hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by arayder »

Well, Mr. Kannler, your screed below is all very nice, but let's get back to the notion you first posed and have since failed to support. . . that one owns a portion of Canada by virtue of having a birth certificate.

You say you want to honestly respond. I call on you to do so by staying on the subject at hand, rather than attempting to distract the reader with confessional statements about what sort of freeman you are and the nature of your little motor home.
bmxninja357 wrote:
For what it's worth.

bmxninja357: welcome to Quatloos!

I have some thoughts and observations on your questions and comments, but unfortunately I do not believe I will have an opportunity to respond today as I have an evening pub and grub commitment coming up very soon
thank you. and yes you are correct. pub and grub is actually way more fun than playing interweb with me. and i am not here to troll.

if you assumed there is lines i will not cross you are probably correct. i have those i consider friends and allies. these are in fact lines i will not cross. i am here on my own behalf.

that being said i am willing to answer questions on my behalf. publicly and privately.

i am not actually your enemy. all im seeking as a freeman on the land is actually peace, prosperity, and good governance.

i am not anti tax. im against how they are being spent. any canadian should be. as a canadian i would very much like to keep the arctic and the north west passage a part of canada. so why is a canadian soldier being trained to defend the desert? doesn't make sense to me.

the only foreign force i could condone would be in the case of genocide. to clear that up im willing to spend actual dollars. am i ok so far? nothing to radical?

im not a 80's detax moron. i understand that being pro good government also means someone has to pay for it. can we agree?

next my wacky crazy theories on law....

to be short i have defended myself dozens of times. no really. at least one of you is a lawyer. i will use priviledge via pm to confirm. i have used a lawyer more often than not. and i must say, yes there are in fact wins in the freeman world. many are an anomaly. judge hates the crown, use it. it does not mean your theory works. it means the judge was sick of the prosecutors shit and he was prepared to prove that. those court days kick ass! you get a win no matter how your hanging it out there.

im pro se, not pro stupid.

when one defends himself i prefer facts. i have had very, very good representation. i have walked on what gets other years; repeatedly. again, a/c priviledge. if one asks and im confident in it i will provide info.

and i must say, debunking is fine. its cool. but really do you belive its all ok? are we all alright?

im not mr conspiracy guy. i am sympathetic to many theories. some are actually real. some are horse puckey. im not really going to entertain that here, or really elsewhere.

but what i do belive, as a freeman on the land, is that our tax dollars are being wasted. i belive we are being robbed by our retarded cousin to the south on a daily basis. i do belive that rights are being turned into privileges.

so to save ya the trouble i drive for a living. i assure you i can drive nearly anything. and i belive you should be certified to be on the road. and i think renewing your operators permit is a huge rip off. do they retest folks to see if they are competent? no right. pay and go fudge yerself. really is that fair? is it some kinda make work programme? personally im willing to take the test any day. the dmv needs to go get a job or at least do the one they have.

on another note, yes i do in fact live in my motorhome. i could pay for almost any place i like. but i got screwed on the deal before rent caps(which alberta has now abandoned) and i bought a van. made more real world sense. im a firm advocate of tiny houses. how much space does one need? your half million dollar shack is way less fun than my house. and im always home.

im sure i will be afforded occasion to continue. choose your words wisely.

i have no obligation to answer idiocy here or other places. but i am pretty good at understanding the theory of others even when i dont agree with it.

back to you cats.
hope your day is good.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by grixit »

Well, that developed quickly.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by bmxninja357 »


"1. Birth certificates do not access bonds but do represent the right to have a say in how a country is governed."

im not one of those who thinks we get fabulous prizes for saying magic words. and unfortunately i do not believe the people in general actually have much of a say in the governance of canada. when i go to sites like openparliment.ca and see who votes what way it seems they are all kinda the same. and being as how spoiling your ballot actually does nothing im willing to be a voter as soon as none of the above appears on the ballot. it seems that would be fair as it would make the gov actually accountable directly to the people.

