Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Paths of the Sea
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

grixit wrote:
POTS also resents that Hovind and other creationists
have coopted the memory of his personal hero, Maury,
even going so far as to lie about his epitaph.
I wouldn't say "resent"!

Maury is a historical peg that helps identify when I entered the public fray regarding the young-earth creation-science movement. That Ph.D. came to my church talking about his favorite story (Maury).

Who was I to question the claims of the Ph.D. preacher of young-earth creation-science on such a matter?

For all my feeble efforts, some folks still seem to prefer the Maury myth to the Maury facts.

I also noticed, regarding this venue, that my account seems to indicate that I joined in 2005 but my available posting record only seems to go back to 2009.

I have only a few interests I care to take into the public square, and I have certainly spent a considerable amount of time chatting up some of them, in addition to Hovind, here. If any had an interest in such things, it appears they have waited too long to research my history on all of that.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by . »

Well, you're certainly enthusiastic about it, if nothing else.

I agree with you that you probably have been around since '09 and not '05, but that's really neither here nor there. Perhaps Webhick can comment on the screwed-up archives.

Be that as it may, Hovind is a certified loser. He doesn't like to withhold or remit withheld taxes and he likes to structure cash transactions. Oops. That's why he's in federal prison. Not much of a TP, outside of the fact that he refuses to file returns. He has no particular theory other than he's a religious dude and therefore somehow exempt, blah, blah, blah.

There have been many comments here regarding the ill effects of following TP advice on finances and family, even some about the possible general downside for children of TPs. However, I don't recall any previous speculation about the status or viability of anyones marriage. Last I checked, this isn't a gossip site. Not that I care about his marriage, but commentary on it belongs somewhere else.

He's incarcerated, broke, a fraud, a quack, a huckster, a liar and a convicted tax felon. He's also totally and mind-numbingly boring and of no particular consequence to the limited world of actual TPs or anything and anyone else.

That said, have at him.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

. wrote:
I agree with you that you probably have been
around since '09 and not '05, but that's really
neither here nor there.

Perhaps Webhick can comment on the screwed-up
Wait a minute! :o)

I think the 2005 date is probably more accurate. The archives appear to have been truncated to exclude the pre-2009 postings.

I don't recall the date, but I do recall there being some kind of remodeling here that might account for that.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Kent Hovind's Spring Report

(Among other things, there are some comments about the RW libel suit and I noted that Kent continues to lie about his U.S. Tax Court case for which there was NO, NO, NO trial.-RLBaty) ... 3190950383

From: Kent Hovind
Via: "Gea Ambrosia"
Date Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2014
Time: About 2:00 PM MT


Spring Update for Kent Hovind


Snowing AGAIN as I write!
Global warming?

See "What in the World are they Spraying" from
to understand THAT lie and how it ties in with the tribulation and
coming famine!


Hal keeps the web site up to date with the latest
in my situation including my almost weekly blogs.

See the interviews at for some recent
pictures of me as well as to help a new creation ministry in Canada.


I have a LOT of legal issues going now in 5 courts.
ALL are looking good!

God has supplied an AMAZING legal team to help me.

Here is a brief description of the cases and issues-more
details are on


We filed a "Bivens Suit"....
They are TRYING to get the suit dismissed, as usual.

Typical S.O.P. lawyer stuff.
We filed another motion 3-17-14 on that one.


May 22, 13 I filed a Complaint of Misconduct against
the judge in my case. (I)t was dismissed without addressing
a single issue in the complaint!

That's normal too.
No problem.


In June, 2013 the Supreme Court ruled judges cannot enhance
sentences beyond what was found by the jury (as they have
done for years and they did in mine!). The SC did NOT rule
that it was "retro-active" so we are waiting on that to file a
motion for my release once they do.

Could be any time.


Nov. 19 I filed a Tort claim for damages in this case.
The government has 6 months to offer a settlement or it goes
to court.

This one will help advance the creation ministry in several ways!


On Dec. 9 and and again on the 19th I filed Complaints of Misconduct
against the US Attorney in my case in both courts where she is admitted,
FL and CO.

