Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

bmxninja357 wrote: as i said earlier any inmate on remand can speak bail every 90 days at queens bench. but its highly unlikely he will be released on both primary and secondary grounds. (google it) he is a repeat offender with a criminal record dating back some years. he has a history of failing to appear as well as a history of failing to comply with conditions. he is also known to have in his possession weapons which may make an apprehension at a later date unduly dangerous to both the defendant and the police or sheriffs. further the crown may object to bail as more charges may be forthcoming from his threatening a peace officer on the phone.
im standing by that one.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

You mind reposting your explanation of the withdrawal of the charges from provincial court to Queens Bench bmx?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

hmmmm.... im not sure if that was here or on another forum. i think mowe had a better explanation in this thread some pages back.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

I actually thought your explanation was easier to understand and I bet you five dinars that the next update from Team Dean will be them complaining about how outrageous it is that they're "bringing back" the charges they "dismissed", which is why it might be good to repost it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

BMX is spot on with the bail review thing. If you recall, there already was a bail review in the spring time that did not go so well for our hero.

I tried to explain the provincial court thing in a previous post... The Crown has proceeded by indictment. This means that either party can request a preliminary hearing, which is a hearing to determine whether the Crown has sufficient evidence to proceed to trial. The threshold is low, there only needs to be enough evidence that a reasonable jury, properly instructed could return a guilty verdict. This hearing takes place in provincial court. After the hearing, the judge will either order a committal to stand trial or discharge the accused, meaning he is free to go.

After the preliminary hearing, the trial proper is held in Queen's Bench. This is how the charges "move" from one court to the other. It's standard procedure set out in the Criminal Code. Preliminary hearings are not mandatory. Defence lawyers use them for strategic reasons - to see what type of evidence the Crown has and to lay the groundwork for future motions.

Edit: Typo
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Freemen rep clashes with judge, tossed from court

By: Ian Hitchen

Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 | Comments: 0

Not guilty pleas have been entered on the part of a high-profile member of the Freemen on the Land movement who is accused of threatening law enforcement.

An appearance by Dean Christopher David Clifford in Brandon court on Thursday was marked by a confrontation with Judge Shauna Hewitt-Michta. ... html?thx=y

anyone a subscriber who can post the full item?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

A little light morning reading; Dean got totally hammered in court in respect to his Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench hearing.

(Clifford v. Her Majesty the Queen et al, 2014 MBQB 192).

Dean is still trying the same arguments he's lost with over and over again. The stupidity is almost unbelievable except that it comes from Dean. That gives it credibility. ... qb192.html

In the decision the Master reviews the rules allowing a motion to strike;
21 Valuable as it is, the motion to strike is a tool that must be used with care. The law is not static and unchanging. Actions that yesterday were deemed hopeless may tomorrow succeed.
I don't think that is going to be an issue with any of Dean's pleadings.
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Some highlights from Dean's Greatest Hits:

Para 3-7 provides a summary of Dean's claim:
[3] In his 131 paragraph statement of claim, the plaintiff, who describes himself as “a man under the common law of this land”, and “an heir to this land by birthright and a rightful owner”, and refers to Her Majesty the Queen as a “foreign debtor”, and “a foreign and de facto administration”, claims relief and recompense against Her Majesty the Queen and her agents for actions which constitute “meddling in his life and affairs and attempting to enforce foreign policy on his life and property.”

[4] The actions – and this claim - appear to have had their genesis in unspecified traffic offences alleged to have been committed by the plaintiff. Criminal charges respecting those offences are apparently still pending.

[5] The actions complained of leading to this claim are, according to the plaintiff, contrary to the terms and conditions of a policy document which the plaintiff says he served on the Attorney General for the province, in his capacity as representative of Her Majesty the Queen, and which in its operation grants him “immunity” from “legislation and policies”.

[6] According to the plaintiff, as articulated in the statement of claim, these actions include being “falsely” arrested and “unlawfully” detained by the defendant Bowser (a Winnipeg police officer), having his car “stolen” by the same defendant and his personal effects searched, being further detained “without cause or right” by the defendant Harvey (a judicial Justice of the Peace), having his home subjected to “a violently and maliciously targeted home invasion by agents acting as Her Majesty the Queen” (members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Winnipeg City Police), being “robbed” of several items of property of great value to the plaintiff, having charges against him being “invented” by “the robbers”, including the defendant Gulay (a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer), and being subjected to a number of “kangaroo tribunals” being conducted the defendants Heinrich and Wyatt (sic) (provincial court justices Heinrichs and Wyant) pursuant to “false charges” brought at the behest of defendant Silver (Crown Attorney).

