On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote: Candace November 4, 2014 at 5:53 PM
And you ones think the Elite will be able to pull this off when God/Jesus himself is returned? Oh you of so little faith. Shame on you Vina….. for posting such to this your own site.
"when God/Jesus himself is returned" ? I know you have a lot of voter apathy in the mid terms but no one noticed Jesus was standing for Senate?
Oh not that returned. Oh OK returning. Will it hold up the Dinar RV?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Deep Knight wrote: Candace November 4, 2014 at 5:53 PM
And you ones think the Elite will be able to pull this off when God/Jesus himself is returned? Oh you of so little faith. Shame on you Vina….. for posting such to this your own site.
"when God/Jesus himself is returned" ? I know you have a lot of voter apathy in the mid terms but no one noticed Jesus was standing for Senate?
Oh not that returned. Oh OK returning. Will it hold up the Dinar RV?
EVERYTHING holds up the RV, it's part of its very essence.

BTW, I assume that "Vina" is how Candace Frieze refers to John MacHaffie, most likely during S&M/B&D/Q&A sex play. I understand Candace's nickname during these sessions is "Tasty."
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Who won the 2014 election? Gassy Rassy of course. Strange that his legions of supporters didn't get that Omni Law passed, but you can't have everything.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Two years ago in the prior national election, as heavily documented on the internet massive voter fraud was used by the Democratic Party to falsify the election results in a number of parts of America. In fact, maybe Obama was not even validly elected to the White House but his Republican opponent instead maybe had won the White House as the Democratic voter fraud was so massive back then to try and steal the national election from the Republican Party.

In large national reports of mine recently posted on the internet, I had warned that if we spotted serious voter fraud in this coming November 4 national election, then once our proposed Omni Law was passed, we would convene grand juries to criminally indict those guilty of engineering voter fraud in America. While technically this legal warning would apply to either party if caught in serious voter fraud in America, it is likely key Democratic leaders and allies in voter fraud saw these legal warnings and were not sure that I would not end up passing the Ommi Law in America. If this happened, in which case we would not be bluffing and would have summoned grand juries to criminally indict the guilty parties and we would have pushed for the most extreme criminal punishment we could get under American law for those convicted of this voter fraud. We would have legally charged this as high treason and genocide conspiracy against the American people. A number of tight election returns indicated an honest vote was recorded this time which was what we were aiming for with our legal national stand we had issued shortly before the November 4, 2014 national election.

With the large national discontent with Obama in the White House, I knew that the national vote on November 4 should show this discontent in which way the national vote went. My political hunch apparently was right! I wanted to remove as much of the ring of power of legal protection around Obama so he could no longer be protected from criminal investigation if the facts justified criminal investigation! It looks like our plan is progressing nicely!

I just sent on November 5, 2014 to the International Court Of Justice at the Hague a copy of the report posted on Nesara News for national and international showing my report of November 3, 2014 on LOUIS PASTEUR CURE FOR EBOLA VIRUS! By Erasmus Of America (my pen name). If it got through okay, this is good and a first step of bringing serious international criminal charges against Obama for violation of the Genocide Treaty which Obama is answerable to if he violates it! If the report did not get through by email to a listed email address for this International Court Of Justice at the Hague, this also would be a legal victory as international legal sources could then legally charge Obama for criminal violation of international law by trying to hide from them legal evidence on Obama of criminal violation of the Genocide Treaty by the act of trying to intercept and block this emailed report from reaching the international judges at the Hague. I can get international genocide prosecution started faster against Obama and co-genocide backers if he tries criminal tactics to block this genocide information from reaching the international judges headquartered at the Hague. If he does not block the legal evidence from being sent to them, it is still legally dangerous to him, but not as dangerous as creating new genocide criminal charges against him by trying to block and intercept the legal genocide evidence I intend to supply them at the Hague with. I was chess champion at a military academy years ago and I design moves that I win with no matter which way the other side plays the chess game! I play to win and am now beginning to legally close in on Obama and anyone else in the government backing him in genocide conspiracy against the American people and America as a nation itself.

