Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Bill Lumbergh wrote: What I suspect is happening is that Dean has refused to make an election and thus he is deemed to have elected trial by judge and jury. Pursuant to s.536(4), a preliminary inquiry will only be held at the request of the Crown or defence. I can't imagine why the Crown would want a prelim here, especially given the protracted proceedings to date. I suspect the Crown is pushing for a trial but perhaps the case management judge is holding things up to give Dean a fair chance to either elect or decide on whether he wants a prelim.

Just some speculation on my part.
Yeah, I have wondered how the court would handle the fact that Dean has been sitting on his hands since day one.

Despite having filed a raft of useless documents, my understanding is that Dean hasn't entered a plea and balks at anything that smacks of usual court procedures claiming that so participating would be entering into a contract with the government.
Last edited by arayder on Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Mea culpa - I think you are quite correct Bill. I should have pulled out the Criminal Code and checked the relevant provisions.

I usually don't have much affection for the mandatory minimum sentences that have become increasingly common for criminal charges, but I have to admit this is one instance I'd not mind seeing that in effect.

Wouldn't it be ironic if Vic Toews himself ended up hearing the Clifford trial?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:

Perhaps another indication that we and Dean overestimated how many supporters he has. To date the only mention of the inconsistencies that Bill noticed is from WakeuptotheNWO2 who has made a pretty amusing little video about it. Unfortunately he appears to be promoting his own OPCA derivative, seems to believe the highway traffic act only applies to people who have applied for licenses among other nonsense. It'll be interesting to see if the documents Mowe helped obtain will get any response or if people simply don't care.
Gee, that video looks familiar. The WakeuptotheNWO2 folks must have borrowed parts of it from a really smart guy, Jeffrey.

The same source has a longer video that tries to debunk several of Dean's theories: Dean Clifford- Rebel Without a Clue

A few of the debunkings are not totally explained and I question the details of a few of the producer's alternate explanations of reality.

The Youtube put on in early February 2014, it is reflective of the growing number of people who have caught on to Dean's poor scholarship as well as his out and out lies.
Last edited by arayder on Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I've started looking more closely at Dean's materials and have a few observations to make. I thought I'd just post comments incrementally since there is a lot to go through.

In Document #10 (Dean's rejected faxes) there are a number of attached documents. At pages 32-33 is an "Affidavit", where Dean essentially writes to defend his co-accused, "Darren Pierre Joseph: Boissonneault". The intended recipient of this document is not clear, though presumably it is a government actor. Dean essentially waves his magic pseudolegal wand arguing Darren is not subject to Canadian law, and at para. 17 threatens application of a fee schedule. This document is dated Nov. 12, 2013.

This suggests the Affidavit was prepared after Darren was arrested during the raid on Dean's grow-op, which seems to have occurred on Nov. 5, 2013. It would be interesting to know whether a similar document was prepared for Dean's brother (also a Darren) during his legal troubles.

What follows in Document #10 is a five page "Affidavit", again without an explicit intended recipient, but probably to be sent to government or court parties. It was affirmed on Nov. 8, 2013 (post-grow op raid) and apparently in Alberta, see the Commissioner for Oath stamp on page 5. Throughout Dean indicates he should be immune from government action. But here's the interesting point - he admits that is not actually the case. Instead, Dean indicates he is nothing but a victim.

At para. 10 there is a rather generic complaint of being "... misled, deceived, coerced, intimidated, threatened, assaulted, kidnapped, and tortured ...". Dean expands on this theme in paras. 16-19. Some notable passages include:
16. Over the last ten years, I have been subject to no less that 15 acts of extreme violence which were carried out by agents and officers of Her Majesty for my having carried out the simple acts of exercising what are my recognized, protected and self-evident rights and freedoms. I have been detained, threatened, coerced, intimidated, falsely arrested, beaten, kidnapped, tortured, had private property arbitrarily and permanently seized without claim and sold; including but not limited to all my work trucks and tools necessary for gaining a livelihood and providing for myself, I have been harassed, alienated from friends and family due to fear of repercussions for my political and religious beliefs, and my livelihood, career, and reputation have been ultimately and utterly destroyed. This has made it almost impossible for me to sustain myself, live, be happy, enjoy my property and pursue my life in any form of meaningful manner or happiness.


18. ... I would be intentionally deprived of and denied the enjoyment of my freedoms, liberties, birthright, enjoyment of my property, the fruits of my labour and everything I have placed in trust. These were more than threats, as these acts have now been carried out against me repeatedly.

