, as a secondary factor, consider others who are also the victims of these persons, and evaluate the harm done to the justice system as a whole – all its participants – to establish the deleterious effect of OPCA guru activities. To me it seems only appropriate that the shield that protects the court should extend to the people who use its services, when faced by this parasitic industry of conmen, scam artists, and grifters. The court and those who appear in it are inextricably linked, and defence of their rights is a function necessary and inherent to the superior inherent jurisdiction courts of the Commonwealth tradition.

[253] OPCA gurus promote and sell techniques that are either intended to break or frustrate court processes, or which have historically proven to impeded court function. I believe this is an instance of public activity which is potentially criminal contempt of court.

[254] The test identified in the appellate case law is that a criminal contempt of court sanction is appropriate when an activity constitutes a “clear and present danger”, “real and imminent harm or threat to justice”. OPCA gurus sell and promote techniques that damage the court. The judiciary regularly encounters litigants who attempt to apply these techniques. Only a small fraction of those events are documented in reported case law. This is not merely a theoretical issue, but one that is a regular and unwelcome event.

[255] Thus, though what Mr. Fearn says likely would be preposterous, absurd, and probably offensive to the average Canadian, he is one of a community of like-minded persons. In their eyes Mr. Fearn’s “truths” are very real. To permit the business of interfering with court processes to go unchallenged only reinforces this community’s misguided, dystopian world perspective.
[Emphasis added.]

I'm sure that Rob's failure to cite the "recent court judgment" was merely an accidental and unintentional oversight.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by grixit »

Don't hold back, Judge, tell us how you really feel!
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:. . .A couple days ago Freeman-on-the-Land guru and head of the Canadian Common Corps Of Peace Officers (website still down) made a noteworthy post on Facebook ( ... 5072844242) about a "recent court judgment". . . .

. . .I'm sure that Rob's failure to cite the "recent court judgment" was merely an accidental and unintentional oversight.

SMS Möwe
As we all know Bobby is one of the freeman gurus uncomplimentary mentioned in Meads.

Instead of going with the flow and saying, "the judge spelled by name right", Menard is deeply wounded by judge Rooke's criticisms.

Menard's thin skinned behavior is consistent with that of individuals with narcissistic personality disorders, who often wildly overreact to criticism. Consistent with the disorder Menard has posted endless documents and videos about the Meads decision has gone so far as to fantasize that his debunkers at the Randi forum are in league with the courts and that one debunker is Judge Rooke.

Bobby, of course, realizes that Meads and subsequent rulings serve to impede his narcissistic attempts to manipulate gullible freemen. Faced with a challenge to his self image and status in the freeman subculture Menard seeks to cement the indoctrination of gullible freemen by telling them the the courts and the law are fictional, noexistent fantasies of the conspiritorial powers that be.

Thus the freemen wannabe is told that democratic nations, their constitutions and their laws aren't real, but Menard's toked up imaginings are.

It seems to have escaped Bobby that there isn't much future in sucking at the tit of a subculture whose members are so remarkably un/underemployed, dysfunctional and unmotivated.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

But, they are real naive, dumb, and utterly gullible as long as someone other than someone who might really know the answer tells them something. Thus Bobby has an ever ready pool of suckers acolytes to draw from.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:But, they are real naive, dumb, and utterly gullible as long as someone other than someone who might really know the answer tells them something. Thus Bobby has an ever ready pool of suckers acolytes to draw from.
And ole Bobby is working his way through the pool, one Facebook like, one DVD sale and one meager donation at a time.

