Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

The first document I opened, right out of the gate, is a contender for the stupidest document Dean has ever presented to a court. It's the April 17th, 2014, Notice of Application to the Queens' Bench, Winnipeg requesting various relief;

1 - An order in Habeas Corpus to show cause against the private man acting in no legal capacity
2 - Quashing of all Informations
3 - Release of Dean without delay
4 - Writ of Replevlin (a first that I'm aware of in sovereign filings!) to get his stuff back

and his grounds are;

1 - Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26 (god makes man in his own image)
2 - Deuteronomy Chapter 19, verse 14 (Thou shalt not remove thy neigbour's landmark?)
3 - Deuteronomy Chapter 20, verse 16 to 19 (making of false witness)
4 - Coronation promise by the Queen to keep the laws of God
5 - Magna Carta yet again. These guys love the Magna Carta.
6 - Thirty maxims of Law! He must have bought them in bulk.

In other words, same old, same old.

Then he has this gem;
13 - Applicant is a private man who comes from a position of posterity only.

Is he admitting he is just pulling this stuff out of his ass?

All in all a sad collection Freeman boilerplate. They seem, overall, to be Dean just beating his head against the wall again with the same failed arguments. As he said himself in his Affidavit of April 28th;
22 - I have personally renounced, resigned from, and voided any such legal identity many times, in many ways, to many qualified agents for Her Majesty.

So by now it should be obvious, even to him, that nobody is paying any attention to his gibberish but he keeps trying. Paragraph 23 is a real gem;
23 - I have done so again recently (see Exhibit "B") and the de facto crown attorneys have admitted so in their "disclosure" by providing a photo of my "Proclamation" hanging on my office wall during their home invasion an act of terrorism against me.

So all you have to do to get an adverse admission of fact from the Crown is to hang some statement on your wall where they can see it? Reading is agreeing? If that is all it takes how does he keep losing?

The typed Affidavit that starts on page 9 of this document is total nonsense. Meaningless in law. Overall, as I've said before, I'm surprised at how totally threadbare his Freeman arsenal actually is. This is just absolutely basic stuff, no novel twists or new approaches anywhere. Well at least Dean's dwindling cadre of followers can see what his best shot entails when his back is against the wall.

On the plus side he does seem to have a personal relationship with the Queen. At least this implies that they have had a chat or two in the past;
18. I was specifically told by Her Majesty the Queen whom I placed my trust in to fulfil her oath and international obligations, and whom owes me a duty of care, acting through her agents and officers, that without applying for such documents that I would be intentionally deprived of and denied the enjoyment of my freedoms~ liberties, birthright, enjoyment of my property, the fruits of my labour and everything I have placed in trust. These were more than threats, as these acts have now been carried out against me repeatedly.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:The first document I opened, right out of the gate, is a contender for the stupidest document Dean has ever presented to a court. . . .

Dean never knew squat about the law. Now he's spent seven months in the clink with all the bad ideas he's borrowed bouncing around in his head.

The only real contacts he had in that time were his brother and a few toady friends and "assistants".

It's no wonder he's nuttier than ever.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A couple things popped up and caught my attention when I reviewed Dean’s April 9, 17, and 29 documents. One is that there’s a curious variation on terminology as we go between applications.

In the April 9 materials Dean identifies himself as:
Dean C. Clifford,

Tax Exempt
He then signs himself as “Private man”.

The April 17 documents use a quite different terminology. In Document #21 he now identifies himself as:
Dean C. Clifford
Grantor, Principal and Master

Tax Exempt
He signs himself:
Dean C. Clifford
Sovereign, Grantor, Master

Tax Exempt
All Rights Reserved
Document #22 uses the “Private-man … Tax Exempt” language, and signs himself as "[signature], sui juris". But there’s something odd about much of this document’s text. Through much of affidavit Dean refers to himself with a lowercase ‘i’, instead of the normal upper case. For example, paragraph 3 reads:
3.) i, Dean C. Clifford the man acting in no legal capacity, have harmed no one.
However, as Document #22 progresses more and more upper case “I”s sneak in.

Now, I’m not an expert on Karl Lentz-ism, but isn’t self-reference via lowercase “i”s a motif in his material?

The last set of materials, the April 29 documents, has yet another pattern of self-description. In Document 24 Dean self-identifies as:
Dean C. Clifford
Granter and sole Beneficiary

Tax Exempt
And signs as:
Dean C. Clifford
Son of God
No lower case “i”s anywhere.

