Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
arayder wrote:... Yeah, trying to run the empire from solitary confinement must be tough. Dean needs some pointers from the Mafia.
If Dean is currently in solitary confinement then he is the envy of the institution. One of the sad truths of Canada's pre-trial detention remand facilities is that they were never intended to hold accused persons for long periods of time, and so the number of cells is grossly inadequate to the demand. This has led to double or even triple bunking in cells intended for only one.

The conditions are pretty grim, particularly since many of these institutions are on 'lock down' most of the time. Our actual prisons are much nicer places to live. That is quite notorious, and one reason why our courts give enhanced sentence credit for pre-trial detention.

SMS Möwe
Thanks for the info, Möwe.

Dean sure hasn't minded making the woe is me inference that he's in solitary. Of course, he hasn't been straight about much of anything so far.

But, trying to run the the Clifford empire from the pokey albeit not in solitary would still be tough, especially considering the abilities of the Team Dean brain trust.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

As I noted earlier, Dean's next hearing at the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench was April 24, 2014 - yesterday - so I looked at the online court records to see what had happened. Dean & Co. had actually acknowledged this application was going on in a Twitter message earlier this week:
Dean C. Clifford @DeanCClifford · Apr 22
the next hearing is Thursday 24th in which some things had to be corrected and refiled it seems. will know more then and report then.
However, there are no excited new reports on either the Winnipeg Alternative Media pages, Dean's own website, or the Free Dean Clifford Facebook group. One would think Dean's Faithful are getting discouraged...

Well, they shouldn't have been! Five months to the day after he was first detained, he received this court result:
24-Apr-2014 -10:00 -ADJOURNED -CRIMINAL UNCONTESTED MOTIONS(THURS-10:00) -Adj from 24-Apr-2014 to 01-May-2014
And indeed, the Dean Show is scheduled for its next appearance at 10:00 a.m., May 1, 2014. Same Dean time! Same Dean channel!

But look! Rather than having his paperwork rejected, or application after application dismissed, struck off the list - this application is actually adjourned. Whatever the nature of the application (my guess is he's asking to review denial of bail at the Provincial Court level) - Dean got his paperwork and argument up to a state that it was not immediately rejected by the court.

Dean is getting closer - he clearly is edging towards crafting the documents that will unlock access to this court. Frankly, I thought his followers would be quite excited.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote: . . .But look! Rather than having his paperwork rejected, or application after application dismissed, struck off the list - this application is actually adjourned. . . .Dean got his paperwork and argument up to a state that it was not immediately rejected by the court.

Dean is getting closer - he clearly is edging towards crafting the documents that will unlock access to this court. Frankly, I thought his followers would be quite excited.

SMS Möwe
So after five months Dean is struggling to gain the competencies a court appointed lawyer could have shown on the first day.

At this point one has to ask how Dean can petition the court for relief while he pretends it has no authority. One has to ask how Dean can act like centuries of law are on his side when he can't citing a single binding precedent in his favor.

That Dean and his band of pseudo-scholars can't manage the process by which individuals and groups seek the relief and protection of the law highlights the ignorance and incompetence of the freemanary's brain trust.

When we get to the heart of the matter the question is simply whether Dean can ignore the law.

The reality is that Canada has the authority to create binding firearm, drug and motor vehicle laws and enforce them with regard to Mr. Clifford. The binding nature of those law require Dean to follow legal, binding court's orders, including travel restrictions and court summons.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

arayder wrote:One has to ask how Dean can act like centuries of law are on his side when he can't citing a single binding precedent in his favor.
You know I gotta nitpick here but Dean technically cite some binding precedent in some of the filings Mowe obtained. He cited the same old R. v. Dell and R. v. Drugmart cases he thinks support his position that statutes only apply to government employees. In his mind, he thinks he can't get convicted of the Criminal Code violations, Firearms Act violations and Drug violations because of his misunderstanding of section 32. He probably thinks all he has to do is get the conviction then appeal it to the Supreme court citing that, and he'll get his billions in fee schedules and finally be a freeman.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:
arayder wrote:One has to ask how Dean can act like centuries of law are on his side when he can't citing a single binding precedent in his favor.
You know I gotta nitpick here but Dean technically cite some binding precedent in some of the filings Mowe obtained. He cited the same old R. v. Dell and R. v. Drugmart cases he thinks support his position that statutes only apply to government employees. In his mind, he thinks he can't get convicted of the Criminal Code violations, Firearms Act violations and Drug violations because of his misunderstanding of section 32. He probably thinks all he has to do is get the conviction then appeal it to the Supreme court citing that, and he'll get his billions in fee schedules and finally be a freeman.
You are not nitpicking. But I think the section 32 argument has already been dismissed by the courts.

