Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Unless there is more here than we are aware of, I would pretty well have to rate his lifetime accomplishments at right around zero, as I don't see any indication that he has ever really done or accomplished anything but sponge off someone else and pretty well make a sovrun hash of his life, or at least what is left of it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fussygus »

[quote]Brian Alexander
[March 26, 2014]

The indicators seem to point to the kidnaping and imprisonment under false charges, [none that I have heard so far] of our brother by corrupt criminal treasonous government agents in a breach of public trust and high treason against members of the public and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the House of Windsor. [important not to declare war on H.M., she is our Ally] There are but a few bad apples that spoil the bunch/system [ok perhaps more than a few, but they are not all bad]

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't their position generally that they do not recognize the authority of "Her Majesties" laws over them? Isn't it a precondition of any alliance an agreement of understanding?

They don't seem to see the contradiction in their position when they ask Her Majesty for assistance yet do not accept any of the laws which she is deemed to have enacted for the protection of those in this society? Like asking your Dad to punish your older brother for beating you up, but at the same time saying he shouldn't do anything, because it's none of his business, when you beat up your younger brother.

When you ask someone for assistance, the first step is acknowledging they possess something you don't have, then in exchange for their assistance there will obviously be some duty you will be bound too. Why? Because that is equity, nothing is free.

Your neighbour isn't going to sow your seeds when your sick if it is apparent you won't sow theirs when they are sick. Her Majesty isn't going to come to your rescue now, if you haven't honoured her laws.

Ask your former girlfriends dad to pull you out of the ditch after you cheated on his daughter. Let me know how that goes Dean.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Fussygus wrote:. . .Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't their position generally that they do not recognize the authority of "Her Majesties" laws over them? Isn't it a precondition of any alliance an agreement of understanding?

They don't seem to see the contradiction in their position when they ask Her Majesty for assistance yet do not accept any of the laws which she is deemed to have enacted for the protection of those in this society? . . .

When you ask someone for assistance, the first step is acknowledging they possess something you don't have, then in exchange for their assistance there will obviously be some duty you will be bound too. Why? Because that is equity, nothing is free.

. . . Her Majesty isn't going to come to your rescue now, if you haven't honoured her laws.

That's right, freemanary doesn't make much sense.

Despite the claims of freeman gurus and their minions that freemanary is about love and freedom, it's really about destroying the rule of law.

It's one thing to claim that certain laws violate individual rights. In this respect freemen try to make the same case as have countless, patriots, rights activists and civil libertarians since the beginning of time. If people didn't challenge laws we'd still have segregated buses, no women's suffrage and cops making up their own laws at traffic stops.

But freemen go further by attempting to dismiss the very certainty of law by claiming they can render powerless any government, any court, any law they didn't approve via contract. Freemen pull this three card monte trick by a gross misapplication of contract law so transparent the average middle school kid can see through it. Freemen just won't accept the fact of law and history that democratic governments don't derive their power from individual contracts, but rather from the consent of the body politic known as "the people".

It all wouldn't so bad if freemen just adhered to their own "do no harm" rule. Instead, with disastrous effect, they regularly misinform their freemen brothers coming before the courts. They teach one another magic incantations justifying the cheating of banks and merchants. Menard has even found a way to justify the dine and dash. . .as if the restaurant owner he's trying to cheat is a sub-human who deserves to be ripped off.

The subject of our thread, Dean Clifford, goes so far as to whine about the confiscation of his tools, which came about as a result of a civil action brought after he skipped out on an obligations, indeed a contracts, he freely entered into!

Now Brian Alexander says they should all gather at the courthouse and do something to free, Dean, the very shyster whose been ripping them off for years!

And the Queen should help!

Good Lord Amighty! I don't know a single poker player who wouldn't drool at the chance to get that nitwit in game of hold'em!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by wserra »

arayder wrote:Good Lord Amighty! I don't know a single poker player who wouldn't drool at the chance to get that nitwit in game of hold'em!
Isn't it part of being a mark that you have something worth taking?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

And time to relate a Dean victory! A bit of as yet unreported history that happened in 2012 but when the man has a win it's our duty to record it.

It involves the Desautels, a pair of Canadian tax evaders already reported here;

viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8307&p=160538&hili ... ls#p138714

Turns out that after their convictions for tax evasion they failed to turn up for their sentencing hearing. So they got arrested and ended up in court anyhow but in prison-issued clothing and handcuffs. While they had previously represented themselves in their court appearances they had an "administrator" in court to represent them for this one. At least they intended to have an administrator, things went sideways when it turned out to be Dean Clifford.

