Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree with Observer here, I have known a great number of professional people, many of whom were very good talented lawyers, who couldn't be trusted with a checkbook, or personnel decisions. They were great at their specialty of the law, had a wonderful trackrecord in court, and if you left them near the books or accounts the partnership would have been broke and in trouble up to its eyeballs with the IRS in next to no time. Which is shy people like that really do need business managers and such so that they can do what they are good at.

Now I will have to say here, that my impression, such as it was, was that Simkanin and Thompson may not have made the Forbes List, but that they were doing quite well in the niche they were serving, and that it was their egos, general stupidity, and mostly greed that ultimately tripped them up. I think in at least one of their cases, their deeply held convictions about taxes came after they decided that they just wanted to keep it all for themselves. The end result was that they ran their companies in to oblivion between the fines and back taxes they ultimately owed, and being too preoccupied fighting for their "beliefs" than running their companies. Now I may be wrong on this, but it was certainly my perception at the time.

I don't and can't pretend to know what Dean's problem or problems were, but I will make a WAG that his warm and endearing personality, which I'm quite sure didn't just happen, was in large measure to blame,

Being young and healthy and vibrant is all well and good, but doesn't necessarily mean someone knows "how to nail, saw and measure" either, and that can be an even bigger detriment to your career choice. I have very little to work on, but based on some of the few Dean work stories I have heard, I am inclined towards thinking, not so very good at that either, which probably explains the general failure as well.

I don't know if much of what makes up Dean can be traced back to his family, or if what little I've heard is true, more likely Dean, and Darrin, are just self made men.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by JamesVincent » ... e_facebook
A gunman who shot and killed a soldier at Canada's national war memorial and then stormed Parliament before he was gunned down had prepared a video recording of himself that police say shows he was driven by ideological and political motives, police said Sunday.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commissioner Bob Paulson said in a statement they have "persuasive evidence that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's attack was driven by ideological and political motives."

A detailed analysis of the video was being conducted and Paulson said they cannot release the video at this time.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fussygus »

JamesVincent wrote: ... e_facebook
"persuasive evidence that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's attack was driven by ideological and political motives."
This quote makes one ponder the Dean's motives? Is he not motivated by his idealogical and political position that he should be free to decide for himself when he is part of society (goes to hospital) or is not (when "travelling" or with regards to taxes)?

It appears on the surface that Zehaf was frustrated with things such as the state of this society and how it does not submit to his beliefs and/or that it would not give him what he wanted. Is this not the same type of frustration Dean is facing?

Dean is being detained against his will and is frustrated by a system that society has deemed appropriate to protect it's interests AND Dean's. But just like Zehaf, Dean doesn't recognize that the process he is facing is there to also protect him. Protect him from himself in that it protects him by providing him with security of his person by having a health care system; roads that are plowed and maintained; protection from, well someone who looses their understanding of the value of the system such as Zehaf; and most misunderstood by Dean, a justice system which protects him! A justice system that does it's best to give everyone a voice when they feel they have been wronged.

Dean doesn't realize, or more doesn't want to admit, that his incarceration is for his own good. That he is being held because he is a danger to himself. If he was released on his beliefs and were to encounter someone who held same beliefs but differed in opinion with Dean on something, by those beliefs that individual not have any accountability to this society if he killed Dean. Because what duty would this society have to investigate and prosecute someone for killing Dean when Dean was not part of the society? It wouldn't have jurisdiction to do so.

Dean getting run over on the street would be akin to a cow getting hit by a truck. The farmer has a duty to protect the cow from its own nature to wander by putting up a fence. If he doesn't then this society holds that farmer accountable.

Dean on the other hand thinks he is a groundhog (even though he has been grazing in the fields for all his life). What happens to the world when a groundhog gets hit by a truck? (Nobody cares when it is just a groundhog, because hitting it doesn't really cause a problem for the truck or the society.) Dean is being kept safe from himself and the rest of society from having cows wander the streets.

Dean needs to know that if he wants to graze in the farmers field, he needs to produce some milk and stay off the road.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fussygus »

Dean, like Zehaf is clearly frustrated by society and feels he is being wronged by it. His lashing out about killing cops and judges show this frustration. Once that frustration turns to hopelessness, then watch out for the consequences (murder, suicide).

Likewise, those that administer the desires of society (cops, judges, prosecutors) obviously get frustrated too (they are human just the same) when someone like Dean-o comes in making all sorts of personal threats and attacks. But just as a parent needs to always have a cooler head, so must those in such authority. Because though he won't listen and needs a "timeout", the rest of us should have an amount of sympathy for him. He is ignorant and just doesn't know it. So same as with a child a consistent cool approach is the only way to help him overcome his ignorance.

But until such time as he at least garners some reasonable hint that he isn't being victimized, that his situation isn't due to what someone else did, he must be kept within the gates of the farm to protect society and himself.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Thinking about committing a crime and doing one are too different things. Having a anger management problem is not crime. Going to the cops and telling them you are really messed up and need to be put away as did Zehaf is not a workable strategy. . .self commitment to a psychiatric facility is.

It is essential to our liberty that we don't allow society and the courts to make being really angry about something, or having whacky political notions into a crime.

Having said all that I have to point out that Dean has crossed the line into criminality by very publicly threatening court officials. Paired with his admitted physical altercation with traffic cops (he calls it self defense) these threats paint a picture of someone who has no compunction about violence toward authority figures.

In keeping with his "I'm a victim" whine Dean loves to pretend that he is being tried for his political beliefs. The fact is he's on the hook for threatening court officials, assaulting cops, his illegal firearm cache among other things.