19. ... I was forced and coerced into having, and have since that time been subjected to repeated beatings, fines, kidnappings, prolonged unlawful confinements, tortured in solitary confinement, property arbitrarily stolen and sold, intimidation, continual harassment, public humiliation, attacks on my reputation and publicly labelled a terrorist and threat to the public for the purpose of promoting hatred against me, all by agents acting under colour of law on behalf of Her Majesty et al.
[Emphasis added.]

Dean generally complains about being the subject of unauthorized government action, all at the behest of the Queen. And here is Dean's self-described state:
40. I have no means to protect myself and this fact was utilized and capitalized on to its fullest to deprive me of everything I had in life, and have worked for in my life, for the purpose of reducing me to the standing of an unpaid slave upon threat of further alienation, torture and perpetual confinement if I attempt to pursue remedy.
[Emphasis added.]

Isn't this striking? Dean typically portrays himself in public as the Muscular Freeman, landowner, expert builder, who beats up police officers on whim, always successful in business and law. But here he presents himself in an entirely different matter. When engaging state actors, Dean is certainly defiant in the sense that he disagrees with state authority - but he admits his attempts to resist have not worked. His property is seized. He can't work. He is driven away from his peer and family. And if he continues to resist the result will be yet more troubles.

I find the difference between Dean's face to the public and his marketplace, and the Dean known to the state and court quite remarkable. Dean presumably doesn't try to lie to police, the Crown, and so on, because they know the truth and his history. But to those who would be his customers? Not a hint. Instead, it is Dean the ever-triumphant. That continues in his telephone recordings from Remand detention.

Not this Affidavit! Notably, this quite downbeat and defeatist document was prepared even before Dean was arrested. This shows, presumably, what he anticipated was in his future.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

And now an editorial sneer.

I'd like to direct a snide rebuke to the "reporters" at Winnipeg Alternative Media ( ( who have been trumpeting the cause of Dean Clifford, but apparently could not be bothered to pay the whole $1 required to obtain the Provincial Court record which documents in detail the charges against Dean.

You know, that mysterious unknown basis for why Dean was arrested and held, that was being concealed from all - including Dean himself!

Quoting from their Facebook 'About' page:
Winnipegs first cohesive alternative news media hub. A grassroots initiative owned and operated by individuals, groups and businesses who are of like mind in the fight for human rights. ... "Mainstream" media is losing viewership and readers. Their history of lying, ignoring, manipulating and criminal activity is coming to a head and alternative media outlets, out of necessity, are becoming more and more relevant as people become tired of the garbage "reporting" or "journalism" on their six'o'clock news or in the so-called Free Press. WINNIPEG ALTERNATIVE MEDIA will be there for those people. In the center of the country. In the center of the continent. W.A.M will stand tall.
Sure lived up to that. Nicely done. The data was out there. $1. That's all it would have taken.

And there's more that has not yet been reported to the public. So how about it? We now know that Dean was in Provincial Court in Winnipeg on July 22, 2013, and then released on bail. If you want to learn more about Dean's actual court proceedings, and share that with the public - as "journalists" would hopefully intend to do - you can spend all of $1 to obtain Dean's recognizance records.

Here's a link to the relevant instructions: ... inks/fees/
Fees for request of a photocopy of an Information, Disposition Sheet, Fine Order, Probation order, Recognizance, Conditional Sentence Order, Peace Bond or other public court document respecting a particular accused or offender are to be paid at time of request and are as follows:


Regular Copy (more than three working days to process): $1.00 per copy
Maybe your readers would like to know what were the terms that Dean agreed to when he was released on July 22, 2013.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Darn, I lost a longer post, but that probably helps with my wordiness.

I've been rereading the wonderful new documents and I notice a few small notes:

-it's awesome that Dean hails from Matlock, MB (it's within the RM of St Andrews, so it's most likely the PO box he uses for the house with the grow op.) I wonder if he chose Matlock to live in or near, just so he could try to channel a bit of Andy Griffith? (He needs it. Not much calmness or charm in his court transcripts so far.)