Everyone wrongly incarcerated should do one!


Feb. 8 the folks at "Rational Wiki Foundation" wrote an article accusing
me of breaking the law. Feb. 20 my celli Alex and I each filed a Tort
claim for damages.

That has the atheist internet lit up!

It prompted a spirited but short lived email debate between myself and
self professed (and outspoken) "atheist" PZ Myers in mid March.

I think it would be appropriate to use the proceeds from the wiki suit to
promote creation!

It looks like just 8 more lawsuits (or so) and maybe they will leave me alone!

I have said for years that I believe everyone should obey the law-including
the government!

I didn't start any of these fights.
They attacked me.

G. ...


While I was in prison the "Tax Court" held a trial and found me guilty
without me being there!

They sent me a bill for a zillion dollars.

We appealed in the 11th circ almost a year ago. They said they
"lost" the paperwork for a while and said it was dismissed because
I didn't file it!

We sent proof that I did file it- twice -and suggested that maybe the
clerk's office "mishandled" it and submitted a motion to reinstate the

Still waiting on an answer to that one.

I. ...


A few people have asked how they can donate money to my needs
here or the legal defense fund.

Anyone can use Western Union or mail to put funds in my account
Kent Hovind #06452-017 FBOP Box 474701 Des Moines, IA 50947.

See Marianne if you need help.

I'll see you at the finish line!

Kent Hovind POW #06452-017
FPC Box 9000
Berlin, NH 03570

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by AndyK »

Kent Hovind's Spring Report wrote: ....
Snowing AGAIN as I write!
Global warming? I guess the concept of warming-induced climate is beyond him

See the interviews at for some recent
pictures of me as well as to help a new creation ministry in Canada. Welcome to:
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Would you like to buy this domain?

Kent should have someone pay his bills


I have a LOT of legal issues going now in 5 courts.
ALL are looking good!

God has supplied an AMAZING legal team to help me.
Let's see. For his First Tax Court case, Kent engaged Peter J. Gibbons, for his second case, Jerold W. Barringer -- but he fired him. Now, his amazing legal team consists of fellow prisoners.

A. We filed a "Bivens Suit"....
B. I filed a Complaint of Misconduct against the judge in my case.
C. waiting to file a motion for my release
D. I filed a Tort claim for damages in this case.
E. I filed Complaints of Misconduct against the US Attorney
F. my celli Alex and I each filed a Tort (against WIKI) claim for damages.
It looks like just 8 more lawsuits (or so) and maybe they will leave me alone!
Does the term 'vexatious' come to mind yet?

H. While I was in prison the "Tax Court" held a trial and found me guilty
without me being there!
They sent me a bill for a zillion dollars.
1 - The Tax Court never finds anyone 'guilty'. It's a civil court.
2 - He already had the bill from the IRS. He was fighting it.
3 - He was represented by counsel and didn't have to be there.

We appealed in the 11th circ almost a year ago. They said they "lost" the paperwork for a while and said it was dismissed because I didn't file it!
Lie. The appeal was dismissed for failure to prosecute because Hovind never paid the filing fee
We sent proof that I did file it- twice -and suggested that maybe the clerk's office "mishandled" it and submitted a motion to reinstate the appeal.

Still waiting on an answer to that one.
Neither truth nor a comprehension of reality is on his side.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by webhick »

. wrote:I agree with you that you probably have been around since '09 and not '05, but that's really neither here nor there. Perhaps Webhick can comment on the screwed-up archives.
IIRC, we had a major crash in 2007. In 2010, Potpourri was shut down and the posts subsequently removed. Other forums, such as Good Life used to get auto-pruned. This likely accounts for many of the missing posts between 2005 and 2009.

I checked the Wayback Machine to see if I can find old pre-crash copies of the forum in the ether and it's kind of there. I can see as much as a topic list but not much else. And in the topic list for the TP forum, I saw that PotS replied to a post on August 1, 2007.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

AndyK wrote:
Kent Hovind's Spring Report wrote:
See the interviews at for some recent
pictures of me as well as to help a new creation ministry in Canada.

