Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The RuSA has posted the videotape (28 minutes) of their Presidential inauguration:

http://www.republicoftheunitedstates.or ... ch-4-2014/

I suggest you watch this, simply because, if I were describe it to you, you'd call me a liar.
They altered the Presidential oath - Geiger is not "President OF the United States", he's the "President FOR the United States".
It is pretty obvious that Geiger did not spend any time preparing or practicing his inaugural address.
The new VP does not put in an appearance, not even to take his oath. The 'National Chaplain' similarly is a no-show and the preaching is done by the Secretary of State and the Speaker of the House.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

You know, it almost seems to me as if they are parodying themselves - do they realize how insane they look?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm impressed they were able to get that many people there, and find someone who knew how to use a video camera and then then get it uploaded as well, considering that most all of them live in different states, let alone states of mind.

I doubt if any of them are smart enough to recognize, let alone, understand parody, or they wouldn't be doing what they are doing.

Well, as they say, let the fun begin!!!! :haha: :haha:
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

I honestly don't know how many people were there. This event took place in Memphis, in the midst of a very severe winter storm that undoubtedly discouraged and prevented a lot of attendance. Fortunately, there's no legal quorum required for an inauguration (Coolidge was sworn in by his own father with, as far as I can find, not even a third person in the room as a witness).
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by GlimDropper »

I have to say, the republic could not have elected a more dynamic or charismatic leader. Or at least I assume they would have if they could.

Looks like we were wrong about them not being able to upload their calls to their website, they just changed format. This page seems to be the new index I haven't looked at how many calls they have, been too busy listening to the Election Results coverage. I must say, nothing conveys the dignity of a restored republic like playing the Jeopardy theme when the final vote tally is announced (they could have at least made the announcement in the form of a question).

One tidbit, we now know they have 15 states "seated" but strangely enough only 13 submitted the votes of their electors. Hey, they could almost go back to the US flag circa 1789. I don't claim to be a expert on the Electoral College but I do know why each states gets as many electoral votes as they do. Which leaves me at a loss for why each state in the republic gets two except for Kansas which for some reason gets three. I'm assuming the Election Results call was a pretty hot ticket and they seemed pleased to have "over one hundred" people listening in.

Ya know, it's possible that all that's left of Tim's republic couldn't fill one of the larger Denny's restaurants.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

Geiger's "address to a joint session" (and it certainly seemed as if the participants were sharing a joint) is available on their website.

http://www.republicoftheunitedstates.or ... -releases/

You'll be pleased to know that Geiger considers himself to be the first legitimate President in 153 years -- that's deliberately not counting as legitimate either President Jimmy Timmy or Abraham Lincoln or anyone between.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

Glim, I can't thank you enough - I was so used to having their calls listed on the old "Republic Updates" page I didn't even notice they now had a "Update Calendar" where they were putting them up. Now I can return to my weekly popcorn eating RuSA listening as the fruitcake train continues!

If they made a big deal about having "over 100" listeners on the election results call then RuSA really has fallen. During Fake President Timmy's days, there would be 500+ people on the calls and the lines were jammed with people trying to get in to ask him when they would get funding (answer: the 100 tons of gold were coming soon).

I also note that the roll call on their Fake House/Senate calls which used to take an hour two years takes 10 minutes. So we've gone from roughly 535 fake house/senate members to ~50ish.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:
I doubt if any of them are smart enough to recognize, let alone, understand parody, or they wouldn't be doing what they are doing.

Well, as they say, let the fun begin!!!! :haha: :haha:
A good point. And the fun has begun, by the way, "President" Geiger has announced that government employees no lover have immunity against their "treasonous actions" against RuSA and indictments will be coming! I can't wait. I wonder what Denny's they are meeting at to do those indictments?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:A good point. And the fun has begun, by the way, "President" Geiger has announced that government employees no lover have immunity against their "treasonous actions" against RuSA and indictments will be coming! I can't wait. I wonder what Denny's they are meeting at to do those indictments?
I only hope that they show some mercy and grant me immunity from eating a Grand Slam.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Gregg »

Since they claim to be the real government, maybe they should have to start paying the bills. So, President Gieger, we'll be needing your bank account number to charge the re=fueling of the 7th fleet bill, the payroll of the Department of Justice, the highway construction bills and the state block grants etc...

We realize there will be a transition period and we won't send them all at once. We can phase it in over a period of time. To help your cash flow, we transfer to you the accounts receivable from tax protestors to help even it out. :whistle:
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

RuSA has a new plan to get everyones attention! They now have a Fake Attorney General, who will be sending "Administrative Notices" and "Affidavits" to all 50 state governments and Washington notifying them that RuSA is the lawful government of the land. The Fake Attorney General assures RuSA members that the governments will crumble before them once they receive these notices, as they will be unable to rebut their claims and as we all know a unanswered affidavit is truth in law (not really, thats a sov'run myth...)!

I wonder if this will get the FBI's attention like it did in 2010 when the fruitcakes told all 50 state governors to step down "or else" - oddly, that didn't work out so well, and now here we go again.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

What a masterstroke of pure unparalleled genius, sending pretend legal sounding threats, to the very real gov't who actually can do something like haul their sorry asses in to court for pretending to be gov't officials. Just pure unbridled genius.