If whacky political beliefs were a crime Robert Menard would have gotten the chair years ago. Unlike Dean, Bobby is careful never to do anything that's going to land him in trouble.

Clearly Dean is into the doing part of criminality.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Tragically, the Deaners are reduced to not so comic comic videos on the eve of Dean's trials: ... god-bless/

Dean "will survive" only because Canada has not made stupid a capital offense.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by wserra »

arayder wrote:Canada has not made stupid a capital offense.
Stupid has a way of imposing its own punishment.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Clifford's slanted for stint in the big house.

Menard's reduced to couch surfing and posting the freeman equivalent of cat videos on his Facebook page.

The media is chock full of freeman and sovereign citizens telling the courts they have no jurisdiction after they get busted for beating their kids, cheating somebody, threatening witness, or some such thing.

Oh, a few wanna be gurus like Kate of Gaia still have web radio shows, as nutty as convoluted as they are.

It seems the only news in freeman world is bad, sad or insane.

No rousing successes. No courts shut down.

This is the way freemanary ends. . .not with a bang, but a whimper. . .
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Speaking of Kate, her following keeps on growing.

You see their "lose the name, win the game" spam everywhere nowadays.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

It would make sense that one of the functioning mouthpieces of freemanism would end up on this little back water creek of the internet.

Like others I have tried to listen to one of Keith Thompson's (aka Kate of Gaia) web radio shows in its entirety and couldn't do so. Keith/Kate's rambling unfocused commentary and stoner callers chiming in on their own agendas (e.g. drinking your own urine, shape shifters) make the show maddeningly unfocused.

Thompson's zero-for-life freeman batting average seems to be overlooked by freeman listeners.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Tends to happen when you really are stoned all the time and/or have the attention span and long term memory of a gnat.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

The freeman lame brain trust is so dysfunctional that they are, in effect, offering up freemen for sacrifice.

Now that the cops and the courts are on to the freeman game every wannabe who jibber jabbers the movement's magic words at a judge, or even a traffic cop, gets his ticket punched. Court records and the newspapers are full so of stories about this or that freeman unsuccessfully spouting the movement's magic words that freeman debunkers can hardly keep up with the count.

The freemen lambs being led to the slaughter by the propaganda of Clifford, Menard, Santos and the rest of the phony svengalis don't realize they are being scarified on the alter of their gurus egos.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

There's a new update: ... m-backing/

I haven't listened, but the title sounds promising: "I know I'm right and I'm not backing down!"

:violin: :beatinghorse:

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Llwellyn »

Well, this is a spectacular audio file. With a bunch of great conspiracy stories and the frothing at the mouth with sheer ? lunacy ? in comments. Dean - "I KNOW the law.." .. hmm ok, he knows his interpretation of 'law' and maybe his illusions of such. He is sadly really misinformed and delusional but, I wish him the best to keep going in his failings.
Another great quote.. "spent 9 days without food or water" (which he states he had 2 glasses of water in that time) .. While it is barely possible, he'd need serious medical attention after that length of time.. But yeh.. forgive my disbelief.
And then to finish, with him claiming he never threatened police etc. (Yes this will not stand up in court.. again, delusions?) Uhh they have it recorded, maybe he'll get away with it.. but doubtful since they brought the charges.. and usually they don't bring forward charges that can't be substantiated.

This audio/video file, with a 2 min musical intro and then 15 min (at the end) of just repeating the previous recording, is a full waste of time.. Other than to allow a bit of insight into the arrogance ? and delusions ? of Dean et-al and parts of their thinking.

I think the last 15 min or so, is either A) an error by the person recording, or B) was edited that way because the followup call would not be 'good' for the Dean Propaganda group.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

So, in other words, and many fewer of them, the usual Dean whinings of; "they're picking on me", "I know better than everyone else", and the ever favorite "you're not the boss of me". I think pretty well sums it up. And yet....he's the one still in gaol. :snicker:
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

Llwellyn wrote: Another great quote.. "spent 9 days without food or water" (which he states he had 2 glasses of water in that time) .. While it is barely possible, he'd need serious medical attention after that length of time.. But yeh.. forgive my disbelief.
Perhaps he was using the fasting technique pioneered by-- well the last time i mentioned his name here, he poofed in like a demon-- so i won't.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Thank you, we all thank you, we don't need our manifestation of Beetlgeuse TYVM.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by PeanutGallery »

Llwellyn wrote: Another great quote.. "spent 9 days without food or water" (which he states he had 2 glasses of water in that time) .. While it is barely possible, he'd need serious medical attention after that length of time.. But yeh.. forgive my disbelief.
It wouldn't be that difficult to last for 9 days without food. Most people can last for up to 3 weeks on a hunger strike, and it only becomes extremely dangerous to health after this point. As such I doubt that Dean was in any real danger. Source:

However I do doubt the veracity of his claims. First the prison has a duty of care to Dean, they wouldn't allow him to endanger his health through his own stupidity. If his health was at risk, they would have looked into getting permission to begin force-feeding. Second if Dean engaged in a hunger strike or fast, I am sure this would have been shouted from the Freeman rooftops (well the rooftops of those Freemen who still have roofs over their heads).
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Dean and Darren seem to have gotten some religion.

Besides the continuing delusional "we are winning" chatter Dean says he was taken from the court room after an August hearing without his shackles in the hopes he would run for it and get shot by roof top snipers.

Dumb and Dumber deny Dean made public threats against the court and the cops but don't seem to grasp that there's a tape of him making the threats. Darren says he has a copy of the tape, but acts like he hasn't listened to the tape. What a dupe.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hanslune »

Is the phone tape (of Dean issuing the threats) on line somewhere?