Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

The thing that amazes me is how bold Tony has become in making bigger and bigger lies. For example, all the time now he says there was a BBC report or some Iraq TV report announcing that the RV was soon and Iraq would be the richest country in the region. You would think anyone with internet access would not be so stupid to make stuff like that up - you can get every single report the BBC has every done at any time going back decades now.

But his followers fall for it every time. He always makes those big announcements claiming the media has said the RV is soon, and then you get a few callers asking what timezone/date/channel exactly so they can find it. Surprise, Tony never has those details (BECAUSE HE MADE IT UP, DINARIANS).

Tony always explains it away by telling people that the Powers That Be are blocking access to the reports from outside Iraq (although I dont know how he thinks that explains all the fake BBC news reports hes claimed). I know absolutely nothing about technology, and even I know that even if that were true all you would need to do is use a proxy server to get around it. So Tony has all these highly placed people that are in the oval office and the UN and know daily whats happening with the RV, but none of them are smart enough to email a video clip through a proxy server.

The fact that he can tell just overtly obvious lies like this and no on questions it tells you the level of delusion his followers are in.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

On yesterday's call, he and "DC," his conman sidekick, have adopted a new tact. They are now saying that the PTB has asked them to not say anything about anything anymore, because every time Tony and DC tell people anything at all, the entire world PTB has to back up and reset the RI/RV/GCR, which delays the making of new billionaires and trillionaires.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

One of my favorite parts of TNT Tony's is the constant posting of "bank stories" where dinarians try to open trust accounts/business acounts/all sorts of bank products they don't really have the money for in order to deposit their millions when the mythical RV happens. This one has caused quite a stir on TNT Tony's forums, the most hilarious parts bolded by me:
I attempted to open up a trust account yesterday at my local Chase branch so that it would be all ready to go once the CE took place. The account manager discovered that he was not qualified to establish a trust account, but that it had to go through their "relationship manager" who is a lady who is the RM for 5-6 branches here in the Las Vegas area. He sent an email to the RM and informed me that she would be giving me a call to set up an appointment.

I received a call this morning from the RM who told me she would be glad to set up an appointment for me several weeks from now. I told her that I did not want to wait two weeks, and asked her if we could do it today or tomorrow, as I was expecting funds to be placed into this account within the next 4-6 days. She then asked me where these funds were coming from and I told her that they would be coming from a currency exchange. She then asked, "what currencies" and I told her the Dinar and Dong. She asked me a few more questions about the trust and whether I had all the paperwork in order, to which I replied I had everything needed to open an account. We set a time for 2 PM on Friday.

About an hour later she called again...she informed me that she spoke with her supervisor, and that I should seek another institution to do my banking, stating that Chase would not be doing any business with clients who are using their accounts to exchange the Dinar or Dong.

Yes, I was dumbfounded.
The dinarians are up in arms at this. How DARE chase decline the business of this soon-to-be (tomorrow!) multimillionaire. Of course, it makes sense - you've got thousands of people opening needless accounts/trusts at banks that have to maintain them even though they know no money will be coming. The cost is going to add up over time, so why even entertain the delusional idiots? But the dinarians just can't believe it...
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

I think you may see these guru folks continue to develop this "The RV has happened but the US is holding up the release" thing because eventually they can just say "Our hands are tied, we can't force the UST to release the funds". Then Toni et al can just disappear. Whatever the outcome,when scammers start saying "Release and announce" they may be fixing to bolt.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

I think "fixing to bolt" is probably a good description, as I think they've run this con pretty well in to the ground, and with the upcoming trial I don't think things are going to be too rosy for poor old Tony. The question, is he smart enough to get while the getting is good and still possible or not??? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

I think Tony and "DC" are just amusing themselves yanking the disciples chains, now.

