Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

LightinDarkness wrote:I think whats amazing is how much money people have sent them - people who are poor to begin with so the money is all coming from credit/bankrupting themselves - given how idiotic their legal documents have been. I mean basically Heather's documents look like a new age book and law dictionary got together and defecated on a page. And even though shes released what, 5 sets of gibberish now, and not 1 has EVER been successful - they all still believe.

That is truly an amazing level of sheer stupidity on the part of the donors. They just keep sending money for whatever the request is, even when whatever they are begging money for has failed before like the "engines running on water" part of the RV tour or the "call the secret service and they'll force banks to let you access your value" part of Heathers gibberish documents.

Remember though, the whole thing still hinges on the back of everyone's mind getting that gold that is by Heather's admission, both offworld in the hands of aliens and also sentient and wants to play so badly with people but it needs to know we're all serious about playing with it.. (I wonder what you call someone who wants to have sex with a gold coin, a goldenofile?) so I am sure that the general masses that still cling to this nonsense think that someday Heather is going to shower them with their 5 tons of Gold (10 if you're in the US) and they will be rich beyond imagine..

But of course that's all just pie in the sky thinking isn't it? ISN'T IT????

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:That is truly an amazing level of sheer stupidity on the part of the donors.
Which was essentially the point of my tongue-in-cheek post. No matter how much we would like to label the Morocco 3 (or is it 4 or 5 or even more?) as idiots, they are able to find people farther down the intellectual ladder who are willing to swallow what they are peddling. How many times have you looked at a John McHaffie banner and wonder when is he going to realize that everything he is posting is a lie? Yet he keeps lapping it up like it is going out of style. And he isn't making this stuff up on his own. He is just resposting what other people are sending him.

So its kind of hard for me to label the Morocco Malicious as idiots. I think the term "criminals" is more apropos.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

JennyD wrote:I wonder what you call someone who wants to have sex with a gold coin
Ron Paul?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by AndyK »


Straying into the political :?:

But funny.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

JennyD wrote:Remember though, the whole thing still hinges on the back of everyone's mind getting that gold that is by Heather's admission, both offworld in the hands of aliens and also sentient and wants to play so badly with people but it needs to know we're all serious about playing with it.. (I wonder what you call someone who wants to have sex with a gold coin, a goldenofile?) so I am sure that the general masses that still cling to this nonsense think that someday Heather is going to shower them with their 5 tons of Gold (10 if you're in the US) and they will be rich beyond imagine..

But of course that's all just pie in the sky thinking isn't it? ISN'T IT????

Nunc pro Dork, Pizza Pizza With extreme prejudice........ :D
Gold has always been prominent in the "I AM movement" they borrow so extensively from. Dove, who was heavily influenced by I AM used to talk about gold "glowing" with an aura of spiritual energy. If you got enough gold together in one place, the glow grew until more gold started to manifest itself, sort of like gold bars having sex together.

You also get talk of monoatomic or unipolar gold (all gold is monoatomic, and I don't know what "unipolar gold" means) which has magic properties.

As for people-gold sex, first of all I don't think procreation is likely, and second there's rule 34, no matter what it is, there is a porn/fetish website about it, Nunc pro Dork, Pizza Pizza! I would give you an example, but it seems that "Gold" is a common last name for porn actors and actresses and that overwhelms any search when combined with "fetish," "lust" or "sex." Anyway, I'm almost positive that there are people out there who not only want to, but have figured out a method of, having sex with a gold coin and then posted it on the internet.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »


I just had to go and look up and see if there was a rule34 for people having sex with gold... and sure enough.... EWWWWWWWWWW

At least there wasn't a naked picture of Heather molesting her 10 tons of bullion...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

The only evidence (favoring OPPT) is false evidence

Did the Documents work here? ... ment-78919

After listening for more than 13 minutes you learn her “crime” was driving without a license.
Remember when listening, THAT was what she was fighting. And if she “won”, it seems it was because the police officer involved did not show up at the filing. It had nothing to do with her documentation.

(Why does it seem that every time someone presents evidence backing up the "effectiveness of OPPT", when you look into it, you find what looks like false evidence?!
8 of the 9 responses under her story do not point out the relevant facts.)

- from Hard-Qs
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

JennyD wrote:I HATE YOU DK

I just had to go and look up and see if there was a rule34 for people having sex with gold... and sure enough.... EWWWWWWWWWW

At least there wasn't a naked picture of Heather molesting her 10 tons of bullion...
Didn't I tell you I was evil?