[7] The plaintiff claims that the individual defendants all intentionally and deliberately misrepresented his identity in order to defraud him and violate his common law and natural rights, and that they participated in and perpetrated the fraud of misrepresenting his identity for their own unjust enrichment, personal gain and political motives.
So Dean is relying on a foisted unilateral agreement saying he opted out (para. 5), that he was traveling (para. 6), and brings in the Strawman Strawman (para. 7).

And now we get the details of that July 21 application by Dean:

2421-Jul-2014 Winnipeg - QB AFFIDAVIT DEAN C. CLIFFORD, 18JUL2014

Dean wanted his body returned;
[21] The plaintiff filed a motion requiring the court “to issue an order for the immediate restoration of the exclusive personal property belonging to the Plaintiff”. This is expressed to be brought under Queen’s Bench Rule 44.01.

[22] Queen’s Bench Rule 44.01 reads:

Affidavit in support

44.01(1) An interim order under section 59 of The Court of Queen's Bench Act for recovery of possession of personal property may be obtained on motion by the plaintiff, supported by an affidavit setting out,
(a) a description of the property sufficient to make it readily identifiable;

(b) the value of the property;
(c) that the plaintiff is the owner or lawfully entitled to possession of the property;
(d) that the property was unlawfully taken from the possession of the plaintiff or is unlawfully detained by the defendant; and
(e) the facts and circumstances giving rise to the unlawful taking or detention.


44.01(2) The notice of motion shall be served on the defendant unless the court is satisfied that there is reason to believe that the defendant may improperly attempt to prevent recovery of possession of the property or that, for any other sufficient reason, the order should be made without notice.

[23] The motion was not served on any of the defendants, but the plaintiff (correctly) says the motion can be brought without notice.

[24] Queen’s Bench Rule 44.01(2) places the question of whether the motion is to be served or not on defendants within the discretion of the court. On reflection, I have determined that to expend additional time on this motion by requiring service on the defendants would not achieve compliance with the general principle of the rules articulated in 1.04(1), to “secure the just, most expeditious and least expensive determination”, of this issue in this proceeding and that I ought to give a ruling now.

[25] The details included in the notice of motion make it clear that “the personal property” the plaintiff wishes restored is his physical body.

[26] “Personal property” is defined in clause one of The Court of Queen’s Bench Act as:
"personal property" means property other than real property and includes goods, chattels, money, currency, debts, rents, legacies, stocks, shares, bonds, debentures or other securities and other demands due or accruing due.

Thus, items of personal property covered by the rule are things or inanimate objects. The definition does not include a living human body.

[27] Legally and historically, the writ of Habeas Corpus is the remedy respecting a living human body or being. Jurisdiction for granting such a prerogative writ lies with a federally appointed judge of this court, and not a master.

[28] The plaintiff’s motion is accordingly dismissed.
So Dean gets another chance to make a Habeas corpus application. Good luck with that Dean!

Finally we get to Dean's futile lawsuit (paras. 29-38). First, Dean used inappropriate language and plead things that are irrelevant:
[30] This conclusion is based in part on the fact that a review of the statement of claim reveals numerous deficiencies or contravention of the rules relating to pleadings. The statement of claim is rife with instances of evidence being pleaded rather than “material facts”, (for example, biblical quotations) or of clearly inflammatory and scandalous language, (for example, “thugs”, “gang”, “kidnap”, “criminal”). To detail each and every single deficiency or contravention would substantially lengthen – and delay – this decision, and is, in the final analysis, not necessary.
Unfortunately Dean got the law all wrong.
[31] That is because there is a substantially greater and more fundamental reason why this statement of claim must be struck out. The plaintiff’s claim is premised on a foundation which has no basis in law that is known and applicable to this court: there is thus no reasonable cause of action.
You can't unilaterally opt out of the government's authority:
[32] The basis of the plaintiff’s claim , as noted above, is that he claims he has immunity from “legislation and policies” and that he placed Her Majesty the Queen, through the agency of the provincial Attorney General, on notice that “forced interactions against (his) will are subject to penalties, including an hourly charge, and immunity from legislation and policies.”
There's no such thing as a right to travel:
[33] The plaintiff expands on his philosophy in his Motions Brief (doc #21). At para 32 (correctly, para 36), he states:

32. Dean does claim the right to drive, travel, commute upon, access and use the roads and highways which he owns as is his unconditional common law right, in his own private capacity and under his own sovereign liability, without a license or any other form of hindrance by agencies of government, which is clearly recognized in their own Criminal Code of Canada:

“highway” means a road to which the public has the right of access, and includes bridges over which or tunnels through which a road passes; (sic)

[34] The plaintiff says the actions of which he now complains were contrary to this immunity. There is no such immunity known to law.
And the fact he didn't like the law cited by the Defendants ... well, tough:
[35] I take into account the fact of the plaintiff being unrepresented. I conclude however that the plaintiff’s flawed perception and understanding of the law, as illustrated above is informed by his belief system, rather than his lack of legal representation.

