Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Famspear wrote:
Duke2Earl wrote:.....Unfortunately, both have been demonstrated to be slow learners.
Or, umm...... non-learners?

Evolutionarily slow learners?
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Dr. Caligari »

It has been a long time since I represented a female defendant in a federal criminal case, but I recall hearing at one time that the federal prisons for women are not good places to be.

What was explained to me at the time was that the security level in a prison is based on the worst prisoner in the institution. There are so many male prisoners that the Bureau of Prisons can maintain many prisons for men, with varying levels of security, from minimum to supermax. There are not enough women prisoners to do this, so there are only a few women's prisons and women who might merit only minimum security confinement are locked up under tighter security.

If someone has more up-to-date information, please post.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Dezcad »

Dr. Caligari wrote:It has been a long time since I represented a female defendant in a federal criminal case, but I recall hearing at one time that the federal prisons for women are not good places to be.

What was explained to me at the time was that the security level in a prison is based on the worst prisoner in the institution. There are so many male prisoners that the Bureau of Prisons can maintain many prisons for men, with varying levels of security, from minimum to supermax. There are not enough women prisoners to do this, so there are only a few women's prisons and women who might merit only minimum security confinement are locked up under tighter security.

If someone has more up-to-date information, please post.

This is where I get all my information.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

The movies are probably a better source of information on legal matters than Blowhard Hendrickson's "Cracking the Code."
Davis [the Steve Martin character]: Mack, you ever seen a movie called Sullivan's Travels?

Mack [the Kevin Kline character]: No.

Davis: That's part of your problem. You haven't seen enough movies. All of life's riddles are answered in the movies.
---from Grand Canyon (1991), screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and Meg Kasdan; directed by Lawrence Kasdan.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by notorial dissent »

Duke2Earl, while I compliment your optimism, I think that is what it is. I have yet to see any indication of learning happening in either party. Big Pete got sent to the slammer and got tromped all over in court and is still peddling his bilge, and he has since helped Doreen to get her very own contempt citation and prison sentence, so I'm not sure there is a whole lot of learnin' goin' on.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:My very own thread on LH has degenerated into a p**sing contest between competing trolls.
Crack-a-dooster "smudge" writes:
Now I remember why I quit posting, this forum has devolved into schoolyard arguments.

"You're a troll, no you're a troll, no, you're a troll, show me your refund then, none of your business, see, you're a troll, oh yeah, well...."

Not a whole lot of information on how to handle the IRS>
And "BrainySmurf76" responds with this:
Ah c'mon smudge, don't stop now. Hate to say what the tyrants since 9/11 say but if you give up, the terrorists win. This whole troll strategy I believe is like the agenda to get us all hiding looking for boogie men and in-fighting..... ... 74&p=31641

And, in a separate thread, the King of Paranoia, "Homie" -- also known as "I know that everyone in the universe is really Famspear" -- this same "Homie" who appears to be yet another sockpuppet for Harvester-Nationwide-Libre-johnthetaxist-johnnycash-John Travis Harvester, and perhaps patriot1, writes:
All warfare is based on deception - Sun Tzu

Famspear, I know what you've done here. You came into this garden to deceive and distract. To remake it into your own.
But the Kingdom of God is pernicious, creeping through a garden, impossible to weed out.
The Kingdom of God is disruptive, the enemy of complacency. It calls us into the acknowledgment of injustice and action to remedy it.
The Kingdom of God is a bitch. ... 642#p31642


You're doing it to yourselves, Crackpots. And you're getting what you deserve -- completely without any "help" from me.


The human capacity for self-deception is very great.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

I just checked, and I believe that Harvester's most recent post here may have been made on October 16, 2011:

viewtopic.php?f=51&t=7739&p=129105&hili ... er#p129105

I used to post at a web site called "freedomwatch" -- at which Harvester also posted, and continues to post (as "johnthetaxist"), but my last post there was in May of 2011.

See, generally: ... endrickson

So, it appears that Harvey and I have had no interaction since October 2011 at the latest.

Yet, Mr. Paranoia continues to post comments -- at lost horizons and freedomwatch -- to the effect that various other people are me.

Obviously, I made quite an impression on the little fella.