Dean came to court as their purported representative wearing a T-shirt and shorts. Apparently our Golden Boy is welcome in court in such casual attire while your average, everyday guy, like me, gets kicked out. Sorry, still a bit bitter. Anyhow the court had problems with Dean wearing sunglasses. He removed them with ill grace essentially telling the court that he took them off because he wanted to, not because he was told to. Talk about nostalgia, I remember my kids doing things just like that when they were about seven. The court asked Dean if he was acting as the Desautel's representative. No, they were apparently dead and he was there as the administrator of their estate. Since he wouldn't admit to being the Desautel's representative the judge kicked him out.

I know, I know, after reading the above that you're wondering about the "victory" part but think of it this way. Victories are very much a relative term in Dean's world. He wasn't arrested for anything and walked out of the court a free man. Given his recent history I'd call that a victory. ... -jail-time
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Funny, I would have thought it would have been smart to hire a representative who specialized in failing to appear ;)
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

The Dean helps the Desautels story is kinda like a basketball player ball faking his defender into the air such that he'll fall on him (excuse me folks I'm a Kentuckian and it's March) knowing the defender is coming down on him he throws up a shot knowing it's essentially a "freebee". If it goes in the shooter goes to foul line for one shot and the basket counts. If the shot doesn't go in he gets to the foul line for two shots.

Well, Dean got a "freebee". He got to go into court disrespecting the process by his dress and his smart Alec responses. He knows that as long as he doesn't act out too much the judge will probably allow him to wise off sufficient to gain enough material for his next web radio interview.

The Desautels get sentenced and Dean gets to play freeman guru.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

There's a new update on the website:
The majority of the posting is not actually from Dean or one of his inner circle, but instead from "Suzanne from Toronto". Suzanne characterizes Dean as a true crusader, one who simply cannot sit back in the face of evil and injustice and tyranny:
Dean Clifford is a man who cannot and will not sit ideally by while the world around him is being systematically decimated by filth and corruption – filth and corruption that appears to be embedded in all levels of society.

Clifford cannot ideally sit by while mankind and nature are being methodically attacked by: geo-engineering, toxins, chemtrails, false medicines, poisoned drinking water, false wars, altered produce, harmful police officers, raping clergy, false-flag operations, and corrupt judicial systems and statutes (to name a few things).

Upon noticing the filth and corruption, Clifford set forth to investigate the nature of the filth and corruption and he sought to find some possible remedies to this distressing aspect of life on Earth, and what he discovered through his journey was profound.
He never asked for fame (and presumably money?):
It so happened, a few years back, that someone in the audience recorded some of Clifford talks about rights, courts, and trust law and then uploaded the talks on Youtube, and since that time many requests for talks and seminars have been made of Clifford and so he had accepted to do some seminars in the past few years, as an attempt to meet the requests coming in.

Clifford does not relish being in the spot light, nor does he like to be called a guru, and he would much rather live a simple life where he could sit beside a river, fish, and help others in a discrete fashion.

However, Clifford realized the severe lack of knowledge in people about natural rights, law, assertion of rights and remedy, and so that is why he agreed to step into the spot light for the time being.
It's all Internet lies, lies and disinformation!
There has been much speculation, gossip, lies, and slander spread by some folks on the internet about what Dean Clifford is and is not, but these untruths can only be spread so far – weak minds will be infected and the reasonable and logical minds, which are tuned into the frequency of truth and honor, will escape the mind-infection of the outright lies and propaganda.


Currently, Clifford is behind bars, and he is fighting the good fight and accepting full responsibility and liability for all he does – all the while the aggressors and slanderers take advantage of the situation to try to create a force of disinformation so large against Clifford in an effort to isolate him from the people who could learn a great deal from what he has to say.
Thanks, "Suzanne from Toronto". That was inspirational.

The official news from Dean & Co is terse, just one paragraph long:
Update: Not much to update other than there was a bail hearing on the 25th March which was uneventful and was denied. The crown and the judiciary are playing a lot of games, filings are disappearing and not being heard. Their corruption is so blatant and doing everything they can to prevent a show cause hearing. Dean is good mentally and physically, he feels that they should not be able to play their bullshit games for much longer, as the application to show cause is being filed in Queens bench either today or tomorrow. Upon his release, which will hopefully be in the next few weeks, there are plans in place that will bring this movement forward even further than before.
Checking the Manitoba Court website, I see no activity for March 25 in Queen's Bench, however page 3 of Dean's Provincial Court record indicates an appearance on that date. (Thanks to Fmotlgroupie for correcting me that entry had to be March 25 rather than May 25 which is a Sunday).