[36] For example, the plaintiff dismisses the case law cited by the defendants, much of which has been adopted in these Reasons. He claims the case law referenced by the defendants was “completely irrelevant”, “taken out of context”, and “cherry picked”.

[37] At Part IV, para 7 of the Motions Brief, the plaintiff specifically dismisses one such case, cited by Manitoba Justice, in Sydorenko v. Manitoba, [2012] M.J. No. 70 (Man. QB): this he says was intentionally misrepresented “as being of relevance.”

[38] In fact, the decision in Sydorenko was of direct relevance. It dealt with a situation in which the identical proposition of law to that now being advanced by this plaintiff was relied upon, (i.e. that an individual can opt out of being bound by statutes or legislation of general application), was being advanced by the plaintiff in that case.

[39] While one might feel a degree of sympathy for the plight in which the plaintiff currently finds himself, I can reach no other conclusion but that it is plain and obvious that the plaintiff’s claim has no reasonable chance of success.

[40] The defendants’ motions are therefore granted, and the plaintiff’s motion is dismissed.
Defendants get costs so Dean pays, well, theoretically, he's probably broke.
[41] The defendants are entitled to their costs, which are to be assessed per Class 2.
And Dean doesn't have to sign the order so now he can argue he's not subject to joinder.
[42] For clarity and in the interests of expediency, I also stipulate that the orders need not be submitted for the plaintiff’s signature as would normally be required in compliance with Queen’s Bench Rule 59.03, however the orders once signed must be served personally and forthwith upon the plaintiff.
With this, and his recent confrontation with the court in respect to his criminal charges it might be time for Dean to re-think his strategy. Except that it's Dean.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Today is a good Friday indeed. Now we wait for a response from Team Dean.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, you mean the run in circles, scream and shout brigade, who can and will do precisely nothing?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by JamesVincent »

So it was his body he was after. Someone won a prize, can't remember who guessed it though.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Jeffrey wrote:He might think his own body is property and wants it returned to freedom?
I know him too well.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by JamesVincent »

Jeffrey wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:He might think his own body is property and wants it returned to freedom?
I know him too well.
There ya go, good call.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Jeffrey wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:He might think his own body is property and wants it returned to freedom?
I know him too well.
I'm sorry, should we be concerned?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by PeanutGallery »

Has anyone associated with the Brain Trust posted that Dean wasn't allowed to win because it would expose the system as being corrupt yet?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Llwellyn »

Ooooh there is such a WONDERFUL update on ?Deans? Website.. with a 25+ min audio recording/video.
In this, is UPDATE 16.. in regards to his court appearances as of late.
(Website is the one, link to

Please.. skip forward, and jump all the wordage from using older and often selective definitions which are totally non-relevant.. now this 'video' is mostly audio, where.. Dean claims that the courts are falsifying the records and misrepresenting facts. That people attending the court room are being threatened (oh wait.. being told to sit down and shut up.. guess that is threatening, like suggesting that everyone should be killed -> thanks to Dean for that, guess the court learned from him?? :haha: )

Listening to this is almost amusing, but mostly saddening on how self serving and blithely obstinate? that people who assume to know things and are 'right' in what they know, are blind to simple facts occurring right in front of them... Being told to sit down and be quiet - OR you will be removed from here; is not a threat, it is an enactment of the respect and position/place. If you can not at least offer some form of respect (as you so highly demand for yourselves but can not afford anyone else) - Then go away. Otherwise, every bloody school teacher that I can recall until post secondary education (and then even some of them) are THREATENING people (and in ele school etc, children!)

Of course the conspiracy theories start to fly part way through.. oh.. they are probably CSIS.. REALLY?? .. Oh wait.. that person was allowed to testify.. but no one else was.. because the Court needed that guy.. Uhhh ... well if anyone understood courts, justice, law and how things are handed.. the Prosecution gets a turn, and the Defense gets a turn... Does Dean even have any CREDIBLE witnesses to call to the stand.. (had to put credible - one of the words in the waste of time preamble in the video).