-I can't find anything for Dean's agent Mr Claudio Santos, except that he seems to be the owner of Santos Enterprises, a car dealership/rental company from whose fax line QB document 10 was sent. If anyone wonders what the business looks like, here it (roughly) is: ... 63606,,0,0

(There's police officers, lawyers, and drug dealers called Santos on Manitoba CANLII but nothing promising. Googling "Santos" and "Dean Clifford" just brings up Santos Bonacci, who is too Disfunctional, Australian, and incarcerated to be our guy)

-I took a look at the appearances shown on the lists on pages 3 and 5 of the provincial court docs. After the March 7 appearance the matter (or the defendant? I'm not sure of the terminology) was remanded to April 24. But sometime since then Dean's charges were brought forward to be spoken to on March 25 (it looks a bit like May 25 but that would be a Sunday). I assume it was the Crown who arranged that since, well, Dean doesn't have any idea how to do anything. I doubt that it was anything interesting, judging by the lack of indignation from the Clifford camp, but I just thought I'd share.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

He was still talking a good game late last year. His Notice of Breach of Oath and Trust, Dated November 14, 2013 and addressed to Barbara Ritzen, Regional Director General, Department of Justice, Winnipeg, with a copy to Peter MacKay (Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada), stated, amongst other things;
You have 30 days to rebut the affidavits attached to this notice. A Commercial Claim is being prepared against yourself, and Peter Mackay (sic).

After 30 days, a Certificate of Default and Dishonour will be issued, a court reporter will be booked, and subpoena's will be issued for both yourself and Peter Mackay to make answer to the claims being brought against you, both civilly and criminally. I am so sick to death of all of you, being Her Majesty et al, and your puke. You are an agent, you are liable since Her Majesty is a fiction, and I am not stopping until either I am dead, or everyone involved in intentionally harming me is ruined and/or in jail for your continuing and unrelenting fraud and malicious acts of terror against me. You don't like the "Free Men" as recognized in the preamble to your Canadian Bill of Rights, then get the fuck off our land.
Above signed by Dean Clifford, "free man" sovereign Child of God.

A bit more cocky than the excerpts provided by Mowe. This was probably one of the documents he passed around his supporters to show he had the Crown on the run.

The clock ran out on the thirty day deadline three months ago but I haven't, as yet, seen our malefactors brought to justice. Peter MacKay doesn't seem perturbed.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:Darn, I lost a longer post, but that probably helps with my wordiness.
I've found, to my cost, that you can easily lose posting you're working on if you skip somewhere else. Quatloos is quirky about things like that. So when I'm doing long postings I prepare them in Word and then copy/past them into a posting when done. All that's required then is a little dressing up such as quote boxes or formatting. If you lose it so what? You still have the original in Word to try again.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Probably doesn't need to be said but Dean's 30 day "certificate of default" strategy goes back to Menard's "magnificent deception" lecture.

We finally get some clarification from Dean concerning the license issue. He used to have a license but "surrendered it" to the DMV Menard-style in 2005.

Dean's Section 32 argument makes an appearance in Document 11 where he again quotes R. v. Dell and R. v. Big M Drug Mart. An argument that was discussed an rejected in R v. Petrie and other cases and we've discussed already. Tragic that Dean could have avoided the possibility of a decade in jail had he read more than one sentence of those cases or had some basic reading comprehension skills.
We now know that Dean was in Provincial Court in Winnipeg on July 22, 2013, and then released on bail.
Are we sure about that? All I see is "recognizance" which meant he was out on a promise to appear, not necessarily bail. Given Dean's past history of avoiding bail and his self-reported lack of funds, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't post bail.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

It was definitely bail. You can see the list of court appearances attached to the july Information. "Bail : granted" is ticked off as well as the fact that he was released on his own recog. It's just like "traditional" bail but with no surety needed to bail him out (which also means he is liable for the bail $ amount). But it is nevertheless one of the types of bail an accused can get. He wouldn't have been in jail if the police released him on a promise to appear.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:

Perhaps another indication that we and Dean overestimated how many supporters he has. To date the only mention of the inconsistencies that Bill noticed is from WakeuptotheNWO2 who has made a pretty amusing little video about it. Unfortunately he appears to be promoting his own OPCA derivative, seems to believe the highway traffic act only applies to people who have applied for licenses among other nonsense. It'll be interesting to see if the documents Mowe helped obtain will get any response or if people simply don't care.
Gee, that video looks familiar. The WakeuptotheNWO2 folks must have borrowed parts of it from a really smart guy, Jeffrey.

The same source has a longer video that tries to debunk several of Dean's theories: Dean Clifford- Rebel Without a Clue

A few of the debunkings are not totally explained and I question the details of a few of the producer's alternate explanations of reality.

The Youtube put on in early February 2014, it is reflective of the growing number of people who have caught on to Dean's poor scholarship as well as his out and out lies.
Hold the horses, boys. It seems the producer of Rebel Without a Clue, Steve Bass, has a soft spot for Bobby Menard, has spent hours picking the Fezzed One's brain and features him in some of his videos.

WakeuptotheNWO2 (not sure if Wakeup is Bass's, or if he produces for them) links visitors to their site to some of Bobby's older, more sober videos.