Dean & Co. says this was a bail hearing, which is possible, as the Provincial Court record does not indicate Dean had sought bail up to this point. If denied (highly plausible), any future challenge to refusal to order judicial interim release will occur at Queen's Bench, so we can monitor that.

To date, nothing. Now we get to watch to see if Dean actually files any documentation, or if the "show cause" application mentioned proves as much of a phantasm as Dean's Federal Court proceeding. And nope, the Federal Court action allegedly initiated in 2013 is still not in the database.

No comment by Dean & Co. as to his criminal weapons charges, his grow op, or the situation with his co-defendant Mr. Boissonneault.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

"denied" seems to imply that he tried request bail and got denied.

By the way, the paragraph Mowe highlights in document 10 seems to confirm that yes the newspaper advert claiming land owned by Dean was seized and sold. I had tried getting confirmation of that via his website admin but got no response. I suspect the guy running is being kept out of the loop by the Clifford brothers or something.

Right now the picture we have is that everything Dean was selling to his followers was a lie. He was never able to beat the taxman as he claimed in his seminars. Instead of running a successful construction company as he claimed, he was just an unsuccessful roofer/contractor that had equipment sold to cover debts he owed to people he worked for. He was never successful in court be it for civil, criminal or tax issues. He was charging people for advice that had never worked for him in his life.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Clifford cannot ideally sit by while mankind and nature are being methodically attacked by: geo-engineering, toxins, chemtrails, false medicines, poisoned drinking water, . . . altered produce. . .
That sounds like a bit of projection by Suzanne. Dean is hardly a truth seeking eco warrior.
. . . Upon his release, which will hopefully be in the next few weeks, there are plans in place that will bring this movement forward even further than before.
After Dean, there will just be another guru!

Jeffery has it right. . .
Jeffrey wrote:. . .everything Dean was selling to his followers was a lie. He was never able to beat the taxman as he claimed. . . he was just an unsuccessful roofer/contractor that had equipment sold to cover debts he owed to people he worked for. He was never successful in court be it for civil, criminal or tax issues. He was charging people for advice that had never worked for him in his life.
Freemen should note Jeffery's use of the past tense "was".

Dean's a has-been. A jailed soon to be convicted loser. Toast.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Suzanne wrote:Clifford cannot ideally sit by while mankind and nature are being methodically attacked by: geo-engineering, toxins, chemtrails, false medicines, poisoned drinking water, . . . altered produce. . .
I've never seen the slightest indication that Dean has ever been interested in anything or anyone but Dean, and seeing how much money he can scam off someone dumern' he is, and it looks like the party has ended.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

To be fair, if you go into some of his interview archives he was pretty deep in tinfoil hat territory concerning chemtrails and as Bill pointed out, holocaust denial.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I’m going to make the dangerous assumption of presuming a tiny bit of truth in the latest Dean & Co. update – that Dean’s March 25, 2014 hearing addressed the issue of bail, or more properly in Canada, “judicial interim release”.

For a change this is not only plausible in a legal sense, it also says something understandable about Dean’s current state of mind.

First, judicial interim release is presumed unless the Crown can demonstrate why ongoing detention of the accused is justified (Criminal Code, s. 515(1)). Where the accused seeks judicial interim release the Crown must prove that ongoing detention is necessary in order to either ensure the accused will show up (s. 515(10)(a)), for the safety of the public (s. 515(10)(b)), or for general policy reasons (s. 515(10)(c)), one of those policy reasons is a firearms offense with a minimum three year sentence, such as the prohibited handgun charge Dean already faces.

Interestingly, there is no evidence that a hearing of this kind has taken place in Dean’s Provincial Court record. While Dean is always noted as “in custody” after Nov. 26, 2013, there is no tick that bail has been either granted, varied, denied, or received. I think this strongly suggests that Dean never actually sought judicial interim release during the period for which we have documentation.

That’s consistent with Dean’s prior position that he would “never pray to Baal” (seek bail.)

Further confirmation that Dean had not sought and been denied bail is found in the
Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench records – as of the day of this post there is no indication in the online records that Dean had a bail-related hearing. The reason that is significant is that once an accused is denied bail, Criminal Code s. 525 requires that an accused who is detained for the basis of an indictable offence (Dean qualifies – the grow op charge) must have his detention reviewed within 90 days of either the order to deny judicial interim release, or the day he was taken into custody, whichever is later.

That hearing must be before a “justice”, a superior court judge, ie here the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench.

We know Dean was detained on Nov. 24, 2013. If he immediately had applied for and was denied bail then his automatic 90 day review would have been scheduled for Feb. 22, 2014. However there is no hint of any such review in the Queen's Bench records between Feb. 22, 2014 and now.