Document #25 uses similar but simpler language. Again, no lower case “i”s anywhere BUT!

Dean attaches a couple additional documents, including an item entitled “Notice and Demand – "Ignorance excuses no one."” and attached “Letter of Resignation” where Dean resigns as agent for his Strawman, DEAN C. CLIFFORD. Here, the lowercase “i” is used consistently.

As an aside I think the resignation letter is equally amusing, astonishing, and pathetic. Dean, at some level, still thinks he is being trapped by his Strawman. If only he could unchain or kill that demon beast!

I find it very difficult when I review these items to come to any conclusion other than Dean is engaged in an ill-focused ‘lock and key’ attempt to obtain his release. He sends in sets of documents, each one with a different set of magical phrases and motifs. It’s ritualized behavior – nothing less. These items are, of course, flawed for a far more basic reason, but I think it’s quite fascinating to see the process that is disclosed by these materials. He's trapped in a "Groundhog Day" cycle – nothing less.

Dean, despite his bluster, has no simply idea of the apparatus with which he is engaged. So he continues to deploy new material, trying out new spells to see if something will or will not work. And of course it doesn’t.

It’s like watching a rat in a Skinner Box, pushing random levers, waiting for a treat.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Either that, or as with all the lies he's been telling, he can't remember from one time to the next which ones he's used most recently and so keeps contradicting himself.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Burnaby49 wrote:
4 - Writ of Replevlin (a first that I'm aware of in sovereign filings!) to get his stuff back
Sovereigns have talked about the use of this in the past. I too don't recall any filings but then I haven't been looking for any. I recall George Tran saying he'd use it to get 3(? was it?) of his properties back after they'd been repo'ed but, of course, as far as I know it never happened. (Mainly because if it did we would never hear the last of it.)
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

The May 28th message on the Free Dean Clifford Face Book page, which I assume was entered by Darren, seems a touch downbeat;
This job is too difficult and people are too demanding yet always ungrateful only to be wanting more, so from here on, don’t expect any more updates for some time.

Dean does talk at a million miles an hour and it is very hard combing through and cutting out first names all Fucking day when the name was said throughout the whole update.

Please understand there is no organisation here. this is in fact a dis-organisation and the entire efforts and experience with people has been utterly draining, unappreciated and demanding especially with all the attacks and shitheads to deal with. Life is too short to deal with, or to take on such a burden and for ones energies to be constantly sapped dry only for people to continue to want to drain you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually continuously. Even before the arrest there have been a constant stream of issues that always got swept under the rug so to speak.
Having seen the last batch of Dean's documents generously provided by Mowe I can see why Darren might be getting a little depressed about events. Maybe, after all the failed attempts to find the magic key to defeating the courts, the realization is finally sinking in that Dean's gibberish just isn't going to work and Dean will actually have to face trial on the marijuana and illegal firearm charges.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote: Having seen the last batch of Dean's documents generously provided by Mowe I can see why Darren might be getting a little depressed about events. Maybe, after all the failed attempts to find the magic key to defeating the courts, the realization is finally sinking in that Dean's gibberish just isn't going to work and Dean will actually have to face trial on the marijuana and illegal firearm charges.
Awfully optimistic I think. Having seen(well read) the brothers in action, one is left with the feeling that Dean is the smarter of the two, which doesn't leave much for little brother. He may have an inkling of what awaits him, but I wouldn't make book on it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

For anyone interested, someone claiming to be Darren Clifford was on the Youtube last night and was surprisingly frank and helped fill in some things we've long been curious about. First of all we finally get the story concerning the $50k judgement against Dean from 08 which Dean had been fighting up to the date of his arrest but which had never previously been acknowleged.
Approximately 10 years ago..A little west of Calgary Alberta..lived family friends of ours..being foundation contractors..Dean and I were fixing a family heritage home like 125 years old..old stone foundation mortard together was falling apart and house was sinking..coming from Winnipeg we had to have 3rd party liability insurance incase the house was we jacked the dwelling off its foundation approx 2'..
The day before I was to arrive for a site inspection, a Chinook wind actually blew the house off our support structure with Dean and a co-worker under it..Dean was trapped..buried alive for approx 3 hours..20 heavy rescue guys took 3 hours to get him out..
Long story short, the insurance claim was denied without cause..The only way our family friends could recoup any loss was that they were instructed by their lawyer to sue us..I suppose to shift we did not defend the action..I believe replacement cost (value) of a heritage home was not something the insurance company wanted..
End of the day family friends got their cheque, we got a little fukkd..but whatever..Dean also has an action against the insurance provider for non-performance etc..