I don't think it will be long before I and maybe representatives with me start meeting with foreign embassies in Wash., D.C. and foreign missions to the UN in New York City for foreign governments having membership in the United Nations. To use a Soviet Union era term for the nuclear encirclement of America to threaten it with annihilation if World War III had started then, I am setting up a "ring of steel" around Obama at the White House and this "Ring of Steel" will keep getting stronger and stronger and tighter and tighter until Obama will wonder if there is anywhere in the world that he can flee to before the United Nations itself arrests him for genocide conspiracy to mass murder people in all nations of the earth. This "Ring Of Steel" is legal encirclement, not nuclear encirclement, of Obama. And allies and supporters of his will want to legally disassociate with him before the UN issues arrest warrants for them as well as him thinking that they are part of his genocide conspiracy against the American people and all people of all nations on earth.

Having spent eleven calendar years in American military academies years ago, I think with a very military mind how to defeat any enemy once I spot his weak spots I can defeat him with. If I push all the way, Obama is going to legally hang as he is a sitting duck as the legal evidence already exists to hang him totally in the White House.

And if Obama tries to legalize millions of illegal aliens in America by "Executive Order" from the White House in December as his aides announce, he is claiming a legal power only granted to Congress and not him in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution as to what branch of government alone has authority to create law on questions of naturalization of foreigners whether legally or else illegally in America. If he claims such legal authority, then he is in legal rebellion against the U.S. Constitution and this is an impeachable offense if tried. He may wish to be dictator of America, but he is only granted some authority if and I repeat if legally President of America and Congress is granted certain forms of legal authority that he is not! As the legal evidence is airtight that shows that his birth certificate that he showed to America is a massive legal fraud and forgery on a number of legal points, and he was once recorded telling an audience of American voters before running for the White House that he was not born in America and was born a foreigner but now living in America, this boy born in Kenya is about as fraudulent as you can get in the White House in America. And his social security number was traced to a dead citizen in New England. And being a secret Muslim himself, he raised nearly one million dollars once he got back to Chicago from Kenya and financed his Muslim terrorist cousin to burn down Christian churches in Kenya and at one of them he financed the murder of around 100 Christian Black women worshippers and their children chopped down by machetes held by around 2,000 Muslims in a terrorist mob who killed the women and children as they fled the church burning down that they had been worshipping in just before in Kenya.

If our main news media had not been so totally controlled by would-be traitors to America who own the main news media in America, then the above would have been reported to the American people before the November 4, 2014 national election. This information above is widely available on the internet and in legally verified form, but never reaches the American people through the Treason controlled main news media of America. That is why in my proposed Omni Law to be passed as a constitutional amendment in America, I call for the national founding of a "tribune" controlled national newspaper to tell the American people the truth when the main news media tries to control the American people by censoring the important truth from the American people.

For the record, my proposed Omni Law shown on my national website proposes that the American people be granted the legal right to hold national referendums on questions of laws and policies when Congress is in revolt against the will of the American people by what they are doing or else not doing in America as the legislative branch of the national government.

James Madison called the father of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights endorsed this as the smartest legal concept of ancient man to protect his legal rights in his nation and force the government to represent the people instead of try to be master over them. This in ancient Roman law was called the "10 legal civil tribunes over Rome."

As publicized in previous national reports posted with Nesara News (around 500 national reports total posted with Nesara News since April, 2012), I have powerful legal grounds for suing Wash., D.C. for a basic over 50 year conspiratorial suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process ... the most important industry to be established in America since founding of America in 1776. I had a legal commitment of $400 million backing to be given to me in 2014 as equivalent of a grant not needed to even be paid back until Obama's government contacted the financial source to not release these funds to me and used a legal excuse totally illegal under the authority of the U.S. Constitution to block this money from being released to me. This is genocide conspiracy against the American people and all people of all nations on earth by Obama in the White House. Because of Obama continuing this 50 year plus federal suppression of this stunning Vatican endorsed world important food discovery of my brilliant food research father and prominent industrialist while alive in America, I can with full legal credibility and justification now sue Wash., D.C. for even up to $600 trillion to $1,200 trillion in financial damages for this massive genocide conspiracy of my father's great food discovery so important to world health. Medical lab reports say the entire human race on earth will likely soon go extinct on earth if this great food discovery is not added to the American and world diet in time before the human race goes extinct like the dinosaurs did on earth! And Obama wants to be the kiss of death to kill off the entire human race on earth if you let him stay in the White House for 2 more years! He is not legally in the White House, so Republicans, be leaders for once and remove him fast as possible from the White House! It appears that I accidentally opened the door so you could massively win the national election! Now be leaders and not winners of a midterm national election!