I wonder if the plan is to trash Clifford so that Bobby ends up as the last freeman standing?

God help me, that sounds like a conspiracy theory!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

The original Wake Up to the NWO is actually the morning show we're planning to force everyone to watch, weekdays 5:30-7:00, after we reveal ourselves. I think the masses will really enjoy it, once their Esperanto comprehension picks up a bit.

I have no idea how this non-illuminatus got the sequel rights.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

It's been over four months since Dean Clifford was kidnapped and placed in a maximum security torture heck-hole! Four months! It's time for that to STOP!

Who do YOU turn to in times like this?! Who!?

Brian "Freakin' Idiot" Alexander! He's our man! Time for "OPERATION FREE DC" ( ... 304544172/)
Brian Alexander
[March 26, 2014]

The indicators seem to point to the kidnaping and imprisonment under false charges, [none that I have heard so far] of our brother by corrupt criminal treasonous government agents in a breach of public trust and high treason against members of the public and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the House of Windsor. [important not to declare war on H.M., she is our Ally] There are but a few bad apples that spoil the bunch/system [ok perhaps more than a few, but they are not all bad]

Therefore, "Operation Free DC" has commenced based on the assumption that they will continue to hold our brother at their leisure; This will not suffice!

Therefore, the proposal is to commence a plan of peaceful loving action in support of our brother through non violence and peaceful gathering of awaken brothers and sisters in the Winnipeg Area to present legal notice under the biggest bad-ass Grand Jury those mother fuckers will ever see!

This will entail people from all over the world gathering in one spot of our choosing. the plan would commence on private property first, then if need be, if we are ignored, we can relocated to surround public property in a peaceful march for justice. First actions include brainstorming, planning. crafting notices and a weekend of love in coming together. we will keep command base open all summer if that's what it takes. people can bring campers tents and what have you to camp out. a live stage with music and presentations on a wide variety of topics. Invitations to people of influence, musicians, hell, we might even get Neil. There is no limit to how big this can get.

This private property would be established as command base as it were. From there after gathering and establishing a plan of action that includes giving legal notice to those agents in question responsible and who are accountable with a friendly cease and desist signed by the Grand jury that is CCed and sent to provost marshal, H.M. and who ever else that should be holding these bastards in their place.

This would also include inviting the media as well as our own media and pod casts to around the world...we will unite the world,. Dean just might be the catalyst...who better.

What we need is to gather resources, and people in the area that can help with finding the appropriate area that is secure. My mind is to appeal to some native brothers as government can not force its jurisdiction on native lands so easy.

this operation does not need to be rushed, no date has been set, it will go according to securement of resources and the support of the community of awakened brothers. funding will be raised by any means possible, mainly donations and sponsorship with a few raffles thrown in for run.

This has the potential to take us to a new level in Sovereignty, in awaking, in putting government back in their place, in raising awareness of how corrupt the courts are and the people who run them.

or....this could go no where, our brother could sit there rotting...alone...and we behind our computers. cowering...fighting our own battles, weather it be legal, environmental, smart meters, chemtrails, off grid living, alone...being picked off one by one at governments leisure.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."

Martin Niemöller.

First they came for the freemen, and I did not speak out--
because I I did not question my government.
Then they came for the environmentalist and tar sands activists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was to busy to trying to hold my life together to be involved.
Then they came for our guns, and I did not speak out --
because I trusted my government would protect me
Then they crashed the economy, started a third world war and conscripted me, and there was no one left to speak for me.


Are we going stand idol to the mayhem and corruption around us, waiting for them to come for us, and if not us our children, or are we going to rise to the call!!!!???
I tell you, the man has the soul of a poet, and the heart of a lion, and the head ... uhm ... a rhinoceros?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Brian Alexander
[March 26, 2014]

Therefore, the proposal is to commence a plan of peaceful loving action in support of our brother through non violence and peaceful gathering of awaken brothers and sisters in the Winnipeg Area to present legal notice under the biggest bad-ass Grand Jury those mother fuckers will ever see!

This will entail people from all over the world gathering in one spot of our choosing. the plan would commence on private property first, then if need be, if we are ignored, we can relocated to surround public property in a peaceful march for justice. First actions include brainstorming, planning. crafting notices and a weekend of love in coming together. we will keep command base open all summer if that's what it takes. people can bring campers tents and what have you to camp out. a live stage with music and presentations on a wide variety of topics. Invitations to people of influence, musicians, hell, we might even get Neil. There is no limit to how big this can get.
Big talk from a member of a movement that couldn't get a single supporter to attend the Nanaimo Three trial.