"2. A common law right to travel does not mean one can drive without a licence."

roads are dangerous on the best day. i belive a certificate of competency would be in order. but make it yours for life, save for loss of privilege via due process of law. renewal serves no purpose but to pick ones pocket currently. now if they actually retested for competency.....

"3. Taxes cannot be unconsented to."

you can actually tell the tax man to go piss up a rope. of course, this can and does have consequences. but if you have a moral objection for some reason and are willing to actually suffer for this reason you do not have to give a dime to them. and i am not anti government but pro good government and i know the gov does not pay for itself. bridges and roads and hospitals do not build themselves. but i do have objections to several things the tax dollar pays for.

"4. public property cannot be taken by individuals as their own on the basis of their citizenship of canada."

public property is not personal property. it can only become ones own property by a valid operation of law. has little to do with being a citizen. public property is enjoyed basically by anyone. for clarity, i might not have the right to tool about town in a snow plow but i still enjoy one as the road is clear.

and i do not belive corporations should be considered persons, nor should dolphins, or monkeys or....
you get the idea. if the person and the human are inseparable then these things should remain attributes of only us more or less hairless apes. corporate personhood seems to limit the liability of a corporation or company or what have you. make someone responsible.

the strawman theory thingy is not really my bag. its more the realm of the whole world owes me a living crowd. i understand why some think the strawman is important but it aint my bag.

and to answer why im a freeman on the land would take half the night. so to shorten it down i will say i think the legal system is a sham that perpetuates its own business. i think laws should be simplified and written in plain english. if ignorance of the law is no excuse then it is every mans duty to know it. the law should be so plainly written as to not require excess interpretation by someone charging by the hour.

and lets face it, the banking system sucks. i simply choose not to participate in it, or do so as little as possible. and no, i do not have a bank account. nor am i in debt up to my arsehole. if i cant buy it outright i simply cannot afford it.

as i said, i could go on all night but i wont bore any of ya with further rambling at present.

thanks for the questions and i hope my answers dont piss anyone off to bad.

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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by bmxninja357 »

LordEd wrote:So with that out of the way, does your position change, or was the birth certificate 'not being id' inconsequential information?
pretty much. if its id or not its just a support document to get ya generally accepted gov id. it still wont be accepted at the bar without a supporting picture id. so it generally comes in handy only when dealing with the gov itself. and it serves as a proof of my right to the things generally afforded all canadians federally.

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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I was going to post some comments on the birth certificate subject but I think almost anything I could add has been covered. One quick question though, when you ask what is the "security of the person", are you referring to the language used in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s. 7:
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
Otherwise I have a somewhat random set of thoughts and comments.
bmxninja357 wrote:so im going to start by saying when you say 'freemen on the land belive' or some such why do you belive that? is it true? am i painted with that brush?
I personally see the Freeman-on-the-Land community as quite an amorphous one – it ranges from people who self-identify for no reason I can identify (the now ‘boxed’ Andreas Pirelli / Mario Antonacci seems a good example!), to persons who adhere to what might be called ‘orthodox’ beliefs promoted by persons who specifically identify themselves as teaching concepts and a status of that kind.

That’s broad. I sometimes on Quatloos discuss a person as exhibiting typical Freeman social interest characteristics, or advancing documents that have a clear Freeman origin – for example the classic Notice of Understanding, Intent, and Claim of Right.

If you are concerned that the term has become a catch-all used by the media and public for any old in-court oddity? Yes, that’s an issue. For example this guy (R. v. Seagull, 2013 BCSC 1811 (http://canlii.ca/t/g0s21) is definitely not a Freeman – he’s a One People’s Public Trust nut (and a damned unpleasant one at that.)