I have the hand I can legally sue the federal government for even high as $600-$1,200 trillion in damages, members of Congress not backing my Omni Law which is how I get the legal basis to get this food industry going in America based upon the Vatican endorsed industrial food process, and those behind the scenes who are the secret bosses over Wash., D.C. and I once met one of these super central bankers who boasted how he and his associates were the secret government of America as the American people were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to ever be allowed to govern America, so this secret government ruled America through Wash., D.C. as their secret front. I have a witness to this secret meeting years ago at Camp Springs, Maryland close to Wash., D.C. when this central banker and a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel acted as his right hand in this meeting and had this secret meeting because I had access to the John Andrews Process which was a cheap substitute for gasoline being made from water and coal powder. And it had been tested by the U.S. Navy which did not know how it worked and it worked fine with a naval diesel engine on a test block and an early version of a PT Boat. I had the answer to the missing pieces that U.S. Naval Intelligence had not! That is why the central banker wanted to meet with me and arranged that this retired colonel talk with me to arrange this meeting.

Pass this report around to break news censorship and force Obama out of the White House now. And now that the Republicans have won, put heat on them that they have to pass my Omni Law and fast as possible! Better to deal with me as a nice guy than as a warrior leader coming against them like the Wrath of God! And since Americans generally do not know how the U.S. Constitution works, Article I, Section 7 tells how if the President refuses to sign a passed bill presented by Congress, they vote it through Congress a second time and then even a constitutional amendment can be swiftly then submitted to the state legislatures for passage as soon as the required majority ratify it by their ratification for the states now voting on it.

Nazi Germany tested my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process ... and as they say, "The rest is history!" what happens next!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who actually believes in the "Natural Law" and "God-given Rights" America was founded upon in 1776! And as an economist trained by six of the top economists of the world including a German economist who had been endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century, I am a fierce believer in free enterprise for the future of mankind and not this crackpot economic concept called "Communism" which Obama believes in so totally!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:42 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'm getting to the point where I find Gassy Rassy incredibly boring. No matter what happens, he has this incredibly expert knowledge of how to fix the problem, including his father's Vatican-endorsed food process and his OMNI Law,but some mean ol' conspirators are working their dark magic to keep him from saving the entire human race.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus wrote:Nazi Germany tested my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process ... and as they say, "The rest is history!" what happens next!
Uh, what happened next was the invasion of many countries, supression of freedom, concentration camps, 50 million people killed, genocide, extensive property damage and financial losses, well the list goes on and on.

So let's say we burn Rassy's father's recipe for Vatican-endorsed food processing and not let anyone else put it into play again.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

It wasn't Erasmus' Father's Vatican Endorsed Industrial Food Process (EFVEIFP, pronounced Eff-VEE-F'up) that caused the Nazi's to act like Nazi's, it was the LACK of this invention. Rassy tells the tearful story like this in a redacted bit of blather from his last posting.

Nazi Germany tested my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process just before World War II and reported to Hitler that they could create a master German race with this. The trick was now how to win my father to show them the secret how this super health food was created as my father was anti-Nazis. When the Soviet Union captured the Nazi research papers on this entering Berlin before the American side, Stalin was told by his advisers that this was the greatest food discovery in human history and the nation having this could become the leader of the world and potentially the richest nation on earth. The Catholic Digest reported on Stalin trying to get world rights to this but my father would not give the Communists leadership of the world by getting this industrial food process that solved the food problems of potentially all nations on earth. Like my father, I am anti-Nazi and anti-Communist and want America to have this but not with Obama using this for evil leadership in the world instead of America using this for good leadership in the world. And when food experts told Pope Pius XII how important this food discovery was, Pope Pius XII judged that this was so important to the future of the human race that the nation or side that had this colossal food discovery would lead the world henceforth after that! So he gave this great food discovery his overwhelming endorsement and told all Catholic bishops in the world and 25,000 Catholic priests to publicize this in all nations as this was so important to the future of mankind on earth.