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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

What makes it even better is that, over at "freedomwatch" user "BrainySmurf76" (who also posts at losthorizons) suggested on Monday, July 28th, that he may have a touch of Harvester's paranoia. In responding to "johnthetaxist" (Harvester-Nationwide-Libre-johnnycash etc):
We know you're probably Jay that Famspear guy. Acing like a sociopath with all your personas.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

On July 24, at freedomwatch, "johnthetaxist" claims to believe that "craneman3355" (yet another poster at losthorizons -- are we keeping all this straight?) is me:
....Craneman is obviously Famspear disinfo - safely ignored.
Actually, at least according to his own admission at losthorizons, "craneman3355" would appear to be an individual named Michael L. Long. See Long v. Commissioner, no. 018928-09L (May 5, 2011), at: ... ID=5502790

But that won't stop Hopeless Harvey from believing that everyone is Famspear.

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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

Peter E. ("Blowhard") Hendrickson writes:
FOLKS, THIS NEWSLETTER WILL STILL BE IT for a little while longer. The outrageous, corrupt assault on my wife, on the truth, and on all our speech and due process rights last week ended with a finding of guilt after a trial in which, among much else,

•the jury was specifically relieved from a requirement that any verdict of guilt as to any alleged act of contempt be unanimous;

•the jury was instructed by the judge that it was to disregard the un-Constitutionality of the orders Doreen was accused of resisting;

•Doreen was prevented from presenting to the jury any rulings by the Supreme Court and other courts concerning rights of speech and conscience;

•Doreen was prevented from showing, or even testifying about, the endless acknowledgements by the federal and state governments of the accuracy of CtC and their relevance to her state of mind*;

•Doreen was prevented from defending the evidentiary basis (the relevance to the case) of portions of her testimony and proffered exhibits (such as the endless acknowledgements by the federal and state governments of the accuracy of CtC) in response to government objections;

•a government attorney made, in my humble opinion, an overt (and, it would appear, entirely deliberate) false representation of fact at a key point in the proceedings;

•Doreen was endlessly hectored and disparaged by the judge, prevented from controlling her witnesses, and chastised for "deliberately prolonging the trial" (or words to that effect) by testifying in a manner no different than how the same judge insisted that she let government attorneys respond to Doreen's questions on cross-examination;

•Doreen was stopped and made to sit down before getting through the first ten minutes of her Opening Statement (and that ten minutes was perforated by repeated objections from the government attorneys and the judge herself, even though it was basically the same statement with which Doreen had opened her case, without interference, in the first trial); and

•Doreen was repeatedly interrupted during her Closing Argument, and made to stop before finishing that one, too...
Gee, Blowhard Pete, there must be something in your book that you forgot to read. How could this have happened?
Those interested can find an excellent day-by-day report on the "trial" here.

I am now working on efforts to undo this new crime against the rule of law, and so must crave your indulgence at no new articles for the rest of this week.
Awwww, mannnnn!!
Happily, the current articles below on this page and in the Mid-Edition Update contain exceptionally-important content, all of which merits the extended posting time and everyone's close attention.

HOWEVER, THE ASSAULT ON DOREEN SHOULD ALSO be occupying everyone's attention. This assault is the most corrupt and pernicious effort yet in the government's ten-year campaign to thwart the spread of simple, undisputedly-accurate information about the tax. If this one sticks, it will set a precedent which guts the entire structure of due process in all future legal contests over any issue, not just tax-related contests.
Sounds serious.
At the same time, this assault on Doreen, the truth, everyone's speech rights and the substance of trial by jury offers an important lesson. Everyone still suffering from some form of "CtC denial" should take note:

The ONLY "rebuttals" the government (and its shills in certain professions) have EVER offered to what CtC reveals about the tax have been two (neither of which ever involve dispute of any CtC revelation about the content of the law or any of the historical facts concerning the tax).
Pete, your ability to parse court cases is on the same par as your ability to stay out of federal prison for using your own CtC scam on your own tax returns.
The first variety of these imaginary rebuttals are pompous assertions that "no court has ever upheld what CtC says about the tax". This is a patently false and ridiculous outright lie, as demonstrated in the most authoritative way possible both here and in the lead article of this newsletter, as well as throughout CtC itself, of course.
I repeat, Pete. Your ability to parse court cases is on the same par as your ability to stay out of federal prison for using your own CtC scam on your own tax returns.
The other variety of "rebuttal" is the equally pompous and false assertion that "courts have ruled against CtC". This is a lie reliant on its targets not ever looking past deceptive misrepresentation in DOJ press releases, of course.
No, Pete. It's not a lie.