I don't think it's not too lucrative. But with his father's insurance money (which Bobby got by coughing up his SIN) he's in clover until he works his way through what, to him, seems like a fortune.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by The Observer »

And that is the next step nearly every guru and die-hard head-six-feet-deep-in-the-Koolade-tank follower takes once their scheme has failed: "The courts are corrupt - this ruling is just proof of that! Wahhh!" At that point, though, our sovruns of errantry have run out of options and have no where else to go. Either they take up a new very cunning scheme that is sure to win this time in those corrupt courts*, they get involved in a public spat with a competing guru who is attempting to recruit the defeated sovrun's fleeing disciples, they become a sovrun emeritus and pronounce "weighty opinions" on the internet about a new scheme du jour or they disappear entirely. Rarely (which is fortunate) do they ever act out on their beliefs to the point that they decide to take physical and violent action against the government.

*And why do they think that a "corrupt" court system is the place to take their battles? Often their arguments are based on the concept that the courts have no jurisdiction or lack the legall/moral authority to even rule in the sovrun's case. And yet somehow they think a corrupt court is the one place where they will triumph.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Border Reiver »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Canadian Forces (combined Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines)?
Very close - the CF is indeed the Canadian Forces (or Canadian Armed Forces) and is comprised of the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), and the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). We don't have or need to maintain a superfluous branch of the military duplicating the Army. :mrgreen:

On a couple of occasions Mr. Rudolf tried to get the Chief of the Defence Staff, Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer, the Canadian Forces Provost Marshall and the Governor General to intervene in a Tax Court case where he was going to be evicted from his house for non-payment of taxes, on the strength of his self declared status as an Ally of Her Majesty, and later on the strength of the original land grant (which had been made to a former member of the Canadian Militia who had served in the Boer War).
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by arayder »

The Observer wrote:And that is the next step nearly every guru and die-hard head-six-feet-deep-in-the-Koolade-tank follower takes once their scheme has failed: "The courts are corrupt - this ruling is just proof of that! Wahhh!" At that point, though, our sovruns of errantry have run out of options and have no where else to go. Either they take up a new very cunning scheme that is sure to win this time in those corrupt courts*, they get involved in a public spat with a competing guru who is attempting to recruit the defeated sovrun's fleeing disciples, they become a sovrun emeritus and pronounce "weighty opinions" on the internet about a new scheme du jour or they disappear entirely. Rarely (which is fortunate) do they ever act out on their beliefs to the point that they decide to take physical and violent action against the government.

*And why do they think that a "corrupt" court system is the place to take their battles? Often their arguments are based on the concept that the courts have no jurisdiction or lack the legall/moral authority to even rule in the sovrun's case. And yet somehow they think a corrupt court is the one place where they will triumph.
Eldon Warman's career is a case study that backs up your scenario. In addition to the course you outline Eldon pushed his wagon over the cliff by voicing his increasingly insane and anti-semitic rants. At one point Eldon claimed the ranks of his critics were largely populated by lizard alien shape shifters!

Warman's history brings to mind the question of whether any of freemanary's gurus can sanely deal with a slide down the movement's slag heap of ideas.

Belanger appears to be be consumed with the idea that he's God's right hand man.

The narcissistic Menard has a problem with drugs and alcohol.

Clifford has a chip on his shoulder that only gets worse with each of his brushes with the law.

One has to wonder what each will do when they are rejected and ignored by the only fringe movement that, up to this point, will have them.
Last edited by arayder on Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

The thing I don't understand, is why if they are so convinced the courts are all corrupt, do they then keep trying their "cunning schemes" in a manner that leads them directly back to those same courts?

There would seem to be a discontinuity in the middle of this thought??? process.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Glenn Speaks!!!

Glenn has in the last two days uploaded a set of new Youtube videos in which he talks about his "show trials", the Vatican Jesuit masonic bencher thugs, pretend legislation ... and stuff!

Two videos provide his side of the story on the abuse he has suffered at the hands of their so-called courts:
Another addresses these peace-officer PIG thugs who interfere with his rights:
And finally, Glenn has added two more videos from the Nov. 2013 Edmonton meeting that GlimDropper identified:
It appears Glenn is still in Canada (at least that's what he says). Exciting!! When will Glenn appear next?! What will he do?!