Boy, with such a ringing Vatican endorsement for EFVEIFP, there should be some record of it somewhere, you know, a reference someone could check?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Thule »

So the secret of EFVEIFP has been known for at least 70 years, but Obama has managed to suppress it for decades before his own birth.

And Erasmus Sr. knew the Soviets were trying to dechiffer his secret, but never informed his own government of the solution.

And Erasmus himself knows the secret, but kept it to himself until an evil commie-kenyan imposter suddenly tried to suppress the secret that Erasmus could have revealed several decades earlier and....

Finding holes in the ravings of Erasmus has always been like shooting hamsters in a barrel, but this is just too easy.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Good Samaritan - Story Summary:
Jesus Christ's parable of the Good Samaritan was prompted by a question from a lawyer:
And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test,


[Turns out the lesson of the parable of the good Samaritan was that if you are right with God then you should have lots of money. Who knew?]
Now as for John with Nesara News, he was blocked from being allowed to carry any more advertising with his news blog which cut off key finances to run his original news blog with, so I assume the power elite tried to suppress his news blog by this tactic which implies that he must carry too much in truth in national reports so they tried to silence him by cutting off his finances for his national news blog if they could. ... For John’s Family Survival Is $250 URGENTLY REQUIRED by Tuesday! BLOG MAY BE COMING DOWN WEDNESDAY! Use the Pay pal button ...
Now I know how many of you think and rationalize why you must first advance your own financial self interests before you can spare money to help John with. So let me give you a cunning offer and I used to be a financial consultant who often rokhelped people with cunning answers in finances and business operations when needed. A quick capsule form of what is involved here.