What I am saying in a round-about manner is that if there is a meaning to saying “I’m a Freeman-on-the-Land”, just that statement alone doesn’t tell someone much. Perhaps there will be, at some point, a clear meaning to the term – for example as an organized political party with an explicit platform of policy and belief. But at the moment it’s a term which can only have meaning with additional context.
bmxninja357 wrote:is it safe to assume that the person is in fact inseparable from the man? sure. is it also a point of law that the human and the person are separate? yup they are. modern law does not allow for the separation. its easy to see why. it could lead to inequality between sexes or races or social classes.

but person and man are actually two different things.
I think your point is a very good one, and viewed through a historical context there clearly was at one point a distinction between a human being and a human being with legal rights, which I suppose we could call “personage”. I also agree that, functionally, that in the modern legal context the two are now merged.
bmxninja357 wrote:the crown represents the people. and the crown is in fact directed(or supposed to be) by the people. thats me. and every other canadian. im not special.

but as to offer a volley, if the people of canada do not own canada(im not purposing the whole do whatcha like thing) who does?
I have a couple of thoughts on this which may (or may not) be helpful. The first is that modern government structure is an evolved rather than a designed thing, and for that reason what it is and how it operates is not always made obvious. Why are there countries? These entities have evolved from personal domains of a man, to ethnical and geographically defined regions where authority (in one sense or another) emerges from the population of those regions.

I think Thomas Hobbes probably did the most useful job of capturing “what is the Crown?” in a thematic sense; it’s a delegation of personal authority to an necessary entity that overarches and operates certain aspects of society. I think, if one were to gather a group of people together who were otherwise unorganized and let them confer on how they should set up their society that they would opt to set up Leviathan – but frame that act something like this:
  • 1. I am limiting my potential use of force and giving it to the State.
    2. I am limiting my direct participation in decision making on social issues via a system of representative democracy that follows these rules.
    3. I am authorizing the State to engage in regulation, intrusion, and taking of my property under a set of criteria and limitations.
    4. I am setting up certain institutional safeguards against State action (for example, an independent Court apparatus, or religious authority.)
    … and so on.
At the end of this process and with a consensus of those people the State pops into existence. It came from the people, their delegation of authority to the State, their empowering of the State, and their voluntary subjugation and subordination of themselves to the State.

At that point the State is whatever its makers imagined it to be.

That’s neat and tidy, but of course not the way we got where we are. The modern State has emerged from many different contexts – sometimes from a kingship that evolved into this supra-personal thing we call the Crown, in other cases strictly as an embodiment of the will of the people. But in the end, oddly enough, many countries look pretty much the same.

Do we own the State? No, but historically we made it. Can we unmake the State? The rotting corpses of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu would suggest so.

In its better moments the State is a symbiote for its host population. Sometimes it’s just a parasite that operates for the benefit of a few. But in either case, it stands alone and apart from the population. In Canada the Courts have an analogous, free-standing nature, which is rather an interesting phenomenon when one considers the point. Again, an evolved product, rather than a designed one.
bmxninja357 wrote:and to answer why im a freeman on the land would take half the night. so to shorten it down i will say i think the legal system is a sham that perpetuates its own business. i think laws should be simplified and written in plain english. if ignorance of the law is no excuse then it is every mans duty to know it. the law should be so plainly written as to not require excess interpretation by someone charging by the hour.
Yep, that is a huge problem. The legal profession as a self-regulated monopoly is preposterous.

And again, the complexity of the apparatus and its rules are a consequence of the history of the legal system as an evolved rather than a designed thing. If we can’t make the system ‘knowable’, at least one could hope to make the results of the system rational and intuitive, to give the ordinary person a sketch of how things work so that they can anticipate a result without looking up the details.

In its better moments the law works that way – one reason I really like the law of contract is that a couple centuries back the British Law Lords decided to structure that domain under a single principle: whatever else, the law of contract should produce an economically efficient result. From that one basis anyone can infer a sensible, easy to understand set of rules – and most likely that will turn out to be what the courts enforce.