SMS Möwe
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:The thing I don't understand, is why if they are so convinced the courts are all corrupt, do they then keep trying their "cunning schemes" in a manner that leads them directly back to those same courts?

There would seem to be a discontinuity in the middle of this thought??? process.
Yes, at some point the logic train breaks down, although I am sure you are convinced that the train never left the station.

(a) The sovrun, convinced that he has stumbled upon the right set of magic words to free himself from tyranny and taxation, decides to head into court to do his incantation.

(b) Once in court, the sovrun encounters obstacles, such as the judge and prosecuting or respondent attorney casting "counter spells", which result in the sovrun's defeat.

(c) The sovrun now realizes that he must explain away or rationalize his defeat. Not wanting to give credit to the effectiveness of his opponent's "spells", he thus hits upon that the explanation that government "cheated" or somehow "corrupted" the process in order to overcome the power of the sovrun's magic words.

(d) At this point, the sovrun has several choices. He can:
  • (1) appeal to higher courts, hoping that they will honor his incantation and not resort to "cheating" to win. But this hardly makes sense, if the court system is corrupt, why should he realistically expect a higher court to expose the corruption and let him win? And it will be the same explanation afte the highest court rules against him.

    (2) come up with a new, more powerful set of incantations that will work. This does not make sense either. He already has confirmation that the courts are going to "cheat" to win. So why go through this charade again?

    (3) pronounce that the courts have no authority over him and refuse to participate in any further sessions with them. In a distorted way, this makes sense; the sovrun is at least recognizing that he will not succeed and is not going to waste time on this avenue anymore. A few sovruns have taken this course (Ed Brown comes to mind as the most notorious of these), but the result is that they either lose their civil suit or end up in jail.
(e) If the sovrun manages to avoid imprisonment, he most likely will have to come up with a plan to either set up his own system of "government" or "currency" or to attract new followers in order to show that he is still moving forward and that his incantation is powerful and true. Most of the sovruns seem to opt for the latter, apparently realizing that the "corrupt" government will take a dim view of the former option and incarcerate him. The latter course invariably fails since most followers drift away after getting the same results as our sovrun did in their own cases, finding a new sovrun with an apparetly better or new incantation, being disappointed that the sovrun wants them to give him money for his incantation, or some combination of all three.

And this is about as far it gets. If the sovrun is financially wrecked at this point, I guess he becomes dependent on family or friends, or in a case of real irony, the corrupt state that he battled so fervently.

I will not contend that these sovruns are crazy or insane in a clinical sense. Nearly all of these people function as you and I do in terms of keeping themselves fed, clothed and housed to some degree. I contend that the breakdown in their logic occurs basically due to pride and ego, and they will simply not admit that they made a mistake somewhere along the line.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:I will not contend that these sovruns are crazy or insane in a clinical sense. Nearly all of these people function as you and I do in terms of keeping themselves fed, clothed and housed to some degree. I contend that the breakdown in their logic occurs basically due to pride and ego, and they will simply not admit that they made a mistake somewhere along the line.
Based on what you have said, I have to concur, the average, run of the mill sovrun, is NOT clinically, or otherwise insane, possibly very gullible, certainly exceedingly naive, and generally pig ignorant, although that is a general slander on pigs, but NOT insane.

It is best not to generate complicated excuses and explanations, when stupidity is often the best and simplest explanation.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Glenn Speaks!!!

Glenn has in the last two days uploaded a set of new Youtube videos in which he talks about his "show trials", the Vatican Jesuit masonic bencher thugs, pretend legislation ... and stuff!

Two videos provide his side of the story on the abuse he has suffered at the hands of their so-called courts:
Another addresses these peace-officer PIG thugs who interfere with his rights:
SMS Möwe
The hateful tone of Glenn's Youtubes combined with his angry, disruptive courtroom behavior, his flight from the jurisdiction of the court and his propensity for carrying concealed firearms does not bode well for him going along peacefully at his eventual arrest.

