Robert Menard

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Poor ole Bobby Boy is incapable of understanding that once his SIN is stamped across his forehead, notwithstanding his protestations, it is there for life.
Life's a bitch, Bobby Boy. What are you going to do about it?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

arayder wrote:

But, the question at hand is whether or not you went back on your word and betrayed your honor by using your SIN to cash in on your daddy's insurance policy.
A FOTL attempting to obtain worthless fiat debt notes?
Surely not! Does that not go against the grain?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

arayder wrote:Oh, Bobby, why you just be a man for once and register here and do your talking face to face, so to speak?
Note that the sixteenth post in this thread was made by a mrmitee, an ID that is used by Menard many times on the internet. It would appear that our subject has come and gone.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
arayder wrote:

But, the question at hand is whether or not you went back on your word and betrayed your honor by using your SIN to cash in on your daddy's insurance policy.
A FOTL attempting to obtain worthless fiat debt notes?
Surely not! Does that not go against the grain?
I thought the same thing. Can't you just use promissory notes and "consumer purchases" to pay for everything?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

It seems the ability to step in and out of the government's authority as one's selfish needs require is Bobby's claim, not anyone else's.

Using his SIN, by his own theory, he has validated this government number and in so doing entered into contract with that same government.

In his lectures Bobby has long told his audiences that producing government issued ID's and numbers creates enjoinder. However, Bobby, the puppet master, says he may pull out his SIN as needed to cash in on benefits he, heretofore, has said his followers must simply do without.

What a shameful hypocrisy!

One wonders how many freemen have, heeding his word, suffered only to see him change his stripes.

One wonders how many times Mr. Menard has quietly produced government ID and numbers in order to get by.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LightinDarkness »

Correct me if I am wrong, but if the SIN number is anything like the United States social security number, there are only two ways in which you can use it in the "past" tense -

(1) You died, in which case you no longer have a SSN.
(2) You changed it, in which case you still have a SSN, but the government here allows it in cases of identity theft and for other valid legal reasons. But you could refer to your previous SSN in the past tense.

If so, then unless Bobby boy is dead, he has a number.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

LightinDarkness wrote:Correct me if I am wrong, but if the SIN number is anything like the United States social security number, there are only two ways in which you can use it in the "past" tense -

(1) You died, in which case you no longer have a SSN.
(2) You changed it, in which case you still have a SSN, but the government here allows it in cases of identity theft and for other valid legal reasons. But you could refer to your previous SSN in the past tense.

If so, then unless Bobby boy is dead, he has a number.
I've previously commented on the operation of social insurance numbers and the related legislation in this post:
In brief, a social insurance number is for life. If you do not have a social insurance number but require one, one will be assigned. Legislation exists that indicates a religious objection or "other reason" to refuse to have a social insurance number is irrelevant, so I can't see how a Freemanish complaint or excuse would have any effect.

Court cases report on the effect of an attempt to refuse or abandon a social insurance number: none.

Menard acknowledges past military service, and I believe that has been confirmed from other independent sources. He has a social insurance number.

Hope that helps.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

LightinDarkness wrote:
If so, then unless Bobby boy is dead, he has a number.
And this flies in the face of FOTL "theory". According to them the government views us all as being dead legal fictions as opposed to a "living breathing flesh and blood human being". So, the government gives dead people a SIN which will expire when the dead person dies.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Since Bobby, and the FOTL in general, seem to live in a fantasy world any way, this is just in keeping with that fantasy then.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:In brief, a social insurance number is for life.
SMS Möwe

Menard's trying to change the subject away from his hypocritical SIN flip-flop by pretending his debunkers here think a driver's license, which must be renewed, is the same thing as a SIN number.

A poster, Colleen, on Bobby's FB page noted his SIN flip-flop. . .and got ignored by Bobby. Predictably the discussion has turned to freeman minutia.

It seems Menard isn't the only freeman willing to "create enjoinder" with the government when the benefit is a full pie hole. Joe Belanger visits to tell Menard he used an old driver's license to get food stamps.

Food stamps, daddy's insurance, A4V, the 96 Fix, dine and dash. . . like I say the only four letter word freemen don't use is "work".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

I believe a SIN is valid beyond the expiry of the person's life as somebody needs to file your final tax return with it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by webhick »

Is it fair to say that in Canada, no one is without SIN?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

One suspects that Menard coughed up his SIN like a good little citizen in order to get the insurance money and any other proceeds from his father's estate.

