Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

While this doesn't relate directly to RuSA, it comes back to it.

Three North Carolinans, James Dew, Jerry Hartsoe, and Mark Shannon, who had claimed to have stopped something like $400M in debt, were just sentenced to 10 years in prison for what is becoming a classic sovcit scam of using fake gov't paper to pay off bills and mortgages. One of their companies was called “Hakanumatata For All”. Seriously, I couldn't make this up. Where RuSA comes in is that this was basically affinity fraud as well as they were apparently members and used the RusA meetings to to find their suckers clients.

So it sounds like they were just following in the oh so hallowed footsteps of RuSA's glorious founder, and like him, they got caught and are now doing time the great gray bar rest home.

Raw Story article
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Lambkin »

Oh, Donna ... 5a66a.html
Federal jurors in Omaha convicted a Sarpy County woman Friday for filing false liens against two federal judges, Nebraska’s U.S. Attorney and two of her deputies and an Internal Revenue Service special agent, the U.S. Justice Department said Monday.

Donna Marie Kozak was also found guilty of filing a false claim against the United States for $660,000 and obstructing the administration of Internal Revenue Service laws, according to a department press release.

Prosecutors said Kozak once belonged to a sovereign citizen group called the “Republic for the united States of America.”
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Wasn't she like an asst Sec of State or something like that under Jimmy Tim? I seem to remember her as being really vocal and really dumb.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:Wasn't she like an asst Sec of State or something like that under Jimmy Tim? I seem to remember her as being really vocal and really dumb.
I'm struggling to remember, but I am fairly sure she had a Fake Cabinet level post under the administration of Fake President Timmy. Donna stands out for me for making the rounds on most other prosperity/sovereign conference calls trying to recruit people to join RuSA and peddling lien fraud while she was doing it. I distinctly remember her popping up on other calls for quite a while. She is, in every way, a True Believer.

By the way, everyone, believe it or not RuSA still is trying to function. They recently updated their website (it looks even worse than before) and have started once again holding Q&A sessions on their weekly conference call after stopping that shortly after Timmy was arrested. Last week Kelby Smith gleefully informed everyone that RuSA is making "plans" to take over the government since it will be collapsing "any day now" (they've been saying that since 2011).

However, RuSA is a shadow of its former nutty self. On last week's Fake Congress session, they had 9 Fake Representatives from 7 states and I think they have something like 3 Fake Senators. The trend in membership, at least in the Fake Congress, seems to be cratering. At its peak there were hundreds of Fake Congresspersons and even under the administration of Fake President Geiger, there were at least 20 or so on the calls. Conveniently, the Fake Congress has decided they don't have to worry about things like silly quorums to play government.
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

As I remember she was big in to the lien thing and also the fake bond scams a la Timmy Jim, and that is what landed her in all the trouble she is in now as I recall. She really did swallow the koolaid in gallon lots, and was big in to the RuSA nonsense. She also didn't strike me as being the brightest light on the tree from some of the stuff she wrote. One more down. I'm just waiting for them to get Kelby as he has a whole string of things out in CA that should catch up with him eventually.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LPC »

The Department of Justice press release on the conviction of Donna Marie Kozak.

According to the press release, the false liens were filed against federal officials involved in the criminal investigation and prosecution of David and Bernita Kleensang, who were convicted of federal tax crimes in 2012.

Also cute: After indictment, and while on pretrial release, Kozak she filed five more false liens, for $18 million each.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by The Observer »

*Jury convicts 'sovereign citizen' of false lien conspiracy, skirting tax laws *

Journal Star – Lincoln, NE
Aug. 5, 2014

Jury convicts 'sovereign citizen' of false lien conspiracy, skirting tax laws

Federal jurors in Omaha convicted a Sarpy County woman Friday for filing false liens against two federal judges, Nebraska’s U.S. Attorney and two of her deputies and an Internal Revenue Service special agent, the U.S. Justice Department said Monday.

Donna Marie Kozak was also found guilty of filing a false claim against the United States for $660,000 and obstructing the administration of Internal Revenue Service laws, according to a department press release.

Prosecutors said Kozak once belonged to a sovereign citizen group called the “Republic for the united States of America.”

Her associates David and Bernita Kleensang were convicted of tax crimes in 2012.

In retaliation, Kozak filed a false lien in Boyd County for $19 million against U.S. District Judge Laurie Smith Camp, who oversaw the Kleensangs' trials, the Justice Department said in the news release.

Then, after a federal grand jury indicted her for filing that lien and federal tax crimes, she filed five $18 million false liens in Washington County against federal officials. She was out on pretrial release at the time.

Those liens were against U.S. District Judge John Gerrard, U.S. Attorney Deborah Gilg, Assistant U.S. Attorney Doug Semisch, Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Norris and IRS Special Agent Ashley Thompson.

Kozak has a history of using fraudulent schemes to skirt federal tax laws, the Justice Department said. She has placed her property in sham trusts, created sham charities, sent harassing messages to IRS employees and filed fake and bogus documents with the IRS.