Having said that, they must be close to the end, having adopted the latest "we can't say anything because it will hold up the RI/RV" tact.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

I do believe that the Dinar scam is finally on its last legs. Progressively fewer loyal tweets on TNT's #wearethepeople, fewer comments on Dinar recaps and similar sites and the even more convoluted and contradictory stories having to be fabricated by the gurus, tell the tale. There is even more journalistic commentary on the scam, such as this recent story, which is hard to ignore: ... r-fiction/

I dare say there will always be a residual group unwavering in their steadfast beliefs. This band will largely consist of conspiracy theorists who know that all the contrary evidence and naysaying is part of an elaborate government-sponsored propaganda campaign to get them to give up. It's a bit reminiscent of Japanese soldiers still holding out in remote parts of the Pacific decades after the end of World War II, despite entreaties for them to surrender and being provided with proof that the war had long since ended. Of course, one could argue that their reticence to capitulate was underpinned by more honourable motives than those of the Dinarians.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

That was an informative post. I read the transcript, and watched the video. I also read the comments; some from pro RV folks who truly believe they will proper one day, but many more were of the "your sttupid and I'm gonna be rich real soon" type. (I really want to edit those who practice that sort of crime)

Tony says every source he has spoken with confirms that the RV happened at 11pm last and the bankers were at their desks by 7am with rates on their screens and no holds. For some reason no one was paid. Maybe soon? Maybe later.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Amazing, Tony actually kinda sorta told the truth today, or at least in the reverse, since he has NO sources, has NEVER had any sources, and has never spoken to anyone but the voices in his head, NOONE told him anything today, and there has been NO change in the rates or screens, or whatever magic totem they are now relying on.

Just utterly amazing. He even lies when he lies.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

Well, Tony launched another Twitter campaign today. Yanking those delusional followers strings again.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

This is about the RV and boundaries they can't even cross in pornographic movies.

The person who is really Deep Knight was actually not all that familiar with the XXX film industry until he read this rather academic book he got as a birthday gift. One of the chapters had a part about using special effects to enlarge things. Not breast implants, but prosthetics or camera tricks designed to make certain things appear much larger or numerous than nature ever could.

One would think that since porn is fantasy this would be popular, right? Certain directors did, but the movies never caught on and it was rapidly abandoned. It turned out that even in deep, secret fantasies porn viewers didn't want to go too far, the pervs.

What has this to do with the RV? Male Dinaridjits who expect to cash in at $32 dollars should also expect to someday wake up with a 5-mile-long penis, and the ladies with 38,000 breasts. Way, way, way too much of a good thing, and forget ever buying pants or a blouse that fit.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

thunter wrote:Well, Tony launched another Twitter campaign today. Yanking those delusional followers strings again.
What amazes me is how stupid his followers are - Tony is LITERALLY just looping the same scam techniques now. We just went through this a few months ago - it did not work because the RV is mythical - and in fact spawned a BBC news report debunking the dinar. But now they think it will do something? Did they completely forget the utter failure of the last #wearethepeople stupid campaign?

This just tells you how much of this for Tony is about his ego and not just scamming for money. He makes money off being a dinar pumper, sure, but he REALLY likes stroking his own ego. That is the only reason why he does this twitter stuff, because from a scammer perspective its quite dangerous as it exposes the scam potentially to people outside the delusional dinarland. Of course, his followers are so delusional, even a BBC report didn't convince maybe Tony now knows he is free to stroke his ego with #wearethepeople nonsense.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

TNT Tony has a brand new spin on "its RVing tomorrow!" - which when you consider that hes been making stuff up for 3 years now, means he has quite an imagination. Today's big annoucement was that as follows -

(1) The US accepted the dinar RV rate (again..this has happened a dozen times now since I've been listening to this guy) and apparently the rate is playing hide and seek on bank teller screens. Tony told us how some banks saw the rate, and others didn't, and if you called and asked a bank why they didn't it was most certainly because only the high level bank managers could see it.

(2) Tony's co-host and fraud man DC Guy told everyone that his high level government contacts were cashing out in a foreign country at $4 dinar, but sadly, he could not tell us the country (they learned from last time when proclaiming the RV was in places like Dubai because the dinarians actually called the banks there).