Kinda funny side note..Mr.Arjoon (agent for insurer) the older brother of a kid I punched out in high school for picking on one of my friends..I got suspended for a week for that..Although it did not happen on school property..ahhh jurisdiction and capacity..
As to why he and Dean have been claiming that Darren was acquitted on all charges concerning his arrest last year we get something of a dodge:
I was acquitted on the indictable (QB)..
Found guilty on a PROVINCIAL failure to appear..While I was standing there, not in the capacity as a trustee or agent of an organization known as HER MAJESTY...
Any thing else you want to know?
Darren dodged questions concerning his arrest in 1996 and a host of other issues but still an interesting read:
And thanks for the Lawyer advice..but we will pass..have you watched any of deans videos??..they have not come close to establishing jurisdiction and cannot.
You know despite how dishonest the Clifford brothers have been so far, they're clearly true believers. Reading Dean's latest documents is more sad than it is entertaining now. Guy is citing Deuteronomy and Genesis out of the Bible as legal arguments.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
Among the items received was another copy of Dean’s Provincial Court records. The plan was that these might have been updated, but that was not the case. I am unclear how to better retrieve information on Dean’s activities in that court – perhaps we’ll be lucky and a Manitoba resident will examine the file and look for more interesting items. If there are any lawyers in Manitoba who could offer advice that would be very welcome.
Was it a copy of the criminal informations that you received? I reckon that would be the only way, short of having transcripts, to see what is happening at that court, as the information gets updated with every court appearance. Admittedly, the clerks who update the informations tend to use a lot of shorthand and abbreviations that are hard to decipher. Alternatively, the courthouse clerk, if asked, should be able to provide next hearing dates and their purpose.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Amazing, even for sort of coming clean, he really didn't much. I rather suspect that the house incident has a good deal more telling like what actually happened with the insurance, since I'm betting they really didn't get what they were supposed to or claimed to, specifically that they were supposed to get/have insurance to do the work, and I don't really see any mention of them actually having the insurance, and yes, they took a fall for it, but I suspect that it was more in the realm of an honest fall rather than out of the goodness of their hearts. Dean and Darren just don't seem to be able to tell the truth, and I don't expect they did so here.

I think what the brothers Clifford are true believers in are that the rules don't apply to them and it is never their fault, at least that is certainly what I get from their narratives.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by JamesVincent »

Jeffrey wrote:
Approximately 10 years ago..A little west of Calgary Alberta..lived family friends of ours..being foundation contractors..Dean and I were fixing a family heritage home like 125 years old..old stone foundation mortard together was falling apart and house was sinking..coming from Winnipeg we had to have 3rd party liability insurance incase the house was we jacked the dwelling off its foundation approx 2'..
The day before I was to arrive for a site inspection, a Chinook wind actually blew the house off our support structure with Dean and a co-worker under it..Dean was trapped..buried alive for approx 3 hours..20 heavy rescue guys took 3 hours to get him out..
Long story short, the insurance claim was denied without cause..The only way our family friends could recoup any loss was that they were instructed by their lawyer to sue us..I suppose to shift we did not defend the action..I believe replacement cost (value) of a heritage home was not something the insurance company wanted..
End of the day family friends got their cheque, we got a little fukkd..but whatever..Dean also has an action against the insurance provider for non-performance etc..

Kinda funny side note..Mr.Arjoon (agent for insurer) the older brother of a kid I punched out in high school for picking on one of my friends..I got suspended for a week for that..Although it did not happen on school property..ahhh jurisdiction and capacity..
If memory serves areas of Alberta are particularly susceptible to Chinooks and someone who lived and worked there would have known that and been prepared for it. Not sure if that would count as an act of God for insurance purposes but any real insurance company would have known that the area has the winds. Having said that I personally would have been dead set on getting the proper insurance coverage from a legit company doing that kind of work. There's a good deal that could go wrong in the best of times much less something like that.

As far as the insurance company not wanting to cover it, horse hockey. Doesn't matter if they wanted to cover it or not, they would have paid out eventually if they were liable. And even then the owners property insurance may well have been liable if there hadn't been a payout. The Man doesn't take kindly to companies not paying out for their liabilities anymore, at least here they don't.