Who, by the way, is this legal heavyweight who came up with this clever and cunning plan?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

The brains behind the brilliance is the Fake Attorney General, that I think of it, is fairly new I think. Must be a recent appointment by Fake President Geiger. I don't think they mentioned his name though...another one of the many brilliant minds out of the sov'run movement though, I'm sure.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The most recent RuSA A-G that I have found is Jim Cihak of Illinois. Not a lawyer, but possibly a policeman or former policeman in the town of Villa Park.
I assume that the news of his letter writing crusade is from the conference phone program because I cannot find it on the internet (the RuSA is very poorly staffed as regards keeping their website up to date).

Similar letters were sent out by that United Cities something (IIRC, in Miami) about four or five years ago, to banks. Similar letters from the Republic of Texas people to banks in Texas about 15 years ago. Amazing how the banks didn't respond. And similar letters to Governors (step down or else) from the Guardians of the Free Republics (the precursor to RuSA) about four years ago - and some Governors treated that as a threat and got the FBI involved. ... -from.html ... _Republics

Under the circumstances, a very unhelpful idea.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

RuSA has been sending out *A LOT* of emails lately, with Fake President Geiger making proclamations about everything from the Bundy Ranch insanity to expressing his "concern" over the recent tornado outbreak in the southeast.

The most recent email was an invite to like the Fake President's facebook page:

As you can tell, we have just TONS of people out there supporting RuSA, as of this writing there are 79 "likes"! Among the few hilarious comments on his page is someone asking him to send RuSA "generals" to support Bundy.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

LightinDarkness wrote:RuSA has been sending out *A LOT* of emails lately, with Fake President Geiger making proclamations about everything from the Bundy Ranch insanity to expressing his "concern" over the recent tornado outbreak in the southeast.
Wave after wave of snowstorms in the northeast. Several outbreaks of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in three parts of the country. And now enough rain in Florida to drown Don Johnson and all the burmese pythons. So why aren't the sovs back to moaning about HAARP?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

I actually saw some SovCit website recently reviving the HAARP business.

What intrigues me is that, about 18 months ago, the RuSA was crowing that former Fake Pres Turner had secured for it 300 metric tons of gold, a fabulous amount worth billions and more than the treasuries of a number of small countries, yet not a penny to the victims of flooding, earthquake, etc., that Fake Pres Geiger issues his announcements for.

With regard to the recent very bad weather: A tornado hit the hometown of the American Family Assn, namely Tupelo, Mississippi, ..... ... prevention
.... and yet the obvious message of God's disapproval of those people who pretend to be speaking for Him was completely ignored.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Lambkin »

fortinbras wrote:about 18 months ago, the RuSA was crowing that former Fake Pres Turner had secured for it 300 metric tons of gold, a fabulous amount worth billions and more than the treasuries of a number of small countries, yet not a penny to the victims of flooding, earthquake, etc., that Fake Pres Geiger issues his announcements for.
Spent it all on flat screen TVs. Sorry.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

One of the more fruit-loopey dinar calls (some are crazier than others) I listen to for giggles actually had RuSA on! Present for the call were Fake President Geiger and several fake senators! I learned a few interesting tidbits from this that I don't think have come out elsewhere:

- Fake President Geiger was elected by 13 "states" - at the peak of RuSA under Fake President Timmy, there were 45 fake state governments with 10-50 people each in them.

- Any mention of poor Ex-Fake President Timmy and his incarceration was swept under the rug quickly, they simply made vague threats that the de-facto agents who imprisoned him would be "dealt with."

- Fake President Geiger has announced that he will be serving the military (no mention of whom in the military exactly) with notice that RuSA is the "lawful civil authority" and that they are under RuSA's command. I am sure that will go well...more arrests incoming? Having 2 fake presidents arrested, that would be worthy of some sort of award anything.

- The most hilarious part is when a guy comes in and declares that everything that RuSA claims to be doing ("restoring common law" and other sov'run BS) was already done in 2002 when he filed documents with the World Court and, by the way, the Moorish Nation is the real government to begin with (according to him). It was hilarious listening to two flavors of insanity collide like this.

- This guy who called in, who is infamous in woo circles and goes by the name Dr. Hendrickson (the Dr. part is most certainly fake), claims that he is the leader of a world government because he filed gibberish documents in 2002 with the Hague and it was signed by George W. Bush. Moorish insanity vs RuSA - which one is crazier? You decide! ... 3Mm/aIOh5p

The Moorish/Dr. Hendrickson craziness starts at around 45 minutes. I REALLY recommend this call if you want to hear completely insane people going at it - on the one side you've got Dr. Hendrickson's supporters calling him the son of man and saying we dont need RuSA because 196 nations have already signed on with him, and on the other side you've got Fake President Geiger telling them that hes the only lawful authority in the country.
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Mon May 05, 2014 9:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

Here is the website of Dr. Hendrickson, ruler of 196 nations:

This just goes to show you that insanity comes in every flavor. While many sov'runs are staunchly evangelical, this flavor of nuttery is Islamic.

By the way, this guy has a little cult of followers - they even call him "the son of man" - isn't that a title Jesus used? Its getting even crazier than usual with these people...