I hope and pray my fears of violence occurring upon Glenn's arrest will come to nothing and that the tough talking Glenn will leave it at a few mouthy prhases and come along like the good ole boy he is.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by wserra »

In addition, the guy is so, uh, uh, uh, inarticulate that he's very, uh, uh, difficult to listen to. And needs to shave. Looks like a wino.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by JamesVincent »

Some of the biggest, disconnects I guess, that I see are amusing sometimes. You have a diehard, foaming at the mouth sov, damning the illegal, corrupt court. Threatens to sue you for libel. In court. Rails against the government, threatens violence against the illegal, corrupt government. Collects food stamps. From the government. Rails against the government, claiming the Bible tells him so. Disobeys the Bible while using it as an excuse.

Cognitive dissonance only explains so much. Some of this is a total disconnect from reality that there can't be a reality.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by arayder »

I am troubled by the increasingly heated rhetoric and threats of violence by the Canadian sov/freeman subculture.

A few years ago the subculture was highlighted by Bobby Menard talking his pot head dreams and duping gullibles out of their money. Now it's crazies occupying rental properties, squatting on public lands with their shot guns drawn and talk of arresting judges and taking over courts by force of arms.

This all may just be a product of what happens inside freemen/sovs heads when they are told by a judge, for the twentieth time, that their theories are pure BS. But, I have a problem with a few rage disordered egomaniacs trying to trample a justice system, warts and all, that Canadians worked and sacrificed for generations to build.

I have often said that any grown man who can't make his way in Canada, the kindest, fairest, most open society in North America (and I'm a Yank saying this) needs to look in the mirror.
Last edited by arayder on Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by JamesVincent »

wserra wrote:In addition, the guy is so, uh, uh, uh, inarticulate that he's very, uh, uh, difficult to listen to. And needs to shave. Looks like a wino.
Like I said when I "watched" the "minister's" videos I had to open another tab and do something else. I could not bring myself to actually see them so I listened. And used the Bible app on my phone to bring up verses as he mentioned them. I have yet to see one of the Freeman's videos that was watchable.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:All quiet on the Glenn front.

A couple days ago Freeman-on-the-Land guru and head of the Canadian Common Corps Of Peace Officers (website still down) made a noteworthy post on Facebook ( ... 5072844242) about a "recent court judgment". I've cut it back vigorously in the quote below, but I think what Rob is saying is that the failure of Freeman-on-the-Land strategies in court proves that the court and state apparatus is a corrupt and malevolent conspiracy. . . .

SMS Möwe
Now, Mr. I-Can't-Remember-What-I-Said-Yesterday has responded on his Facebook page.

At one point our toked out subject opines that the court's trashing of freeman fee schedules is unfair since, in his mind, the fee schedules are nothing more than an honest representation of the hard work freemen put in on their cases.

The absurdity of Bobby's claim aside I have to point out that our manipulative subject forgets that not too long ago he freely admitted that freeman fee schedules are nothing more than attempts to obstruct the courts.

That's exactly what the courts have said!

Freemen have to ask if there are any lies their failed guru won't tell.. . and which ones he'll forget he told!
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canad

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

arayder wrote:
The absurdity of Bobby's claim aside I have to point out that our manipulative subject forgets that not too long ago he freely admitted that freeman fee schedules are nothing more than attempts to obstruct the courts.
You're right. Bobby wrote this on Icke's:
So many people forget that a Fee Schedule is not to get paid at all. It does not exist because there is a contract, but because there is not one, and yet someone performed.
So if success is determined not by getting paid (that is how a child would see a fee schedule as working) but by stopping others from ordering us about with impunity and without liability, then they work quite well.
Note how Bobby attempts to infer in the mind of the reader that if you are of the opinion that getting paid for a fee schedule is how you would measure success then it must follow you are a child. :snicker:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.