Only things I can figure is that the brothers did not have any insurance at all, or did not have any insurance on that specific job or job type. When you get contractors insurance you have to specify what type/ types of work you will be doing and will not be doing so the policy revolves it's liability around that. The policy I had didn't allow me to do roofs, mostly because I didn't want to do them and didn't want to have the liability for them. When you start getting into jobs like what they were doing the company would have wanted to know everything about the job to calculate the liability.

And I sure as piss would not have been under a jacked-up house during a Chinook knowing winds can hit over 150mph+. Darwin time.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

I guess we could solve the mystery by getting case records etc; maybe contact the insurance company or something.

Whole thing is weird, why is the insurance company suing the Cliffords? Darren claims the injured co-worker is the one that sued them yet the records show it was the insurance company suing them successfully no less. Weird that it's listed as "manitoba public insurance corporation" too since I thought that was the public auto insurance thing which is why we were assuming it was some sort of car related thing.

Fun little mystery though.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Since it is Dean and Darren involved, I am pretty sure it is safe to say that not even a small part of the truth has been told about what really happened. There are far more holes than facts in the story for it to be otherwise.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

notorial dissent wrote:Since it is Dean and Darren involved, I am pretty sure it is safe to say that not even a small part of the truth has been told about what really happened. There are far more holes than facts in the story for it to be otherwise.
Yes, but their account is a hell if a story, and promises that the truth is even more compelling. That's what got me into the hobby, the pseudolaw is just a bonus!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

My guess is that the insurance company determined that they had not followed proper procedure in jacking up the house. The only way to properly fight such a claim would be to find an expert to argue that they did do it all correctly. But it seems to me that that approach would put their license on the line.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm pretty sure that may well have been a good portion of it. I'd be willing to bet that if they actually did have insurance, which I'm still not betting they did, but I will bet they weren't ticking to the insurance requirements or weren't properly insured to begin with. I still can't imagine that jacking a house, and an old house at that, up off its foundation to fix a foundation problem was a bright course to begin with. If the foundation was that bad it needed other work than "fixing".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by erwalkerca »

There are plenty of companies that do house jacking, whether it is to add a new ground level floor, repair the foundation, or move the house to a new location. Here's a short article from the Victoria Times-Colonist.A house-raising experience.

Dean and Darren probably ran afoul of what is said in the last paragraph. Underestimating the job requirements and overestimating their knowledge and abilities. A common problem for them it seems. The company in the article carries $2 million in liability insurance.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by JamesVincent »

notorial dissent wrote:I'm pretty sure that may well have been a good portion of it. I'd be willing to bet that if they actually did have insurance, which I'm still not betting they did, but I will bet they weren't ticking to the insurance requirements or weren't properly insured to begin with. I still can't imagine that jacking a house, and an old house at that, up off its foundation to fix a foundation problem was a bright course to begin with. If the foundation was that bad it needed other work than "fixing".
There's plenty of legit reasons to jack up a house and do foundation work. When I was in HS a girl I knew whos father owned one of the bigger construction companies in the area. They bought out another business and got a piece of commercial property with an old farm house on it that they wanted for an office. Lo and behold it needed some serious work underneath but, since it was commercial property, they weren't allowed to tear it down and build a new building. So they jacked it up and put a new foundation underneath, which was legal. It the house had historic value then that value would have been lost by tearing it down and rebuilding. It may very well have needed other work but without a foundation no point in fixing the walls.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by JamesVincent »

erwalkerca wrote: Dean and Darren probably ran afoul of what is said in the last paragraph. Underestimating the job requirements and overestimating their knowledge and abilities. A common problem for them it seems. The company in the article carries $2 million in liability insurance.
I had my contractors insurance through Erie and $1 million was the minimum. I had a $2 million liability policy since a lot of companies require that as a minimum to do work on their properties. Totally agree on the not knowing what they were doing.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I quite agree, that if the situation(s) warrants it, that jacking up the house can be not the best, but possibly the only solution, particularly if a large enough portion of the foundation has failed, HOWEVER,... the ones doing it should be experienced, licensed, and bonded, etc, and actually know what they are doing. I have seen nothing to indicate that the brothers Clifford were more than barely competent framing carpenters, and in any event are/were certainly the last people I'd want doing that kind of work on my house.
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