Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

. wrote:
Love offerings.

That's a new one.
Not really all that new, though the piano lesson application may be a bit unique.

Preachers have been characterizing their income as "love offerings" for decades in an effort to evade payment of tax, and that with some success.

A few years ago, a mega-church preacher by the name of Cerullo was up on fraud charges for failing to report about $500,000.00 over about 3 years (peanuts considering his overall take); those were amounts he characterized as "gifts". As I recall, Cerullo got off on a technicality and I was unable to determine how the matter was ultimately resolved (I figured Cerullo worked out a deal to settle the matter).

Cerullo has operations out of Charlotte, NC, among other places, and he was one of the subjects of Stuart Watson's investigative reports on mega-churches, with emphasis on housing.

Here's a link to Stuart's most recent report of a few days ago, with video featuring Cerullo's Charlotte mansion, among others: ... 82331.html

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Kent Hovind to PZ Myers ... 3465905383

From: Kent Hovind
Via: "Gea Ambrosia"
Date: Monday, March 10, 2014
Time Posted: About 1:00 AM MT


Open Letter to self proclaimed "atheist" PZ Myers of U of Minnesota - Morris,

Dear PZ,

1. Someone sent me the post you have about me concerning my new lawsuit against "Rational" Wiki Foundation.

2. In your post you made several errors and false accusations so I thought I'd set the record straight. I am NOT looking for a fight but you wrote first and started this.

3. If you are going to write things about me please add me to your mailing list so I can refute things that are in error (or just dumb).

TO ALL- In the likely case he does not add me - would one of you reading this blog send me anything he says or writes about me please?

PZ qualifies for the Titus 1:11 prize!

5. The lawsuit against "Rational"* Wiki is NOT "planned." The filing fee was paid last week and two of the authors have been located.

*It is NOT "rational" to believe you came from a rock 4.6 billion years ago! It's STUPID!

6. I don't "plan" to sue anyone now or when I get out unless they break the law. I didn't start ANY of these fights including the one that put me here. Anyone who obeys the law will have no trouble from me. Accusing someone of a crime (like "Rational" Wiki did) IS a crime of libel unless they can prove their accusations. The courts will handle that now. If you accuse me of a crime that you cannot prove (libel) I will use the law (I Tim. 1:8) to correct the record and protect myself.

7. I am NOT in prison for "tax fraud." I did NOT break any laws but the government probably did. Please show me from the 3 charges in my case where I was charged with "fraud" as you allege or apologize for lying about me.

8. I do not lie to children or anyone else as you falsely allege but you do. In your classes at the U of Minnesota you use "evidences" for evolution that have long been proven to be lies. See my DVD #4 "Lies in the Textbooks" for a few examples. Also please show me ONE specific case where you can prove I lied to children.

11. CHALLENGE- PZ, When I get out and can travel I will come to your university at my expense and debate you on the evolution topic.

12. I will also pay only you $150/hr up to a max of 3 hrs actual debate time.

13. I will also pay all expenses to have the debate professionally video taped and give you a master copy.

15. You cannot fire me, fail me, intimidate me or bamboozle me.

16. If you DO NOT contact her within a reasonable time of say-30 days (April 9) - to tell her you are willing to debate (once a time can be worked out) I will presume (as will any REAL "rational" people) that you are a coward and do not intend to take me up on my offer.

Kent Hovind

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »


You are welcome!

PZ has already responded to Kent at: ... lenges-me/

Quite a few readers' comments have already been posted there, along with some followup from PZ.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by . »

Incarcerated loser wrote:15. You cannot (...) bamboozle me.
Why would anyone bother?
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by webhick »

. wrote:Love offerings.
If it were anyone else, I'd say it sounds like "donations" a hooker might receive for services rendered. You know, pay what you think it was worth.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Samphire »

I didn't hate my piano teacher but I rather think (and not without good reason) that she didn't love me very much. She was 20 something and I was 13ish and very lazy. Piano stools are very cosy.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Samphire »

6. I don't "plan" to sue anyone now or when I get out unless they break the law. I didn't start ANY of these fights including the one that put me here.
Yes, you did. You failed to attend to your affairs in the manner required by law. For further details see the judgment of the tax court against your own wife.
7. I am NOT in prison for "tax fraud." I did NOT break any laws but the government probably did. Please show me from the 3 charges in my case where I was charged with "fraud" as you allege or apologize for lying about me.
It is extraordinary that someone who was convicted of numerous offences related to tax evasion takes umbrage at being accused of fraud.
8. Also please show me ONE specific case where you can prove I lied to children.
You stated in one of your so-called “seminars” that the natural formation of galaxies was prevented by “Boyle’s Laws”. As a science teacher for 15 years you cannot but know that there is only one law formulated by Boyle and that law related to a perfect gas in a closed system. A nascent galaxy is not a closed system nor is it comprised of a perfect gas and therefore Boyle’s Law does not apply.

