A sinister development for UK sovs?

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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by littleFred »

One of the credited participants in the Stonehenge video, Wesley Ahmed, (Quatloos Englands Wesley Ahmed, he doesn't beat the bailiffs he baits) was arrested and released approximately yesterday, apparently for obstructing a police officer. Ref: http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 60&t=78145 . I haven't followed the Facebook links.

I'm fairly sure Wesley is the gent in orange white tee-shirt in the Stonehenge video who is ejected from the fenced area.
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Well after a little bit of digging around I've managed to turn up a blog for Nomine Deus. Seems he's a card carrying UkColumner and follower of Brian Gerrish, Roger Hayes et al. I'm going to have a root around to see if anything golden turns up in it, but so far it seems to be nothing special and little more than just another shining example of online Freeman crazy.


As for identifying Wesley Ahmed, he's got a very distinctive tribal tattoo running the length of his right arm. He is in the Stonehenge videos, but doesn't make much of an announcement or that much of a nuisance of himself. Certainly the video's were uploaded to his Stand For Common Law YouTube channel.
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by Normal Wisdom »

The chap in the orange jacket who is ejected from the area of the stones goes by the pseudonym of John J Rambo I can't find anything about him and I suspect that he is only there to make up the numbers and to call people "nob head".

It is a motley collection of witnesses to the rejection of the new European state. If they truly are the indigenous people of Britain it might explain why we are having problems. If the orange hat that the little bloke is wearing isn't against common law it damn well ought to be.

I see Wesley Ahmed was arrested for obstruction recently.
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by PeanutGallery »

There is already a facebook group set up to campaign night and day for his release. Even though he's not actually been sentenced to any form of imprisonment and the Police would only have had the power to detain him for 24 hours (unless the applied for an extension - unlikely or they thought Wesley was a terrorist).


Is this the most pointless Facebook group I've seen today. Yes.
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I've been reading around the issues related to the re-establishment of the rights of the indigenous peoples of Britain under ancient common law. All fascinating if totally misguided stuff about treason, loss of sovereignty and other weighty philosophical matters. However, I was pleased to see that the chap that calls himself Rogue Male hasn't totally lost sight of practical issues. He concludes his blog entitled "The Queen Is Dead" with the following rallying cry ...

"As of November 1st 2014, the indigenous peoples can slip out of the citizen-subject trap and into sovereignty. All else is a chimera.

The Queen is Dead.

No Crown, no Parliament, no citizenry.

The people are supreme under God only.

FOOTNOTE: Though it is a drag to remind readers, the RM is currently in a temporary cash flow difficulty. In particular, the RM is in need of the following:

1. A new microphone for improved podcasts.
2. A new pair of winter boots.
3. A three piece harris tweed suit.
4. A computer upgrade.
5. A bicycle.
6. Sundry food items."

No self respecting indigenous Brit should be without these staple items.
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by littleFred »

Good film, Rogue Male. IIRC Peter O'Toole spent many days in a foxhole with none of those luxuries.

Some UK SovCits (or whatever we might call them) are firmly in the "indigenous" camp, frequently anti-foreigner, certainly anti-EU, possibly racist, frequently anti-semitic. Motto: "TPTB are giving away our sovereignty."

At the other end of the scale are those who advocate no state boundaries, free movement of people to go anywhere they want, abolish all borders and let's all be happy hippies together. Motto: "TPTB are dividing us so they can conquer."

I suspect there is a direct line of descent from Montana Freemen to the first group. The second group seems more common in Europe then the North American continent. Naturally, some SovCits alternate between both points of view. Consistent, coherent philosophy is not the hallmark of dedicated SovCits.
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

One consistent theme I find in SovCit ideologies (if I can dignify them thus) is the following theme, which should be delivered in the whining tones of a petulant seven-year-old child:

"I doan' wanna DO that, an' you can't MAKE me!"

They resented it when mommy and/or daddy said "no", and have never gotten over the fact.

They also remind me of the similarly petulant children who will tell you that "it's a free country" whenever they are doing something that someone else doesn't want them to do.

And that reminds me of the time that my son was getting hassled by two slightly older girls in the neighborhood. he asked them to stop; but one of them replied "I can do whatever I want. it's a free country." My son asked if the same applied to him, and she said "Yes". My son had a large cup of Kool-Aid in his hand....
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by grixit »

Indigenous people of Britain? Get your DNA checked, anyone not descended mainly from the Beaker People doesn't count.
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by PeanutGallery »

grixit wrote:Indigenous people of Britain? Get your DNA checked, anyone not descended mainly from the Beaker People doesn't count.
Beaker eh?
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Re: A sinister development for UK sovs?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Don't drag my grandad into this, please...
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