grimreaper wrote:Involuntary BK is filed by potential creditors/investors. It is NOT filed by any government agency. Please do your DD before posting *opinions*.
You are correct. I posted what I did because the only case I am familiar with it is a case in which the SEC did indeed force the involuntary bankruptcy, as one or the creditors in way of penalties the company had agreed to under a consent order.
And then you have the current Telexfree caswe which is not an involutary bankruptcy but the the SEC and/or FBI did have a Chapter 11 filing in Neveda reassigned to Massachusetts, had a Trustee appointed who now intends to make the case a Chapter 7 liquidation.
I apologize if I ruined your day by my imprecise and indeed WRONG statement but the point was, NASI didn't have much to do with the filing of the case, they have to respond to someone else's actions.
And on a personal note, on your very first day on our furom, (Welcome to Quatloos! BTW) while you were right and I was wrong I'd like to direct yhour attention to the extreme upper right hand corner of any post. In it you can see a person's Name, a Tittle (more on this will become apparent if you hang around), how many posts, join date etc... In short, it's kind of a ranking and while you really have to get familiar with the cast and crew to know when and how much weight to attach to it. In something I have NEVER done before I'd like to ask you to look at
Conde de Quatloo
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Joined: Fri May 21, 2004 12:08 am
I've been hanging around here helping people as best I can, for free, for over 10 years, and providing FREE snarky comedy and bad jokes (the bad poetry is NOT my fault though), as have a few others who are involved in this thread. If you dig around you'll find a few of us have some pretty good backgrounds to do this, the helping people for free thing. I think I've earned the courtesy of a little respect from someone in their first post. Please.....
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