I had a good background in military intelligence and always was good at pulling rabbits out of hats with answers that others could not obtain including C.I.A., etc. ...Ebola ... A warning to Obama. If Obama tries to nationalize all illegal aliens in America at the end of December, 2014 by Executive Order, this is illegal under the U.S. Constitution as no such legal power was ever granted to any claimed President under the legally stated terms of the U.S. Constitution. If he tries this attempt at dictator from the White House, once the Omni Law is passed, he is under the Omni Law to be charged with legal high treason against the U.S. Constitution and those backing him in such action also charged as legal accessories with him and will be placed on trial for their lives. ...
For an intended short report, this grew in size to larger as a report. Those who back our Omni Law Loan Program on our website now until next Tuesday, we will send half of all such money to John at Nesara News and half we will keep for our Omni Law Loan Program. You will get 4 times credit in our Omni Law Loan Program for money you sent in and we received in time. After the Omni Law is passed, you will be paid back 4 times what you sent in which was split between our loan program and the treasury for Nesara News under John. Also, you will receive 10% royalty on net profits before taxes for 30 year divided pro-rata between you and others in our Omni Law Loan Program. By the way on the tax issue, once the Omni Law is passed, we will collect in funds illegally stolen through Wash., D.C. as the front which we understand would be enough to pay off the national government debt of America,state government debts of America, and deliver a large sum of money to all legal American citizens 18 years of age and older. So long as the Omni Law is passed fast enough, we see no need for any increase in money made off of the RV of foreign currencies realized at this basic time to be taxed under federal standards. You may keep any increases in money you may realize through this RV of foreign currencies at this time. This will release huge sums of money to boom the American economy at this time. Also, any federal officials or employees saying that you may not deposit abroad money in banks you so wish, this was called "Crimes Against Humanity" under the Nuremberg War Trials starting at the end of World War II. It was considered a genocide conspiracy and punishable by hanging from the gallows if convicted of this. Under our policy Americans may invest in legitimate foreign investments abroad but we do exclude financing terrorist movements as this would be legally considered an act of war against the American people and America as a nation!
Okay, I have made my stand what happens once we pass the Omni Law. Folks, time to look up the Omni Law on our website and push members of Congress and state legislators to pass this as soon as they can. On the federal side, some national reports of mine posted on Nesara showed legal grounds for suing for $600 trillion to $1,200 trillion in damages for an over 50 years suppression by Washington secret federal policy to block my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process ... This industrial food process could potentially make America the leader of all nations on earth including making U.S. money undisputed as the world reserve currency and also make America potentially the richest nation on earth. However, Obama did not want this for America as he is a Muslim Trojan Horse in the White House and also Communist. Combination of two extremist world movements not hesitating a moment to mass murder people if they want to and Obama fanatically is committed to both!
Another comment. I withdraw the $600 trillion to $1,200 trillion dollar legal damage suits from members of Congress who back me and pass promptly the OMNI LAW AND SUBMIT IT FAST TO THE STATES FOR RATIFICATION. The federal government will be sued for $1,200 trillion in financial damages but after some concessions of land, etc., I will pass over Wash. D.C. and forgive what cannot be financially be covered by them. However, the legal claims judged valid under international law will then proceed to bankrupt the secret bosses behind the scenes who considered themselves to be the secret government of America and I intend to see them bankrupted and the stolen money returned to the American people in large sums paid to all legal American citizens 18 years of age and over who are not committed to use this for the Islamic overthrow of America from within by acts of physical violence.
On the RV of currencies exchanged in at this time, I find any targeting of decent American citizens to be blocked or harassed by federal sources trying to block them from receiving the money that is rightfully theirs under law, once the Omni Law is passed, under the legal standards set up by the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials at the end of World War II, if found guilty of "Crimes Against Humanity" which was a peacetime charge when trying to block citizens of Germany from being able to use their bank accounts under Nazi policy, the international court ruled to hang the offenders which I would push for once the Omni Law is passed.
I am going to be blunt here. My observation is that most of the American people have become too soft to seriously defend now their legal rights guaranteed under the U.S. Bill of Rights. Having been raised in eleven calendar years in military academies before going to the university as a history major, I have a tough side to my character when the chips are down! I judge someone in the federal government is acting in high treason against the U.S. Constitution and especially the U.S. Bill of Rights, then woe unto him as I will come against him like the Wrath of God let loose against him! It is not smart to be my enemy! The U.S. Bill of Rights on the right to keep and bear arms also covered the legal right of the people to form civilian militias for the defense of society and their nation. And independent of the President of America as their commander-in-chief. When the people are truly armed and a military force to be reckoned with, no tyrant tries to take over the federal government then and as the Japanese concluded after Pearl Harbor, it was too dangerous to invade the continent of America then as the American people were too heavily armed and not smart for the Japanese to directly fight by invading the mainland of America then. When the American people are willing and able to seriously stand up for their legal rights again, then I can withdrew to the background and devote more time to very peaceful pursuits in society. I only become tough when I see bullies try and beat up on the American people! That angers me and I am prepared to fight for the American people then! I have said my piece now!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that maverick leader who know how to win when others do not! And I believe in the "Natural Law" and "God-given Rights" America was founded upon in 1776 ! Obama does not and hates the America founded in 1776!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:21 AM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by rogfulton »

Gassy Rassy wrote:Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that maverick leader who know how to win when others do not! And I believe in the "Natural Law" and "God-given Rights" America was founded upon in 1776 ! Obama does not and hates the America founded in 1776!
But doesn't know grammar.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

rogfulton wrote:But doesn't know grammar.
You should be ashamed, criticizing Erasmus of America for making a mistake now and then and then and then. Oh yeah, and writing marathon run-on sentences, being dangerously delusional, and having a really tiny penis. After all, his father's industrial food process was not only Vatican endorsed, it was so vitally important they erased all records of that endorsement. You don't see that every day. And next time you want to nitpick someone's poor writing and love-making skills, make it someone who didn't take time out from his busy schedule to cure Ebola and save those poor people even though the disease is a hoax.