In 2008, she claimed an income tax refund of $660,000 based on fake income tax filings, the release said.

She could receive up to 28 years in prison at her Nov. 6 sentencing.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

When the Guardians of the Republic (the precursor of RuSA) was sending letters to all the Governors, Kozak identified herself as "Ambassador of Nebraska". ... t-page-11/

Her recent conviction may have arisen over her attempts to punish various public officials for the conviction of another SovCit as indicated here: ... -kleensang
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by AndyK »

Just when one thinks the cranks can't possibly go farther off the deep end, they come up with something more bizarre than imaginable.

RuSA's pretend president just issued a rant press release concerning the situation in Iraq and President Obama.

It appears that the pretend RuSA President has never seen a web site or biased news report which he doesn't lap up. The message contains no less than six external links to various bottom-dwellers sites.

No, I'm not posting a copy. It was absolutely disgusting -- even by RuSA standards.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

The thing is, they keep excavating that deep end when we aren't looking.

I'm impressed, well really more sort of amazed, that ole JB even knows how to use a computer, let alone link to a website, of course he could have some minion doing it, although they must have at least one computer literate amongst them to keep things going and keep up the charade, but they are really cheap so I doubt they are getting paid. the rest of it, doesn't surprise me at all.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

AndyK wrote:Just when one thinks the cranks can't possibly go farther off the deep end, they come up with something more bizarre than imaginable.

RuSA's pretend president just issued a rant press release concerning the situation in Iraq and President Obama.

It appears that the pretend RuSA President has never seen a web site or biased news report which he doesn't lap up. The message contains no less than six external links to various bottom-dwellers sites.

No, I'm not posting a copy. It was absolutely disgusting -- even by RuSA standards.

I am not so fastidious. Here it is (links omitted):

ISIS Slaughters While America Slumbers
by: President James Buchanan Geiger
Date: August 8, 2014
Secured ID: PR364424235RUSA

The time has come for the American People to awake from their slumber. Innocent children are being beheaded by ISIS; women are being raped and massacred by ISIS. Their deaths and the almost total destruction of anything America may have accomplished against the War on Terror, lies squarely on the shoulders of Barack Hussein Obama. Never in our recent history has such a story reached the hearts and the emotions of America to this depth. Is this not what America does best; what we have always stood for, and fought for?

Evidence clearly shows, not only has Obama allowed this to happen, but he has been orchestrating events behind the scenes to ensure several things happen during his time in office:

1. The formation of a Muslim Caliphate.

2. The cleansing of Christians and others from the Middle East.

3. The removal of any Judeo-Christian influence from the U.S. Military.

4. The castration of our Military by purging, and social-engineering within the ranks.

5. His unrelenting attacks on America's economy, and our unique, exceptional culture.

By now, any thinking American must conclude this man is intent on the destruction of our country from within. Regardless where he was born, he is not an American. He is the ultimate sleeper agent in our midst. His actions speak much louder than his words. Don't think for a moment he will tell you the truth about anything. As the streets in the Middle East flow with the blood of innocent children, our news outlets boast of Obama's fund-raising successes, and his latest visit to a BBQ joint. Isis, as well as our many other enemies, ravage the world, while our Messianic President strolls among his fawning idolaters. When will America finally stand and say, "Enough!"? These are hard times and they require hard decisions. I know

this will weigh heavy on many of us, but the message must have teeth and must get out to the American People.

While Obama 'studies the issues', 'considers the options', and 'weighs the benefits', each moment that passes, innocents are horrifically slaughtered. Although their blood rains down on his head, it will stain our nation for all time unless the American People stand up in unity with urgency, and speak out with one voice to stop this now. Unless Americans Stand, this nation and its People, will never again be respected in the world, nor can WE expect to ever again, be worthy of the Blessings of God.
Of course, "the evidence clearly shows virtually none of this (except a tiny bit of social engineering within the military - the end of Don't Ask Don't Tell), and far from "unrelenting attacks on the American economy", the economy is now healthier than it was for most of Bush's second term.

Geiger must think he's got a real claim on the presidency and if he does some inciting and trolls around for an assassin, somehow he can move into the oval office himself.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Jeffrey »

the economy is now healthier than it was for most of Bush's second term
Ehhhhhh, come on man.

Anyways does Buchanan even watch the news, Obama's been bombing ISIS all weekend.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Jeffrey wrote:
the economy is now healthier than it was for most of Bush's second term
Ehhhhhh, come on man.

Anyways does Buchanan even watch the news, Obama's been bombing ISIS all weekend.
Actually folks, Jeffrey included, a few Navy attack missions have been reluctantly prescribed.

Imagine the Naval officers dismay at having to destroy what Army forces left behind.

Other than that - let's keep references to "prior administrations" and other quasi-political commentary out of Quatloos.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

Tomorrow, Thursday, August 14th, RuSA will have its usual group conference phone call with a special guest from the National Liberty Alliance and the Orlando (Fla) Teaparty, Rodger Dowdell (note the spelling of Rodger, with a D), who used to be a big shot in the alternative energy sources business and now talks common law and similar bs.