[Moderator:The Observer - redacted mention of controversial topic regarding evolution vs. creationism]

There are a great number of other instances where you have told direct lies in your presentations but vastly more where your half-truths such as “there are no reversals of the magnetic field on the sea bed.” are just as reprehensible.
15. You cannot fire me, fail me, intimidate me or bamboozle me.
But PZ will educate you.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by grixit »

The comments section of PZ Meyers's journal is a hardcore moshpit. Hovind won't like it if he tries to engage there. Also, Myers is one of the veterans of the old group, where Hovind's career was documented from way back.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by JamesVincent »

PZ seems to like the word "twit". Not that it's a bad thing and not appropriate for a reference to Hovind....
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by The Observer »


I am not aware if you are aware of the posting rule here on Quatloos regarding that we do not discuss issues revolving around politics and religion, so I am not blaming you for what was posted. But as such, you citing your disagreements with Hovind over evolution and creation are not on topic here and have nothing to do with Hovind's tax convictions and litigation. I have removed your response to that aspect of Hovind's e-mail quote. In the future, please refrain from raising similar religious issues regarding Hovind. I know that there are a number of reasons why people may find it interesting to discuss this topic, but this is not what Quatloos is about and our forums are only to discuss tax-related issues. There are other forums and sites on the Internet where you can discuss Hovind's creation beliefs. Thanks in advance for your understading on this issue.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Samphire »


Understood. My apologies.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by JamesVincent »

I know we've gone through this before bit what is the fascination with the word "libel"? Do all whackjobs just like it or what.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

A little humor, perhaps!

Alexander Otis Matthews,


The RationalWiki Foundation, et al,


Complaint For Per Se Libel,Libel,
And Injurious Falsehood


It is about 12 pages long.

I think the biggest problem right now is seeing if the Court can sort out what looks like some bungling in the handling of the case.

On PACER, the above case is filed as an Amended Complaint to another unrelated case that Matthews filed and carries the case number of:

Case 1:14-cv-00207-LO-TRJ

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

RationalWiki has posted Matthews Complaint at: ... l_Suit.pdf

I couldn't get it to work, but I have my own separate copy.
Maybe it will work for y'all.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by notorial dissent »

My first response, when I read this was W(ho)TF is Alexander Otis Matthews.

I think, after having read that particular piece of nonsense, that it still applies, but I'm curious for the view point of TWAL, what standing WTF has to be suing Rational Wiki for supposed libels against Dr Dino?
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

notorial dissent wrote:

My first response, when I read this was W(ho)TF
is Alexander Otis Matthews.

I think, after having read that particular piece
of nonsense, that it still applies, but I'm curious
for the view point of TWAL, what standing WTF
has to be suing Rational Wiki for supposed libels
against Dr Dino?

Matthews has been discussed here before; an accomplished crook and vexatious litigant in his own right and "cellie" currently to Kent Hovind.

He's not suing based on any libels against Kent, but rather alleged libels against him.

And what is TWAL?

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by notorial dissent »

Maury, I finally realized who it was after I had read part way through the drivelous filing, but I still think WTF applies. I didn't get that he was suing on his own behalf from that twaddle, and I still don't get it.

I do think the vex lit part definitely fits.

TWAL - Those Who Are Laywers
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

notorial dissent wrote:

I didn't get that he was suing on his own
behalf from that twaddle, and I still don't
get it.

I think paragraph #4 of the Complaint of Matthews is pretty clear in stating that, according to him, RationalWiki falsely accused him, Matthews, of assisting Hovind in filing fraudulent lis pendens claims.

And so he wants $1,500,000.00 in damages.

I'm thinking the case won't get very far, and it's off to a real slow start it seems to be; considering that PACER had/has it filed as an Amended Complaint
to an unrelated case also filed by Matthews.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm afraid I had pretty well glazed over by the time I got that far, since it all seemed to be a rehash of Kent's latest whine.

I somehow fail to see that his being named as author of Kent's latest run of slush is somehow damaging to his reputation.

I suspect, it, like Kent's latest effort will get short shrift by the court, as they so richly deserve.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Arthur Rubin »

IANAL, but,
  1. in paragraph 6, he states that the statement can be seen in Virginia. I thought it had to be directed to Virginia.
  2. (Paragraph 2) How does he know that John Doe is not a resident of Virginia, killing diversity. (What is the procedure for identifying the "John Doe"s in a republication of libel case, anyway. I may have a personal interest in this, as there are two potentially libelous YouTube videos about me; the principle reason I'm not filing suit is that it appears not to be "per se" libel, and there is no evidence that there are any actual damages. (I did find out that YouTube's takedown policy for libel is nonexistent.) However, if I ever find actual damages, I want to be prepared.)
  3. (In regard Paragraph 5) For the "per se libel", even if the definition of fraud as being criminal were appropriate, there is no claim that the statement included that he knew or should have known that the liens were fraudulent. Assisting someone in filing liens is not criminal (unless it falls into unauthorized practice of law). The fraud would be Eric's, rather than Alex's.
  4. Note that he doesn't object to a sentence from the preceding paragraph from RationalWiki, which reads...
    Matthews defrauded numerous people out of money using false information and moved the money into shell businesses.
    There's the F-word again.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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