If I recall the case didn't involve Dean.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

arayder wrote:You are not nitpicking. But I think the section 32 argument has already been dismissed by the courts.

If I recall the case didn't involve Dean.
Yeah we've linked a few cases where it's been dismissed by the same court Dean thinks supports his argument. ... c2109.html

The two arguments Petrie used, "capacity of a person" and "section 32", are the topic of one of Deans popular Youtube lectures. Either Petrie was a Clifford follower or they both got their arguments from the same source.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Jeffrey wrote:Yeah we've linked a few cases where it's been dismissed by the same court Dean thinks supports his argument.
And there you have the whole fallacy of Dean's approach. He doesn't think, he doesn't know, he borrows from some other loser and then really really wants to believe that the magic words will make it all go away. And it isn't going to happen.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:
arayder wrote:. . . I think the section 32 argument has already been dismissed by the courts.
Yeah we've linked a few cases where it's been dismissed by the same court Dean thinks supports his argument. ... c2109.html

So more than 2 years after the Petrie case Dean tells his contributors an already dismissed argument is a winner.

This adds to the list of demonstrable lies attributable to Mr. Clifford.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey » ... _Claim.pdf

My login was down so I wasn't able to comment on this when Mowe obtained it. The last page where Dean tries to A4V the criminal charges he's facing is incredible, but perhaps more incredible when juxtaposed with:

It's basically step by step what Dean is doing; so yes Dean's activities in jail are in keeping with what he taught in his seminars. One prong of his strategy involves Shrouts notary and A4V technique, while on the other hand he's using the Section 32 argument which I don't think we've narrowed down where Dean got that one from. He refers to the source of that argument as a "friend" in his videos but I don't think we have a name to him.

Also an interesting exchange up on the Free Dean Clifford facebook page:
Dave Park do they allow donations sent to the jail to be added to deans account for canteen and shit
Lee Mclean hold off on that dave..we dont even know if he is still in prison...everyone close to dean has gone MIA..
Even the supporters are starting to notice something weird is up.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote: Also an interesting exchange up on the Free Dean Clifford facebook page:
Dave Park do they allow donations sent to the jail to be added to deans account for canteen and shit
Lee Mclean hold off on that dave..we dont even know if he is still in prison...everyone close to dean has gone MIA..

Since your post, Jeffrey, the Free Dean Clifford Facebook page is reporting:
Free Dean Clifford: He is still in prison and an update has been promised soon. As to the other questions I don't have an answer.
Jeffrey wrote:Even the supporters are starting to notice something weird is up.
If by "weird" you mean the great guru can't make his theories work and the Dean crew is jumping ship, then you're right.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Dean and co. just posted a Youtube update from his brother and a friend. Will post summary after watching, it's an hour long.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:Dean and co. just posted a Youtube update from his brother and a friend. Will post summary after watching, it's an hour long.

For the readers here is the link:
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey » ... rd-and-co/

Won't quote the whole article since it's huge but I saved it in case they edit it in the future.

Highlights of this recent audio update:

Darren, Dean's brother is getting updates about the court process from their father. Darren finds out about the date of hearings online but Dean is not updating him on what happens in them or what they are even for.

Darren B_, his roommate, had all his charges dismissed after getting a court appointed lawyer. (I thought getting a lawyer is bad and means you'll lose) :haha:

Darren and Dean decided to apply for bail and bail was denied. I found this hilarious; the article says they won't disclose the reason for applying for bail. In the audio interview Darren says he applied for bail but "he didn't actually mean to go through with it" and that he only did it to get in front of a judge to yell at him.

Dean has visitation rights, and his Dad has been visiting regularly.

The excuse for the lack of updates is that Darren claims he is no longer able to receive collect phone calls from Dean and he blames the jail, the jail however claims it's a problem with his phone service provider.

They are still pushing the talking point that the reason they are ignoring the paperwork is because it's not notarized or it's improperly formatted. Then a few seconds later they mention the judge told Dean they "had no basis in law".

We get an indirect shout out from Alex, his webguy. Calls us "shills" that are "putting out lies". They sound damn upset about the negative videos being put out. They ask "why would you even waste time arguing such a thing", in reference to videos debunking Dean. :haha:

Dean talks daily to a female on the "west coast". (Absolutely bizarre that they're simultaneously claiming Dean is in some ultra restricted state yet can be visited and called daily).

If you read between the lines they appear to suggest the prosecution is pushing for a trial for the gun and drug charges which may start soon.


As usual there are differences between the audio and the article:

Although not mentioned in the audio, the article mentions Dean's bank accounts have been frozen. (I don't know if that's normal; is it possible they're finally going after him for tax evasion? It's unlikely he was reporting the income from drug sales or the freeman seminars.)

