Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote:I doubt that the officers of the Manitoba courts are going to tremble in fear at the news that Kevin Annett and the ITCCS is on Dean's case.
No, but they might hurt themselves from laughing at the nonsense he is spouting though. I think it is worth a good belly laugh at the very list before binning it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

As BMX has shown us the newspapers have reported that Dean was tossed from an early October court appearance.

Dean's last update incites his true believers to disrupt upcoming court hearings and the trial itself. Given the opportunity to jabber about jury selection and instructions Dean will, no doubt, pitch a whole new bucket of woo.

Now Kevin Annett is on the scene!

I predict it will be a circus.

An every time the court tells people to sit down, take off their hats, be quiet or dismisses one of Dean or Annett's ploys the Deaners will cry foul and claim their boy is being treated as a slave!

This is what Deaners do. They are professional victims.

So intent on posing his victimhood Dean actively seek ways to get himself in hot water with the courts. . .and he calls it seeking freedom.

He drives without his seat belt on (not a safe thing to do anyway) and when that doesn't do the job, Dean assaults the cop. Then he misses his court dates while he's publicly challenging the RCMP to bust his grow op. Not having pissed off the ptb enough he goes out and gets himself a reckless driving arrest. Then he violates his bail agreement and gets arrested again. The cops find his grow op and his illegal firearms. Then while in jail Dean gets his panties in a wad and publicly threatens a couple of court officers during one of his news updates.

It's just one "I hate the man" thing with Dean after another.

What makes anyone think this self-distructive hoser is going to stop wrecking his life anytime soon?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

The annette thing is annette milking the freedom movement. Its not a d3an thing. Its kevins own con.

Deans ruse to disrupt the court is part of his con. Court gets disrupted. Judge clears courtroom. Dean can tell whatever fibs he wants as no one saw the proceeding.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

I agree. I was wondering what Dean would do when he ran out of filings. After all his dismissive rants he can't allow himself to be seen as cooperating with the court in any way.

It seems to me that at some point he is forced to confront the matter of his plea. I assume that if he tries to shuck and jive on the question by continually asserting the court has no jurisdiction over him, he'll have a not guilty plea entered for him.

So with nowhere to go (both legally and physically) he's decided to pitch a fit and, with the probable help of a few minions, have the court room cleared.

So my question is what the court will do if Dean continues to, in effect, tell the court you-ain't-the-boss-of-me every time he is addressed by the judge?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Is Dean getting in bed with the ServantKing? ... 2486450541

He was better off listening to Lindsay.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Burnaby49 wrote:Is Dean getting in bed with the ServantKing?.
You make The Serpentking sound so dirty!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:Is Dean getting in bed with the ServantKing? ... 2486450541

He was better off listening to Lindsay.

In the comment section the self proclaimed freeman legal scholar, Bobby Menard, chides his fellow freemen for believing that the government and its courts have achieved jurisdiction and authority over them by copywriting their names.

This from the woo pitcher who tells his minions their social insurance numbers indicate the existence of a government account upon which freemen in the know can draw funds.

Somebody ought to create a game show on which the battling freeman gurus could compete for "cash and prizes".

"Robert, you have the board."

"Alex, I'll take 'Secret Government Accounts' for $20!"
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:Is Dean getting in bed with the ServantKing? ... 2486450541

He was better off listening to Lindsay.
Lindsay (with the help of Judy Byington) has a whole new angle on Dean's situation. It seems Dean is now a child advocate.

See this link:
Vatican, Queen, Mafia Behind Imprisoning Child Advocate?

This article is dedicated to victims of the global elite Catholic Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, along with the memory of over 50,800 missing children, some of whom rest in 34 mainly Catholic-owned unmarked mass grave sites across Canada, Ireland and Spain. Their perpetrators continue to live lives free of responsibility for ongoing crimes. Our prayers are with these innocents, and should be for ourselves if we allow this Child Holocaust by our global leaders to continue.