Perhaps you're jealous because you're not also part of the Royal family of Russia, France, England, Scotland, Spain, and perhaps a few others. Not to mention the heir to the presidency of the CSA because 2 of 3 branches of Jefferson Davis' family signed it over to him. And then there are his many inventions, legal victories, Omni Law, 300 mpg cars, and folks clamoring to invest $millions in his father's bread recipe. Envy is a terrible thing, but take comfort in the fact that at least you don't have to use a magnifying glass to see your reproductive organs.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:
rogfulton wrote:But doesn't know grammar.
You should be ashamed, criticizing Erasmus of America for making a mistake now and then and then and then. Oh yeah, and writing marathon run-on sentences, being dangerously delusional, and having a really tiny penis. After all, his father's industrial food process was not only Vatican endorsed, it was so vitally important they erased all records of that endorsement. You don't see that every day. And next time you want to nitpick someone's poor writing and love-making skills, make it someone who didn't take time out from his busy schedule to cure Ebola and save those poor people even though the disease is a hoax.

Perhaps you're jealous because you're not also part of the Royal family of Russia, France, England, Scotland, Spain, and perhaps a few others. Not to mention the heir to the presidency of the CSA because 2 of 3 branches of Jefferson Davis' family signed it over to him. And then there are his many inventions, legal victories, Omni Law, 300 mpg cars, and folks clamoring to invest $millions in his father's bread recipe. Envy is a terrible thing, but take comfort in the fact that at least you don't have to use a magnifying glass to see your reproductive organs.
There is that, thanks for the reminder.

I did restrain myself somewhat by not mentioning his definition of winning doesn't match that of the rest of us. Do I get points for that?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I still can't understand why a man of Gassy Rassy's preeminent intelligence, knowledge and wisdom still can't figure out a way to get the Omni Law passed, his father's Vatican-endorsed food process into production, and so on. Surely, having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, he must know how to do all that and more.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JamesVincent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I still can't understand.
Could have stopped right there and still been correct.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »


In March 10, 2009 Putin warned a deadly warning to the American people now letting Obama make America a Communist nation and try to spread this all over the world! Read the following link for more details: [Link to David Boothe, er, Sorcha Faal pulling some out of his/her butt]

When living in Wash., D.C. years ago I headed up a secret military intelligence group that the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon had secretly blessed with an oral charter to do whatever was necessary for the national defense of America. I assembled a group and among our intelligence personnel were Lt. Gen. P.A. Del Valle, U.S.M.C., Dale Draper who prepared the Normandy Invasion Maps for Gen. Eisenhower … And I could go on.
We heavily cracked the security of the Soviet spy ring in America and also the top leadership of the Communist Party in America. We knew what everyone was secretly up to in America and probably most of what they were up to abroad. I still have connections and so know the secret plan of Iran how to nuclear annihilate America once the time is right! I know how to stop the Iranian plan how to kill off all the American people. Once we get the Omni Law passed, this gives us the authority to straighten out the national defense of America so plans like the Iranian plan for annihilating America become mere pipe dreams and suicidal for Iran to try once the Omni Law is passed. We obtained the KGB plan for the later takeover of America by Communist insiders not known were Communists by the American people. Obama is the anchor boy to finish off the Communist takeover of America.

I wonder how OBAMA would react if ever covered in part by pig fat? Or where would he live if the White House were suddenly coated in entrance ways, etc. with pig fat? He obviously is a Trojan Horse Muslim in the White House. He also is as Putin correctly identified a hardcore Communist as well. Putin used to head up the best of Russian intelligence in Cold War days and knows the total background of Obama, not just the censored, highly sanitized version of Obama's life as presented by the censored main news media of America.