But there are huge domains of law where there is no hint at a rational scheme. In theory, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms should have helped sort that out – personally I think it made things even worse. I sometimes talk to legal professionals about taking a knife to the law and seeing if radical re-workings could produce benefit. It’s interesting to me that they usually can’t even imagine taking such steps – they’re so caught up in the evolved structure of the law and all its byzantine paths.

Just one example: why in criminal matters is a judge only allowed to put limits on an accused where that person’s misconduct is proven beyond a reasonable doubt? The historical answer is simple: the sanction for a crime was traditionally physical punishment or jail – and those are such severe intrusions into a person’s rights that they only are authorized where the crime is proven to a very high confidence.

But now we have all kinds of lesser punishments: prohibitions of all kinds, various forms of community service, restricted activity outside of prison via probation and parole mechanisms. Why does it make sense to only allow those where you know, absolutely know, that a crime has occurred?

Wouldn’t it instead make sense to give judges a more flexible toolset to address the person who very probably committed a crime and therefore could benefit from some restricted form of social control? Perhaps. Can that occur in Canada? Probably not - criminal law has been committed to a certain evolutionary pathway, which arguably limits the social benefit available from a court-like process. It’s just a thought experiment, but shows how the fact law grew rather than was designed leads to its current form.

I could go on at great length on how the current appellate court obsession with procedural fairness has made the courts all but inaccessible but I suspect most on this forum are getting a little tired of me ranting about that…
bmxninja357 wrote:ask what you want but know, i do not speak for anyone but myself. and i dont think we are so different. im here to see if im right.
I believe so, and I’m glad you decided to participate here.

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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by bmxninja357 »

@ Hilfskreuzer Möwe,

i will go through a few points that we seem to both somewhat agree on.

firstly, since i know you have probably read your share of my thoughts in other places you may have noticed i have repeatedly made a distinction between one who calls himself a freeman and one who identifies as a freeman on the land. this is straight up because there is a clear difference. anyone with a non mainstream view and a distrust of all things government can generally be self identified as a freeman. for example i can be a freeman and an anti government anarchist. however a freeman on the land is not anti government but pro good government; but may harbour a disdain for the way it is currently being run and the boundaries it crosses into ones personal affairs. as usual i could go on about the differences and we could argue for the next three days and get no further than we are now. and from my point of view the withdrawal of consent is just an attempt to kill a giant with a very small feather. i see it as trying to take any power from the gov at any time any way possible. and i think some find it much easier than actually trying to figure out the mechanisms of change built in to the gov and legal system. and, as much as many don't like it i support some folks action on this so long as they understand they are doing it for moral reasons and understand there will be consequences. protesters go to jail quite often so as long as one knows the risks one may do as they please in my view.

and to answer your question about the security of the person i do not believe it to be a tradable, financial instrument of some type. my belief is that it is the right to have the security of the rights afforded persons, that wasn't fully afforded certain groups in 'civilized' society like canada. (think women being able to vote, freedom of or from religion, the rights of gay folks, etc.). everyone has their person and the rights and duties that come with that securely. but i must add that that is solely my opinion.

hope that answers some questions, and might raise a few more.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by arayder »

bmxninja357 wrote:. . . i have repeatedly made a distinction between one who calls himself a freeman and one who identifies as a freeman on the land. this is straight up because there is a clear difference. anyone with a non mainstream view and a distrust of all things government can generally be self identified as a freeman. for example i can be a freeman and an anti government anarchist. however a freeman on the land is not anti government but pro good government. . .
Unclarity and confusion on this point is understandable since the director of the World Freeman Society, Robert Menard, claims to be pro good government yet is unable to account for a single dime donated to the society's various "projects".

I submit that any government so doing would be rightly held up to scorn by freemen.

Likewise the World Freeman Society Forum, at which you, bmxninja, are seemingly the only moderator, regularly bans opposing points of view and has gone so far as to share the IP addresses of freeman debunkers with Robert Menard, who has published them in the clear intent to track down said debunkers and cause them financial, legal and physical harm.