The Republic for the United States of America
Visit us at:

RNN Exclusive - Special Guest Speaker
Successful Retired Businessman
and Constitutionalist

August 14, 2014

Host: Bob Barnet Producer: Kelby Smith
For love of his country, a successful, retired businessman came out of that retirement to work on restoring our constitutional foundation. Please join us to hear his story, and what he is actively doing to restore the constitution to all the People.

605-562-3140 Access Code 355485#
6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain/8pm Central/9pm Eastern

Rodger B Dowdell, Jr. Bio

Mr. Rodger B. Dowdell, Jr. served as the CEO and Chairman of American Power Conversion Corporation ( APC) from August 1985 to August 2006. During this time, APC grew to $1.6 B global business with over 6000 team members. Previous to APC, Mr. Dowdell served multiple positions at Texas Instruments, Brown & Sharpe, and the Naval Underwater Systems Center.

Throughout his career Mr. Dowdell has been recognized for his accomplishments. In 1990, Earnest & Young and Merrill Lynch names Mr. Dowdell "Entrepreneur of the Year" in the New England region. And in 2001, The Center for Quality of Management presented Mr. Dowdell with the "Thomas H. Lee Meritorious Service Award."

Since 2006, Mr Dowdell has been on a crusade to Restore Our Constitution , getting involved with Freedomworks, Tea Party Manatee, and most recently he is dedicating all his efforts to being a state coordinator for the National Liberty Alliance in order to reconstitute our Common Law Grand Jury. Mr.Dowdell graduated in 1971 with a BSEE and subsequent to that earned a MSEE. Mr. Dowdell has been married to his wife Linda for 44 years.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

In today's email:
Republic for the United States of America

Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern

Conference Number: 605-562-3140 Code 355485# - Playback # 605-562-3149

. . . .

Host: Bob Barnet - Producer: Kelby Smith
August 21, 2014

Kelby's Message:Introduction to the Republic.


Open Public Forum
Get Your Questions Ready

Join Host Bob Barnet with his panel of 3 to answer your questions this Thursday, about our previous RNN broadcasts with Paul Vallely MG US Army (Ret) and Rodger Dowdell (common law grand juries). They will also answer questions about the Josh Tolley Show that Bob was interviewed on this last week.To listen to the previous broadcasts, go to Republic News Network Please be ready with your questions. If you prefer to send your questions by email, please send them to:

All Donations are greatly appreciated and necessary.

Donations for President Turner's expenses may be sent to:

Gods Will Be Done Ministry
3040 SE Persons Ct.
Portland, Oregon [97267]

You may also use your PayPal Account to make a donation to:

Letters of encouragement may be sent to:
James Timothy Turner
P.O. BOX 1000
MARION, IL 62959

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Famspear »

Letters of encouragement may be sent to:
James Timothy Turner
P.O. BOX 1000
MARION, IL 62959
Date: August 21, 2014

From: Famspear

To: Mr. James Timothy Turner
P.O. Box 1000
United States Penitentiary
Marion, IL 62959

Dear Jimmy Timmy:

Your projected release date is May 23, 2028. Only 5,024 days to go!

Be encouraged!

(---still paying my Federal Income Taxes.....
..........and Not Doing Stupid Stuff....
...............Like Pretending To Be President....
.....or Like Filing Fraudulent Claims in U.S. Bankruptcy Court......
...Spending my time, instead, at my Nice Comfortable Home......
...somewhere in Texas......)
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

I did send a message to President Jimmy Timmy before his trial that I thought he ought to abdicate his office, for his own good and for the good of RuSA. Naturally it wouldn't do RuSA any good to have its leader locked away, nor could he exercise his office when limited to four letters and four visitors a month, etc. But also because, if he persisted in going to trial calling himself the President not only would it maybe rub some jurors (and the judge) the wrong way, but it would suggest that he was somehow a criminal leader, and that a multitude of people would be suitably intimidated seeing him get an especially severe sentence.

He did not take my advice. He cruised through the trial and right into prison as President, although his successor, James Buchanan Geiger (who the hell would name their kid after one of the LEAST admirable Presidents?!) did claim to be the first legitimately elected President since his namesake!
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by bmxninja357 »

fortinbras wrote: Donations for President Turner's expenses may be sent to:

Gods Will Be Done Ministry
3040 SE Persons Ct.
Portland, Oregon [97267]
jeeze i don't know if that's a tax or a tithe....
fruitcake extravaganza indeed.
"the best place to hide a nut is in the middle of a fruitcake", quote from 'the cockroach that ate Cincinnati'.

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by obadiah »

Just a coincidence, I'm sure, but it looks like the ministry is in foreclosure... ... x?38614528
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Randall »

fortinbras wrote: his successor, James Buchanan Geiger (who the hell would name their kid after one of the LEAST admirable Presidents?!) did claim to be the first legitimately elected President since his namesake!
I beg to differ. James Buchanon was elected in 1856. Buchanon most definitely was not legitimately president, over 50 years had passed since Ohio first pretended to be a state.