In this report "The Rise Of Communist America," I have told you the truth. Can you as Americans handle the truth or can you only be given a Mickey Mouse version of the truth? Anything beyond that you will deny as you cannot stand the truth when a little too shocking for your usual tastes! It is a sad commentary when John at Nesara News brings to a large national audience the important truth in many areas and any financial support for him is tiny at best. If the Americans want to keep access to major truths hidden from them by the Obama White House and other corrupt Washington sources and corrupt news sources, it is smart to keep John alive with his Nesara News! He is in a race with time to raise $150 by Tuesday and everyone expects their neighbor but not them to give some financial support to keep him afloat until an RV of currencies. Once that happens, he does not need any future financial support if I figure him out correctly! Do you realize the importance that I found the secret militarily labeled cure for the Ebola Virus that was released heavily in Africa but intended for America, Europe, etc. and which Obama was trying to hide from you the American people that this Ebola Virus cure which is what the U.S. military report labeled it. Several friends of mine know what I found out about and we all have samples of what the U.S. military in tests said worked fine as a cure for the Ebola Virus and harmless to use when used according to instructions. I may have saved 50% of Americans from being murdered by Obama with this federally invented and patented version of the Ebola Virus because I found out about the Ebola Virus cure the U.S. Military had found years ago and which Obama was hiding from the people so he could kill Americans until they accepted him as dictator for life over America. And maybe I saved 50% of all Europeans from being killed by Obama with this Ebola Virus all evidence indicates that he released and was not accidentally suddenly popping over a large section in Africa. I pulled the rug from under his feet and co-accomplices to planned mass genocide murder of Americans, Europeans, Russians, Chinese, Africans, Central and Latin Americans, even people of the Middle East of Islamic faith like Obama would have been mass killed by this if I had not found out about this cure for the Ebola Virus in time to head off this conspiracy of Obama for world conquest by him using the Ebola Virus as his weapon of biological warfare.
See how important military intelligence is sometimes to save nations from defeat and national death? Okay, listen to the pro who knows what the other side is up to. Fast pass my Omni Law … One of the Rothschilds thought I was a smart boy and arranged a secret meeting with me where I was offered a high position with the "secret government" of America if I would join with them! I did not, but I know how they play the game and where their money is at, and who they have bought off in the government, etc. Once we pass the Omni Law, the American people have regained control of the government hijacked from them by Obama and his side including "the secret government of America" as this Rothschild called his side. He was smart enough to have me agree on my word of honor that I would never reveal his name that I had met with him, so bound by my code of honor in military intelligence, I cannot tell you which Rothschild I met with, but I am not breaking my word of honor by telling you I met with one of the Rothschild and likely the head of them all when this meeting occurred years ago close to Wash., D.C.

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that former military cadet who spent eleven calendar years in military academies which led to a background in military intelligence. And as one U.S. Senator told a retired Pentagon official who told me, U.S. intelligence according to this U.S. Senator of years ago said I was the toughest leader they judged in America to stop any enemy of America anywhere in the world. I am tough and not smart to underestimate me. And I am on the side of the American people, and don't like federal bullies pushing the American people around! Hope you got the hint loud and clear!) P.S. I have seen many fine American patriots posted on Nesara News and I have seen many bright Americans posted on the Nesara News. I am doing my part, but you are doing your part also to help save America from Obama and Communist takeover of America! When we win America back, let me sponsor a national banquet for all of us who fought so hard to save America from pending disaster and end of America as a nation. I wish to honor all the heroes of America I can and it is my privilege if I may be considered as one of this group that helped turn the tide and save America from its enemies both domestic and abroad!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:05 PM 0 comments

Former “cadet?” Trying to imply you were at West Point, Rassy?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

He was a cadet at Space Military Academy, which makes him.... :twisted:
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by LaVidaRoja »

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

I wonder ... the Junior Space Cadets were an elite fighting force. Are you sure a young Rassy would have qualified?


By the way, I think I finally figured out what Rassy means by statements like "PEN NAME FOR THE ONE WHO SPENT ELEVEN CALENDAR YEARS IN MILITARY ACADEMIES." From Wikipedia, a "calendar year" is:
A calendar year begins on the New Year's Day of the given calendar system and ends on the day before the following New Year's Day.

So, Rassy must mean that he was at these academies from Jan 1 to Dec 31 during 11 different years. How many academic terms or years would that be?