I submit that any other society so doing would be branded by freemen as fascist, statist pigs.

I will leave it to you to explain this hypocrisy, ninja.

tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by bmxninja357 »

if you go to a forum with the intent of being a contrary troll expect what you get. and your a far bigger coward than those you talk about. for example, if rob is full of it tell him who you are so you can see if he actually seeks legal recourse. you have no problem bandying my name about, but are scared of yours. mighty cowardly....

and since your not very observant i will point out there is several mods, global mods, and admins. and rob is also one of those. so as much as your trying to troll me its not going to work here.

and you also missed that i am only a mod on the wfs public forum. the one open to those who wish to discuss things in a civil manner without being a mega troll.

and you seem to be making all sorts of assumptions. like if one sent money(which i have) to the wfs i know it goes into a fund that in fact pays for wfs things, such as the public forum i am a participant and moderator on. when you send money to rob for a project that is solely robs thing, it may enjoy the support of the wfs but the funding is independent of that, unless he is heading something on behalf of the wfs.

sorry if that bursts your bubble; but often you do not have a clue as to what your talking about and you seem deficient to do anything but use assumptions that suit your egos need for glory at places like the jref. you go from hither to thither rewording others material and pretending you came up with it. and then you might add some sort of grossly unqualified mental diagnosis.

but since your trying to troll me, as usual, like you have done on other forums, emails to my sister, on my webcam, etc. despite the fact i have never asked anyone for a dollar for my freeman material. i will from here forth ignore you. im in danger of having decent intelligent conversation here with folks that have insights into law and government i cant seem to find on other forums. so i bid you ado.

my apologies to the mods here. i will answer him no more. dealing with trolls is not why im here. im looking to gain and give insight. no intent to make trouble.

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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by arayder »

I was not aware that violating the "ninja rules" was punishable by the threat of a beating by Menard's goons.

Please spare us the ruse that you didn't know what Menard was doing and kept on moderating at WFS forum like some corrupt city councilman who claims he "just didn't know what was going on".

Menard's misdeeds were public knowledge. He even made a Youtube announcing the addresses he was given and there asked for help tracking down freeman debunkers! Please note, my reading impaired friend, that I didn't say Menard threatened me. The only way you'd know that would be if you helped him or stood by complicity while he did so!

It seems to me, and please correct me if I a wrong, that given the role of internet moderator you can't do any better than a corrupt government official who betrays the public trust.

bmxninja357 wrote:if you go to a forum with the intent of being a contrary troll expect what you get. and your a far bigger coward than those you talk about. for example, if rob is full of it tell him who you are so you can see if he actually seeks legal recourse. you have no problem bandying my name about, but are scared of yours. mighty cowardly....

and since your not very observant i will point out there is several mods, global mods, and admins. and rob is also one of those. so as much as your trying to troll me its not going to work here.

and you also missed that i am only a mod on the wfs public forum. the one open to those who wish to discuss things in a civil manner with being a mega troll.

and you seem to be making all sorts of assumptions. like if one sent money(which i have) to the wfs i know it goes into a fund that in fact pays for wfs things, such as the public forum i am a participant and moderator on. when you send money to rob for a project that is solely robs thing, it may enjoy the support of the wfs but the funding is independent of that, unless he is heading something on behalf of the wfs.

sorry if that bursts your bubble; but often you do not have a clue as to what your talking about and you seem deficient to do anything but use assumptions that suit your egos need for glory at places like the jref. you go from hither to thither rewording others material and pretending you came up with it. and then you might add some sort of grossly unqualified mental diagnosis.

but since your trying to troll me, as usual, like you have done on other forums, emails to my sister, on my webcam, etc. despite the fact i have never asked anyone for a dollar for my freeman material. i will from here forth ignore you. im in danger of having decent intelligent conversation here with folks that have insights into law and government i cant seem to find on other forums. so i bid you ado.

my apologies to the mods here. i will answer him no more. dealing with trolls is not why im here. im looking to gain and give insight. no intent to make trouble.