The writer speculates that the court things are being delayed because they are having trouble accessing the funds associated with Dean's birth certificate trust. (Which doesn't exist).

A letter is linked which indicates Dean is under no-contact orders with certain people.

Dean quoted Genesis, Deuteronomy and the magna carta at a recent hearing. Multiple references to "transcripts" are made, which means someone at the Dean camp has the court transcripts (and is hoarding them).

The article, written presumably by Dean's IT guy, again keeps pushing the talking point that Dean is in there for the February charges, he's either unaware of the July arrest or lying about it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by JamesVincent »

Jeffrey wrote: ....(Absolutely bizarre that they're simultaneously claiming Dean is in some ultra restricted state yet can be visited and called daily).....
Yeah, I thought he was in solitary, fighting the good fight. Throwing up gang signs at the Man. What happened with that? Now he's in GenPop, getting phone calls and visitors, probably watching the tube. I mean, WTH.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

It seems Dean can't keep track of his stories and whining attempts to portray himself as a victim.

But we keep track!

I can understand why Dean's apologists are bothered by a strict recounting of his stories. Dean and his crew have made it their modus operandi to twist the facts to meet their tale of the day, expecting no one in their little clique to say a word about it.

Now that the game's up the Deaners are upset. Too bad, boys.

The fact his Dean lied about the important details of his August 2013 hearing.

He lied about the firearms he had in his house.

The fact is Dean has lied telling his dupes he's been denied access to the courts!

One wonders what Dean is telling the truth about!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Is there actually any evidence that Dean has ever really told the truth about anything? If so, I must have missed it.

As near as I can tell, he and his brother live in a fantasy world having nothing to do what is really going on around them.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Is there actually any evidence that Dean has ever really told the truth about anything? If so, I must have missed it.

As near as I can tell, he and his brother live in a fantasy world having nothing to do what is really going on around them.
Dean's followers ought to be getting an education as to his mendacious ways.

As inaccurate as they were Dean's stories about his verbal beat downs of cops and his bravery during his arrests were just chest beating tales meant to portray himself as a bold warrior.

But the lies that really caused harm were the ones Dean told when he misinformed his followers he'd dismissed the charges against him regarding his February 2013 arrest and when he told his followers that already failed legal theories (like the section 32 argument) were sure, valid and workable.

It's one thing to play the freeman stud before an adoring freeman audience. But to give legal advice one knows, or should know is wrong and to tell lies claiming to have successfully used those theories is clear evidence of a willful and premeditated attempt to deceive!
Jeffrey wrote:We get an indirect shout out from Alex, his webguy. Calls us "shills" that are "putting out lies". They sound damn upset about the negative videos being put out. They ask "why would you even waste time arguing such a thing", in reference to videos debunking Dean.
Freemen and their loosely formed media machine need to man up and start asking Dean and his supporters hard questions about these false claims!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I know this is sort of playing devil's advocate, but is Dean really smart enough/honest enough to know he is a lying fool. There are times that I wonder if he really isn't just plain bone stupid enough to actually believe the nonsense he peddles, and believes that he really has accomplished everything he has claimed. That his followers swallowed, and continue to swallow his bilge says very little positive about their collective IQ, and I am just beginning to wonder if it doesn't carry over to their guru as well.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:I know this is sort of playing devil's advocate, but is Dean really smart enough/honest enough to know he is a lying fool. There are times that I wonder if he really isn't just plain bone stupid enough to actually believe the nonsense he peddles, and believes that he really has accomplished everything he has claimed. That his followers swallowed, and continue to swallow his bilge says very little positive about their collective IQ, and I am just beginning to wonder if it doesn't carry over to their guru as well.

I suppose it's possible Dean's been telling tales for so long that he doesn't realize when he's doing it and when confronted with conflicting stories passes them off as inconsequential.

The alternative to this sort of denial would be the soul wrenching self-realization that one is a ding dang liar.

But the fact is Dean claimed he had, via freeman magic, dismissed the case against him regarding his February 2013 arrest and hence didn't need to bother with his August hearing.

We know that Dean knew there was a scheduled hearing because he publicly bragged on web radio about not attending it!

When in November he got arresting for, among other things, not attending the hearing Dean made up the story that there was no hearing, inferring the courts were framing him.

His method didn't work so the only story Dean could concoct to make him look competent was that the courts altered the record in order to frame him.

That was a demonstrable lie meant to deceive freeman!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

arayder wrote:That was a demonstrable lie meant to deceive freeman!
That pretty much seems to have worked with the majority of his followers. it would seem.

Which still pretty much means Dean has been lying through his teeth all along. I don't think it makes him any less stupid, just in a different direction, in that he thinks he can get away with it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.