The records we have available therefore appear to indicate Dean never sought bail, until at least after March 7, 2014. We now have a statement from Dean & Co. that the March 25 hearing was to determine bail (judicial interim release). That apparently happened in Provincial Court, which indicates this was the first occasion Dean has sought judicial interim release. Dean’s application for judicial interim release was denied.

This is a major setback for Dean. At the first s. 515 hearing it is up to the Crown to prove Dean should be detained on one or more of the three grounds I identified. Here, s. 515(10)(a)) should have been an easy basis to deny bail because Dean has a history of not showing up for court, and further Dean said he doesn’t believe the court has any authority to make him appear. The second and third grounds are plausible because of the nature of Dean’s alleged misconduct. This situation resembles the scenario in R. v. A.N.B., 2012 ABQB 556 (, which attaches a provincial court s. 515 judgment.

The Crown on March 25 met its obligation under s. 515. Dean now has the obligation to prove he should be released – the onus reverses after a s. 515 detention is ordered. He can apply for judicial interim release once every 30 days under s. 520, but most show a “change in circumstance” that warrants release. That’s what was denied in R. v. A.N.B. itself. Then after 90 days Dean will have a further, automatic s. 525 review.

In summary, Dean after four months of detention decided to quit playing with his magic documents and hopeless habeas corpus applications, and switched to actually seeking bail. That was denied, even though the Crown had the obligation to prove Dean must be detained.

From here on out it gets tougher. Dean will have the obligation to prove he should be released because something has changed. What could that be? Well, for starts he would have to abandon his “the court can’t touch me” position.

Would he ever admit that to his customers? Probably not. However, given the disinformation Dean & Co. have provided to date, he'd likely not tell them anyway.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:I’m going to make the dangerous assumption of presuming a tiny bit of truth in the latest Dean & Co. update –
I think you have a point here both directions. I am coming to the conclusion that Dean is constitutionally, you'll pardon the pun, unable or totally incapable of ever telling the truth.

He has, at least according to reports, consistently claimed he would “never pray to Baal”, which is probably close to the truth at least.

Based on what you say the legal requirements are, I would say you've probably hit the current chain of events quite squarely on the head. He finally did apply for Baal, must being getting tired of HM cuisine or the company, the mean old Crown proved that he is a danger and a flight risk, and in the can he stayed(the 25th), and now he will have to wait for his next outing to try and prove he's a reformed loony, and the likelihood of that?????

Have they tried to spin this latest setback to his devoted following yet?

Good stringing together of disparate facts.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

He prayed to Baal and Baal rejected him?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

grixit wrote:He prayed to Baal and Baal rejected him?
It's the virgin quota, y'know. Sadly, Dean's sacrifices to Baal are, at best, middle-aged, and finding a virgin in that lot is a tricky thing.

(even for Freemen-on-the-Land.)

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

grixit wrote:He prayed to Baal and Baal rejected him?
"He prayed to Baal....and Baal won" - there's a song in there somewhere....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

I would make one slight addendum to Mowe's post, not because it makes much difference to us, but as an important learning point for any of Dean's followers who may read this.

Because Dean was arrested on new charges while he already had outstanding (indictable) charges* he falls under section 515(6):
Unless the accused, having been given a reasonable opportunity to do so, shows cause why the accused’s detention in custody is not justified, the justice shall order, despite any provision of this section, that the accused be detained in custody until the accused is dealt with according to law
So the lesson here is IF YOU HAVE OUTSTANDING CHARGES, STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! If you get charged again before the first charges are dealt with you'll be fighting the system from inside a prison and everybody at Quatloos will be laughing at how you just don't learn.

*also because he was charged with offences under Section 145 (breaking the rules of his previous release and not showing up for court) and under Section 7 of the CDSA (producing drugs). Gotta give it to Dean for screwing himself three times over.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

fmotlgroupie, you beat me to it. I had this nice post ready with Criminal Code sections and you went and spoiled my fun!

The only thing I'll add is that it doesn't appear that the bail from July has been vacated (under s.524), so technically he has a valid release on those charges. Bail on the new charges wouldn't be so impossible either if he had a solid surety with a plan of supervision. Somehow his millions (and millions!) of supporters aren't lining up to bail him out and pledging money to ensure compliance with his bail conditions.

I suspect that this bail hearing was an attempt at a "victory". Can you imagine the freeman propaganda orgy that would have followed a release?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:I would make one slight addendum to Mowe's post, not because it makes much difference to us, but as an important learning point for any of Dean's followers who may read this.
You make an excellent point, and one well worth taking in to consideration by any sane intelligent human being, yet remembering that we're talking about Dean's followers, so that pretty well moots the whole exercise right there, the paying attention and learning part I mean.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.