In true Menardian fashion he left it to later to come up with this story. For some reason Bobby figured a tale that he wowed the insurance company with freeman theory won't fly with his followers. So he came up with the thin ruse that he finessed the insurance company telling them what his SIN "used to be".

One has to figure that one of his older sisters was made the executor of the estate and most certainly wouldn't allow Bobby, the baby of the family, to to mess up the estate probate process by fiddle farting around with freeman theory. If I recall from my experience all the matters of his daddy's estate, including the insurance, would have to be wrapped up before the estate could get through probate court.

But, I could be wrong, here.

Since the insurance money is on the face of it a matter between Bobby and the company he probably got by jerking them around without the big sisters knowing too much about it, for too long.

But when it comes (or came) time to move the estate out of probate you can bet the sisters will/would no more put up with any of Bobby's shenanigans then they did when he was a conniving little 10 year old.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

The old "I don't work here anymore" routine.
Marshall Stanton
Well, it's basically an employee manual, so not sure what you were expecting.
Marshall Stanton
"You haven't worked here in ten years, but you're still on our roster."

Paul Richards
I think you got it, Marshall. I gather the only way to extricate ones self is to cease to be a citizen. Which makes sense, as citizen is defined as a subject-class person (i.e. subject to the motor vehicle code).

Marshall Stanton
Or just point out that "I HAVEN'T WORKED HERE IN TEN YEARS!" Long and quiet possession and use make for ownership. If you aren't using it, chances are good you've no interest in it anymore.

Marshall Stanton
Yeah, I'm here at Coca Cola because I have a meeting with the CEO to talk about this matter. That doesn't mean I work for Coca Cola.

Paul Richards
Thats very interesting, and actually we agree. But Ive decided I can live without Coca Cola all together.
So now that they've concluded their business with Coca Cola and no longer wish to follow the 'business policies' of that company, they leave the premises, right?


Why is the security guard giving me a strange look because I set up a tent in the lobby?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

Oh, and if any of Menard's cheerleading squad would care to join the party where Menard refuses, I'm sure you'll be well received* here.

* Meaning snickered at and ridiculed by some, provided with concrete REAL case material that you'll have to go ask your handler(s) about by others.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:The old "I don't work here anymore" routine.
Paul Richards
Thats very interesting, and actually we agree. But Ive decided I can live without Coca Cola all together.
So now that they've concluded their business with Coca Cola and no longer wish to follow the 'business policies' of that company, they leave the premises, right?


Why is the security guard giving me a strange look because I set up a tent in the lobby?
Exactly. When our subject needs his SIN to cash in on his daddy's insurance policy and the courts to move the estate out of probate he checks in at the desk like the good little "employee" he is.

Cop Out Clock Update: It has been 16 days since Robert Menard received an offer to join the discussion here at the Quatloos Forum. So far Mr. Menard has not accepted the offer.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm pretty sure the simplest answer here is that Bobby did what Bobby always does, and always has done, he lied. He claimed he didn't have a SIN, then when he found out he had to have one to get the money, he coughed it up with an excuse, then lied about it to his followers and made up another story to explain why he didn't do what he so obviously had to have done, and thinks he is being clever and has gotten away with it once again.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Freeman should ask why Bobby has the money to fritter away on his pointless, little motorized cart, yet doesn't seem to have a dime in reimbursement for the freemen who contributed to his several failed projects.

Did any of you freeman boys ever see anything out of the money you gave to freeman valley, the ACCP, or any of Bobby's schemes?


So why don't you freeman boys ask Bobby to make good on the money he fleeced outta' you for these obviously hopeless schemes?
Last edited by arayder on Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

arayder wrote:Freeman should ask why Bobby has the money to fritter away on his pointless, little motorized cart, yet doesn't seem to have a dime in reimbursement for the freemen who contributed to his several failed projects.
You're asking an awful lot aren't you? And presuming a great deal about their perspicacity in the bargain?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:
arayder wrote:Freeman should ask why Bobby has the money to fritter away on his pointless, little motorized cart, yet doesn't seem to have a dime in reimbursement for the freemen who contributed to his several failed projects.
You're asking an awful lot aren't you? And presuming a great deal about their perspicacity in the bargain?

I have to ask why the freemen harmed by Bobby don't file a lien against him, his sisters and his ole daddy's estate?

The irony would be classic!