An academic term or 'term' is a portion of an academic year, the time during which an educational institution holds classes. ... In most countries, the academic year begins in late summer or early autumn and ends during the following spring or summer.
So, if these were 11 consecutive years, and Gassy Rassy started and finished on a typical schedule, this would have taken at least 12 academic terms/years because of the before-after overlap. But, if these weren't consecutive, then it would be more. For example, if he was sent home for a year for an incident with a sheep, to get 11 full calendar years he would have to go for 13 terms. If, as is more likely, he couldn't keep his hands off the sheep, this could have taken more than 22 terms/years. All to go through grade school.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Now, holt on a minute thar Baba Louie, no matter how much I cut out the same run-on garbage, it still ends up being a big pile of Rassy. So, to shorten it even more, and in homage to David Letterman, my Top Ten List of Rassy sentences from this posting!

Drum roll please.

#10 Whether Obama did this through being the most colossal idiot in military matters ever to occupy the White House or else as a knowing total Trojan Horse traitor to America, this is not necessary to decide if just one or both factors caused the following, but Obama has set America up for immediate nuclear annihilation if any world war suddenly occurs as the odds are strong can happen any time now, Obama is the most concentrated high treason to America of any leader I have ever seen get into power and authority in Wash., D.C.
#9 And the evil kept the government basically hijacked from the American people so the government was master and the people basically subjects of a corrupt and evil government they could not control until passage of the Omni Law gave control of America back to the American people at last!
#8 I come to hang you through the Omni Law and by the time we are through prosecuting you through grand juries, etc., there ain't going to be one employee left in the federal government who does not firmly believe in the legal rights of the American people!
#7 Push the corruptness all over the world now dominating Wash., D.C. and you had better arm yourself well in the world for the pagan, barbarian world society you will create to live in!
#6 This is government by statesmanship, not by cheap and partisan politics as Wash., D.C. practices today!
#5 I step on big toes when I start to tell the American people the real truth hidden from the people by the power elite who judge they are ruling America and not the American people.
#4 In another age, they might have said that I had the code of honor of like a Christian knight in the middle ages.
#3 I require that I be made the military regent of America for 6 months to upgrade and restore to total effectiveness all important aspects of the national defense of America.
#2 If foreign leaders saw what I saw with my militarily trained mind, America could be militarily defeated or else annihilated even within 48 hours from now.
#1 I have said my piece.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:30 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy has an unexpectedly short post today - no doubt so he wouldn't distract readers from his appeal for $$$money.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Putin of Russia and Obama of America are playing military "chicken"and things like this can get out of hand. I studied years ago ...

For those wanting to back us in saving America from a pending nuclear war with Russia, why not do like the American people who sacrificed a little in World War II so America and not the Nazis, etc. would win World War II. We have a $10 button for "America's Hope" on the home page for fastboomamericaneconomy.

The more $10 payments we receive from this $10 buttons, the more aggressively we can push Congress to back our plan to head off pending World War III between Russia and America. And also reach more of America to back us in our drive to get Congress to back our plan of heading off World War III so it doesn't happen to America and Russia. Putin is under pressure where the Russian currency has dropped to a historic low under Obama attack this year. Putin is getting pushed to action! Also, we will send a copy of our "Omni Law" to people sending in $10 this way so they can see our proposed law to be passed which among other things should get America out of having to soon fight a nuclear World War III with Russia.

When you can, send in occasional $10 support payments like Americans did when sacrificing so America would win and not lose World War II. And rationing in World War II was how ordinary Americans helped back the war effort in World War II. The $10 sacrifice payment idea serves the same purpose in 2014 as rationing in World War II. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and heavy background in military intelligence.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American intelligence operative one Naval Captain at Annapolis, MD called the "Dark Horse" of American military intelligence. Got the results but just very maverick and unorthox like no one else could copy.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:57 AM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I had to get permission from the Head Illuminatus of the Northeast Region to reveal this; but the United States Illuminati Council is planning to reveal it anyway, so here goes:

Recently, I came across a memo in the files of my late grandfather (just given to me by Dad's widow), saying that the Illuminati Food Service actually began using the Vatican-endorsed food process invented by Gassy Rassy's father, back in 1947; but it caused such gastric distress, in those who consumed food which was processed by this method, that the toilets in Illuminati facilities were constantly in use, and the air in Illuminati facilities became so foul that work became almost impossible. Even worse was the fact that no one was able to indulge in the licentious excess which, as Illuminati, is our natural right. :x
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools