Robert Menard

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notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, yes, ironic to say the least, just , responsible, sensible, intelligent... I can keep on adding the adjectives, but we are talking about FOTL here, and those don't seem to be qualities that immediately jump to mind when discussing FOTL, and an even bigger hurdle, well actually gigantish really, they would have to be aware, and admit that they had been taken, and that just possibly their fantasy was just that, now do you really see that happening with any of that crowd?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

I'd bet there's at least one freeman, or ex-freeman who has has caught on to Menard and would like to get his money back.

To any lurking freemen, here's how you do it: ... ile-lien/q

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Kestrel »

arayder wrote:I have to ask why the freemen harmed by Bobby don't file a lien against him, his sisters and his ole daddy's estate?

The irony would be classic!
Where would you file it? Doing that to another freeman would mean you recognize the authority of the government agency where you file the lien.

Lien filing is only meaningful if your victim submits to the authority of the government. Much better (and more entertaining) for freemen to use self-help solutions against each other.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Kestrel wrote:
arayder wrote:I have to ask why the freemen harmed by Bobby don't file a lien against him, his sisters and his ole daddy's estate?

The irony would be classic!
Where would you file it? Doing that to another freeman would mean you recognize the authority of the government agency where you file the lien.

Lien filing is only meaningful if your victim submits to the authority of the government. Much better (and more entertaining) for freemen to use self-help solutions against each other.
Freemen regularly file liens on judges and other public officials.

But you are right it would be something for a freeman to tee off on Menard. I submit that he's in a state of what freemen call "dishonor" after scamming so many of them out of dues and fees for projects he clearly had no intention of following through on.

Now that he's got some money instead of making it right with his former marks, he's building little motorized carts.

So far Menard's failed to account for a single dollar he took and has offered only the vague excuse that the several scams each had explainable reasons for their failure. Not that he ever said what the reasons were.

I call on any freemen who sent in money for a spot in freeman valley, or bought a ACCP membership should consider calling the manipulative Menard to account.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I can't/don't disagree with what you are saying both in terms of FOTL speak and reality when it comes right down to it. Bobby always was, and still is for that matter, a fraud, a charlatan, and basically a cheap jack con artist. He is all of those things and more.

The problem/reality is, that in order for one of the FOTL types to actually take the steps you are proposing, they would have to renounce their deeply and dearly held fantasy, which most of them can't/won't do since they don't have anything to replace it with, and then they would have to take action in the real world courts, according to real law and precedent, of which none of them obviously know how, and a place most of them are allergic to, and since most of them can barely make it through life's little challenges like tying their shoes I don't see this as a viable option.

They could also, as you say, if they could ever figure out an internal justification for it, file a FOTL type lien against Bobby, for all the good it would do, as they have no more validity than anything else he has been selling.

Reality is, that the first is unlikely to happen as it would require a complete change in personality and mental outlook and isn't likely to happen, and the second is useless other than as a statement. I think it would be hilarious if they started filing liens against each other, but really don't see it happening, their "guru" didn't tell them they could.

Lastly, assuming a major personality change, and either figuring out how to do it themselves, or else finding a lawyer with time to waste, the whole exercise would be pointless and expensive. They'd have to get him in to court in the first place, and I don't see that happening, next, he'd have to have anything worth seizing, and its as good bet he's already spent what money he had or got, and you'd have to be able to get access to it if he still had it, and since he doesn't believe in banks that isn't real likely either. So, the old rule that you don't sue a bankrupt, unless you have money of your own to burn and are particularly vindictive applies here.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

That, of course, assumes that every person who gave money to Menard's schemes is one of the freeman faithful.

Our subject has to wonder and worry over the very real possibility that in a Moose Head moment he cashed in a documentable payment, like a Pay Pal payment, from an individual who does not blindly ascribe to his theories.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Well, after a long silence, Rob has reappeared. He's posted a message on "The Freemen of Canada (Ontario Chapter)" Facebook group ( ... 322179552/) which links to this Youtube video:
The description reads:
Published on Jun 4, 2014
Militarized bully Cop didn't like me calling 911 to get a hold of a supervisor, so he went ballistic, beating on my window, ordering me out of the car so he could 'protect me' (cuff, stuff, taze and beat) and essentially acting like a wing nut who should not be dealing with the public. If bullies like him are walking around armed, the people who hire him and others like him will have nothing to complain about if the peace officers employed by The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers are armed as well. Please share, rate and comment.
Huh. I would have thought that all Rob would have to do was display his C3PO 'Beaver Badge' which is, of course, recognized and respected by "policy enforcement officers" everywhere.

In any case, enjoy!

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Well, after a long silence, Rob has reappeared. He's posted a message on "The Freemen of Canada (Ontario Chapter)" Facebook group ( ... 322179552/) which links to this Youtube video:
The description reads:
Published on Jun 4, 2014
Militarized bully Cop didn't like me calling 911 to get a hold of a supervisor, so he went ballistic, beating on my window, ordering me out of the car so he could 'protect me' (cuff, stuff, taze and beat) and essentially acting like a wing nut who should not be dealing with the public. If bullies like him are walking around armed, the people who hire him and others like him will have nothing to complain about if the peace officers employed by The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers are armed as well. Please share, rate and comment.
Huh. I would have thought that all Rob would have to do was display his C3PO 'Beaver Badge' which is, of course, recognized and respected by "policy enforcement officers" everywhere.

In any case, enjoy!

SMS Möwe
Over on the WFS forum freemen wonder where Bobby went to and speculate he could be dead or in jail. ... ard-family

After admitting to cyber fez sightings they decide Menard's reached the mountain top of freeman knowledge and has nothing left to say.

But it seems Bobby has gotten himself back in the news.

It appears he's pulled a Brian Alexander and made a phony 911 call. In addition he claims to be a peace officer. I think the way Menard characterizes the cop as being violent, banging on the glass is indicative of his pathetic claim of victimhood.

In the comments section he says he's going to take the matter to a judge.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Over on the Toronto Police Force Facebook page Menard leaves a message saying his video proves the C3PO ought to be armed.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

Translation: His driver was pulled over possibly for "travelling" (as in probably without license, insurance, licence plate, or some other normal requirement). Also at 0:26, no seat belt on the driver, although the "report" indicates this is well after the initial pull-over.

0:50: - his "friend" has "his own political beliefs".

1:00: - exercising his "rights to travel from his perspective".

1:06 - indicates refusal to hand over a driver's license.

1:10 - Menard has him 'on tape'. Funny he doesn't show that part (probably because it doesn't work)

1:18 - officer "didn't get to see the documents" (as in refusal to hand over proof of license/insurance)

1:37 - "not sure if his driver is operating under the highway traffic act" (hint: video indicates he's in a car on the road).

3:02 - "he's stood in court and is capable of standing in court". Kickstarter campaign to send burnaby to toronto?

also around 3:00ish, the officer is asking the driver to do mechanical fitness of the vehicle (parking brake). The driver is refusing. I assume this means the vehicle is in some fashion registered/licensed as there would be no need

4:30 - his driver tells rob to shut up.

4:51 - he admits to calling 911, appears to have called the non-emergency number prior to starting his video (probably 911 shut him down).
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

This is 2005 freeman stuff.

Menard doesn't seem to have it together too well. At one point he says he's being attacked, when he clearly is not. He says the 911 call was justified then tries to say he doesn't need help.

As mentioned above, if Menard's tall tales of the effectiveness of the C3PO are true, he should have been able to show the cop his badge and go on his way.

Now Menard says C3POs and one assumes himself too should be armed!

I suspect we don't see the first part of the tape because the policemen's demeanor doesn't fit Menard's hyped up story about being attacked and making a justifiable 911 call.

I suspect too that Bobby didn't flash his C3PO badge because he knew dang well it would get him in deeper trouble.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by grixit »

Hmm, it could be that the cop was in fact being overly aggressive. We know that does happen. Here in California, if pulled over, you are allowed to proceed to somewhere nearby that's public, for that very reason. But Menard's way of reporting this incident pretty much destroys his chance of making an abuse claim.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

I think its funny that he throws his driver under the bus in the call by saying "his political beliefs", as though "Director Menard" has nothing to do with them.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:I think its funny that he throws his driver under the bus in the call by saying "his political beliefs", as though "Director Menard" has nothing to do with them.

Yeah, it's a little dose of reality for Bobby.

He says he waves the cops through during attempted traffic stops and routinely changes the behavior of officers by his very presence. But here he is the helpless boob in the passenger seat at a stop of the sort he says he never has to deal with.

He could have kept his mouth shut and his camera off. The problem with that tact is that the driver is probably a local freeman who would have dissed Bobby but good had he sat there like a good little citizen.

So Bobby had to swing into action. Sadly, the only thing he knew to do was re-create Brain Alexander's course of action during his disastrous speeding stop several years ago.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »
1 week ago

Real answer is I have been working on a large project.
Could Menard have gotten himself arrested on purpose as part of his large project?

BTW, bravo to the cop in the video, won the jackpot, got to bust Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:
1 week ago

Real answer is I have been working on a large project.
Could Menard have gotten himself arrested on purpose as part of his large project?

BTW, bravo to the cop in the video, won the jackpot, got to bust Menard.
Menard always has a project. But you have to wonder how it is the dufus managed to have a camera on him. I note that Menard didn't tape the last part of the stop and, consistent with past tall tales, he says the cops just went away. Yeah, right.

The driver may have gotten a ticket and a summons for driving without a license, tags and insurance.

Maybe the Canadian experts can tell us if it's reasonable for Menard to have avoided arrest on the spot after making a phony 911 call?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

Probably can't get arrested for it even in the states.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:Probably can't get arrested for it even in the states.
So, if that's the case Menard, to make his ruse work, need only say some magic freeman words over a ticket or summons tell his minions he made it go away. . .then cite his freedom to walk the streets as proof he "won".

Later he can deal with the matter behind the scenes, like he did with his dine and dash, and still pretend he's the master guru.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Couple of off topic questions first.
  • Is it a crime in Canada to make a false 911 call?
    Is it a crime to waste police time with false or spurious reports or complaints?

Now back to our regularly scheduled programmme.

Sounds to me like Bobby is looking for new digs, and trying to take the poor shlub who was “traveling” with him along for the ride.

While I agree that Grixit’s point is quite possible, I am more than inclined to the position that Menard is once again lying. I do wonder if they arrested or ticketed the driver and if he was guilty of anything besides incredibly poor judgment in letting Bobby anywhere near him or his car, or of the possible infractions listed?

Things we do know for a fact, Bobby is too big of a coward to actually try his “peace officer” schtick in public, and he is a congenital and continual liar.

Sounds like Bobby is getting more desperate and pathetic to the point that he is even becoming a point of ridicule within his own community.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Malicious 911 calls are a crime in the couple of provinces I looked up. I couldn't find the law in Ontario.

Having an Ontario dupe works for Bobby.

Menard has family in Ontario and despite bickering with his sisters on Facebook he may need to be in the province to settle his dad's estate. You can bet Bobby will find a way to skirt any freeman woo he's pitched in the past as long as there is money involved.

One has to figure this stunt is just Bobby's attempt at regaining some relevance in the freeman cult. I don't think his narcissistic personality will allow him to sit on the sidelines.

Pressed with the need to get back in the game all the ole boy could think of was the video-in-the-freeman-car routine.

It's so 2005!