A young Canadian farmer has been illegally confined in a Canadian prison for over a year without charges filed against him, has been routinely denied the right to appear in the Brandon Manitoba Court, file petitions, or seek Habeas Corpus relief. Dean Clifford was arrested in Hamilton Ontario on Nov. 23 2013 while speaking on Common Law rights and the roles of the Canadian government, Catholic Church and Queen Elizabeth in the disappearance of 50,000 native children.

Yesterday Clifford was adopted as an International Prisoner of Conscience by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. Field Secretary Kevin Annett stated, “We are beginning a campaign for Clifford’s immediate release from barbaric police state conditions. None of us are safe if they can do this to an honest man.”

Since 2006 Clifford has been an advocate against the rape, torture and murder of children in an international child exploitation ring believed run by the Catholic Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult with connections to the Italian mafia and centered at the Vatican. Over 60 eyewitnesses have exposed to six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, their childhoods of rape, torture and witness to child murders by global elite members of the Ninth Circle.

“Dean Clifford has become a nationally known defender of people who challenge the corruption in Canadian courts” today said Kevin Annett of the ITCCS which brought the cases to the international court. “Last year Clifford endorsed the ITCCS and our call for a separating of Canada from the English Crown. After that he was targeted in a big way. They are keeping him in prison to make an example of him and scare others from joining our movement.”

According to ICLCJ Court records, since 2010 victims have been claiming that as children they were forced to participate in Ninth Circle sex orgies, human hunting parties and child sacrifices in Canada, the USA, Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Australia, Spain, Argentine and related countries across the Americas and Europe. On Feb. 25 2013 after over a year of litigation, six ICLCJ judges found the Canadian government, Catholic Church, Queen Elizabeth and 29 other global elites, guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in the disappearance of the 50,000 missing native children. A few days later Pope Ratzinger resigned from his office.

There was growing concern for Clifford’s life. His incarceration brought a total of 16 citizens who, prior to their testimony before the ICLCJ Court, have been killed, died of mysterious causes, or incarcerated in a jail cell or mental institution without being charged with a crime. Last week a sheriff at the prison told Clifford’s wife, “He’ll never get out of here.”

The Catholic Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult and it’s mafia arm Ndrangheta has been suspected in the Oct. 2014 death of the Head of a Ottawa Canada Human Trafficking Unit. Staff Sergeant Kal Ghadban died of an “incident” in his office at the Elgin Street Police Station. “Our Unit Commander in Brussels believes that Kal was killed due to his willingness to investigate Ninth Circle rituals in Canada,” Annett said. “To me this confirms that federal politicians in Canada are linked to the Catholic Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult and couldn’t have an honest cop tied to ITCCS working to expose their crimes.”

Two witnesses to Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping of ten children from the British Columbia Kamloops native residential school on Oct. 10 1964, died just prior to their testimony before the ICLCJ Court. There were 32 suspected child mass grave sites at residential schools across Canada. Since 2008 the child mass grave sites have been refused excavation by the Canadian government, Catholic Church and English Crown.

The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult appeared to have members connected to the Vatican, Italian mafia, European royalty, influential politicians and businessmen, plus global corporations. “Since the spring, ITCCS and I have personally provided evidence of the identity of known child traffickers to INTERPOL and police agencies in three European countries,” said Annett. “The recent arrests in Europe included members of the Ndrangheta criminal syndicate known to us who were transporting thirty Romanian children to ritual sacrifices in Belgium and Holland. We identified these criminals to the police as well as the addresses where they were being sent, including in Zwolle, Holland and a suburb of Brussels. The European police agreed to work with us in these recent arrests after the success we had in securing the help of police in Montreal, Canada on August 15 in stopping a planned sacrifice of two children at a Catholic Ninth Circle ritual in a home in Outremount. Further cooperation with the police is expected, included in taking down executives of the Cargill corporation in Minneapolis who are engaged in child trafficking and killing.”