(3) The most hilarious lie today was that the dinar is being traded on forex, but if you can't see it its because only people with certain qualifications can see it. Tony explained how his contacts were getting contracts for $3.71/dinar that would be delivered in a month time and getting loans based on that mythical money. He also was stupid enough to tell everyone that this uber-secret forex trading was great because it was "priming the market" so that there would be buyers for all the dinar sellers. Of course if anyone actually knows how forex works you know there is no need to do this, since you just put in sell orders and buy orders get matched up with them as they come in.

This is on par with Tony's usual weekly pattern -

Fridays - Big new lie about how the RV is soon, everyone in dinarland goes crazy buying dinar and dong from dealers. RV is promised by Monday.

Of course when Monday comes there will be some excuse, and we'll start the cycle all over again.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Urgent-This thing is over!!!

[These people's things may be "over" but the NWO's things are "in service," thank you very much.]

Dinar Updates:

Urgent-This thing is over!!!
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 10:21 AM No comments:

It is SIGNED Posted by PhilipT. on May 21, 2014 at 11:51am

The release signature is signed today for the release of Gcr in The United States and to the World may 22 to june 15th you will be in the bank.
I am not a fan to this criminal president but what he did today is morally correct and for that I say thank you America for doing the Right Thing
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 10:19 AM No

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:40 PM

Obama did something these people like?


Anonymous May 21, 2014 at 4:17 PM
Well folks, when June 15th comes and goes, you'll wonder what happened as usual.

Anonymous May 21, 2014 at 4:26 PM
You have no idea how many times this A-HOLE agreed to the release and reneged on his promise! So you all believe he did the right thing this time? Yeah Right...Is it any wonder why they treat us like Dummy's?

Anonymous May 21, 2014 at 4:40 PM
Tomorrow we will hear that the deal is null and void because one of Obozo's clones signed it.
Its in the Constitution ... CLONES CAN NOT SIGN ANY DOCUMENTS.
Share with no one. If you do you will look like an idiot tomorrow.

Dan May 21, 2014 at 4:56 PM
Well maybe this is when Obama will fight his Presidency as he will admit his birth in Kenya for us to then fight it.
So therefore, his signature is ILLEGAL, and We The People will have to fight it and it will have to go thru the US Supreme Court to take action, so MORE Delays on our Republic actions.
The NDAA and ALL other actions by Obama will be OK, but this will NOT be till his trial is OVER, maybe 7 years from now!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

TNT Tony's latest lie: The RV is now "soon" because Maliki publicly announced "in the mosques" that he would only retain his prime minister position if he brought about the RV. Per usual, the TNT idiots bought it, which is just amazing.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

Its in the Constitution ... CLONES CAN NOT SIGN ANY DOCUMENTS.
Which article or amendment of the Constitution does this appear under? My copy doesn't have that statement or anything that resembles that statement.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

I saw that and thought that they must have the super "special" annotated version, since my copy certainly doesn't say anything about clones.

Certainly wasn't contemplated when it was written, and for that matter isn't contemplated in any current law as far as I am aware. So much for birfer legal expertise and historical knowledge.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

Assuming Obama Prime was the one that was elected and sworn in to office, then if Obama has one of his clones sign a law into effect then that law should be null and void since his clones don't also have Presidential Powers.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Its in the Constitution ... CLONES CAN NOT SIGN ANY DOCUMENTS.
Which article or amendment of the Constitution does this appear under? My copy doesn't have that statement or anything that resembles that statement.
Surely you remember the missing 13th amendment. The one that said lawyers can't be politicians, clones can't sign documents, and you can't mess with Gassy Rassy's e-mails.
Jeffrey wrote:Assuming Obama Prime was the one that was elected and sworn in to office
Obama Prime? Isn't that the largest planet of the Obama system? No wonder there's no birth certificate!
thunter wrote:And two more bite the dust... ... rdict.html
Bradford Huebner! It warms my heart to see he's FINALLY gonna have to bite some dust.
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