I still can't find gold coin porn, but I did write the following a few years back about this very subject, only for Dinar notes. Ultra-soft core, which was necessitated by board rules and the inescapable fact that Iraqi Dinars have no genitalia.

Re: Dinarpaloosa

Postby Deep Knight » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:08 am

Rule 34 - Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject.

Iraqi Dinar Porn

I figure this could be of 3 types. First, rutting humans where a reluctant female is lured into carnal activities by massive amounts of currency (I remember reading about just such a movie years ago in an article on how pornography was degrading to women, and believe me, if the woman in question gave up her virtue for Iraqi Dinars it wouldn't be very flattering). Second, one where one or both or more of the participants has an Iraqi Dinar fetish, getting turned on by the images on the bills, contact with their skin, or their insertion into intimate orifices (imagine the response of the bank when trying to cash those in). Third, sex scenes between the bills themselves.

The 25,000 Dinar note gently closed the cheap motel room door after the 10,000 Dinar note. She expressed surprise that they were the only ones there. "At the bar you told me you were taking me to a party," she said with a peevish tone to her Iraqi-accented voice. "Yeah baby," the 25,000 Dinar note replied smoothly, "a good-time party between the two of us in bed." Something about his suave response calmed her, and his self-assurance made her engraved printing wet and willing. Soon he had her bank wrapper off and his touch on her crisp, uncirculated obverse and reverse sides soon had her moaning for the ultimate act of love. He slipped off his bank wrapper and proudly showed her his large denomination, asking, “how would you like it, baby?” She coyly curled up with a pillow and teased him, “I like it everywhere, in the vault, in the safety deposit box, and even tucked away under the floorboards. The only thing I don’t like is being in a 3-fold wallet, not only do I get creased, you never know where the other currency has been or what they’ve picked up being circulated.” He smiled at her reserve, having been in more than a few fat wallets since being released by the Central Bank of Iraq. “How about getting hidden in a mattress?” he suggested. “I’m not that kind of girl,” she protested, “I’ve never done it that way and besides, would you still respect me afterwards?” “How do you know you wouldn’t like it if you’ve never tried it?” he responded, “I know it sounds painful, but once you get used to it there’s nothing like it.” “OK,” she responded, “but if it doesn’t feel good you’ve got to promise you’ll stop right there and go back to the cash register drawer like nature intended.” Slowly at first he stuffed her through the side of the mattress, deep into the ticking, stuffing her again and again until she cried out in the throws of passion, calling him Dinar daddy. “I’m about to revalue,” she suddenly screamed, “Oh, Dinar daddy, revalue with me! RV! RV! Go RV! Uh! Uh! Aaaaaah! Uh! Uh! Ooooooooooooooh!” The 25,000 Dinar note found himself unable to hold back and revalued himself, his 3 trailing zeros exploding inside of her. Later, while sharing a cigarette and mopping up the love juices with half a box of Kleenex, she nuzzled close to him and said, “Baby, that was nice. Now that we’re together, you’ll have to come back to my bank and meet my family.” “I’m not a one-bill kind of guy,” he responded, “I’m a currency trader, free to play the field with all international moneys, even Vietnamese Dongs.” She drew away, angry and disgusted that her lust had blinded her to his true nature. “I should have known that you were one of those guys who used his high denomination to collect other bills like some men collect stamps. I’ve heard about you hoarders, who only desire more and more money, until it becomes the rooting of all evil. You disgust me, I’m taking a shower and leaving!” “Not so fast, baby,” he said, slipping his hand between two of her ornately engraved folds, “I’m ready to revalue again, how about another one, this time buried in a coffee can in the back garden?”

Re: Dinarpaloosa

Postby Deep Knight » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:28 pm
Deep Knight's Rule 34 currency-on-currency porn post (see the very bottom of Page 9) has resulted in a flurry of mail here at Quatloos, not all of it from perverts demanding more starring their favorite denominations doing things that are neither practical or legal in most states. However, I received this thoughtful piece from a “Ms. USD” who opened my eyes about a problem not talked about in the lamestream media because of its rather sensitive nature.