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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by arayder »

bmxninja357 wrote: my apologies to the mods here. i will answer him no more. dealing with trolls is not why im here. im looking to gain and give insight. no intent to make trouble.

bmxninja357 wrote: i hope you [arayder] die choking on a hot dog so i might make jokes all week.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by Jeffrey »

Wait so Menard is still active on WFS?

Why is Dean Clifford persona non grata on WFS but Menard isn't? All the criticism of Clifford applies equally to Menard so what's going on there?
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by bmxninja357 »

hi jeffery,

im not here to talk about many others in the freeman on the land movement. i can only speak for myself. but what i can say is much of what you here is kinda out there and is often specious reasoning stacked on top of an assumption.

there is a thread on rob, perhaps seek answers there. im not trying to be rude at all. im just here to share my opinions on certain legal concepts and ideas of government. im not really here to justify nor bash others. im here to learn and seek info i cant find in other places.

sorry if that does not satisfactorily answer your inquiry, but it is what it is.

this does not mean im opposed to discussing concepts and theories.

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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:Wait so Menard is still active on WFS?

Why is Dean Clifford persona non grata on WFS but Menard isn't? All the criticism of Clifford applies equally to Menard so what's going on there?
The incident I am talking about happened a couple of years ago.

I visited the WFS forum and posted there. I should not have ignored Jargon Busters's advice to use a proxy server, because after just a few posts I ran afoul of the resident moderator, bmxninja. Menard, surprisingly sober that night, chimed in to say he knew who I was and sure enough ninja banded me.

A few days later my ISP address showed up on a Menard Youtube and on his Facebook page with a call to tech savvy freemen to help him track me down. In the comments section Menard told his minions that once he got a judgement against me he'd hire some thugs to come down to Kentucky to collect.

Needless to say nothing happened.

Now bmxninja says he doesn't wanna' talk about the matter or his role in it.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by JamesVincent »

arayder wrote: In the comments section Menard told his minions that once he got a judgement against me he'd hire some thugs to come down to Kentucky to collect.
I'd give 5 Quatloos to see him try that one.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by arayder »

JamesVincent wrote:
arayder wrote: In the comments section Menard told his minions that once he got a judgement against me he'd hire some thugs to come down to Kentucky to collect.
I'd give 5 Quatloos to see him try that one.
As usual Menard wasn't going to do the deed. He fantasied that he'd get somebody to do it for him.

I'd give 5 Quatloos to see Bobby pose the idea to some thugs that they show up at some ole Kentucky boy's front door claiming they got some freeman papers saying they get a bunch a money or they give out a beatin'.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by JamesVincent »

arayder wrote: As usual Menard wasn't going to do the deed. He fantasied that he'd get somebody to do it for him.

I'd give 5 Quatloos to see Bobby pose the idea to some thugs that they show up at some ole Kentucky boy's front door claiming they got some freeman papers saying they get a bunch a money or they give out a beatin'.
Almost a tough call on how to react to that, send a small object at high speed towards them or let the dogs lose. I'd almost go for the dogs just for pure entertainment value though.....

Be even more entertaining if they had shown up at the wrong house. Some of the back woods fellas don't like strangers too much 'round here.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by arayder »

JamesVincent wrote:
arayder wrote: As usual Menard wasn't going to do the deed. He fantasied that he'd get somebody to do it for him.

I'd give 5 Quatloos to see Bobby pose the idea to some thugs that they show up at some ole Kentucky boy's front door claiming they got some freeman papers saying they get a bunch a money or they give out a beatin'.
Almost a tough call on how to react to that, send a small object at high speed towards them or let the dogs lose. I'd almost go for the dogs just for pure entertainment value though.....