The ending/last bits of the video, are of course, people promoting how great Dean is, and how powerful his (dis?)information is. No actual commentary, no direct actual, verifiable, factual statements or proof of his claims about the court forging documents etc.

But alas, all we get fed are these forged documents, we, the internet people, looking up information are being told (and sometimes SOLD) lies.. -The more that know or are involved in a secret, the more likelihood that it won't end up a secret-
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

It's actually a little impressive that they manage to post an update with no information in it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Gentlemen I suspect Sharp, the judge that wrote the decision against Dean Clifford, or at least the lawyer that wrote the motion in response to Dean's suit may be a fan of ours, because they threw in a little bit of an inside joke at his expense. Behold the evidence:

This thread starts with Mowe's usual thorough research noting:
I discovered that the admins, Bill Noble and Trevor Sydorenko, had been customers of Clifford and they detailed their and other failures. It appears most of these failures had occurred in Clifford’s old Skinhead circles, and had remained somewhat compartmentalized.
Well guess what case law was used to throw out Dean's suit:
[37] At Part IV, para 7 of the Motions Brief, the plaintiff (Dean) specifically dismisses one such case, cited by Manitoba Justice, in Sydorenko v. Manitoba, [2012] M.J. No. 70 (Man. QB): this he says was intentionally misrepresented “as being of relevance.”

[38] In fact, the decision in Sydorenko was of direct relevance. It dealt with a situation in which the identical proposition of law to that now being advanced by this plaintiff was relied upon, (i.e. that an individual can opt out of being bound by statutes or legislation of general application), was being advanced by the plaintiff in that case. ... qb192.html

Surprise surprise, the judge used the case Dean lost in 2012 as case law to throw out Dean's own case.
[24] In addition to the fundamental flaw respecting the purported legal underpinning to this action as discussed in the context of the motions to strike, the evidence clearly shows that the plaintiff’s schedule stipulated that it was “Her Majesty in the right of the Province of Manitoba” that would be charged by the plaintiff for “violations”, and not Dr. Hook. ... b-42.shtml

Something tells me Dean must have gotten pretty angry at reading that but as usual I guarantee he won't acknowledge it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Llwellyn wrote:. . .In this, is UPDATE 16. . .in regards to his court appearances as of late (Website is the one, link to . . .Dean claims that the courts are falsifying the records and misrepresenting facts. That people attending the court room are being threatened (oh wait.. being told to sit down and shut up.. guess that is threatening, like suggesting that everyone should be killed -> thanks to Dean for that, guess the court learned from him?? :haha: )

Listening to this is almost amusing, but mostly saddening on how self serving and blithely obstinate? that people who assume to know things and are 'right' in what they know, are blind to simple facts occurring right in front of them... Being told to sit down and be quiet - OR you will be removed from here; is not a threat, it is an enactment of the respect and position/place. If you can not at least offer some form of respect (as you so highly demand for yourselves but can not afford anyone else) - Then go away. Otherwise, every bloody school teacher that I can recall until post secondary education (and then even some of them) are THREATENING people (and in ele school etc, children!). . .
Besides his usual bragging, Dean has three objectives in this recording.

One is to, yet again, play the victim and encourage his supporters to feel equally victimized. It's the "You can be like Dean" ploy.

The second objective is to shame a few freemen into attending his trial and acting up in court. It is interesting to note that so far not a single one of Dean's closest associates have seen fit to shout from the back of the courtroom. I guess Dean hopes he can get some chumps to do so.

The third goal is to add to Dean's shaky credibility by showing endorsements of his November 2013 Hamilton seminar. It seems Dean hopes a few thumbs up from a handful of poorly groomed followers before his arrest-hearing-trial debacle will add to his believability.

It's pretty pathetic of Dean to be engaging in these sorts of propaganda tricks while he's a hair away from a stint in the big house.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, Dean is after a victim, a victim of his own stupidity and beligerance and total cluelessness about teh legal system.

I suspect Dean's followers have an aversion to appearing in court, or the vicinity thereof, since they probably have been emulating Dean and have outstanding warrants of their own to think about, and somehow I don't think solidarity with Dean includes sharing a cell with him.

I think he has about as much chance of improving his believability as he does of avoiding conviction with his magic paperwork, which is to say NONE.

I would guess, in the final analysis, when stupid is all you got, and all you know, you go with that, go Dean!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.