You're lying, Pete. You're well aware of the court cases where you and your book have been specifically mentioned by name -- cases in which your scam was rejected by the courts.
None of the government's pet courts have ever actually addressed what CtC actually reveals. Those faced with any CtC-revelations simply evade them (and everyone on that side of the field does their best to ignore the fact that the federal and dozens of state and local governments have routinely, if quietly, been acknowledging CtC for more than ten years in the most concrete fashion possible-- complete, never-before-in-American-history refunds of EVERYTHING withheld or paid-in in connection with the income tax).
Nope. Sell it to your Crack-a-doosters, Pete. Oh, wait, that's what you're doing, isn't it?
So here's the lesson offered by this assault on Doreen: The gross behavior by the other side in her case reveals more glaringly than ever before that the government and its tools have no legitimate game to bring against CtC, and have nothing to work with but corruption and evasion and lawlessness.

Every single thing done in its long effort to frighten Americans away from CtC has been a sustained lie, and what's being done to try to keep this vicious assault alive by way of the charge against Doreen is the most open evidence of that fact to date. Don't mistake the significance of this lesson-- when the other side cheats, it is clear evidence that it can't win on the facts and the law.
Yes, you -- and Doreen -- have those mean ol', bad ol' tax collectors right where you want 'em.
USE THIS ADMISSION IN YOUR TRUTH-SPREADING ACTIVITIES!!. Even the most head-in-the-sand denier can't misunderstand that the government and the court are way outside the law in what is being done here. Thus, none can mistake the implications that this is being done both because the government can't win otherwise, and because CtC IS the one and only real and imminent sharpened stake hanging over the vampire Leviathan's breast, needing only enough CtC-awakened Americans to add their weight and drive it home.
Problem is, the "sharpened stake" is made of silly putty.

Oh, wait. There's more.

Here's a new "CALL TO ACTION" for everyone who really takes it all seriously:

Cajole, persuade, browbeat or entice 10 American law-school students, 2 journalists and 1 sitting judge (not in any particular order) to read the material at, from beginning to the end of the "NOTES", and all linked docs within.

Not an easy thing, perhaps, and likely to demand some creativity and persistence. But it's what will make the difference that's needed.

And thank you so much, all of you that were there for this second trial!! You have helped support Doreen's spirit throughout this ordeal more than words can express.

I'd very much appreciate your affidavits memorializing what you saw happen during the trial last week. They will be most helpful and important. Please contact me for more on this if you didn't already get an email from me about it.

*Those persisting in harboring the notion that CtC victories are temporary, or just "slips through the cracks", or get people in trouble, or whatever, should ask themselves why, if any of that were true (and not simply bs spread by the sort of trolls discussed here, and their useful idiots) the government would have not welcomed those victories being raised, rather than preventing Doreen from talking about them at all in an obvious an appealable violation of her right to present her defense...
Thank you, oh Bloviating Blowhard.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

This calls for a song.

How about one of my old favorites -- from two years ago:
Peter Hendrickson's Narcissistic Hymn To Himself

--sung to the tune of I’ve Gotta Be Me (with apologies to Walter Marks, who composed the original words & music; hit version, c. 1968, was sung by Sammy Davis, Jr.)

I know I’m right; I’ll never be wrong….
My beautiful face in this world is always so strong….
It’s all about Me…. It’s all about Me…
Oh, why can’t they see: I’m Superman….

I want to live, and also connive.
And I won't give up this dream
Of life that keeps me alive….
It’s all about Me…. It’s all about Me…
Delusion, you see, makes Me what I am….

My far-away prize, My World of Success,
I have not attained, because of My fall.
I won't knuckle down, although I'm a mess,
For now I believe, yes I believe, I deserve it all….

