Homeland Security Chopper at the Browns?

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Homeland Security Chopper at the Browns?

Post by The Observer »

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Re: Homeland Security Chopper at the Browns?

Post by webhick »

From the Article wrote:There is currently no law in the United States requiring the filing of an income tax form, or payment of the taxes. Since there is no law, the Browns are guilty of nothing and the Federal Court ruling and arrest warrant are therefore bogus. Tax researcher, Tommy Cryer recently won a court case against the I.R.S. where I.R.S. agents and attorneys for the United States were unable to prove to a jury there is any law requiring the filing or payment of income tax in the United States.
That "newspaper" is Yet Another Anti-Government Propaganda Machine. So many blatant lies in one paragraph it's making my migraine worse. How can someone who can form a complete sentence be completely unable to read facts?
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The Observer
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Post by The Observer »

Which is why I added a question mark to the topic header. The only interesting point to the article were the quotes attributed to the Homeland Security official. Were they accurate? Or is this another lie made up by the TPs?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

I'm still wondering how they know it is DHS? Last time I checked DHS was not in the criminal apprehension business.
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Post by Dezcad »

The Observer wrote:Which is why I added a question mark to the topic header. The only interesting point to the article were the quotes attributed to the Homeland Security official. Were they accurate? Or is this another lie made up by the TPs?
It appears the quotes are accurate since there is a link to the letter from Luke Bellocchi in the article and the letter "appears" to be authentic.

I like the description of the "Fort Fairfield Journal" at http://www.mainemediaresources.com/ffj_about.htm

The Fort Fairfield Journal is a sixteen-page vehemently independent, university-level newspaper for Fort Fairfield, Maine and surrounding areas. ....... The Fort Fairfield Journal currently has a full-time staff of one; David Deschesne
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Post by The Operative »

The Fort Fairfield Journal is probably nothing more than a one-person operation that pretends it is worthy of being called journalism.

There was an earlier article about the "concert" earlier this year at the Browns. A reader wrote a rebuttal to the article.
http://www.mainemediaresources.com/ffj_ ... buttal.htm

Take note of the editor's reply to the reader, especially where he discusses the word "includes"
include: 1. To put, hold, or enclose within limits. 2. To contain; comprise. 3. To put in a total, a class, or the like. 4. To shut up; confine

The term “includes” is actually an exclusionary word. For example, when I say, “My key ring includes my keys.” I am excluding any of your keys from it.

When the government says in the above US Code citation, “The term “State” includes…” they are defining what is to be considered as a State and the list of entities following the word “includes” are the only entities that can be used in that definition of State. By taking a word that society has been taught to think means something other than it really means, the lawyers who wrote the Code, while being very clear in strict definition of the words, were using legalese to distract and confuse most Americans who read it.
This guy is supposed to be an editor and a journalist? He doesn't even understand the meaning of "includes". His example is easily refuted because he assumes the phrase "My keyring includes my keys" excludes another person's keys from being on his keyring. The phrase does no such thing. If instead he had said "My keyring includes my car keys", does that mean that his house keys aren't on his keyring? Of course it doesn't. But according to his logic, it would.

In reality, the Fort Fairfield Journal is nothing more than a local events flier run by a conspiracy theorist that probably couldn't pass an English 101 college course.
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Post by BBFlatt »

Not to mention IRC 7701(c):
The terms "includes" and "including" when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined
More selective reading by the nutjob wing of the TP movement.
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Post by tracer »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:I'm still wondering how they know it is DHS? Last time I checked DHS was not in the criminal apprehension business.
The logic probably went something like this:
  • Brown has barracaded himself in his headquarters.
  • The Branch Davidians also barracaded themselves up in their headquarters.
  • We don't like the Branch Davidians.
  • Therefore, the Branch Davidians were terrorists.
  • Therefore, so is Brown.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:I'm still wondering how they know it is DHS? Last time I checked DHS was not in the criminal apprehension business.
The tail number on the aircraft was easily researched in the FAA online database. The helicopter was indeed registered to DHS.