Be even more entertaining if they had shown up at the wrong house. Some of the back woods fellas don't like strangers too much 'round here.
I had two poodles at the time so it would have been the former. They were great little fuzzy alarms, but they hated loud noises.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by Jeffrey »

I'm not getting the point. If the guys who started the Freeman thing were all frauds, i.e. Menard, Croft, etc, then why bother sticking around. Particularly now that it's been over a decade and all you have is a 100% court failure rate, a lot of people who went to jail, others getting their trucks and cars seized, others losing houses and property to CRA, etc. And I think you've seen the kind of idiots the movement attracts, i.e. Zero and Meta over at WFS.

At what point are you guys going to cut your losses and admit you were wrong?
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by bmxninja357 »


actually, i do not believe all the guys who started the freeman on the land movement are frauds. i think theres a lot of theories that have been wrong, and a lot of profiteers, a lot of folks getting in over their head because they did not examine the consequences of their actions.

and without getting into a poop war here, its not actually a 100 percent failure rate in court as i have previously said. this does not mean the event is reproducible. all it takes to win in court is a judge who is pissed off at the prosecutor. so i have found cases where there was a win but i do not often equate that with the magic words. there can be many many reasons why a charge is dropped or thrown out. my first thought isn't,"magic words work!" and as a rule self represented litigants get a little more leeway and the judge may be good enough to find a defect for you.

and really even folks who pay their taxes in full on time occasionally get screwed on the deal. tax court is little more than a kangaroo court where guilt is all but assumed and you're only waiting on a penalty.

any movement of any variety of freedom seekers will always attract elements of the undesirable. same as any religion. or any private club, some seem to think its the simple way to feel important and many are simply there seeking revenge for some perceived wrong. i believe we go to the law for redress not revenge.

but i only speak for myself. my opinions are solely my own. and i have no loses in need of cutting and if i am wrong i try to admit it promptly upon the discovery. i believe the current government, banking and legal systems need a tune up in their entirety. and i believe there is mechanisms provided in all of the above to achieve this goal. being non violent in these goals is important to me as if its impossible to achieve this type of change peaceably what options does that leave the people? not one i would really enjoy.

and those changes are my goal.

if i could add i would prefer to speak of concepts and theories rather than discuss any fellow forum member from a different site.
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Re: hi guys! im commonly known as bmxninja357....

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've not previously posted in this discussion but was goaded to do so by a comment from bmxninja357;
bmxninja357 wrote:@jeffery

and really even folks who pay their taxes in full on time occasionally get screwed on the deal. tax court is little more than a kangaroo court where guilt is all but assumed and you're only waiting on a penalty.
The reference is to the Tax Court of Canada, a court I have vastly more acquaintance with than bmxninja357 (I testified there as an expert witness dozens of times) and there is nothing "kangaroo court" about it. However freemen and sovereigns get their panties in a knot over Tax Court because they always lose there, you know, the same way they always lose in every other court.

First the Tax Court's role. It is an independent court hearing tax appeals. The judges are appointed by the federal government and come from basically two areas, federal Department of Justice lawyers and outside tax lawyers. The government tends to pair the appointments for balance. For example when Les Little, a well known Vancouver tax lawyer who was a partner at Thorsteinssons, Canada's largest tax law firm, was appointed so was Brent Paris, a Vancouver Department of Justice lawyer. I knew both well, I sparred with Les for decades and dealt with Brent on appeals files at Vancouver DOJ. Both were highly experienced as the Tax Court appointments tend to be. Once appointed judges they have unbreakable tenure and owe the government of Canada nothing. Essentially the same as any other judge in any other court so they have no reason to shade opinions in the government's favour.