Welcome to:
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Kent should have someone pay his bills

It's easy to get confused on that. I think the correct website address he was trying to reference is:

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by grixit » wrote:WEBSITE DISCLAIMER
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It's a website of opportunism, it has no real positions of its own.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by The Observer »

AndyK wrote:Of his 400+ posts, only 86 are on the Kent Hovind thread.

PotS, although concentrating recently on Kent Hovind, has shown, in the past, equal intolerance for many other forms of stupidity.
Well, I double-checked on that, and what you failed to specify, and what I should have been clearer in defining, that most of his posts are either about Hovind, related to Hovind, or on the issue of tax-exemption for religious figures.

So as I said before, if Hovind hadn't sailed down TP River, I doubt we would have seen much Hovind coverage here on Quatloos.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by notorial dissent »

Gee!! One could almost, in fact one could, say the same about Prattlin' Pete, now couldn't one!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

The Observer wrote:
(M)ost of his (Paths of the Sea) posts are either
about Hovind, related to Hovind, or on the issue
of tax-exemption for religious figures.

So as I said before, if Hovind hadn't sailed down
TP River, I doubt we would have seen much Hovind
coverage here on Quatloos.
I don't know that the facts will support that statistical claim, but, obviously, if Hovind didn't have his TP tax issues, he would not be a topic for consideration here.

As for "tax exemptions for religious figures", perhaps that is an implicit reference to my interest in the IRC 107 issue which used to find some places for discussion here in other forums. Demosthenes and her Wall Street Journal friend Monica Langley had shown some interest in that. Maybe it is time for me to tell them "I told you so"!

That's an election year sleeper for now, but you never know when it is going to break out and get the attention it deserves.

IRC 107(2) was ruled UNconstitutional in November 2013 and is currently on appeal in the 7th Circuit, with the Government brief due this week to be followed by the reply brief in early May.

Since the case didn't make it to trial, the Court never got to consider my special interest in that case as identified in paragraph #38 of the Complaint, and the role George H.W. Bush and Omar Burleson played in compromising the law and the IRS when they put the squeeze on the IRS for special favors back during the Nixon years.

And today's bit players think they've got a case against the IRS and Obama involving 501(c)(4) organizations! If they wanted to deal with political compromise of the IRS, they could investigate just how Rev. Rul. 70-549 came to be.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by . »

The Observer wrote:most of his posts are either about Hovind, related to Hovind, or on the issue of tax-exemption for religious figures.
Exactly. And thank you, Observer. That's been my poorly made point all along. Which is why I objected to a new thread being created every time Hovind opens his stupid yap and we now have a single thread on this clown instead of dozens.

Hovind's "TP issues" amount to what he was convicted on -- failing to file employment tax returns/withhold/remit employee income tax/FICA tax, plus structuring, plus a little obstruction of the IRS along the way. Excruciatingly boring. I'd rather read a DoJ press release about the latest idiot.

He's not a "TP" in the usual sense of the term. He has no grand theory of taxation about why nobody has to pay them such as PH or Schiff or Rose or many others who have crashed and burned. He's just a straight-up thief and con-man. I, like probably many others here, couldn't care less about the daily machinations of Hovind or anyone associated with him.

As for IRC 107 and George H.W. Bush and Omar Burleson and Revenue Ruling 70-549 and "special favors back during the Nixon years" and "paragraph #38 of the Complaint," well, perhaps we've finally gotten down to the real reasons for all of these Hovind-related posts.

I'll leave it to the local legal beagles to decipher that junk, but it all sounds more than a little bit off the wall to me.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

. wrote:
Hovind's "TP issues" amount to what he was
convicted on -- failing to file employment
tax returns/withhold/remit employee income
tax/FICA tax, plus structuring, plus a little
obstruction of the IRS along the way.

Excruciatingly boring.

He's not a "TP" in the usual sense of the term.