I'll go it alone, that's how it must be;
Cannot think about somebody else --
It’s all about Me….
It’s all about Me…. It’s all about Me…..
I could just cry: I’m living a lie!
It’s all about Me….
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

Yes, the hits of Prevaricatin' Pete, the Blundering Blowhard, keep right on a-comin'!:
Blowhard Pete

(sung to the tune of "Young at Heart" by Carolyn Leigh & Johnny Richards)
(imagine this as sung by Frank Sinatra or Tony Bennett)

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If you're Blowhard Pete.
For it's hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If you're Blowhard Pete!

You can go to extremes with impossible schemes.
You can cry when your schemes fall apart at the seams.
And life gets more ex-cit-ing with each pass-ing day.
'Cause jail is either where you are, or on its way.

Don't you know that it's worth every treasure on earth
To be Blowhard Pete!
For as dumb as you are, it's much better by far
To be Blowhard Pete!

And if you should survive to a hundred and five,
Look at all you derive when you want to connive!
And here is what's so neat, you got to lie! Cheat!
'Cause you are the nar-ci-ssis-tic Blow-hard Pete!
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by The Observer »

Pete Hendrickson wrote:Cajole, persuade, browbeat or entice 10 American law-school students, 2 journalists and 1 sitting judge (not in any particular order) to read the material [CtC link redacted]...
I have this hunch that law students just don't have the time to waste on reading Pete's garbage, let alone actually studying it to see if it makes any legal and logical sense. And I suppose any journalist worth their salt is going to take into serious consideration the fact that Pete got convicted twice due to his misbegotten beliefs about the tax system - meaning that they are certainly not going to be reporting this in the positive light that Pete may desire. And maybe the attorneys on this site could weigh in on with what some crusty, overworked judge might do if a Crackhead tries to browbeat him/her into reading CtC...
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Gregg »

Famspear wrote: ...

And, in a separate thread, the King of Paranoia, "Homie" -- also known as "I know that everyone in the universe is really Famspear" -- this same "Homie" who appears to be yet another sockpuppet for Harvester-Nationwide-Libre-johnthetaxist-johnnycash-John Travis Harvester, and perhaps patriot1, writes:
All warfare is based on deception - Sun Tzu

Famspear, I know what you've done here. You came into this garden to deceive and distract. To remake it into your own.
But the Kingdom of God is pernicious, creeping through a garden, impossible to weed out.
The Kingdom of God is disruptive, the enemy of complacency. It calls us into the acknowledgment of injustice and action to remedy it.
The Kingdom of God is a bitch. ... 642#p31642


You're doing it to yourselves, Crackpots. And you're getting what you deserve -- completely without any "help" from me.


The human capacity for self-deception is very great.

Convincing Harvey someone is you is hardly an accomplishment, but when (and that day will come) he accuses Pete of being you of being Jay, then we'll know we've won.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote:Convincing Harvey someone is you is hardly an accomplishment, but when (and that day will come) he accuses Pete of being you of being Jay, then we'll know we've won.

Let's not give the po' leetle feller any ideas! He's already confused and miserable enough as it is!

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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by Famspear »

Sentencing has been scheduled for Doreen Hendrickson:
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Doreen M. Hendrickson: Sentencing set for 11/20/2014 02:00 PM before District Judge Victoria A. Roberts - Defendant's Mandatory Sentencing Memo due: 11/3/2014; Response due: 11/10/2014 (CPin) (Entered: 07/28/2014).
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by notorial dissent »

I think so much for prospect of Pete and/or Doreen getting the message or a clue. As in just more of the same. Dumb and getting dumber. I wish I could say I'm surprised, but past actions strongly indicate future and I just don't see any change in the forecast.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by grixit »

Famspear, King of the Imposters! Even his sockpuppets have sockpuppets.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Famspear wrote:Sentencing has been scheduled for Doreen Hendrickson:
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Doreen M. Hendrickson: Sentencing set for 11/20/2014 02:00 PM before District Judge Victoria A. Roberts - Defendant's Mandatory Sentencing Memo due: 11/3/2014; Response due: 11/10/2014 (CPin) (Entered: 07/28/2014).
Is it me or is that a longer than usual timescale? Have some extra reports on Doreen been requested?
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson Retrial Set for July 21, 2014

Post by wserra »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Is it me or is that a longer than usual timescale? Have some extra reports on Doreen been requested?
It's about average for someone who is not detained.
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