The ITCCS was planning to present a petition of Habeas Corpus to Canadian courts to secure Clifford’s release. Clifford has been a prominent Common Law educator for years in Canada, challenging the arbitrary unlawfulness of Canadian law and the “Crown Court” system. He was also a supporter of the ITCCS and the Common Law Court movement.

“Everything indicates that Dean Clifford is being deliberately targeted and persecuted by the Canadian government and made a public example of for his exposure of the illegality of the Crown Courts” said Annett. “Dean has been locked away without a fair trial for a year, family members have been denied access to him and his basic Habeas Corpus rights and due process has been thrown right out the window. Dean’s persecution as a political prisoner is showing us why we need to stand down all Crown authority and create a new nation here.”

Annett disclosed that a nation-wide campaign to release Dean Clifford would commence this week, including public protests and occupations by ITCCS and Common Law activists across Canada. A Common Law Court was being convened in Brandon to bring charges against those responsible for Dean’s unlawful incarceration. ITCCS Central asked its affiliates in 19 countries to stage actions by Canadian consulates and businesses around the world on behalf of Dean Clifford and the Common Law Court system.

Rejected by courts in Canada, Annett spent 20 years bringing the 50,000 missing children case to the ICLCJ Court in Brussels. Since 2010 the international court has completed two successful litigations against global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult and was doing extensive research for a third court hearing. Evidence could be viewed in Annett’s “Hidden No Longer.”

The ITCCS and ICLCJ Court has established Common Law Courts with 450 Peace Officers in nine countries. In the US county sheriffs have organized Common Law Courts in 31 states. The Common Law Courts in the US, Canada, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, New Zealand and Australia have commenced indictment of government, church and corporate officials for human rights violations, betrayal of oaths of public office, mortgage fraud, criminal conspiracy and child trafficking and murder.

Over 800 citizens were active in 24 local branches of the Common Law Courts under the coordination of three Field Secretaries: Kevin Annett (North America), George Dufort (Western Europe) and Cameron Mottus (Asia and Australia-New Zealand). Organizing funds were available for common law groups wishing to apply. To contact the ITCCS, ICLCJ Court in Brussels or to volunteer, contact: or

About the Author

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau (

If you have news tips about child abuse issues that may connect to international child exploitation rings, please email Judy You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children: ... f-children
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"International Common Law Court of Justice"

Where does this court sit, in Brussels -- Chez Denny/Dennyhuis?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:"International Common Law Court of Justice"

Where does this court sit
on the toilet. ... in-annett/

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

In that case, you can file your own paperwork.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LordEd wrote:In that case, you can file your own paperwork.
.. and then send it to the "evidence repository" where it belongs.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hanslune »

Long time lurker just signed up to post my appreciation of this and many more of the these threads.

Excellent examination of human insanity and our ability to self delude.

Unintentional comedy gold!!!

Was interested in Sov cits back in the 90's and now this new wave of them.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Lambkin »

Hanslune wrote:Long time lurker just signed up to post my appreciation of this and many more of the these threads.

Excellent examination of human insanity and our ability to self delude.

Unintentional comedy gold!!!

Was interested in Sov cits back in the 90's and now this new wave of them.
Welcome to Quatloos! What was the origin of your interest in sovereign citizenry?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Welcome to Quatloos!

Look forward to hearing more from you.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hanslune »

Lambkin wrote: Welcome to Quatloos! What was the origin of your interest in sovereign citizenry?
A general interest in all thing fringy
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by wserra »

Hanslune wrote:A general interest in all thing fringy
Curtain showrooms must strip your gears.


But welcome to Q.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hanslune »

wserra wrote:
Hanslune wrote:A general interest in all thing fringy
Curtain showrooms must strip your gears.

But welcome to Q.

[shame mode] I cannot tell you how many such shops I've been driven out of.....[/shame mode]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by rogfulton »

Hanslune wrote: THANKS

[shame mode] I cannot tell you how many such shops I've been driven out of.....[/shame mode]
Let me add my welcome also. It looks like you will fit right in.
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