Dear Mr. Knight,
I friend sent me your large denomination pornography post, and while I was angry at first, I realized that you probably weren’t aware of the true nature of relationships with such men. My fiancé is a large denomination bill from another country (I would tell you which, but then you would probably use your Illuminati ties with International Zionist Bankers to find out who we are) and my girlfriends are all jealous of my having a man with such a large denomination. They think our nights are a filled with endless lovemaking accompanied by screaming, moaning, and spurting revaluations. If they only knew! Of course, I’d never tell them because I like the admiration, but since I’m anonymous here I’ll tell you.
Sure, the necking, petting, and other forms are foreplay are great, but once it comes to “going to the bank” to “cash in,” large denomination bills often suffer from ED, Exchange Dysfunction. No amount of coaxing on my part or use marital aids can solve this. Sure, he’s big, but if he can’t be exchanged, what use is he? Some so-called “licensed currency dealers” offer to cash him in by mail, but when you’re at that point of intimacy you need to cash in right now, not weeks later. And, some restrictions always apply, further dampening your satisfaction. Although we’ve done this several times, it frankly isn’t worth the effort.
And he’s not the only one out there with this problem, it’s quite prevalent amongst currency speculators. My fiancé meets with a support group that includes everything from old confederate bills drunk on mint juleps screaming “The South shall rise again!” to Weimar Republic notes and Vietnamese Dongs. There are even some of those 10 Trillion Dollar Zimbabwe notes that may be unbelievably huge but have never once been in circulation and not worth the paper they’re printed on, if you know what I mean.
My solution? I cheat on my fiancé while he’s at his support group meetings with a 2 Euro Italian coin who has a great-looking backside. Some bills don’t like associating with coins believing they are mere “change,” but I figure as long as it’s currency and wears pants, I’m willing! And I don’t care that he’s still fiat money and not silver or gold, such coins are never in circulation anyway and I like a lover who’s been in ‘n out of a cash drawer more than a few times. As for why I don’t leave my “big bill” for him – let’s just say that sex isn’t everything and I enjoy my girlfriends being green with envy, even though being Federal Reserve Notes they’re green already.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

I think its telling how few and far between the OPPT "freedom stories" are - there used to be one every week or so with dozens of comments, before this one there had not been a "freedom story" since August. There is still a core group of OPPT idiots (someone has to fund the Morocco commune), but the vast majority have moved on to other prosperity scams.

And of course all the "freedom stories" aren't examples of the gibberish documents working at all. In this case the police officer didn't show up so the OPPTer got off. In the debt stories they post what happens is the creditor either determines (a) its not worth the money trying to collect or (b) the person is judgement-proof so they just charge it off. They still owe the money and their credit is still ruined, and the gibberish documents have nothing to do with it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

TNT Tony's newest "intel" (and by intel, I mean stuff he pulled from his nether regions): RV was to go Friday but "paperwork" stopped it - no worries now, they are now doing the paperwork (why its taken them 8 years to do the paperwork is beyond me). Christine Lagarde now has her finger hovering over the RV switch, and RV will for sure be within 24 hours*.

*And when nothing happens, it will be because The Dark Cabal yet again has run into the room and pulled Christine away from the RV switch. You'd think with how many times we've done this she would stop just standing there with her finger hovering over the button and calling TNT Tony to tell him about it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Sometimes I just like to post some of the comments that I see on TNT Tony's board, bolding is mine:
I purchased my dinar several years ago. Throughout my life I have consulted my pendulum with my important questions with great accuracy. I have consulted my pendulum monthly for years about the RV. My question has always been' "Will I become a millionaire this month". The answer has always been a back and forth motion on the pendulum signifying NO. A few days ago I asked my monthly question for April. I got my usual 'No' response so I then asked about May. To my shock I got a huge circle which signifies a YES. I was shocked as this had never happened before. I tried it several more times, first asking about April getting a NO every time then I would ask about May I got a very strong YES every time.

Take this as you may but given the past accuracy of this centuries old divining method I have experienced over the years I am excited about the results for May 2014
Well that settles it, everyone! The dinar will RV is May - an ancient divining ritual (known to fluctuate based on the users hand movements to give them the result they believe will happen) says GO RV!!!!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Christine Lagarde now has her finger hovering over the RV switch, and RV will for sure be within 24 hours*.

What a stupid, foolish, and childish notion of how CHristine Legauard and top bankers operate!

If the dupes believe notions like this, they deserve to be fooled. They are calling out for it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering that most of this group view the goings on of their local bank with the same awe and incomprehension as the do the Vatican, NOT a bit surprise.

Most of them cannot manage a checking account, and this is light years beyond their comprehension so they will believe anything anyone not perceived to be part of the establishment says, since then it must be true.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

Clash of the Titans!

In the latest Removing the Shackles blog (, our old friend D locks horns with another well-known purveyor of fantasies, ZAP (from the Office of Poofness).