As for IRC 107 and George H.W. Bush and Omar
Burleson and Revenue Ruling all sounds
more than a little bit off the wall to me.
Maybe I should spend more of my time interjecting myself into those other threads here and letting folks know I am not interested and don't know what is going on, but I am not the sort, like some, to do that.

It seems there is always some one in every venue who thinks the world wants to know what they don't know about and what they are not interested in; kinda like the poster quoted above.

I rather think Kent Hovind's "TP" bonafides, in the usual sense, are more reflected in his U.S. Tax Court case than his criminal case. And, as to his U.S. Tax Court case, that is pending before the 11th Circuit with the Government response to his brief due within 30 days.

As to the 70-549 matter, if posters don't know and don't care, that is fine with me (I can tell you a lot about what I don't know about and don't care about). Otherwise, that information is available elsewhere and the litigation is under way.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by darling »

. wrote:Hovind's "TP issues" amount to what he was convicted on -- failing to file employment tax returns/withhold/remit employee income tax/FICA tax, plus structuring, plus a little obstruction of the IRS along the way.
Plus the non-payment/non-filing of personal income taxes for thirty years. (I imagine it was easier for the government to go for the withholding/structuring rather than go after him for the personal returns and be subjected to a Cheek defense.)
He's not a "TP" in the usual sense of the term.
He's a TP with a very large audience. Probably larger than any single guru. Granted, TP is not the focus of what he does, but it's out there.
He has no grand theory of taxation about why nobody has to pay them such as PH or Schiff or Rose or many others who have crashed and burned.
It's not grand, but he does have a theory. Take a little from here, a little from there. Name in ALL CAPS... nothing in the IRC makes him 'liable'... 'includes' means 'includes only'... misciting Lucas v. Earl...

Nothing new or original - just standard TP nonsense.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

My vote is that suing Rationalwiki has kicked him up a notch as far as TP entertainment factor goes.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by notorial dissent »

. wrote:He has no grand theory of taxation about why nobody has to pay them such as PH or Schiff or Rose or many others who have crashed and burned.
True, in a sense, at least. Kent isn't even marginally creative let alone original, even in his excuses as to why he didn't do it, or that the he shouldn't have been convicted, his theory isn't grand or elaborate, or new, or even remotely original, he simply believes that he shouldn't have to pay taxes, and it appears he has spent the last 30? years doing just that. He isn't a promoter as most of our specimens are, but he is most certainly a practitioner, of long standing.
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:My vote is that suing Rationalwiki has kicked him up a notch as far as TP entertainment factor goes.
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by notorial dissent »

His latest efforts may be his most epic fail yet.

It seems like his ego and delusions have grown as his reality has crumbled.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Paths of the Sea
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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by Paths of the Sea »

notorial dissent wrote:

His latest efforts may be his most epic fail yet.

It seems like his ego and delusions have grown
as his reality has crumbled.

I think that goes to what I have proposed before; an undiagnosed, at least as far as the public is concerned, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

There may be other mental issues that are going untreated or remain unresolved.

As has been noticed recently in one or more other threads here, Kent would not be the first convicted TP to be diagnosed with NPD.

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Re: The Last Six Months of Kent Hovind

Post by grixit »

I was an observer of Hovind starting from the early 90s on Back then, it was all about creationism and his "Dinosaur Adventure Land". It was never as big a deal as he hoped, in spite of all the cross advertising with other creationist leaders. I mean, the most exciting installation was the so-called Pterodactyl Ride, a complex rope swing. There was also a rubber band shooting gallery where for a long time, Hovind himself was the champion. Oh, and the mud pit where you could dig up your own fossils.

Then he started to have trouble with the authorities. Licensing, safety inspections, and yes, taxes. Gradually his focus began to shift as he tried to avoid responsibility. For a while he claimed religious exemption. After that, he started to attack the legitimacy of the laws. I stopped following him at that point because i was more interested in the creationists who still did creationism. I was surprised to find him referenced here at first because i didn't expect his case to drag on so long. He creationist critics are right, he isn't doing the movement any good, not that he did much before, but at least his dedication was not in question. Now even the most die hard believers see him as being more about the money than the cause.
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