Although I might be wrong about that. It's possible that "the biggest bad-ass Grand Jury those mother fuckers will ever see" actually met at the Freeman Command Base conveniently located just around the corner from the New Westminster courthouse (the Hops Pub) but got so caught up in brainstorming and planning that they couldn't fit trial attendance into their schedule.
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

The indicators seem to point to the kidnaping and imprisonment under false charges, [none that I have heard so far]
If only there was some place he could go to check those charges :whistle:

Hopefully Alexander's efforts can give some indication of what level of support exists for Dean. Winnipeg Alternative Media is just a guy in a basement that can't afford to repay his friend for a green screen and lacks the technical ability to use the green screen. I really don't think NWO2 is posturing as a Dean replacement nor so I see people jockeying for the position.

I'm actually kind of disappointed with all this. We find out now that the "remedy" Dean wanted a notary for was a "certificate of default", a freeman technique that's probably over a decade old. Then there's the crazier strategies where he appoints the Queen as his trustee. There's nothing new there, all old stuff that other people have tried and failed with. It's sad.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I think the biggest flaw here is going to be the brainstorming part, you have to have at least one functioning to start with, and I see that as a real deal breaker with this group.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm actually kind of disappointed with all this. We find out now that the "remedy" Dean wanted a notary for was a "certificate of default", a freeman technique that's probably over a decade old. Then there's the crazier strategies where he appoints the Queen as his trustee. There's nothing new there, all old stuff that other people have tried and failed with. It's sad.
I have to agree. I read Dean's filings and said to myself "That's it, that's his best shot?" Nothing but a rehash of old dead-on-arrival Freeman material debunked long ago. Granted, Dean's desperate, but still . . .

If this is the best he has he might as well try for a deal with the Crown. He'll do time for that pistol but it has been my experience the Crown is quite willing to give a break to a defendant who co-operates with a guilty plea. All that his pointless filings are going to do for him is add aggravating circumstances. I expected better from the vigorous individual who shot the "Muscular Freeman" video defying the powers that be while at a break at a construction site because he was a working man with no time to fancy things up for the petty bureaucrats;

"If what I'm doing is wrong, why can't they convict me? Why can't they keep me in Jail?" Well they seem to be currently doing a fine job of keeping him in jail with a conviction coming up. And, as for the quote;

"I've been arrested I don't know how many times and I keep winning".

Good luck with that.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:It's been over four months since Dean Clifford was kidnapped and placed in a maximum security torture heck-hole! Four months! It's time for that to STOP!

Who do YOU turn to in times like this?! Who!?

Brian "Freakin' Idiot" Alexander! He's our man! Time for "OPERATION FREE DC" ( ... 304544172/)

SMS Möwe
Doubters may cite Brian's poor judgement, lack of experience and shoddy education as reasons he shouldn't be mayor of Kamloops!

But I say he's needed to head up a the Freeman Mobile Strike Force!

Cop Out Clock Update: It has been 5 days since Robert Menard received a counter offer to join the discussion on the Qualtoos Forum. So far there is no word whether Mr. Menard has accepted the offer.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:
The indicators seem to point to the kidnaping and imprisonment under false charges, [none that I have heard so far]
If only there was some place he could go to check those charges :whistle:
Now there's a thought!
Jeffrey wrote:. . .I'm actually kind of disappointed with all this. We find out now that the "remedy" Dean wanted a notary for was a "certificate of default", a freeman technique that's probably over a decade old. Then there's the crazier strategies where he appoints the Queen as his trustee. There's nothing new there, all old stuff that other people have tried and failed with. It's sad.
Yeah, freeman Dean used his freedom, when he had it, to drive around looking for confrontations with the cops, start a grow-op, acquire third rate firearms, chase women and hatch a freeman guruship based on bad old ideas.

Well, one good idea out of five ain't that bad!

But I am struck by what Dean has decided to do with his life in arguably the most free, kindest, most prosperous country in north america. The boy has good looks, his health and a modicum of smarts. His bio, if it's truthful, states he at least started his higher education. He seems to have enough skills in the construction trade on which to build. His public speaking skills aren't too bad, either.

There isn't any reason why he could not have built a life while at the same time railing against what IMHO is the ever growing Canadian nanny state.

But now he's looking at several years in the big house and life of unproductiveness when he gets out.

It's just a waste of a life!
Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
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Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:43 pm

Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Lambkin »

arayder wrote:But now he's looking at several years in the big house and life of unproductiveness when he gets out.
Looks like the life of unproductiveness began at his birth (or at conception if you prefer).