It's all about whether the Global Currency Reset is going to happen (ZAP's position - he's deeply involved in it) or whether there is no money left in the world's financial system to back it (D's position). D is also convinced that all the world's gold has gone missing, seemingly harking back to Heather's original claim that it has been transported off-world. ZAP argues that the GCR has already occurred; implementation is bedding down right now, and the mainstream media will announce everything on April 5.

The exchange is almost mesmerizing, like observing two delusional lunatics at an asylum trying to have a rational conversation. It touches on various subjects - the Cabal, the OPPT filings (still unrebutted, of course), the evil nature of all contracts, etc

And LightinDarkness was correct; Heather is at Aouchtam. A recent set of photos on their Facebook page reveals her as a shadowy figure at a beach campfire with the rest of the gang and looking quite odd.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

Alcibiades wrote:Clash of the Titans!

In the latest Removing the Shackles blog (, our old friend D locks horns with another well-known purveyor of fantasies, ZAP (from the Office of Poofness).

It's all about whether the Global Currency Reset is going to happen (ZAP's position - he's deeply involved in it) or whether there is no money left in the world's financial system to back it (D's position). D is also convinced that all the world's gold has gone missing, seemingly harking back to Heather's original claim that it has been transported off-world. ZAP argues that the GCR has already occurred; implementation is bedding down right now, and the mainstream media will announce everything on April 5.

The exchange is almost mesmerizing, like observing two delusional lunatics at an asylum trying to have a rational conversation. It touches on various subjects - the Cabal, the OPPT filings (still unrebutted, of course), the evil nature of all contracts, etc

And LightinDarkness was correct; Heather is at Aouchtam. A recent set of photos on their Facebook page reveals her as a shadowy figure at a beach campfire with the rest of the gang and looking quite odd.

Of course Heather is there, there was never any doubt that she would be hovering around that place, there have to be arrest warrants for her by now in the United States for all of her crap, and hiding out in Morocco in some drug induced coma all the time is most likely better than the reality that her husband left her, presumably with their children, she's broke, bankrupt and wanted..

(nunc pro megadork, pizza pizza, caesar caesar , with extreme prejudice, post paid and not approved)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

YES, I find this amusing:



As I have said, The entire financial system has completely collapsed- all that you are seeing right now is the chaotic running of a headless chicken.

What D is telling us is:
The gold that NEVER existed, is now "missing" from the planet. (haha)
A wonderful bit of mis-information.

Who falls for this stuff?
Karen Hudes maybe?
Last edited by DailyPlanet on Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Can we stop calling her D, her real name was used in a few of the radio shows.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Jeffrey wrote:Can we stop calling her D, her real name was used in a few of the radio shows.
And that is...
Diane? Diadra? Deborah? Doris?
...or Disinformation (specialist) ?

doris DOR-dIS would be good as a name for D, an abbreviaton for:
"R" : our
"-is" : dis
doris DO-R-(d)-IS
-- or --
"Do our dis" -information (she is working for the cabal, as a "flytrap", I reckon.)

Here's "dorisD" again:
The OPPT UCC filings eliminated all hierarchy, and closed down and foreclosed on the “slavery system”. Anyone who is using these filings to work with organizations, corporations or perceived “governments” that were foreclosed BY the filings, is re-animating and resurrecting the former slavery financial system, by recognizing them as still being operational and as being valid. NO organization, group, corporation, or person has Any control over the disbursement...

Did D, "the-lovely-and-mysterious", never bother to open the financial pages and see that bank stocks are trading at or near record highs?
She seems to think by constantly repeating an obvious falsehood, it may become less false.
More complete crapola from the Mistress-of-Dis (information)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

The "Free Energy," QEG folks are really pretty deranged. A long, strange post on Brian's blog:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

thunter wrote:The "Free Energy," QEG folks are really pretty deranged. A long, strange post on Brian's blog:
Brian Kelly wouldn't know a QEG Device if it bit him in the ass, I think he's smoked way too much of whatever drugs Heather's been growing in her Moroccan Commune. The guy has completely lost all touch with reality at this point, and unlike D_BTS, he's so brainwashed that he cannot even probably dress himself without help.

He's always smiling with this grin like he's completely in over his head on whatever he's talking about, giggles hysterically at things that should be serious and can't make a coherent sentence if his life depended upon it.

All of the above suggests that he's smokin HUGE quantities of some narcotic (Opium would be my guess as it's the easiest to grow in Morocco) and has fried his brain to the n'th degree.

Nunc Pro Dorkus, Pizza Pizza, Breadstick Breadstick, With Extreme Prejudice, all rights not reserved, post paid, not approved, half dollah