A lot of freemen/sovereigns have been trying to rant their way to victory in Tax Court recently and I've discussed them on Quatloos. Bmxninja357 has said that freemen occasionally win in court but has somehow neglected to give any citations to these cases to support his claim. This always seems to be the case with freemen claims of court wins however claims of court victories without case references are just worthless bombast. So, when I say that freemen lose at tax court based purely on the merits of their arguments here are a few Quatloos references with citations to back up my claim;











There are many, many more; just go to the Quatloos Canadian Tax section and wallow in them. Start with my favorite, this one, my first contribution to Quatloos;


So bmxninja357; if you want to pontificate that the Tax Court is a Kangaroo Court please give examples and citations to back up your bald statement up rather than just an off the cuff whine.

I get a little worked up about this because I had a long career testifying at the Tax Court on behalf of the CRA and I was run though the grinder doing it. I never saw the slightest bias in our favour. It is true that taxpayer's tend to lose there but this is for three principal reasons;

1 - Most questionable assessments are abandoned by the CRA or negotiated before Tax Court

Some, perhaps many, CRA assessments are ill founded. Fair enough. However the bad ones largely get screened out before being heard in Tax Court. When a taxpayer appeals an assessment if first goes to Appeals. This is a section of the CRA which, in freeman mythology, is a rubber stamp but is, in fact and administratively, independent of audit. Appeals job is to review files that have been appealed to cull out the rubbish and they are judged on how well they do this. I was frequently subject to their scrutiny.

This is just common sense, there is no point in taking a poorly based assessment to Tax Court. Many cases are judgment calls. A very common example is claimed business expenses that might border on being personal. Often assessments are based on matters of opinion, a CRA appraiser or valuator has given an opinion on a real property or intangible property value. Appeals has the mandate to try and negotiate these with taxpayers. If the CRA auditor has made an error in law in making the assessment this is also caught in Appeals. So any case that proceeds to Tax Court is either because it is a matter of law (which Appeals can't negotiate) and appeals thinks the CRA has correctly interpreted the law or the taxpayer just won't agree to a reasonable negotiated settlement.

2 - The Department of Justice is responsible for Tax Court files and they don't like to lose.

Once a case is headed for Tax Court it is passed out of appeals hands to the Department of Justice which has a specialized tax section. Cases are assigned to specific DOJ lawyers and, like all lawyers, they don't like to lose in court. It doesn't look good in performance reviews. So if they feel the file has a poor chance in court they can, and very frequently do, reject it.

3 - The Tax Court is a court of law not a court of equity

Taxpayers keep thinking that tax assessments should be based on "fairness", a very nebulous word, and often appeal because they feel they have been badly treated by hostile arrogant CRA staff or that their assessments are unfair. However that buys you nothing in Tax Court. The mandate of the court is to make judgments based solely on the provisions of the Income Tax Act of Canada. The court cannot, and does not, base its decisions on whether that results in fair treatment for taxpayers. Tax Court judges frequently tell taxpayers that because of the way tax law is written in the Act the taxpayer making the appeal is being screwed. But this is irrelevant to the judge because, as they keep saying in their judgments, the taxpayer was treated legally under the provisions of the Act. This is huge for Freemen who are big on demands for personal entitlement but somewhat lacking in an understanding of income tax law. So when they lose it is because, as bmxninja357 says, they are the victims of a Kangaroo court. Tough. To be very blunt the Tax Court of Canada doesn't give a flying fuck about your personal philosophical viewpoint on why you should be exempt from Canada's income tax laws. They judge your appeals based only on how well grounded they are based on statutory law as stipulated in the Income Tax Act of Canada. Nothing else.

A comment for bmxninja357. I've followed you for a while as a moderator on World Freeman Society. I've found you, as has Mowe, as flexible and, another nebulous term, reasonable compared to your somewhat dimwitted fellow posters (hi Meta!). You're more than just theoretical, you've been through the mill (jail time) and are at least open to considering and discussing arguments opposed to your own. All to the good. But if you have a beef against the CRA or the Tax Court of Canada, while I'm willing to debate it, back your arguments up with facts and citation, not whining freeman bullshit about the unfairness of life.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
